Act 2: Scene 10

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We are in the Potter's house again. All signs of the funeral are gone, except for the large portrait of GINNY on the mantlepiece. The front door opens. A flurry of snow bursts in with HARRY, JAMES, LILY, and ALBUS, all dressed for the cold. They close the door quickly and look around rather glum, then take off their winter scarves and coats.

HARRY: So — who's hungry?

HARRY fights to smile, trying to persuade his family (and himself) that everything is okay.

How do, uhm, toasted sandwiches sound? And gherkins. Those are your favorite, right Al?

ALBUS (gruffly): When I was seven.

HARRY: Yes. (beat) Sorry.

JAMES: That sounds brilliant, Dad. I'll put the kettle on.

HARRY: Thank you, James. Al... sorry, Albus... give your brother a hand with lunch, will you?

JAMES heads to the kitchen, ALBUS follows submissively. LILY looks through the house with a weak frown.

LILY: You didn't decorate for Christmas.

HARRY: Well, this is our first year without Mum, and... I thought we could decorate the house — together. Perhaps we can make some changes. Do things a new way — in our style. What do you think?

LILY (starting to cry): But I liked the way Mum did it.

They hug. This is difficult.

HARRY: I'm sorry — about your mum. I know we don't talk about her enough — but I hope you know — I'm sorry — it's rubbish — what happened to her — to you. It's not easy doing this alone — without her — y'know?

HARRY and LILY hug for a long time. Then HARRY watches LILY walk over to the fireplace mantle, where the enchanted portrait of GINNY smiles sweetly down at her. HARRY uses his wand to clean up the front hall. Bookbags sort themselves into cubbies, coats hang themselves onto hooks, and wet boots shake off their slush like a group of tiny wet dogs.

LILY (to HARRY): You should start keeping a diary. Mum did. She kept it in the old biscuit tin on the top shelf.

HARRY: I know. I've hidden it away in our bedroom. (beat) Have you read it?

LILY shakes her head.

LILY: Have you?

HARRY shakes his head.

ALBUS (from off): Where's the clock?

HARRY (loudly): Pop is fixing it back at the Burrow. (normal volume, to LILY) It's not strong enough for magic.

LILY: Too many Muggle components.

HARRY nods.

Dad, if the clock is broken, how will we know if Teddy's okay?

HARRY swallows hard. He hasn't considered this. ALBUS exits the kitchen and starts to head upstairs. HARRY looks at ALBUS, desperate to reach out. He stops his son. An owl appears at the front window and begins tapping on the glass. ALBUS tries to sidestep HARRY, who won't let him. ALBUS sighs and fakes a smile.

ALBUS: Hello, Dad. Is something wrong?

HARRY: Yes. You could say that. Can we talk?

ALBUS (gesturing to the window): Thanks, but no. Why don't you answer the post instead?

LILY: I've got it.

HARRY (to ALBUS): Ah! So, you do recognize owls? I was confused, see. I return my children to Hogwarts, then send them all letters of encouragement. Two months pass, I receive an owl, "Mr. Potter, I'm awfully sorry, but the recipient of your letter has refused acceptance, we're going to have to try a different owl." And then it repeats again, and again... You're shutting me out.

ALBUS leans against the railing, refusing to speak. LILY accepts the letter and closes the door.

LILY: It's from Hogwarts — with the seal of the Headmistress.

HARRY (to ALBUS): Don't move.

HARRY opens the letter and reads it. His shifting expression tells us all we need to know. The news is about ALBUS, and it's not good. He lowers the letter and stares at his son, who is still leaning casually.

LILY (cautiously): I think I hear James asking for help.

LILY slips away to the kitchen.

HARRY (after a beat): Care to explain yourself?

ALBUS crosses his arms.

ALBUS: Not really, no.

HARRY: I did not bring you up to be...

HARRY shakes the letter. He glances down at it.

..."malicious", Al. I did not bring you up to humiliate me at Hogwarts.

ALBUS: Humiliate you, Dad? You can't be serious.

HARRY (abruptly): I need you to stay away from Scorpius Malfoy.

ALBUS: What? Scorpius?

HARRY: He's a bad influence. I don't know how you became friends in the first place, but you did, and now — I need you to —

ALBUS: My best friend? My only friend?

HARRY: He's dangerous.

ALBUS: Scorpius? Dangerous? Have you met him? Dad, if you honestly think he's the son of Voldemort...

HARRY: I don't know what he is, I just know you need to stay away from him. Bane told me —

ALBUS: Who's Bane?

HARRY: A centaur with profound Divination skills. He said there's a black cloud around you...

ALBUS (laughing): A black cloud?

HARRY: ...and after what we experienced with the Tempest, I have very good reason to believe that Dark Magic is in a resurgence and I need to keep you safe from it. Safe from him.

ALBUS (sarcastically): Safe from Scorpius. That makes sense.

A disdainful grin spreads across his face.

HARRY: I don't understand your head, Al — I wish you were more...

ALBUS: More like James?

HARRY: Maybe, yeah.

ALBUS: I'm not James, Dad, I'll never be like you two —

HARRY: James is nothing like me.

ALBUS: So, what then? You're saying — am I — like you?

HARRY: Your mum thought so.

ALBUS: Chip off the old block, huh? Right, Dad. Because your life is so relatable.

HARRY: Always with the clever comebacks. Maybe if you actually tried talking to me —

ALBUS (slowly and deliberately): I'd quit if I were you.

HARRY is taken aback, momentarily unsure what his son means.

Next, you'll make a foolish mistake, like bringing up the fact that I'm a Slytherin.

ALBUS weaves confidently around HARRY, grabs his bookbag, and heads over to a writing desk in the living room. He takes out what looks to be homework. HARRY approaches the portrait of GINNY. She meets his eyes. HARRY turns back to ALBUS. He's briefly disconcerted but batters on.

HARRY: Maybe you're right. I experienced a lot of darkness when I was your age. Evil things, the sort you can't come back from without being damaged. And I didn't have a family there for me. To keep the darkness at bay.

HARRY can see ALBUS is working on something. His quill is scratching, the feather swinging back and forth.

That darkness never really leaves you. It consumes. It punishes. And sometimes it feels like the only thing that's real. (beat) You know what I loved most about your mother? She was my light in the darkness.

HARRY frowns, confused.

Are you even listening to me?

ALBUS (his head down): Light in the Darkness. I heard you.

HARRY: Albus, whatever you're doing, it isn't working. I will not change my mind.

ALBUS: I know.

He lets out a laugh. HARRY comes closer.

HARRY: What are you writing?

ALBUS: I'm quilling a letter to Scorpius. He's gonna get a kick out of this.

HARRY breathes deeply. Beside them, ROBESPIERRE enters from the hall.

HARRY: You know just how to get under my skin... Give it here.

ALBUS: No can do.

Suddenly furious, HARRY takes out his wand and aims it at the parchment.

HARRY: Incendio!

The parchment catches fire and flutters off the table. ALBUS snatches it from the air, while it burns. ALBUS stares at HARRY, furious. HARRY is shocked to see his son harming himself as the flame snuffs in his grip.

ROBESPIERRE: Master Albus! What are you doing?

HARRY: Robespierre, get some ointment for the burn. Quickly.

ROBESPIERRE runs to the hall. There's a silence. ALBUS nods at his reddened hand and drops the scorched letter. Pause. HARRY realizes what he's done. ALBUS makes for the stairs. HARRY doesn't stop him this time.

ALBUS: Mum always told me that you were a better man than I could see, but this is what you really are, isn't it?

HARRY: Do not use her name in vain, Albus. Do not score points that way. She deserves better than that.

ALBUS: Deserved.

He looks back at his father in disgust.

She deserved better.

ROBESPIERRE enters the room at a run, he follows ALBUS up the stairs. HARRY looks at his son one last time — trying to understand his head. JAMES enters from the kitchen, holding plates of food. He sees the burned parchment and sets the plates on the writing desk. From off, ALBUS slams a door after himself. It's now mostly silent.

HARRY: There was a time I couldn't walk through the room without him begging to be hugged. (beat) Where did your little brother go, James?

JAMES: He's still in there somewhere.

HARRY: Maybe I should just let it blow over — he'll soon move on. Right?

JAMES (shrugging): We don't even talk anymore. He's changed.

HARRY: And it'll only get worse without your mum in his life. What can I do?

JAMES: I dunno, Dad. He's just — angry.

Fade to black

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