Sharpshooting Guard

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After bringing up the ordeal of Himiko's infiltration into UA, Mineta's involvement and her desire to turn over a new leaf per say, Nezu sat in his chair with a few members of the Hero Board Association with Izuku and Himiko sitting beside the small rodent. "I see. Himiko Toga. Do you have any information on the League after their disbandment?" One of the HBA members asked.

"Nope. We all kinda spread out to the wind after things went south with Tomura."

They alls looked uneasy while thinking of what to do. "We can't let the populous find out a member of UA immediately started working with the remnants of the League. We also can't let them know a former member infiltrated UA."

"Perhaps we can run it as this student had worked with them the entire time and was the fault for a majority of the invasion acts. We do know a member of UA had done that and isn't actually lying completely. It puts people in a bit of understanding and avoids destroying the restructured trust we hold."

"Isn't that a little mean? I mean, I don't think Mineta did this out of malice with intentions to harm someone entirely." Izuku suggests his problems with the plan for the HBA to bring back up the issue.

"If this happened before everything that has come to play, that would be a different story. Sadly, we need to think of how others will react to what we find. We aren't fond of it, but this is the situation of the society and the way we can avoid more problems than a rogue hero course student."

"In addition, we think holding a guard for you might be for the best. This guard will also keep Toga in check in case she is trying something." The Board points this out with Himiko smiling at them.

"I see. Will the guard be a member of the staff or a pro hero?" Nezu asked with the head of the HBA answering.

"Neither. We will be using a pro that was once respected before an incident forced her to be thrown into Tartarus. She's killed before and isn't afraid to pull a trigger if she has to. Kaina Tsutsumi. More commonly known as the pro hero Lady Nagant. Nezu, you will have Izuku Midoriya and a teacher of UA talk with her and explain the deal for her release. This will possibly add another powerful ally into our mix once more."

"Understood. I will have Midoriya and Midnight leave at once."

Few hours later

Standing in front of a table, Midnight and Izuku in professional attire looked at a woman with purple and pink hair that looked similar to cotton candy a bit. However, the state of her hair was not the most pleasant to indicate she wasn't in great living standards along with having her wrists cuffed to the table as a way to indicate she was undoubtedly a convict of the prison they were in. "It's nice to see you again, Lady Nagant."

"Why are you even here?"

"I've come with a deal."

"If you want me to kill people, forget it." Nagant scowled at the R rated pro for her to correct her.

"No. That's not what I'm here to ask. To make things simple, how would you like to get a probation in a sense?"

"...What's the catch?"

"It's a simple task we need to have you do. But before that, we do have authorization to have you join us outside for a meal and a shower. I'm sure even you'd appreciate that."

Nagant looked at her options before pulling her prison shirt collar out a bit to smell herself a little to make a bit of a face indicating she wasn't exactly fond of how she smelt to overall agree. "Get me a shower and something clean and we'll talk about the deal over a meal. But before anything, I want you to know I want something French."

She knew Nagant was testing the waters a bit, but that didn't mean her demanding of higher class food wasn't annoying. "Ok. Let's go somewhere that will allow you to bathe. I hope you understand that we can't just let you bathe on your own though."

"Kinda figured. So should I expect you or your little pet to watch me? Not that it matters as much. Just depends on what type of show I put up." Izuku went red hearing this for Nagant to laugh at his response.

"Let's just get going before you make Midoriya have issues talking with you as a whole." Midnight got up to uncuff Nagant and bring her out to the entrance. She smiled at the fact she was able to see daylight again before stretching. They all got in the R rated pro's car and began riding off towards the city. Once they got close to a motel, Midnight stopped the car and let everyone out. Here, she bought a room for two hours for Nagant to enjoy relaxing at least a little. They got to the room with the former pro going right for the shower and shutting the door. Once she did, Midnight stared down at Izuku. "Watch her."

"Wait, wouldn't it be better if you watch her? You're a woman too."

"Perhaps, but we need to go under the assumption that you're targeted by more than just Himiko Toga right now. Also, do you think you can keep a straight face more getting women's clothes including underwear or watching a woman shower?" Izuku wanted to argue this, but looked at both and understood the situation made it probably safer and easier on his mental self watching Nagant shower over everything else. "I'll be back in a little bit. Make sure she doesn't leave the room. She doesn't seem to have reason to, but we can't leave it up to chance."

Midnight went through the door and left Izuku. He turned to the shower and took a deep sigh. "When did my life sound like something out of a cheesy porno Shoko watches for reference material." He opened the door to find a chair sitting directly in front of the shower. He sat down and noticed Nagant not even bother using the curtains to cover herself to have her entire body shown to Izuku. He tried not to look too much at the woman as she let the water fall on her naked body. Her body was notably filled out with hardly any indication she's spent several years confined to a cell. Her top half wasn't as filled out as her lower, but there still was ample to hold if desired.

"So tell me something, kid. How's Midnight as a teacher?"

Izuku glanced away while also taking quick glances to Nagant. "She's...good."

"To be completely honest, she's not the type of woman I'd expect to be an adult willing to be a teacher. A teacher needs to be someone that can guide children to become responsible adult through moral standards and dedication to leading by example. She doesn't strike me as the type that would be able to do that and instead would make most students be degenerates that will make it twice as hard for those that come after that would require the strict leadership that those following in her footsteps as a teacher wouldn't attain."

"She's not that bad of a teacher. Yes I think Ms. Midnight should be less provocative, but that doesn't mean she deserves to be criticized on that. She tries her best and that's what matters." Izuku looked directly at Nagant to realize what he was doing only after making his point to go red and hide his face. "I'm sorry!" He went beet red with the former pro looking at his pants and noticing a tent.

'You know something, I doubt that Midnight hasn't done it with a student yet and this boy kinda sells me to be the type that wouldn't say what happened if it did.' "Tell you what, kid. I got a deal for you. I'll agree to the deal you've got for me with little to no additions."

"You mean it!?" Izuku began to smile as he looked her dead in the eyes.

"However. I've got an ultimatum. This'll happen if you can properly scratch an itch I've got." Nagant walked up to Izuku and held his head to look her in the eyes. "You see, women have needs just as much as men do. We won't openly admit it as men because that can be taken in an entirely different way, but you'll still find women wanting to find gratification in that fashion. I'd have handled it already but being in a prison and constantly watched by probably some old fart doesn't exactly fit my mental image and kinda turned me off. So here's the deal. If you can satisfy me without going limp, I'll agree to the demands you have with what you've done thus far as my conditions." She then raised her finger. "However If you can't do that, you'll have to adhere to every single demand I have from now onwards. And let's be frank right now, my last boyfriend was the former chief of the Hero Board. Though a demanding piece of shit that only fucked me with his own opinion on when, still had some nice tastes for me to hold standards. Get the picture."

Izuku nodded for Nagant to pull away and walk towards the shower again. "S-so how do you want to do this, Ms. Nagant? Shower or bed?"

"You're quite the bold kid if we're being honest. Ever done it in a shower before?"

"Five times with three other girls and I'm almost 21." Nagant looked at Izuku with a little confusion before coming back to her senses a bit.

"Alright. Also, call me Kaina. Calling me Ms. Nagant is annoying as hell." Izuku agreed to pull his shirt up and walk towards Kaina. As he did, he unfasoned his pants and pulled them along with his boxers and socks off. When he did, Kaina had a full view of Izuku's member and whistled at him. "*whistle* Nice set, kid. You might work out well as a dildo for me." Izuku was getting somewhat tired of being looked at as someone not even in her league to walk directly towards the former pro. He slammed his hands on the wall, trapping her between to force a smirk to form on her lips. "What? You gonna try and take the lead to-mmph!" With no warning, Izuku slammed his lips into hers to shock the pro by the sudden act. She came back to her senses shortly after to start inserting her tongue in and trying to egg Izuku on to do more. However, she had no idea on the reality of Izuku's personal training and his daily life.

'If she's been unable to satisfy herself and wanted to for a while now, then that means down here is probably very sensitive.' He moved his fingers towards Kaina's entrance to slowly slide one finger over the entrance. Expecting him to go violently on her, the cotton candy hair colored woman was somewhat impressed. She actually felt more enticement for what they were doing before feeling Izuku touch her breasts.

'This kid knows how to use his fingers, that's for sure.' She began stroking Izuku's dick for it to begin poking her stomach, desiring for it to go inside her more and more. Before she could try anything more though, Izuku pulled away from Kaina to have her feel somewhat irritated by it. "Why'd you stop? Too much to handle in a single moment?" She tried to feign confidence to only see Izuku lift her up and carry the woman to the seat he was just on. There, he sat her down and spread her legs while kneeling down to be directly in front of her pussy. With no hesitation, he started slowly licking around her groin to have this surprise the ex pro. The sensations of avoiding her actual entrance while also lightly grazing over to make the sensations given during it intensify had her body shaking. 'This kid's intentionally not touching e there. Whoever taught him how to pleasure a woman knows their stuff.' Kaina stifled her voice the best she could with her body wanting nothing more than to have the pleasure of Izuku's tongue inserted inside. However, the closest she had to that was him opening up her folds slightly just to lightly lick the opening before closing to force her body to shake more in anticipation. 'Dammit, kid. JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!' Her body wasn't lasting long before she finally lost her nerve and pulled Izuku's face out from her groin.

"What's wrong? Too much for you to handle at a single moment?" Izuku smirked as he said Kaina's exact words back to her. She was irritated before pushing Izuku to his back and hovering over his erect penis.

"S-shut up. Just cause you're good with your fingers and tongue, doesn't mean I'm gonna fall that easily. The point of this is to scratch my itch. So get to scratiING!" She sat back on Izuku's dick and had it go directly up towards her womb. A strange sensation came over Kaina as she shook violently while breathing heavily. 'I came? I came from just putting it in? What the hell?'

"Kaina. You ok?"

"I-I'm fine. Don't get so arrogant just cause you've got a large dick. Size means shit if you can't use it right." Kaina tried to push herself up with her legs struggling to respond. To her, it felt as if her body was unable to move in the slightest and wanted to submit to Izuku. 'I can't let him see he's got the upper hand.' "I'll give you a bit of a handicap, kid. I'll let you do the movement and see if you can satisfy me in your own pace." Izuku looked at Kaina with some confusion. "What's wrong? Cold feet already?"

"...Ok. But we might be better off laying you on the ground. You mind that?" Kaina agreed to have Izuku move her body to lay on her back as he held her hips to his side. Izuku then slowly moved himself out to only have the tip inside before forcibly slamming himself into Kaina's hips, prodding at her womb as well. She held her breath as Izuku continued this. Her body keeping the sensations of his dick's indent and bulges to wrap around and try to force him deeper in. Kaina couldn't believe what was happening. Her body was submitting to Izuku and her mind was starting to as well.

'Crap. This is bad. He's going to break me.' Kaina began dozing off only to feel something warm press up against her lips to return to reality. Izuku was kissing her. His eyes showed lust and love that was genuine. He genuinely was trying to love her. She spoke up a bit to have Izuku pull back.

"S-sorry. I just thought you'd like this to feel more intimate. If you want this to just be sex, it can be that." Kaina couldn't believe what she was hearing. Izuku was trying to appease to her desires. Her wants. This forced her mind back to when she was a pro hero. During that time, she was loved by people. Praised for how she looked and acted around them while also being able to get the job done. However, there was a darkness to her nobody knew. Under the protection of the Hero Board, she was tasked with taking out pros that did not fit the criteria of a hero and were doing shady things. This wasn't as terrible of an act per say, but her situation had become much worse as she had a private relationship with the current chief at the time. Their relationship was private due to the fact he was a married man with teenage adults. Young and oblivious to the problems of their relationship, Kaina had met up with the man and became his lover in her eyes. To her, there wasn't any reason to question otherwise. This though ended with one day finding out something. She was pregnant. She was happy because this meant she was making life instead of taking it. When she mentioned this to her lover though, he mentioned on his he needed her to get rid of it. Confused, Kaina questions and tries to make logic of the words of him leaving his wife and making a family with her one day and this was their chance. Sadly, his words hit her. 'We are only coworkers working for the same goal of maintaining peace. Nothing more. Nothing less. All I've done for you thus far is to make certain you're complacent with the task at hand.' This was a truth Kaina had denied to hear, but now was aware of it.

She went along with what he decided realizing there wasn't any hope to have a normal family life if she even attempted. But something inside her snapped. She saw now the truth of her acts. They sullied her hands and herself as a whole. She wasn't some peace keeper anymore. She was a hitman and some older man's side woman. She wanted out. That was one thing she knew. But when she tried, she was told by the chief that this was impossible and that these are the roles they must play. The wording of it make Kaina snapped. All she's done was appease him and now he wants her to be complacent with the role she's now angry with? She snapped soon after discovering the chief had a failsafe and showed her if she went out of line or said something she shouldn't. Videos and pictures of their secluded acts. If she were to attempt to leave, her hero and personal life would be done. Left with no other option, Kaina used the one talent she's honed thanks to her line of work. Killing a man in cold blood. Only after the discovery of the affair of the former chief, the Hero Board decided as a whole it would be best to have this be a closed book with Kaina's imprisonment being due to an altercation with a pro she's killed and the chief being an accidental death. Wiping the hands of both problems and allowing the peace of the country to continue without internal danger.

"K-kid. You said your name was Midoriya, right?" Kaina came back to her senses and looked Izuku in the eyes.


"Tell me something kid, are you ok being with someone like me?" Izuku's hips continued to move, thrusting into Kaina's pussy as she spoke. "I'm damaged goods now and I've killed people. If I wanted to make a relationship with you, would I be ok in your eyes?"

"You're not 'damaged goods'! You're a beautiful woman that had a bad go in life! If I was around when it happened, I'd have helped you how I could! You have my word, I'm not looking at a criminal or a murderer right now! I'm looking at a woman that I want to make love to and make feel special." Hearing these words, Kaina locked her legs around Izuku and began to tear up. She pulled him in for a kiss to surprise the OFA user before holding her body close to his. Her breasts pressed up against Izuku's body with Kaina gripping his back not letting go.

'Dammit! This kid's telling me things I want to hear. I don't wanna be submissive to him but...Damn this kid knows how to say the right things I wanna hear!' They pulled away with Kaina holding a deep blush on her face. "Give me everything, Midoriya. I want your love inside me!"

Izuku agreed and continued to slam into Kaina's pussy. His hips smacked into hers with a loud echo going through the bathroom. In a way to relieve some of the pain on her back, Izuku pulled Kaina up and pressed her against the shower wall. Their bodies were being coated with the hot water that felt as if it was washing away all the older woman's guilt and frustrations over the years. As minutes continued to go by, Izuku began grunting in pain as his dick bulged in Kaina. "I'm gonna cum."

"Do it~! I want your love in my pussy!" Izuku continued to slam his hips into Kaina as their voices grew louder and louder. As he reached his climax, Izuku pushed himself as deep into Kaina as he could and shot his load directly into her room. She held Izuku tightly as she screamed for joy. She had yet to feel this level of excitement in years. It put her in a bit of a shaken state for it to worry Izuku a little.

"You alright?"

"Yeah *pant* Just a...just a feeling I'm not used to." As they spoke, there was a bit of a creaking sound that came from outside. With no time at all Kaina used her prosthetic arm and turned it into a rifle, used a bit of her hair and created three rounds to shoot at the wall.


"Thought I heard someone. Probably just a cockroach or something. Any chance you're able to go for another round?"

"Honey, I've been born with a quirk that makes love making enjoyable for multiple women at a time. Do you honestly think I can't last longer than you?"

"Is that a challenge~" The two continued their love making without question of what they heard. However, they were being heard by a certain 'cockroach that was being hunted by everyone.

'Dammit! First that Toga girl knocks me out and steals my card. Now I'm being shot at by a woman that's willing to spread her legs to Midoriya!? Just what the hell is wrong with my life!?'

And that finishes this chapter. So Kaina I just wanna point out something with her past. Her ideas for love aren't bad. She was just ignorant due to her age. It's sad, but you will have people in this world that will take advantage of young men and women like this. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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