Yui's Deal

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Sitting in the booth of a café, Yui and Izuku sat across from one another with the latter sweating buckets. "I-I'm sorry if you saw something you shouldn't have, Kodai. I want you to know though that everything me and Setsuna were doing was entirely consensual."

"I am not against that. To be completely honest, I had my suspicions about Itsuka having a boyfriend for a while. However, I didn't expect you to be her boyfriend, much less have several women around you." A waitress came and gave both tea. Once on the table, Yui took a calm sip from it to explain what she found out. "Itsuka told me quite a bit about how you all came together. Your frustration with Mineta blackmailing the girls from your class including Uraraka, your desire to get revenge with Bakugou's sister, even the addition of some of your girls up to the recent events you had. So to make things simple, it's not worth trying to lie and say any of this is fake. I will know and I can speak to the school of what you had done in the bathroom today as well as most events where I think I know what happened in the past."

Izuku winced at this before accepting and coming clean. "Alright. I did a few things like that in the school. So what do you want in return?"

Yui stared at Izuku blankly before pulling out her phone and bringing up what she had for a recording to erase it. "First off, I'm not going to blackmail you. Knowing the fact you worked against it and it would cause more problems on my end, I'd rather not." Izuku felt a sigh of relief knowing that he won't have to worry about someone using something against him. "However, I do want you to do something in response to this."

"Ok....what do you want?" Izuku was uneasy as Yui looked her normal neutral image.

"I want to see what intercourse with you is like."

"....Eh?" Everyone was dead silent when this was said in the vicinity with the sound of a pin able to be heard.

"You have had sex with my classmates and others as well as increasing the women you sleep with. What is one more to that?"

"I....I'm not shocked because of that. I'm more shocked that you'd take me to a public place to say that."

Yui stared at Izuku blankly when he said that. "Is this honestly the first time someone's done something such as this to you?" Izuku thought of how to answer. He held his finger up as a way to try and argue before stopping. He accepted this by shaking no with the dark haired woman not exactly shocked by this realization. "I thought so. Now, should we head to a place more private for this, or would you prefer to do this in a bathroom stall like you had done with Setsuna?"

"Can we at least not talk about this in public the way you are. It sounds very obscene." Everyone in the area looked at them with Yui understanding what he was meaning. She put the money she owed for the tea on the table with Izuku doing the same before heading out. When they did, something was still eating at Izuku. "So why did you want to do this?"

"Easy. I wanted to try sex with someone."

"But, wouldn't that be easier done with your classmates or maybe even someone that you like?"

"My classmates wouldn't work. I'd rather have this be done with someone that I don't see every single day."

"Ok...then why me?"

"Do you not want to have sex with me?"

"That's not really it. It's more of a, 'why me in particular' sort of reason." Yui tried to think of the best way to say it only to finally say it as bluntly as she can.

"I don't want to have my first time with someone that doesn't have experience. I understand that a first time is meant to be something I should cherish and something I should give to a person I love. But in the end, I'm scared it's going to hurt so badly that I won't ever have the privilege of enjoying sex and in the end have it....I don't know, be a turn off for me."

Izuku understood the frustration she was feeling. Katsumi had a bit of frustration with him after their first time due to him not being as willing to think of her at the time as easily. Pain isn't something that some people can deal with so easily and would rather find some way to go the less painful route they could physically do. Feeling a bit of having to accept this as the answer now, Izuku let out a sigh in defeat. "Ok. But why not find someone else that's skilled. Maybe someone that doesn't already have a girlfriend or several in my case?"

"To be frank, it's because I trust you."

Izuku stopped when he heard that to look at Yui. "What?"

"I trust that you won't use this as a way to take advantage of me. You're also part of those R rated lessons as well, so I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be a good choice. Besides, it's not like you're unappealing to me. I actually find you quite charming." Hearing these words, Izuku felt a bit more joy in himself knowing that he was at least looked at favorably here with Yui leading them to a love motel. When there, Izuku looked at Yui who seemed a bit frigid compared to her normal calm and collected self.

"You know we don't have to do this if you don't feel up for it. We can just find another thing to do. You shouldn't force yourself-"

"It's ok. I want you to do this. It's not that big of a deal if I lose my virginity to you or anyone. All I just need to do is take the first time off me and I'll be fine." Yui tried to get into the entrance, but she ended up hitting her face on the door in a state of sheer shock. This forced Izuku to run towards her.

"Are you alright?"

Holding her head, Yui looked towards Izuku with her normal neutral look. "I'm fine. I just was not sure if the door was a push or a pull." She tried to play it off, but Izuku saw it in her eyes. She was nervous. "Let's just go in." She opened the door with the attendant at the front desk noticing them.

"How can I help you two today?"

"We'd like a room. if possible for 3 hours." The desk attendant nodded with Izuku footing the bill for this. When they finished, they were given a key to go down the hall and into a room. It was a nice sized room with a small shower in it as well as a queen sized bed. "Is this an optimal room?" Yui turned to Izuku with him looking around and making certain that it was clean to get up and nod.

"Looks healthy enough to do something in here."

"Then...would you prefer me to shower?" Yui asked in nervousness with the green haired man sighing.

"You don't have to panic. If you don't want to do any of this-"

"STOP SAYING THAT!" Yui spoke up with irritation in her tone. "What's wrong that you don't want to do it with me!? You're willing to do it with Setsuna and Itsuka, so why am I not good enough!?" Yui started to cry a little for Izuku to realize what this was.

"You're...insecure about yourself, aren't you?"

"Why wouldn't I be. Compared to everyone else, they just call me plain Kodai. Simple Kodai. Emotionless Kodai. I don't like being neutral, but I don't like showing emotions so much because it's hard to not look overly emotional." Yui opened her shirt to show a basic bra that was a very light blue. She then dropped her skirt with anger shown on her face. "See! I can't help it if I don't like being overly complicated and prefer to be simplistic, SO WHY DO PEOPLE LOOK DOWN ON ME JUST BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO STAND OUT IN A CROWD SO MUCH!?" She started to tear up while looking down at herself. "I hate it. *hic* I hate the fact that nobody looks at me and thinks I'm more than a stupid simple person! I do want to be outgoing, but everyone thinks I'm overdoing it and tries to make me put the breaks on. Even in this school. I....I just....I want to be able to explore myself without-"

Before she could continue, Izuku hugged Yui and held her head in his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I did, I'd have not said what I did. Truth is, I just thought you were doing this just because. If you wanted to be outgoing, you didn't have to be so frontal about it to me." He smiled at Yui with her hugging him tightly.

"It's hard to keep this as a touching moment when I feel your dick pushing against my thigh." She bluntly says this with Izuku pulling away and worrying a bit.

"Sorry. You're just a very attractive girl and-"

"I get it. You don't have to make this an issue. Just...get naked." Knowing it would be an issue if he argued against this, Izuku started to pull off his shirt and drop his pants. As he did, Yui saw his dick coming out of the hole in his boxers to realize just how large he really was. 'Itsuka did say it was big, but this is kinda over the top.'

"Sorry if it's a little much." Izuku sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as Yui stared down Izuku's foot long member with her taking in every feature she could. "Do you mind stepping back so you don't get hit?" Izuku's words rung in her head to realize he was pulling off his boxers. She did as he asked for her mind to be full of several thoughts while staring blankly at the OFA user.

'He's enormous! Does this even fit in a woman? will it hurt? Did Itsuka and Setsuna really take this inside them? How do I even start this? Oh crap, he's looking at me. I gotta do something. But what? C'mon Yui, think of something!' "It's...very big."

"Yeah. We can try and make this fast for you so you don't have to worry."

Yui was confused as she asked for clarification. "Fast?"

"To make it simple, I can work on pleasuring you to get you ready. All I'll need you to do is lay on the bed." She thought of this for a while before the size quirk user decided what she was going to do.

"But it would only be me having pleasure at that point."

"It's ok. I'm fine with you having pleasure." Yui shook her head before pushing Izuku on the bed. "what are you-mmph!?" Yui sat on Izuku's face with her slit being directly on his mouth for only the fabric of her underwear keeping them from connecting.

"This is something I saw from a website I go on. Apparently, guys like this sort of thing, right? Where a girl sucks them off and they lick the girl's pussy." Yui glanced at Izuku's dick while trying to determine how to manage it. 'I...think I should start by rubbing it?' She started stroking Izuku's dick with her hand with it going from the base all the way up to the tip and back down. Her hand tried to wrap around it with it not able to fully grip it. As such, she started to use her other hand to surround Izuku's length. 'I'm supposed to lick it now if I remember right.' She leaned down to try and lick Izuku's tip to get an unusual taste of lavender tea.

As she did this, Izuku pulled her underwear to the side to notice Yui's slit. It was well kept with the pink on her inner folds a bright and vibrant shade from what he could see. 'Seems she's a very well groomed. At least I can avoid having hair in my mouth when I do this.' He began covering her entrance with his mouth and start sucking her pussy. The feeling of someone messing with her body sent a shiver down Yui's spine before noticing a warm and wet sensation swirling inside her. 'Her insides taste really good. I'm getting a bit excited now with this.'

As her body coiled around Izuku's tongue, Yui attempted her best to push Izuku's dick deeper inside her throat. Her jaw hurting as his tip slowly got to the back of her throat. 'It's.....too big.' She struggled to breathe with gagging noises being heard pushing his dick down as far as she could get it. However, she was brought out of this with the feeling of her petite ass being grabbed to pull back and notice Izuku holding it with both his hands. Gripping it as if he didn't want to let it go.

"Sorry if it's a bit sudden. Just wanted to get a better angle for you." He continues to lick and bite her clit with Yui struggling to keep her concentration as she felt her body being played with. She pushed to take Izuku's dick as deep as she could in her mouth, dripping spit as she started moving her hips in rhythm to Izuku's acts. Soon enough, Yui started to feel her body tense up and force her to hold back the urge to cum. Noticing this, Izuku gave a smile before spreading the Size quirk user's ass to shove his thumb inside her anus. In doing so, Yui lost her composure to shake and cum on Izuku's face. He drank her juices with Yui's eyes rolling back a bit.

Rolling off and laying on her back, Yui panted while looking at Izuku getting up. "What...what was that?"

"In short, you orgasmed. Now, time for the main event." Izuku placed his still rock hard dick on Yui's lower abdomen for the dark haired woman to look at it. "I'll go slow so you don't have to worry about the pain."

"Just....do what you want." She looked away with Izuku not fond of Yui's idea.

"I'll do this so you can enjoy yourself. Besides, that's how sex should be." He begins to hug and kiss the side of Yui's neck in hopes to get her in the mood more. As he does this, Yui's heart starts to race a bit. She shuts her eyes and tries to pretend she isn't enjoying it before feeling something push inside her. She looks down to see Izuku's dick spread her entrance and slowly go in. Once he breaks her hymen however, Izuku stops and waits for Yui with his dick not completely in yet. "Are you alright?"

Somewhat drunk from the pleasure, Yui nods. "You...you can move."

"Alright. Just let me know if you need me to stop at any time." Izuku begins to move with his tip reaching and tapping on her womb. His hips connect with hers for the size quirk user to let out a moan. In his attempts to go slowly, Yui starts to become lost in thought.

'It feels....frustrating and nice at the same time. Almost as if my body wants to have this be more rough.' Her folds start to wrap around Izuku's length and try to pull him deeper in with Izuku smiling down at her. "Y-you can go....a little rougher if you'd like."

"Alright. I'll stop whenever you want." Izuku's pace began to move a bit faster with Yui's feeling of frustration slowly going away. In it's place, a more significant form of pleasure was left as she heard the sounds of her and Izuku connecting with a wet and slap to it. She began to moan silently as her face struggled to keep the normal stoic face she wears and instead show one of lust and desire.

'What is this? Is this lust? Is this the effects of sexual desire?' Yui's mind could not contemplate what was going on as she instinctively held onto Izuku. She moved her hips to try and make the pleasure she was feeling resonate deeper. Meanwhile, Izuku's body began to tense up and feel his dick gripped tighter by Yui's pussy. She desired him and wanted nothing more than to keep this going for as long as she could.

"Yui. If you keep this up, I'm gonna cum."

"It's ok." Yui panted while looking at Izuku with glossed over eyes. "I want to feel this to the end."

"But I might get you preg-mmph!" Yui cut Izuku off by kissing him. Her tongue swirled inside his mouth as he struggled to keep himself from finishing. However, his body couldn't keep up as Yui pulled away from him and smiled with a lust filled stare.

"Give me your cum! I wanna feel you desire me more~ I wanna feel you try to get me pregnant!" In the heat of hearing this, Izuku pushed his dick as deep as it could, penetrating her womb to let loose his seed to fill Yui to the brim. As he did, Yui arched her back and orgasmed, somewhat losing consciousness during the euphoric feeling. 'This...I don't think I can ever forget this feeling~'

Few hours later

Coming out of the hotel, Izuku and Yui seemed to look calm considering what they had just done. "Question, Midoriya." Yui spoke up to looks him in the eyes. Her face still emotionless. "Are you against what we had just done?"

"Not exactly. Going forward, I'll have some more things happen in my life that'll make me do the same things I did with you. But the real question is, are you ok with what we did?"

Yui wasn't sure how to answer that. They had just had sex with the tension still being there. "Well...I don't hate it. But I also don't want this to stop anytime soon."

"So what would you want in that situation?"

Yui held Izuku's arm while looking him in the eyes. "I wouldn't mind....continuing this as one of your lovers."

"Kinda figured that might be the end of this. At least everyone gave the green light for this. Alright. Then starting now, I'll be your boyfriend. I'll be in your care."

Yui smiled at this from ear to ear with genuine satisfaction on her face. "And I will be in yours."

And that finishes this chapter. See how things work out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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