Act 1: Scene 13

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HARRY wakes suddenly. Breathing deeply in the night. The room is dark. He waits a moment. Calming himself. And then he feels intense pain in his forehead. In his scar. Around him, the shadows of the nightmare move and dissipate.

HARRY (sitting up, disoriented): Pleasant. That's a pleasant and not scary way to wake up.

He turns in bed.

Ginny, I was back at the zoo, but the snake — it was Nagini the whole... time...

Looking perplexed, HARRY moves the duvet and pats the other side of the bed. He reaches for the wand on his bedside table.


A ray of light coughs from the end of his wand. The room is briefly illuminated. The wand dims. HARRY looks at the wand — he deflates — then raises it to try again.

(in a coercive whisper) LU-MOS!

The room is filled with light. Sighing, HARRY looks around. GINNY is not there.


The light from his wand goes out. HARRY leaves the bed and takes a tweed housecoat off a hook on the wall beside a tall chest of drawers. HARRY puts it on and adjusts the collar. The housecoat fits loosely, and he pockets the wand.

As HARRY ties the belt, he moves toward a large picture frame on the wall. Two parents are holding an infant, smiling. This is LILY (MOTHER) and JAMES (FATHER). HARRY takes it down carefully, revealing a black iron wall safe that stands out from the wallpaper. He spins the dial at the center, opens the safe, and removes a handful of wood shards. We are to understand that these are the pieces of HARRY's broken wand.

For a lengthy moment, HARRY considers what he is holding before putting everything back where it belongs and exiting the bedroom.

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