Act 1: Scene 3

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The steam dissipates, revealing swags of decorated garlands and full wreaths. It's Christmastime. The platform is overflowing with young parents dressed for the cold, waiting eagerly for the arrival of the Hogwarts Express. At the center is HARRY, standing alone, looking restless and disheveled. Nearby are GINNY and HERMIONE. They watch as LILY and HUGO agitate the many enchanted posters of PARIAH PRINCE with GEORGE, late 30s.

GINNY: He's so good with them.

HERMIONE: Uncle George. Ron used to be like that.

GINNY: He's not coming to pick up Rose?

HERMIONE (gestures to HARRY): Not if you-know-who is here.

Hermione's expression sours. She realizes too late what she had just said.

I'm so sorry, Ginny. I — it's your brother's way of talking about Harry in code when the kids are around. They don't associate it with Voldemort, I swear. What am I saying, that's no excuse?

GINNY: Don't apologize, Hermione.

HERMIONE: It must be difficult for you to be in the middle of it all.

GINNY: My brother is at war with my husband. I know I'm supposed to side with Harry, but I can't. And now Ron has...

HERMIONE: ...gone total Ron.

GINNY: Precisely. I understand that Percy was pressuring him to make an example out of Ron so no one would think the Ministry was lenient on friends and relatives... but I can't defend Harry for doing what he did. Especially the way he did it.

HERMIONE: He couldn't have known it would make the front page of the Daily Prophet. And that photograph of them arguing. (beat) I can't unsee it.

GINNY: I don't understand why we cannot get past this as a family. It's breaking my mother's heart.

HERMIONE: Ron feels betrayed as a friend.

GINNY: Merlin knows... my brother can make some foolish mistakes, but he deserved another chance.

HERMIONE: Frankly, he's humiliated. Having to work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office? It's the only place that would take him in.

GINNY (softly): My father thinks it's brilliant.

HERMIONE: Don't tell Ron I said this, but I think I prefer him there as well. We were all about saving the world until the kids were born. I like knowing the worst thing that can happen to him is being attacked by a walking refrigerator.

They share a laugh.

Honestly, it hurts more knowing that Harry gave the job away to a recent Hogwarts graduate.

GINNY: That's not entirely accurate. Someone else was promoted to Ron's job. She's just... more of an assistant for the time being.

HERMIONE: Well, it doesn't feel that way to Ron.

GINNY: They're just being stubborn. And it's not fair to us. Or the children. They pick up on everything, just like we did. James knows, I'm certain of it.

HERMIONE: Rose could sense something after you left Hugo's birthday party. I mean, it's Ron we're talking about. Even the barman at the local pub knows about his row with Harry. My husband has never been one to keep his feelings to himself.

GINNY: But that's why you love him.

GINNY turns to seek out HARRY amongst the crowd and winces. HERMIONE sees this.

HERMIONE: How is Harry? He looks...

GINNY: Yes, he does. I haven't seen him this distressed in years. Harry's lost contact with Teddy in the field. He was on a special assignment for the department. Harry won't tell me anything about it, which is maddening. He does this on purpose, you know. Keeps me distant. Says he's protecting me from knowing how bad the situations are out there for him, how much danger he faces on a daily basis.

She changes her posture and starts mimicking HARRY.

"Some things are just top secret, Ginny. You have to trust me. It's for the good of this family."

GINNY shakes her head and sighs heavily.

We're keeping secrets from each other. I absolutely hate it.

HERMIONE: How sure are you that Teddy's in danger?

GINNY: I don't know the details. I overheard him and that Delphini girl the other morning when she dropped by the house with a few wands for Harry to try out.

HERMIONE: That's awful, you must be worried sick. Wait — new wands?

GINNY: Oh, that was last week. His wand was destroyed during a raid.

HERMIONE (her jaw drops): You're joking. His wand — Harry's wand? With the Phoenix tail core? The one he repaired after the Battle of Hogwarts?

GINNY: The very same. He keeps the shards in our bedroom, in a wall safe behind a portrait of his parents. Harry's devastated by it.

HERMIONE: No wonder he looks like he hasn't slept in months.

GINNY: And he's already on his second replacement. Apparently, the first malfunctioned with a routine summoning spell. He was trying to retrieve a quill that was out of reach and nearly murdered himself with a letter opener.

The two look at each other. There's a silence.

HERMIONE: Ginny, are you okay?

GINNY: Yes, I'm okay. (off HERMIONE's unrelenting look) I'm fine, Hermione. I promise. Actually — and don't laugh, but — I've been... seeing a seer, as they say.

HERMIONE (trying desperately not to look incredulous): Oh! That's — Is that —?

GINNY: I know! I know... Divination is not your cup of tea. You're not alone. Harry thinks it's a complete waste of money, although he never had trouble trusting the word of a centaur. It was my mother's idea, actually. I'm just concerned about my family. The readings have been tame, for the most part.

HERMIONE: So, your seer doesn't think dreadful things will be happening to the Potters any day now?

GINNY: Oh, no. She definitely does!

They laugh.

I guess it made me feel better after Harry... I... Nevermind, it's ridiculous!

HERMIONE: What is it?

GINNY: I swear, Harry's scar is starting to bother him again.

HERMIONE (beat): His scar? That's — not possible, Ginny. All six Horcruxes were destroyed, including the final piece that was in Harry. The scar only burned because of Voldemort's soul. You know that. You were there when Harry defeated him in the Great Hall.

GINNY: I understand why it shouldn't be hurting. I just... He hasn't been himself lately and I —

HERMIONE: He's just stressed from work. Harry has one of the most difficult jobs at the Ministry. You can't honestly believe some part of Voldemort has been lying dormant in your husband for twenty years.

GINNY looks down, distraught.

There I go again. I'm sorry for being so direct, Ginny.

GINNY: It sounds crazy, but I guess I was sort of hoping it did have to do with Voldemort. That, at least, makes sense to me. And the seer mentioned it as well. I mean, of course she did. She's practically a sister now. Silly. But, it's not as if I have anyone to talk to these days. Luna is running the Quibbler, you've been busier than ever, what with your Division finally being recognized.

HERMIONE: Yes, it's official. The Department of International Magical Cooperation now has an Elvish Welfare Division. I'm quite proud of it. It's kept me occupied, with Rose out of the house. Maybe you need to find your own...Division. What about the Prophet?

GINNY: They're going through redundancies. And I wouldn't dare work for George again. That was one of the most hectic summers of my life. I used to have Wednesdays with Angelina, but she's hardly available now. Harry's never home — ever. And I've knit enough sweaters with my mum and her friends to open a ruddy shop on Diagon Alley!

HERMIONE: You've been mostly focused on bringing up your kids, Ginny, and you've done a wonderful job. Give it time. Life will level out.

GINNY: It has to. No one told me it would be so difficult being married to the famous Harry Potter. I miss what we were. What we all were.

HERMIONE: Me, too.

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