Heat Cycles

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Warning, this chapter shows mild forms of rape in it. Not large amounts, but enough where it could trigger some people. Enjoy

A warm summer evening came upon the members of class A. Most tried their best to avoid the heat such as trying to wear the minimal amount of clothes they could that wouldn't gather too much attention, to regularly keeping ice cold water on hand. Izuku's attempt was a somewhat envious one on the guy's end. He would regularly walk around without a shirt on in the dorms to show off his toned body. This had the girls regularly stare at him with the guys somewhat irritated by this. They knew he wasn't trying to flaunt it and was simply avoiding the heat like most who would wear sleeveless muscle shirts or opt to go shirtless as well, but doesn't actually like the fact he could get that many stares. However, only Mineta out of everyone was enraged enough to speak up. "WHY DOES ONLY MIDORIYA GET LOOKS LIKE PEOPLE WANNA FUCK HIM!? I SHOULD BE GETTING THEM JUST AS-" The small pervert was kicked into the ceiling by Bakugou who was coming out of the pool at the time and only wearing a pair of swim trunks.

"Bakugou. Though I do not think you are in the wrong for stopping Mineta, I do believe you could've gone about this in a less hostile manner-"

"Shut it, four eyes. You know the girls would've done worse to him." The Engine quirk user was about to say something on it, but stopped knowing it wasn't worth the issue.

As he spoke about them, Kaminari noticed the lack of a certain frog girl in the group. "Hey, has anyone seen Tsu?"

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her all day." Sero adds. "She ok or something?"

Mina's ears shot up remembering something. 'Dammit. It's that time again.' Remembering back to something she found out, Mina glanced at Izuku and shot right up. "Hey, Izuku. Mind following me for a sec?" Not even getting a chance to answer, Mina pulls Izuku up the stairs to the girls' side to confuse everyone. Once at her room, Mina opens it to have Izuku get tossed inside.

"Mina. If you're frustrated, can we please do this later tonight. It's too hot to-"

"I'm not bringing you here to screw you. I'm bringing you here so you can screw Tsu." Izuku was confused beyond understanding for Mina to let out a sigh. "Maybe we should've let you keep that drive with Mineta's dirt so you can get it a little better right now." she says this under her breath before addressing the situation. "Ok, so you're aware Tsu has a quirk that makes her like a frog, right?"


"So animal base quirks tend to vary how far in they go towards the animal side. One way is how they interpret the desire to reproduce."

"Wait...you're not saying..."

"Yes. Tsu is in heat thanks to her quirk and she's having a really hard time. To make a long story short, she tried to relax herself on a regular basis with doing things to calm her body, focus on exercising to take out the energy. At least, that's what she said. Only the problem is it comes back with a vengeance she says and this one came with her clit growing to about the size of my dick."

"...It what now?" Izuku was dumbfounded as he heard this as Mina explains.

"You know how some animals can change gender?" Izuku nods. "Well imagine that only with it not being completed and having a clit that looks like a dildo in front of a girl. Basically, that's what you're dealing with." Izuku tried to give a mental image with it not exactly being as flattering on Tsu.

"Ok, so how does Mineta's blackmail roll into this?"

"So this is what I got. Apparently, Tsu was trying to take a cold bath to shock her senses a bit and control herself. Mineta didn't know but was looking for blackmail material. He found her in the bath, filmed her and she...let's just say she borderline raped Mineta." Izuku stood there a little shocked at this. "She wasn't in her right mind and was more looking for release. She didn't get it so easily with Mineta where she asked me and let's just say, she got her hymen broke by me."

"Ok, that answers what he had." Izuku wasn't mentally prepared to hear what he heard from Mina, but accepted this and tried to make sense the best he could.

"He told her that he'd release the video if she didn't do what he said and since she technically committed a crime, she'd lose her spot in the Hero Course and didn't want that."

"And thus did what Mineta said even though he couldn't help her at all."

"You got it. So I've got an offer for you. Give Tsu a ride on your cock and make her submissive to you, or give me the green light and I'll take the rings for you."

Izuku thought about it before looking at the options. "If she's sexually frustrated, it might be better to make her cum her brains out as fast as possible to get her senses back. Not saying you couldn't make her, but..." He trailed off with Mina not feeling any form of insultment to it.

"You've got the potent stuff and it's twice my size basically. I'm not fond of being said 'leave this to me cause I'm the man here', but you've got a point."

"I didn't mean it like-"

"I know you didn't. I just want to help Tsu. Just go over and stuff her like you do us. She's also on birth control too, so that's a plus." Izuku walked out of the room still unsure of what he was doing. Fortunately, that has yet to stop him or have it give problems that aren't able to be fixed yet with his sex life.

Walking up to Tsu's room, Izuku knocked on the door. "Tsu. It's Midoriya. You mind opening up?" There was a silence for a few seconds before the sound of the door unlocking was heard. Tsu opened it with the chain lock on still to show her face and look at Izuku.


"Hey uhh...you ok?"

"...Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well umm, we haven't seen you for a bit of time and were kinda worried. Mina said I should come over here and check up on you and..." Izuku didn't want it to sound like he came over to solely have sex with her, but was having a hard time thinking something up.

"Did Mina tell you what's probably happening?" Izuku was going to try and lie, but understood there wasn't a point to nod. "One second." She shut the door and unlocked the chain lock before opening it to show a dark room. It was somewhat normal as far as anyone would expect a room to be. The only more notable bit was a unique shade of green from what Izuku could tell from the darkness around him. "So how much of what's going on do you know?"

Izuku turned to see Tsu shut the door and be not fully able to see due to his eyes not adjusting yet to the darkness. "Basically that you're in heat and it was used against you by Mineta. Mina's helped you out in the past and that you're probably going through it now since you're avoiding people as a whole."

"If you know that, then you're here because you want to have sex with me." She put the pieces together in a somewhat right but not fully in a way for Izuku to try and explain it better.

"I came cause I wanna heloof!" He was tackled to the bed with his eyes now adjusted enough to see Tsu. She was stark naked, soaked in sweat, with her clit as large as Mina mentioned. 'Oh, she was right about the enlarged clit.'

"Give me it, Midoriya. Give me your cock." She was completely in her own world. Her eyes were glossed as she went down Izuku's shirtless body and right to his pants. She pulled his shorts down to see his throbbnig member in front of her. "*pant* Cock. This cock." She began licking from the base up, savoring every bit of Izuku's dick. As she got to the tip, Tsu wrapped her tongue around his entire length and began taking it in her mouth all the way to the bottom.

"Gah! God, Tsu. Your throat is good." 'It might be better than Shoko's.' Izuku thought this as he felt Tsu's tongue continue to wrap around him while stroking his glands. Her throat tightened around while holding an abnormally wet sensation towards it. Izuku began to pant as the mixture of the pleasure and the heat were becoming too much for him to bare it "Tsu. You're gonna make me cum if you keep this up." Hearing this, Tsu continued her efforts and forced Izuku's member and stroke him even more aggressively. Izuku started to pant with his hips moving upwards towards Tsu's face. In a single motion, Izuku grabbed Tsu's head and slammed his hips into her as he shot his seed down her throat. His mouth was wide open as Tsu continued to stroke Izuku's groin to force him to cum even harder than he normally would. When he finally finished, Tsu pulled away from him with a drunken look on her face with drool coming down her mouth. "*pant* *pant* God, you're good."

"Nnngh. Not enough." Tsu moved her body up to have her chest in Izuku's face. She rubbed her pussy over Izuku's shaft, soaking it with her fluids. "Cock~ A thick and tasty cock~" She moved her body upwards to have the tip align with her entrance. "I want it in me~ Give me your cock~"

Now irritated being on the submissive side, Izuku grabbed Tsu's hips and kept her steady for him. "If you're that cock hungry that you're gonna assault me for it." He slammed her down to the base to have Tsu's eyes go wide. "THEN DON'T BLAME ME FOR THIS!" As this occurred, Tsu's body orgasmed and shook from the shock. Her clit began to shrink down a little to have the green haired man notice. However, his focus was not on that. It was on dominating Tsu and making her unable to think of anything else but his dick. He began slamming his hips up for Tsu to struggle a bit. Her stomach showed where Izuku was in her as he thrusted inside her. Her body continued to convulse as she constantly felt her womb's entrance be hit almost as if the tip of Izuku's dick was kissing it.

"Midoriya~ Your dick's hitting my womb~" She struggled to speak as her tongue came down to her stomach. "Im hon a get addicted to this~"

"That's fine. Get addicted. Cause as long as you want it, I'll happily give you as much dick as you want!" Izuku slapped Tsu's ass, forcing her to orgasm again. She began to tear up as her body succumbed to Izuku's domination of her. "Now tell me, Tsu. Who's your mate?" Tsu didn't answer to have have Izuku bite down on one of her nipples. "I SAID, WHO'S YOUR MATE!?"

"YOU ARE!" She wrapped her arms around Izuku as her clit shrank down to normal size. "YOUR MY MATE! NOBODY CAN EVER COME CLOSE TO YOU AND YOUR MONSTROUS COCK, IZUKU! FILL ME PLEASE WITH YOUR BABIES AND MAKE ME YOUR SLUTTY SOW!" Tsu lost her mind and was staring with a lust crazed look to emphasize her own sense of self was overwhelmed by her own lust.

"If you want a baby that bad, then open your womb wide, cause you're about to get a fresh helping." Izuku's thrusts began to get faster and faster as Tsu's eyes rolled back in her head. In the heat of the moment, the frog woman grabbed Izuku and pulled him in for a kiss as he gave a final thrust and came directly into Tsu's womb. She screamed as she felt her insides be filled and had shivers down her spine. When Izuku finally finished, Tsu pulled away and rested her head on his shoulder.

"*pant* *pant* Thanks, Izuku. *sigh* I needed that."

"Who said we were done?" Izuku's words shook Tsu to the core as she felt him continue to move and slam her down on the bed. "Starting now, I'm going to pay you back for all the problems you gave me making it seem like I was submissive." Izuku glared at Tsu as a predator would it's prey for her to shiver in both fear and excitement.

'I'm going to be ruined....but I think I'm ok with that~'

Few hours later

After an intense sexual encounter, Tsu found herself regaining her conscious looking at her ceiling. "Did I black out or something?"

"Eh, a little from column A and a little from column B." Izuku answered calmly while being directly under her with his dick still deep in her pussy. Tsu looked shocked while looking downwards at herself and noticing they were still connected. "To be fair, I didn't plan for you to try and be the dominant one." Izuku laughed a bit as Tsu looked at their situation.

"...Are you going to say something to the cops about what just happened?"

"No and there are two reasons why." Izuku held up a finger to indicate he was starting with the first. "First. This wasn't your fault. Animal quirks are extremely unpredictable from what I've learned. I also know you well enough that you'd have to be out of your mind to even think about sexually assaulting someone in any possible means." He held up a second finger to indicate his next point. "Second. I knew this was a highly likely possibility. I chose to put myself in this situation. Yes it was to help you, but that doesn't mean I didn't know the possible danger. I knew you'd probably try and rape me basically, and I ignored this to do what I wanted. I can't blame your for a decision I made knowing full well this was a high possibility. You're a nice person, Tsu. Though you did this, I know you didn't mean it and would've never if you had any sort of control over yourself."

Tsu felt happy hearing these words. She began thinking of what Mineta said in the past to her after the incident. "Who would've thought Tsu of all people would rape someone? If anyone found this out, you'd probably get arrested. But then again, nobody has to know. All you just gotta do is what I say."

Tsu turned her body to hug Izuku and push her face in his chest. He started patting her head and hugging back as they laid there naked and soaked in sweat. "How about we take a shower so we can wipe off the sweat. That sound good?" Tsu simply nodded for an answer to make them happy.

On the other side of the door though, the class A girls looked in with a bit of a smile seeing. "Well that was a way to get Tsu involved." Mina laughed at her comment with everyone else not entirely fond of how she worded this.

"I know Tsu's our friend and this isn't alright, but should we report her for assaulting Deku? That's actually a crime." Ochako points this out with Kyoka glancing back at them.

"Neither seem to have a problem with it. If they don't might as well just leave it be."

"Agreed. Tsu has shown us an unappealing side she hates of her. I think it's best we try and pretend she didn't for her's and Izuku's sake as a whole. Neither wishes for the hassle." Momo addresses this for all four to start walking away.

And that finishes this chapter. So before anyone lights me up in the comment section, no everyone isn't taking the concept of rape lightly. They're taking the situation with Tsu's quirk as a factor in this and the after effects of both. They know she wouldn't do this if given a choice, but are still on the fence with if they should deem it needed to report or not. This also shows what exactly Tsu was scared of knowing she's struggled with her quirk's features in the past and it's gotten her into trouble with her friends accepting this isn't her in a normal state of mind and letting it go for her to avoid losing sleep over something she already is. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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