chapter 9🐱

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Harley P.O.V

I can't take it anymore! My mind is going to explode. I took off my shirt and ripped it apart. I cried and laughed into it. I cleaned my face and put on new make up.

I put on some skinny blue jean shorts. And sat on the couch. Yup , I'm gonna wear a bra and shorts and watch tv for this day. Tomorrow is going to be a new life , without joker.

Joker P.O.V

I'm going to get her back no matter what. I put on black pants with a white shirt and shoes that are purple?

I go to her home. I first looked through the window. She was watching tv . But she was half naked.

Harley P.O.V

Knock ,knock

"Go away riddler I'm fine"!" Harley it's me". It sounds like him. But he broke my heart. Tomorrow is a new life. I am going to see if he wasn't lying.

"Go away".

(So I'm lazy to switch point of view Jp is joker P.O.V hp is harley P.O.V)

Jp ~ what does she mean ? I go inside she throws a pillow at my face. "I told you to go away". "I came here to apologize". "Apologie not accepted". "Can I reason with you"? "Nope, nada , not going to happen".

Be a man Jack " but I love you with all my heart". "Go away". She said with a serious tone. "I'm not leaving until I take what's mine". " look , Jack , tomorrow I'm going to have a new life".

I jumped on top of her . So she wasn't able to move. "Ok , how about your last day as your self, let me love you one more time"? "Fine". I kiss her and with my tongue.

She moaned. New. I can make her want more. I rubbed my hands on her sides. I pulled away. "Why did ya stop"? "Because it's not right for to people to kiss , that aren't together". I get off her. She sits up and sits criss cross and folds her arms . "Take me back"?

"Mmmmmm, I don't know harley, you were kinda rude". "Ok , your right , the door is that way". I saw what she was doing.


I saw what he was doing two can play at that game. "But if ya want me , I'm right here , I'll even give you a head start". "This isn't how it's suppose to go, you were the one who was suppose to ask me". I got on my knees. "Ow , it's okay ". "What is "? "That a girl just beat you at your own game ". I started to laugh.

"Haha so funny, but will you take me back "? I got on top of him and gave him a big kiss, but short kiss . I got off him." Does that answer your question?" "I don't know, you might have to answer again". I kissed him again. "Yes , but , you have to do one thing". "What is it ". "Never mind". "Please tell me ". "No , never mind , just forget about it".

"But now I'm curious, and I will find out". "And how will you find out"? "I have a mind reader".


I wanted her to do it . And now she is going to think I'm weird. I can't ask her that , not now. "Harley , I need to ask you something". "Yes". "No matter how crazy I get you'll always love me "? "Yes ". "Promise"? "Yes , I promise , as long as I'm with you".

"Good". I slapped her on the face. She looked at me with pure sadness. But she needs to know how I'm am . "Did you like it"? "Yes". What I just slapped her and she liked it. "Why do you like that"? " I Love your touch".

"Harley, I love you, but -". "But what"?" I'm dangerous , I only want you to be safe". "But what if I want danger". "Harley, I want best for you , but can we be friends"?

"Nope ". "Prove me wrong". "I would, but I can't do it right now". "Why is that "? "Cause I don't have the proper toys for it"." But did you want to do"? I'm curious. "Give ya something"." Is it an object "? "Nope , but I gotta go , I have plans can ya lock the door on the way out"? I nodded. She walked out the door.

I can look around. I decided to go to her bedroom. I found a diary , nope just a journal. Plans to ruin red , and b-man.

I hear her come in . Wait I had been in her room for 2 hours.

"Ya , ya , I'll bring ya the money on Friday , you be patient or ya don't get tha money, jeez ok , how about Wednesday , k but you betta have my weapons for stupid bat".

She came to the room . I rolled under her bed. She grabbed something out of her closest. "Brings back old memories at the adoption place". She goes on her knees and opens the box . It is pictures of her childhood. She puts it in the box. On no.

"What the fuck are ya doin here "?!?!?!?!?! "Harley I can explain ". "You were looking in my room ". "How did you know "?" I can read ya mind like a book"." I'm impatient ". "For what". "You". "Just wait here , I got to go take ma pills". "You take pills"? "No , I said ,um , I said chips". "Harley, when you like to me your going to get a  punishment, now go take you pills ". I'm gonna pin her down.

"Take off your shirt"." I'm fine". "Did you just talked back to me "? "Yes , and I'm not scared of ya"."how come"." Why would I be scared of someone that doesn't know how to put on make-up"? We started to laugh.

"But you lied to me , you talked back to me". "And". I through her on the bed. "When I tell you something, you do it"." Uh , fine". She did. "I started to to tickle her . "J , stop it , stop it." Over and over again.

She was out of breath. "Tell me what ya think in about Puddin"? "You ". "Cause if it's sex fantasy, we can make that happen ". You still remember, I have no idea I said that, but I wish I never said that". "I thought it was cute, can I put my shirt back on"?

"No". "But I'm cold". "Fine but go to bed "." I ain't tired". "Harley". "Fine , goodnight, see ya later. Then I

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