Act 2: Scene 19

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The rumbling returns. HARRY hovers down to the stage atop the motorcycle that SIRIUS BLACK had once lent to HAGRID. HARRY reaches the stage with a soft landing. He steers the motorcycle to the tall hedges and steps off. The front door to Malfoy Manor is already open. DRACO and SCORPIUS are standing in the doorway, as if they were expecting HARRY's arrival. ALBUS is nowhere in sight. HARRY rubs his scar, it's on fire. He walks up to them with determined steps.

HARRY (direct): Bring him out.

DRACO: He isn't here.

HARRY pulls out his wand and makes for the door. He slams to a stop and goes sprawling backward as if he walked directly into a wall. DRACO holds up his hands in peace.

DRACO: I told you, Potter. The house and its inhabitants are protected by very old magic. Enemies intent on doing harm cannot enter. I'm afraid that includes you.

HARRY: That's why I brought along a few of my mates.

A small band of AURORS enter on broomsticks, DELPHI is among them. They join HARRY, who starts calling for his son.

Al... ALBUS... AL!

DRACO: There's no reason for this. Your son is not here.

HARRY: Then, where is he?

HARRY stares at SCORPIUS, who looks oddly apprehensive in light of how he stood up to HARRY the night before.

DRACO: Why would I know where to find Albus?

HARRY (gesturing to SCORPIUS): Because he does.

SCORPIUS (weakly): I don't know where he is.

HARRY: You think I'm that easy to trick? He stole a very significant magical device. If Al's not here, then you would be missing as well. Thick as thieves, you two.

SCORPIUS doesn't answer. HARRY can see apprehension on the boy's face.

DRACO: Harry, your son has run away, you and I know it.

HARRY: Do you? Know it? What aren't you telling me?

There is a significant pause. DRACO does nothing but blink.

Whatever information you're concealing, I recommend you share it now.

There is an even longer, weighty pause.

If anything happens to Albus...

DRACO: Don't throw around threats, Potter.

HARRY: My son is missing! If you need gold... Everything my parents left me...

DRACO (arrogantly): The Malfoys have plenty in reserve, thank you, Potter.

HARRY (to SCORPIUS): You used the Time-Turner, didn't you?

Behind HARRY, the AURORS look at one another in disbelief.

Scorpius, has he been injured? I need to know he's safe.

DRACO: My son knows nothing.

SCORPIUS looks away. Something has definitely gone wrong. He's too afraid to even look HARRY in the eyes.

HARRY: Just tell me he's okay.

SCORPIUS: Albus had the Time-Turner, but we didn't use it. We were never going to.

HARRY's expression shifts. His jaw clenches.

HARRY: You're lying. He's gotten caught up in something. I can sense it.

DRACO (mockingly): Not this again. "My scar is hurting, my scar is hurting." (beat, DRACO laughs) Albus is not here. Leave.

DRACO attempts to shut the door. HARRY stops him.

HARRY: Maybe you don't know where I can find him, Draco. But your son does. And he's going to tell me, one way or another.

HARRY stares down at SCORPIUS, his eyes squinting, his forehead lined. SCORPIUS looks worried at first, and then he seems to fight back with his own hardened expression. HARRY gives up moments later, to DRACO's delight.

DRACO (slowly, enjoying every second): That's right, Potter. You can't read the mind of a Malfoy. Wait, you didn't think you were the only Occlumens, did you? Since you can't hear my thoughts, let me voice them again. Get off my property.

HARRY looks to the AURORS, who know this is their time to come forward.

HARRY: Step aside, Malfoy.

DRACO: I will do nothing of the sort!

The AURORS brush easily past DRACO and enter Malfoy Manor. He looks completely blindsided by this.

HARRY: Search everywhere for signs of my son or the Time-Turner.

He glares at DRACO.

And confiscate all suspicious materials — by order of the Prime Enforcer.

DRACO: What? No, you can't.

HARRY (to SCORPIUS): Tell me. Where is he?

DRACO glances over his shoulder in dismay.

DRACO (nervously): Potter, some of these are priceless heirlooms. They've been in the Malfoy family for generations!

HARRY: I — want — my — son.

One of the AURORS walks past them with a gilded, blackwood dowry chest. DRACO sees this and his face sinks. He looks ready to burst into tears.

DRACO: NO! That was Astoria's! I won't let you take it!

He pulls a wand on HARRY. SCORPIUS gasps.

HARRY (his eyes on DRACO): He won't do it, Scorpius. Your father's too much of a coward.

DELPHI is quickly at DRACO's side, her wand pointed at his head. DRACO is visibly shaken by all of this.

DELPHI: Consider your next move very carefully, Mister Malfoy.

DRACO watches the dowry chest exit the stage with the AUROR and lowers his wand, sighing heavily.

HARRY: You can make all this end. Tell me what I need to know.

DRACO looks down at his son, then rolls back his shoulders and faces HARRY and the AURORS. Father and son are standing firm. HARRY has never looked colder or more ferocious than in this moment.

Very well. Delphi, tell them to search below the drawing room floor. If it's nailed down, find a crowbar.

HARRY turns and walks back to the motorcycle. DRACO follows after him, stumbling, desperation on his face, as AURORS pass him carrying all sorts of magical relics.

DRACO: Harry, I... I know we've never... Please — don't do this. That's our family fortune — it's all we have left.

HARRY gets onto the motorcycle. It lifts off the ground like a helium balloon. HARRY exits. DRACO watches the sky forlornly as everything he once held dear is taken away by the handful.

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