Chapter 28

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am humbled and amazed to see that Prairie has over 90K reads. I never woulda thought this silly idea would take off like it has, and I truly appreciate each and every one of you who reads, votes, and/or comments. I've truly fallen in love with Harry & Frankie, and I hope you guys have too. Thank you so much, ILY. xo

TWITTER: @styles_orama


I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you get's me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face
And I've never been this swept away.
--Faith Hill



"Frankie?" His fingertips twist at my nipple while I watch, powerless to do much else. Those green eyes look like they're 'bout to ask for somethin'. "Baby doll?" His hand lowers, his fingertips take a little walk around my bellybutton. Quick to his knees, his hands on either side of my hips, he squinches the fabric of my knickers in his fists. "Can I take these off, Frankie?" My blood runs through my veins a mixture of holy water and hellfire, poolin' down below like a deep puddle after a rainfall, just achin' to be splashed in.

I blush a wicked shade of red. There is nothin' I want more than to be naked and wrapped up in Harry, but –

"I promise, I won't um – try to – you know." He's the one blushin' now.

His voice is sincere, and I trust him, but, "I'll be . . . naked." My voice is but a fraction of a whisper.

Harry grins just cause I'm statin' the obvious. "Well, darlin', I'm half naked." He chuckles, "I'd like to be fully naked, but I don't think we're ready for that yet."

I laugh at his silliness, but at the same time it makes me feel things down below. Just thinkin' 'bout Harry and what he'd be like free and naked as a jaybird.

I think I love him.



I'm holdin' onto Frankie's knickers so tight, you'd think it's a matter of life or death. I look her in the eye and in my mind I'm prayin' to the Lord almighty and makin' all kinds of bargains – if he'll just let me have this one thing. Her eyes meet mine and I fear I might pass out or somethin'. Have I been holdin' my breath? Shit.

Frankie gives the slightest hint of a nod that throws my heart into a confusion like it's never known. It stops beatin' for a bit, then goes willy-nilly tryin' to catch up on what it missed. Instead of pullin' her knickers off right away, I'm overwhelmed by . . . I don't rightly know for sure . . . but she's sittin' there with the sunlight shinin' on her hair, bitin' her lip, and lookin' at me with such – what is it?

Trust. She trusts me. Frankie trusts me, and here I am tryin' to pull her knickers off and get a whiff of her privates. My cock is so hard I could split rock with it and I'm a little short of air. What's happenin' to me?

"You're gonna stay with me, right Frankie?" I hear myself speak, but I don't rightly recall plannin' to say anythin' at all.

Frankie's brows knit in thought as she pulls the sheet over her breasts. "What do you mean?"

I let go of her knickers so I can lie next to her, on my side, and push some blonde strands of hair away from her face. "Promise you won't leave me, Frankie." I pull the cover back down so I can see her bosoms again, and my hand wanders to the small of her back to pull her close.

Her smile is warm, her eyes drop down to my chest, and soon her fingers touch the sparse bit of chest hair that finally showed itself one spring on my once barren torso. Her touch is light – hesitant. Goosebumps pop up on my skin, and I know she wants to explore further but she's probably thinkin' about Satan's hellfire and that damn fornication talk from church yesterday.

"You think I want to leave?" Frankie asks, and I search those creekwater greens for her answer.

"I don't rightly know what you want, Frankie. I've done a few things that I think make my intentions pretty clear, but . . . ," My voice trails off, leavin' me kinda exposed. I reckon my mouth has a mind of its own this mornin'.

"I want to stay, Harry, I do." She pauses, "But I don't know if things are that simple." Her eyes drop to my chest again.

I cover her hand with mine, pressin' it tightly to my chest. "It is too that simple, Frankie. I carved your name in the swing and everythin'. If I have anything to do with it, you're stayin' put." I pull her in even tighter, and I know she can feel my hard cock against her. Good. I want her to feel it, dammit. I want her to know exactly how I feel.

When her eyes meet mine again, the trust that was in them is swirled with need. With hope. I bow my head and swipe her lips with my tongue right off the bat, pressin' myself against her warm body. Her lips part and my tongue sneaks in searchin' for somethin' that I've been missin' for a long time now.

Frankie's hands move to my hair, makin' a right mess of it, I'm sure, and I wish she was tuggin' on my cock instead. My kisses drop to her chin, to her neck, where I suck her skin into my mouth kinda like I do the bone when I'm eatin' a fried chicken leg and wanna make sure I get all the meat off. Frankie whimpers when I reach the base of her neck and she pushes her chest toward me, makin' it obvious where she wants my attention.

I make quick work of closin' my lips over a nipple that's already hard as nails, and suck on it lightly at first, then hard enough to make her moan. I've got my eyes on her the whole time – watchin' how she wiggles this way and that, kinda like Duke does when I scratch a certain spot that gets his leg to twitchin'. I push myself against her, easin' her over on her back so I'm on top of her and go after those titties with both hands, runnin' my tongue up the valley in between 'em.

Her eyes flutter open to meet mine, and I raise an eyebrow. "You like that, darlin'?" The words drop out of my mouth against her skin and I tongue her nipple again while she watches. The blood's shootin' through my veins like a fire that's beggin' to be put out yet still continues to rage. Her eyes droop closed as if she can't stay awake, but I know she's far from sleepy 'cause she's holdin' my face to her tits with two handfuls of my hair.

"I hope that offer to take down these knickers still stands, Frankie." My voice leaves my lips in a slow crawl as Frankie loosens her hold on my hair so I can kiss the soft skin of her stomach. "Can I?" I wanna be sure as I pull at the drawstring while I nuzzle her bellybutton with my nose.

I think she might laugh, but she don't – her cheeks blush a full red like the cinnamon candy sticks at the mercantile and she manages a nod, her hair messy as fresh straw.

I give a little wink and a smile, and I'm on my knees once again, my hands on either side of her knickers, knowin' this time they're comin' off and for some reason I'm thinkin' 'bout that freckle on the inside of her knee.

"Lift up for me, darlin'." She lifts her hips just enough for me to slide her knickers 'neath her bottom. "There we go," I praise her as I pull 'em down to her knees, over her calves, and then they're off. I toss them over my shoulder, and just sit back on my haunches and let my eyes drink her in. She ain't wearin' a single solitary stitch of clothes. My eyes zero in on the triangle of hair at the top of her thighs, and I'm mighty surprised to see it's a light brown color, and not blonde like the hair atop her head.

"Well, I'll be," I say before I my brain has time to smarten up and stop me from talkin'.

"What?" Frankie asks, concerned. She reaches for the sheet, but with a swift tug it's out of reach before she can get her hands on it and I realize I better shut up real quick or I'm gonna be back downstairs in my own damn bed with an upset Frankie on my hands. That'd make for an extra long day cooped up in the house, cause the sun that was peekin' in the window earlier seems to have decided to stay in bed today as well.

"Harry Styles! I swear to God – " She tries to kick at me, embarrassed, but I catch her foot in my hand, tryin' to think of a distraction. I push back, causin' her leg to bend and bring her knee up, when I remember.

"There's that freckle." I grin, proud of myself. "I always wanted to kiss you there." Leanin' forward, I do just that, and she quiets when my lips touch the inside of her knee as the first few large drops of rain slap against the window.

"How'd you know that was there?" Frankie asks, her voice softens as the clouds move to block the last bit of sunshine and cast a shadow over her nakedness.

"That day we went fishin' in the creek. You had your skirt tied up and were wadin' in the water. I saw it then," I say, kissin' it again. "I wanted to kiss it that night. Right here. On the inside of your knee."

I run a light trail up her thigh with my fingertips, right up to where I'm wantin' to touch her, but I don't yet. I kiss the freckle on her knee again, runnin' my tongue over it, then I start kissin' some on the inside of her thigh. Her legs are soft and smooth, and my awkwardness is comforted somehow by the rhythm of the rain as it quickens against the window.

With a soft touch, I push Frankie's other knee to the side and lie between her legs on my stomach, so I can kiss her freckle to my heart's content without havin' to hunch over.

"Harry?" Frankie raises her head, "What are you –"

"Shhh, baby. I wanna make you feel good again like I did last night. Remember?"

Her head flops back on the pillow in a frustrated huff that makes me smile against the inside of her thigh. I raise my eyes to see she's coverin' her face with her hands so she don't see what I'm doin', and I almost have to laugh because I don't think I even know what I'm doing down here myself, except that I've got a hankerin' for some peach pie, and I don't mean the kind that's baked in the oven.

The rain's comin' down harder, darkenin' the room so much I'd like to light a candle, but somethin' tells me Frankie wouldn't cotton to that. I kiss and nibble the inside of both knees, and her thighs too, and they tremble the closer I get to her pussy. Soon, I'm kissin' along the fringes of the triangle. I hear a rustle and peek up at Frankie to see that her entire face is covered by the pillow.

I take it as a good sign that she isn't demandin' I stop whatever in the hell I think I'm tryin' to do down here, so when I finish kissin' along the fringes, I nuzzle my nose in her light smattering of hair and then I follow with my lips. I kiss above her folds and work my way down, and when I push her thighs further apart with my hands, there is only a smidge of resistance.

"You okay, darlin'?" I check to be sure, and she agrees, her whimpers mixin' in with the thunderclaps as I drag a soft touch of my finger across her slickness.

"Mhmm. God, you are so wet, Frankie. Fuck."

I am so turned on I can't see straight and I push her folds open and press my tongue against her hot, wet flesh. I take a long, slow lick upward, then I start at the bottom and lick upward again across her smooth softness. She tastes even better than I had imagined and as I bury my face in her folds I hear Frankie fling the pillow to the floor, her back arches, then she pushes her hips up, her pussy pressin' against my face and I've died and gone to heaven.

I wrap my arms quickly under her thighs so I can get in a few more licks cause she is startin' to buck like a goddamn bronco. She is delicious, and I lap at every bit of her, wantin' all of that wetness and she just keeps makin' more. 'Atta, girl, Frankie.

I notice that she's movin' about the most when my tongue hits this one patch at the top. So I focus my attention there on that little bit of flesh, lickin' it a little harder and circlin' it with my tongue. Frankie's moans and groans are comin' faster, her hips are swivelin', and I let one hand slide up over her stomach so I can palm her tits.

My fingers pinch a nipple and she calls out my name in that way she did last night when I was diddlin' her with my fingers, so I know it's about to happen. I keep my movements in time with hers, and lo and behold, it comes over her in waves as her hands tangle in my hair, like she's trying to pull me closer and push me away both at the same time.

She slows and her body stills as she tries to catch her breath. I smile against her folds, feelin' mighty proud of myself as I continue to taste her juices even though she's long finished.

After a moment, Frankie laughs.

"What?" I stop lickin' to look up at her, restin' my chin on her mound.

"Go find my pillow."

"Your pillow?" I chuckle in surprise. "Is that all you've got to say?"

Duke barks before she can answer, a horse's whinny can barely be heard over the rain, and a voice with an Irish accent sings a drunken tune. Goddammit.


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