Act 1: Scene 6

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The stage is swarming once again with wizards and witches, but there is a new air to the platform. Minister of Magic, PERCIVAL CLEARWATER, early forties, is taking attention away from the families of outbound students. PERCIVAL, joined by his entourage of bodyguards and assistants, is too busy fielding questions from the Daily Prophet REPORTERS to notice the arrival of the Potters. HARRY and ALBUS are first to enter.

ALBUS: You didn't need to bring me to the station, Dad.

HARRY: But I wanted to be here.

ALBUS: Then I'm just asking if you'll — if you'll just stand a little away from me. Everyone's staring at us again.

HARRY: Third years don't like to be seen with their dads, is that it?

ALBUS: No. It's just — you're you and — and I'm me and —

GINNY enters with JAMES and LILY, who is pushing a trolley of her own. GINNY can see from HARRY's expression that it's off to a bad start.

HARRY: It's just people looking, okay? People look. And they're looking at me, not you.

ALBUS: They're looking at Harry Potter...and his disappointing son.

HARRY: What does that mean?

ALBUS: At Harry Potter and his Slytherin son.

HARRY looks desperately at GINNY and she encourages him with a gesture. Awkwardly, HARRY pulls ALBUS into a side hug before reaching into his pocket for a leaf of parchment.

HARRY: Third year. Big year. (in a proud voice) Here — is your Hogsmeade permission form.

ALBUS: I hate Hogsmeade.

HARRY: How can you hate a place you haven't actually visited?

ALBUS takes the parchment from HARRY, crumples it, and throws it across the platform. HARRY goes after the parchment as JAMES provokes LILY, using his wizard's cap as a prop for the Sorting Hat.

JAMES: I've sorted high, I've sorted low, I've done the job through thick and thin. So put me on and you will know which House you should be in.

LILY: Stop it this instant.

JAMES: Are you afraid of what you'll hear? Afraid I'll speak the name you fear?

On the other side of the stage, HARRY continues to have trouble connecting with his son.

HARRY: ...there were Dementors all around the school, searching for the escapee, who — and I didn't realize this at the time — was my Godfather! It was extremely shortsighted of them to use Dementors, of course. Any number of students could've been —

ALBUS: Well, perhaps if you had been resourceful enough to use Dementors, Pariah Prince would've been caught by now.

HARRY (dazed): What?

LILY pushes her brother's cap away from her head.

LILY: Mum. He keeps saying it.

GINNY: James...stop being a nuisance.

JAMES: I only said she might be in Slytherin. And she might, so...

LILY (to GINNY): Do you think — what if I am — what if I'm —

GINNY: Sorted into Slytherin? Then you'll be with Al.

GINNY turns to check on how the conversation between HARRY and ALBUS is going. From all appearances, not good.

HARRY (rambling): Well, there's the fourth year exams — and then the fifth year — very big year — in my fifth year I did — I did a lot of stuff. Some of it good. Some of it less good. A lot of it quite confusing.

ALBUS (his attention elsewhere): Good to know.

Entering the platform behind them come the Weasleys: RON, HERMIONE, ROSE, and HUGO. Then GEORGE, ANGELINA, and ROXANNE, who joins HUGO in a full-on sprint toward LILY.

LILY: Roxy! Hugo!

ROXANNE: Hogwarts — here we come.

HUGO: I brought my letter just in case. Do we need our letters? To get into the castle, I mean.

HERMIONE (to the Potters): I'm pleased to announce Gryffindor's newest member of the Quidditch team.

RON: Our superb new Chaser — Rose Weasley.

Everyone congratulates her, except for ALBUS.

ROSE: I was vying for Keeper.

ROXANNE (to ALBUS): Why aren't you clapping?

ALBUS: I hate Quidditch and she's playing for another House.

ANGELINA: She's your cousin, Albus.

ALBUS: Do you think she'd clap for me?

HARRY: Al, that's no way to speak to your aunt.

ALBUS: I told you to stop calling me that.

HARRY takes ALBUS by the arm and leads him away from the group. The adults coalesce around GINNY.

GEORGE (to GINNY): Having trouble?

GINNY: It's Al. He's a fantastic wizard. Far better than James. And the same could be said of his closest friend, Scorpius.

HERMIONE: Draco's boy.

GINNY (nodding): Top of their class on the broomstick — no offense to Rose — and yet they refuse to tryout for Quidditch. Classwork is a joke to those two because magic comes easily. They don't respect the lessons — or the professors.

GEORGE (to ANGELINA, fondly): Sounds familiar.

GINNY: But Harry's not like Dad. He isn't taking it too well. That and...the other thing.

ANGELINA: Al's in Slytherin, we heard.

RON (distracted): What's Percy doing here?

GEORGE: If I know our brother, he's spreading peace and prosperity throughout the wizarding world. (beat) By which, I mean fear and repugnance.

HERMIONE: He's dreamt of being Minister his whole life. It does suit him, don't you think?

GEORGE: Indeed. And yet Percy's forgotten that none of us care what he has to say in the slightest.

RON: Mister Clearwater has also forgotten that he was once a part of our family. Conveniently.

GEORGE (squinting): Yes, well, sorry, old chap, but you're still a Weasley. Hmm — I must do something to ruin his day.



ANGELINA: I know that look.

GEORGE: That's because it's one of your favorites.

ALBUS (loudly): Do you even know what I'm good at?

HARRY: There's plenty you're good at, Al. You're a Potter.

GINNY: And a Weasley.

ALBUS: So, I suppose it's only yourselves you've got to blame that I've turned out...such a limp disappointment.

HARRY: If you want to know the truth, Al —Albus, I've been exchanging owls with Professor McGonagall —

GINNY: Harry, don't.

HARRY: — she says that you and Scorpius are isolating yourselves — you're uncooperative in lessons — you're surly — you're —

ALBUS: So, what would you like me to do? Conjure myself into a new House? Transfigure myself into a more noteworthy student? Just cast a spell, Dad, and change me into what you want me to be, okay?

HARRY is fighting back a response.

Help me choose now who to be friends with for life. Rate them all and then we'll make a decision. You seem to know what's better for both of us.

HERMIONE is edging closer, it's apparent she has something to tell HARRY. RON is at her side, looking down at his shoes.

Say what you're thinking. Come on — I know it's killing you. Killing you that I like being a Slytherin.

HARRY: Potters don't belong in Slytherin.

ALBUS: Well, this one does.

HERMIONE: Harry, can you spare a second?

ALBUS: Got to go. Train to catch. Friend to find.

HARRY: No....Al, get back here.

HERMIONE: Harry, wait. There's something Ron and I have to talk to you about.

HARRY (to HERMIONE): Sorry, I'm not interested in...dealing with...whatever this is.

RON: See, Hermione. Waste of time, I told you.

HARRY runs after his son, stops ALBUS just before he climbs aboard the train.

HARRY: Albus, I admit, this has gone all wrong. I only wanted to spend more time with you.

ALBUS: Maybe you should spend more time with Mum.

HARRY: Why would you say such a thing? Al, get back here.

As HARRY begins to climb onto the Hogwarts Express, he is pulled down by one of PERCIVAL's bodyguards. The bodyguard spins HARRY toward PERCIVAL who is overjoyed to see him. HARRY glances back at the train. ALBUS is long gone. Their goodbye was ruined. GINNY and the others approach, as the children board the train.

PERCIVAL: Ah, yes. Harry! You certainly can fade into the background. Thank you ever so much for coming to see me.

HARRY: Percy, I'm — we're here to send the kids off to school.

PERCIVAL (oblivious): Indeed, we are, Harry. Indeed, we are. (to the surrounding families) The Hogwarts Express is about to depart for another year — enjoy the time you've got left!

HARRY: Percy, I —

PERCIVAL holds up a hand to silence HARRY as he continues addressing the crowd.

PERCIVAL: Go on! Get on the train, the lot of you. (to HARRY) Harry Potter, you have served me well.

HARRY (sarcastically): I exist to serve. Now what do you need from me that couldn't wait until this afternoon?

PERCIVAL: I'd hate to interrupt a family affair.

GINNY: Too late.

PERCIVAL: We have a new development, Harry. A real nutcracker. It requires the utmost urgency. I'm holding another Extraordinary General Meeting within the hour and I need you there — the Legendary Harry — by my side.

GEORGE: Who named it Extraordinary, I wonder?

HERMIONE: And the rest of us?

PERCIVAL: Naturally, all who are legally permitted to observe such a meeting should be in attendance.

PERCIVAL glares momentarily at GEORGE, who waves stupidly at him. PERCIVAL lifts his chin regally and exits the platform with his entourage.

GINNY: Harry...

HARRY: Sorry, Ginny. When your brother calls, I have to answer.

PERCIVAL (from off): Come, Potter. You're riding with me. No time to lose.

HARRY exits as the stage is shrouded in a cloud of white steam. A final whistle blows.

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