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The grand palace of Hastinapur stood still, its hallways shrouded in an eerie silence. Just beyond the heavy golden doors of the King's room, an atmosphere of tension and despair hung in the air.

Bhishm paced back and forth, anxiety etched deep into his furrowed brow. Dressed in white regal attire, his presence commanded respect, but his troubled expression betrayed the turmoil within. With each stride, he anxiously glanced at the ornate doors, waiting for any news from the doctors.

Ambika and Ambalika were sitting together, their normally radiant faces were marred by worry and fear, their eyes glistening with unshed tears. Their delicate hands trembled as they clung to each other, finding solace in their shared concern.

The queens clutched their hands so tightly that their knuckles turned white. Their eyes were fixed upon the ornate doors, mirroring the unspoken prayers that welled within their souls.

Satyavati struggled to maintain her composure. Her eyes darted between her daughters-in-law, desperate to offer solace and comfort despite her own inner turmoil. Yet, her facade of resilience began to falter as the minutes ticked away, eroded by the magnitude of the situation.

She gazed at Bhishm, a flicker of fear crossed their eyes, because time was slipping away like sand through an hourglass, and uncertainty clung to every fleeting second.

The ministers, normally stern and composed, were gathered in the corner, whispering amongst themselves. Their expressions reflected deep concern and apprehension, their thoughts consumed by the fate of the kingdom.

Their hearts beat in unison, the heavy silence in the corridor reverberating with their collective fear. Finally, the door creaked open, and the aging doctor emerged. His face, lined with experience and wisdom, held a solemn expression that spoke volumes. Their gazes locked onto him, their eyes pleading for any sign of hope.

"Vichitraveerya t-thik toh hai na, Rajvaid ?" Gangeya asked.

Vichitravirya had dharma in his soul, but he had become proud of his beauty and youth. And when he had accepted the daughter of Kashi-raj as his wives, desire took over his soul. Hence though young, he was then attacked by consumption. Everyone had tried to find a cure for him, but couldn't.

The Rajvaid sighed and then spoke softly, his tone tinged with regret, "Maharaj Vichitraveerya, sansarik bandhano se mukt ho chuke hai."

The words hung heavily in the air, sending shockwaves through the hearts of those present. As the tragic news settled over the grieving group, the winds began to howl outside, matching the tumult within the palace walls. They swept through the corridors and courtyards, unforgiving and relentless.

The queens dropped to their knees, their strength evaporating as the doctor's words struck them like a merciless blow. They had loved and worshipped their husband, who was like ashwins in beauty and prowess.

Their soul-wrenching sobs echoed through the hall, a mournful lamentation for the loss of their beloved, and for the fact that they were separated before their marriage could be fruitful.

Satyavati, her facade finally crumbling, allowed herself to succumb to anguish. Her trembling hands covered her tear-stained face, unable to suppress the swell of grief threatening to engulf her. Both her sons had succumbed to death.

Bhishm, though grieving, knew he had to put aside his personal turmoil and focus on upholding the legacy of his fallen brother. The future of the kingdom loomed uncertain, raising questions about succession and stability.

The room was filled with a collective sorrow that enveloped them, leaving them shaken and vulnerable. The death of the king had not only left a void in their hearts but also cast a dark cloud over the kingdom's future.

"Ab kya ?" Bhishm muttered, his mind becoming restless.

"Ab kaun ?" Whispered the ministers, uncertain about the future of the already crumbling Hastinapur.

The gusts grew stronger, carrying away with them the ephemeral essence of the fallen king, dispersing it like a dandelion in the breeze. First Chitrangad, now Vichitraveerya.


Ek Generation ki kahani khatam huyi. Ab next generation aayega ✨✨

And a myth which was that Vichitraveerya died immediately after married, it's not so. He died after 7 years.

And to anyone wondering.... Ki 7 saal mei bacche kyu nahi huya.... Maybe Vichitraveerya didn't want kids just yet.... Or.... Another believable reason as to why they didn't have kids, can be because of Vichitraveerya's alcohol addiction.

Alcohol abuse in men can lead to a decrease in sperm count, reducing the overall quantity of sperm available for fertilization. It can also lead to impaired sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, disruption of hormone levels that plays a crucial role in sperm production and fertility, among MANY MANY reproductive problems.

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