↣Charts and Commands

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Soul-Sucker Commands
/banish... (name)
Must have a reason and it's kinda self-explanatory. You can't do it all the time or without a reason.

/kill... (name)
Same rules as the banish command.

/become mates with... (name)
As the Soul-Sucker, you HAVE TO BE A TOM!!! YOU ALSO MUST HAVE A MATE!!! Because, the Soul-Sucker's son is to become the Life-Bleeder. If the Soul-Sucker's has not had a son, or is infertile, they must adopt a son.

/breed with... (name)
You can only have kits with your mate. Or can you...?

/force ___ and ___ to become mates... (name)
They can force mates whenever they like, just try not to crowd the Lousy-Being's den.

/make rule about... (name)
They must talk to the Life-Bleeder, who must agree first.

/start hunting/border patrol... (name)
Either do a hunting or by order patrol. Must have four cats to be valid. Takes one energy per time.

/train ___ skill... (name)
This command is not just for the Soul-Sucker, it's for Merciless-Killers and Joy-Drainers along with their apprentices. The max training is three a day, which increases your level by 1.5. Takes one energy per time.

/bond with... (name)
This command is for everyone. The bonding chart is included below. There are five Bonding levels. Takes one energy per time.

/force Teased-Presence to... (name)
Everyone, even the Small-Assassins, can control the Teased-Presences.

/reject or accept new rule... (name)
You can't reject every rule. But if it's outrageous like "banish everyone", then yeah.

/become mates with... (name)
If they become the Soul-Sucker, they will need a mate and kits eventually.

/breed with... (name)

/bond with... (name)
Again, same rules as the Soul-Sucker's.

/propose rule to the Soul-Sucker about... (name)
The Life-Bleeder can OCCASIONALLY propose a rule to the Soul-Sucker.

/join ___ patrol... (name)
They can also start a patrol. Needs four cats to be active.

/train ___ skill alone/with... (name)
Choose one. Only two cats can train together.

/force Teased-Presence to... (name)
Everyone, even the Small-Assassins, can control the Teased-Presences.

/Talk to... (name)
The Death-Surpriser can talk to anyone. They know all about every cat's lives.

/murder... (name)
They HAVE to have permission and a reason.

/rat out ___ for... (name)
The Death-Surpriser can tell on anyone for disobeying the rules.

/deliver message to... (name)
They also deliver messages to cats.

/train ___ skill... (name)
They have to keep their skills in check if they are the hardest workers in the clan.

/hunt with/alone... (name)
They patrol and hunt like normal members.

/forage for sticks with/alone... (name)
They also help forage for sticks to build and keep the dens repaired

/patrol borders alone/with... (name)
They must help with keeping the borders safe.

/heal... (name)
This is a healing command. It takes a certain amount of herbs to heal certain ailments. The chart is below.

/forage for herbs... (name)
Forage for herbs. The more you have, the better. The max of this is three a day.

/force Teased-Presence to... (name)
Everyone, even the Small-Assassins, can control the Teased-Presences.

/train healing skill alone/with apprentice... (name)
The Torture-Giver has to train their skills too, you know. And they can do it with their apprentice as well.

/heal... (name)
They can heal too.

/forage for herbs... (name)
They have got to help the Torture-Giver in keeping the herb store stocked.

/force Teased-Presence to... (name)
Everyone, even the Small-Assassins, can control the Teased-Presences.

/train healing skill alone/with mentor... (name)
The Torture-Giver has to train their skills too, you know. And they can do it with their mentor as well.

/train fighting skill with/alone... (name)
The Joy-Drainers can train their fighting skill three times a day.

/patrol borders alone/with... (name)
They are in charge of keeping the borders safe so no one can leave.

/bond with... (name)
They can have a mate, but no kits unless they are the Lousy-Beings until the next Sorrow Night.

/become Merciless-Killer... (name)
They can only do this on Sorrow Night, if their hunting skill is maxed

/train hunting skill alone/with... (name)
They have to train their hunting skill either alone, with others, or their apprentice.

/hunt with/alone... (name)
Their soul job. They must hunt at least once a day. The amount of cats it takes to be valid is four.

/bond with... (name)
They can have a mate, but no kits unless they are the Lousy-Beings until the next Sorrow Night.

/become Joy-Drainer... (name)
They can only do this on Sorrow Night, if their battle skill is maxed

/train fighting skill with mentor/alone/with... (name)
They have to have a skill of two before they can rank up to a Joy-Drainer.

/patrol borders with... (name)
They cannot patrol the borders alone.

/bond with... (name)
They can't have a mate until they rank up.

/train hunting skill with mentor/alone/with... (name)
They have to have a hunting skill of two before they can rank up to a Merciless-Killer.

/hunt with/with mentor... (name)
They cannot hunt alone.

/bond with... (name)
They can have friends, but no mate until they rank up.

/become mates with... (name)
They should already have a mate before they become a Lousy-Being, but just in case.

/have kits with... (name)
They have to have kits with they're mate.

/nurse kits... (name)
The mother needs to nurse the kits once a day.

/play with kits... (name)
This is for the mom and dad to both do.

/play with... (name)
The Small-Assassins can play with their parents, littermates, or fellow kits.

/rank up to ____... (name)
Only when it's time to rank up. They choose what they wan to be.

/___ for ___... (name)
This means that they do the job someone wants them to do and they put their name at the end.

/challenge __ for ___ rank... (name)
They only can do this on Sorrow Night.


Battle skill chart:
Level 0- 95% chance of losing the fight
Level 1- 75% chance of losing the fight
Level 2- 55% chance of losing the fight
Level 3- 35% chance of losing the fight
Level 4- 15% chance of losing the fight
Level 5- 5% chance of losing the fight

Hunting skill chart:
Level 0~ 0-2 pieces of prey per hunt
Level 1~ 1-3 pieces of prey per hunt
Level 2~ 2-4 pieces of prey per hunt
Level 3~ 3-5 pieces of prey per hunt
Level 4~ 4-6 pieces of prey per hunt
Level 5~ 5-7 pieces of prey per hunt

Foraging skill chart:
Level 0~ 1-3 sticks per patrol
Level 1~ 2-4 sticks per patrol
Level 2~ 3-5 sticks per patrol
Level 3~ 4-6 sticks per patrol
Level 4~ 5-7 sticks per patrol
Level 5~ 6-8 sticks per patrol

Healing skill chart:
Level 0- Heal small scratches
Level 1- Heal small scratches and belly aches
Level 2- Heal big scratches and some poisons
Level 3- Heal hard poisons and some diseases
Level 4- Heal hard diseases and some bones
Level 5- Heal all and the worst broken bones

Bond Chart:
Level 1- Associates
Level 2- Acquaintances
Level 3- Friends
Level 4- Close Friends
Level 5- Best Friends or Mates

Things that could happen with kits:

Infertile- when a tom or molly can not reproduce. There is a 10% chance that your kit could be infertile.

Over fertile- when a tom or molly can reproduce way more and faster than the average cat. There is a 10% chance that your kit could be over fertile.

Hermaphrodite- when a kit has the reproductive organs of a male and female. There is a 5% chance that your kit could have hermaphroditism.

Deaf- when a tom or she-cat cannot hear. There is a 1-1.5% that your kit could be deaf.

Blind- when a tom or molly cannot see. There is a 7% chance that your kit could be blind.

Dead limb- when a cat's leg or legs cannot work correctly. There is a 6% chance that your cat's limbs will not work.

Chimera pattern- when a cat's pelt is basically split in half with two colors. There is a 3% chance that your cat could be a Chimera.

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