Act 2: Scene 4

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The stage is split — the left half revealing a hallway at the Ministry of Magic and, on the right, a long screen of London at night scrolling horizontally with robed figures sitting upon suspended broomsticks. The lighting fluctuates depending on which figures are speaking.

Yellow-ish lights come up on the hallway where a young man dressed in an Auror robe — gawky, bookish, early twenties — stands alone. This is CRAIG BOWKER JR. He fidgets nervously until PERCIVAL and ETHEL enter. CRAIG stands at attention. PERCIVAL is carrying a large paper bag.

ETHEL: Here he is, Minister. Auror-in-training.

PERCIVAL: Ah. Just the man I was looking for. Name?

CRAIG (skittishly): Craig Bowker Junior, sir. It's an honor to meet you.

PERCIVAL: Yes... yes... I believe I know your father.

CRAIG: You do?

By CRAIG's reaction, we are to assume that his father is a low-level ministry employee. PERCIVAL nods and grins, ready to remind the audience that he is both a politician and a bad liar.

PERCIVAL: Yes... mm... Craig Bowker Senior. Good man. Listen... Bowker... I'm going to need you to do something for me — for the Ministry. We are in quite a kerfuffle. (beat) The Prime Enforcer lives.

On another part of the stage, HARRY and DELPHI appear amongst the group that sails over London, holding tight to their brooms. Gabled roofs, treetops, and spires occasionally glide across the stage beneath them. DELPHI's broom sails her closer to HARRY's. DELPHI and HARRY look at each other.

DELPHI: You had me worried. I thought... I thought we'd lost you.

HARRY (quietly, as if to himself): Maybe you have. I've never felt more lost in my life. (with a look to DELPHI) They're going to be okay, right? Tell me they will be and I'll believe you.

DELPHI: Of course, Harry. We won't let any harm come to them.

HARRY: Thank you, Delphi. I don't know what I would do without you.

HARRY looks at her and then at the sky over London. Suddenly, there is a deep frown on his face. DELPHI follows his gaze. A glittery cloud of greenish smoke looms before the group, growing slightly larger by the minute. Opposite them, the conversation at the Ministry continues.

CRAIG (wheezing in surprise): Harry Potter is alive, sir? But... the...

PERCIVAL: Killing Curse, yes. Wicked business. Only a few of us were aware, but Potter lives to fight another day — and fight he shall. I just commanded that he rejoin efforts to retrieve my sister and I want you to accompany him. Yours, however, is a secret mission. Are you up to the challenge? Can your Minister count on you?

CRAIG: Of course, sir — Clearwater — sir.

PERCIVAL: Good lad. This is top secret, Bowker. Tip top. But I think you're just the man. Hence, I am left with one question. How accurate is your throwing arm?

Back to the sky over London. What first appeared as a sparkling green mist forms to resemble a new constellation. And then it is visible. Rising ever higher is a sinister-looking bird of emerald stars within a hazy cloud. HARRY looks at it, concerned. The bird flaps its wings slowly. SHACKLEBOLT joins HARRY and DELPHI at the front.

DELPHI: What is that?

They all turn to look at HARRY.

HARRY: It's like the Dark Mark, only...

SHACKLEBOLT: That bird. It's an augurey.

HARRY: The Mark of the Tempest.

DELPHI: What does it mean?

DELPHI looks up at the sky. It certainly seems more fearsome than before. There's a silence. HARRY just looks at SHACKLEBOLT, disbelieving.

SHACKLEBOLT: It was a calling card of the Death Eaters. The Dark Mark used to signify that a murder had taken place on the ground below.

Beat. He looks at HARRY carefully.

Have you felt anything strange? In your scar?

HARRY (shaking his head): They know we're coming. They want us to come.

DELPHI: But they don't know we're in route. Nor that you survived.

HARRY looks at her and then swallows the pain.

We can do this, Harry. We can save your family.

HARRY flies on, the weight of the world upon his shoulders. SHACKLEBOLT and DELPHI lead the charge behind HARRY. The two look up, astonished, as the Mark of the Tempest rises higher, bypassing the boundaries of the stage and crossing into the auditorium. The flock of broomsticks ascends after HARRY. They exit.

Back at the Ministry, CRAIG BOWKER JR. looks concerned.

CRAIG: Sir, I've only just completed my seventh year at Hogwarts. Mister Potter doesn't even know my name.

PERCIVAL (proudly): Everyone shall know your name after today, Bowker.

He pulls out the large paper bag.

Because you'll be the one to destroy He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, once and for all.

ETHEL peeks inside the bag. Her jaw drops. CRAIG has a look for himself.

ETHEL: You've started production?

PERCIVAL: I think it was a secret, but I could never keep anything from you, Ethel.

CRAIG: What does it do?

PERCIVAL closes the bag firmly. He looks over his shoulder with caution.

PERCIVAL (his voice lowered): That I'm saving as a sparkly surprise.

CRAIG: Why Pumpkin Pasties?

PERCIVAL: If there's one thing I learned from my twin brothers, when there were still two of them, it's that catching your opponent off-guard is among the most useful strategic tools in any arsenal.

CRAIG looks away. PERCIVAL turns to ETHEL, who smirks.

On second thought... it might be better if I do the job myself.

ETHEL (playing along): The dangers are many. You wouldn't want any unintended casualties.

PERCIVAL: Indeed. Get my broomstick, Ethel. And make haste. There are lives to save.

CRAIG: Why do you want to put yourself at risk? Minister, you can't.

Beat, he musters the courage to stop PERCIVAL from walking away.

I shall do what is required of me, sir.

PERCIVAL (with a look to ETHEL): Very well. If Potter attempts to take You-Know-Who alive, I expect you to use it. Consider this a gentle — nudge.

CRAIG accepts the paper bag while attempting to mask his terror. PERCIVAL seems to grow a foot taller as he stands over the young Auror-in-training.

And if I hear you don't — then I will come down on you as hard as I can — using the full force of the Ministry — is that understood?

CRAIG: Perfectly.

Across the stage, the screen has stopped moving and the flow of treetops and gables has come to a stop on a flat roof. There is a bricked barrier with a rusty bulkhead door. HARRY and DELPHI emerge onto the roof bathed in silver and green light, the soft sounds of wind all around them. The Aurors all hurry into position beside HARRY. DELPHI indicates the door. She tries the door. It doesn't open. She tries it again. DELPHI hesitates a moment. She looks at SHACKLEBOLT, who aims his wand. Slowly — very slowly — he twists his hand. The spell on the door complies.

HARRY (whispering to the group): This is it. If you're unwilling to face the Tempest, to face Pariah Prince, The Augurey, any number of werewolves, giants, and trolls — if you cannot stare down the very wand of Lord Voldemort — then take up your broomstick and turn back. No one will judge you for preserving your own life.

None of them withdraw, not even a step.

I am grateful. Remember, this is a rescue mission. My family comes first. When it's clear they've made it out safely, take down The Tempest. Don't hold back. (beat) Auror's Privilege.

GROUP: Auror's Privilege.

HARRY (to DELPHI): Time to put all those hours of training to good use.

DELPHI nods, then consults the map as she opens the door.

DELPHI (to the group): Ground floor seems the most likely. Stay with Kingsley. Sweep every corridor until you find Ginny and the kids. I'll follow Harry to face Voldemort. Some of you will need to accompany us as backup.

A few wizards step forward. A young and familiar face pushes his way to the front — CRAIG BOWKER JR.

CRAIG (confidently): I'd also like to volunteer.

The Aurors are impressed by his courage. SHACKLEBOLT claps him on the back. Everyone takes out their wands. HARRY and DELPHI move quickly through the open door. CRAIG BOWKER JR. trails after them. UNKNOWN AUROR 01 indicates CRAIG with a flick of his head.

UNKNOWN AUROR 01: To think, he might die.

UNKNOWN AUROR 02: So could any of us.

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