Act 2: Scene 8 (concluded)

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HARRY charges ALBUS, startling the mourners. HARRY grabs his son by the shirt and yanks him close.

HARRY: Where have you been?

ALBUS looks at his dad, surprised but defiant. What does he have to say? He decides not to engage. SCORPIUS stands close as HARRY shakes his best friend. We've never seen HARRY like this. No one has.

We buried your mother! Where did you go? Answer me!

ALBUS: I was there for the funeral.

HARRY: But you weren't there when we buried her. It was me and James and Lily and Robe. You were just... missing...

ALBUS: I didn't know there was going to be anything else.

HARRY releases his son with a shudder.

HARRY: Why are you acting this way, like it's just another afternoon? She's gone! Forever!

ALBUS: Don't you think I know that?!

ALBUS takes a step into the room, a step closer to SCORPIUS.

Maybe I wanted to be with my best friend.

HARRY (breathing heavily): Your mother died, and you would rather spend the day with a Malfoy. (he looks disgusted) You've put so much shame on this family.

ALBUS: What can I say? I was bound to rebel at some point.

HARRY: How dare you! How dare you embarrass me and keep me waiting, worrying, and then not apologize for it!

HERMIONE steps forward, treading carefully, trying to intercede.

HERMIONE: Harry, don't.

HARRY: No, I'm his father. He will not treat me like this.

ALBUS: I didn't choose, you know that? I didn't choose to be your son.

ARTHUR: Albus. Apologize.

ALBUS: No, Pop. No, I won't.

SCORPIUS: Maybe we should come back later.

HARRY (to ALBUS): Absolutely not. I forbid you to leave the house.

ALBUS: Hear that, Scorpius? I'm forbidden.

ALBUS looks at HARRY and backs out of the room toward the front door. HAGRID enters from the kitchen. He stands in the middle of the doorway.

HAGRID: What'd I miss? Only left this room three minutes ago!

HERMIONE: Harry, stop. Al, don't leave. Maybe you two should speak privately.

ALBUS: And say what, Aunt Hermione? There's nothing I can say — nothing I can say to anyone — unless it's the wrong thing, of course...

HARRY: No, maybe he's right. He should leave — and then come back here with a fresh head. Alone.

ALBUS snickers at this. He reaches for the doorknob, but they hear a knock on the door. It's already opening. In walks DELPHI, holding a vase of flowers. The room is silent. DELPHI looks at HARRY's hurt face.

DELPHI (timidly): I couldn't work out which Floo to travel to. Ended up in Barcelona somehow.

ALBUS: What's she doing here?

He strolls over to DELPHI, sizing her up brazenly. There is very little space between them. ALBUS speaks directly to DELPHI.

My mum wouldn't have wanted you here. You don't belong here.

HARRY: Al, how dare you talk to my coworker like that! If anyone doesn't belong here...

HARRY points menacingly at SCORPIUS who looks wounded by the gesture. This infuriates ALBUS, who redirects his fury.

ALBUS: You know, maybe I don't belong here either!

HARRY: I know the feeling! Sometimes I...

He stops himself and looks around the room. Everyone seems sad and uncomfortable. Including the portrait of GINNY. What has he done?

ALBUS: Go on, say it!

ALBUS looks at HARRY, smirks and shakes his head.

Brave, only when it suits you. Typical Gryffindor.

ALBUS brushes past DELPHI and exits the house.

SCORPIUS: Well, as fun as this clearly looks, I have to go after my friend.

DELPHI enters the room awkwardly, and HAGRID makes his way across the stage.

HAGRID (to HARRY): I know yer hurt, but the boy's grievin'. He's lost 'is mum. Don' make 'im lose 'is dad, too. (beat) Lemme talk some sense inter 'im.

HARRY: Thanks, Hagrid.

HAGRID exits. DELPHI approaches HARRY and hands him the flowers. HERMIONE and RON are watching her closely.

DELPHI: I should probably leave.

HARRY: No, stay. He was wrong to speak to you like that.

The volume of conversation goes down as lights come up at the far end of the stage, highlighting ALBUS and SCORPIUS beside a light post. HAGRID approaches and they smile at him.

HAGRID: I know it don' look it, but yer dad loves yeh very much. Jus' thought yeh should know tha'.

ALBUS: Okay. Um. Thank you.

HAGRID: Maybe he jus' can' handle lookin' at yeh. Yeh look a lot like yer mum, and yeh've got yer Grandma Lily's eyes.

ALBUS: It's because he feels guilty. She didn't have to die. He was right there and he failed her.

(beat, ALBUS chooses his words carefully)

I'll never forgive him, Hagrid. Never.

The light dims and life returns to the living room. A bizarre looking elderly woman, strangely dressed THE SEER slinks through the mourners with her gaze locked on HARRY. He notices her and his expression relaxes. DELPHI spots THE SEER and tries to get between them. The room goes silent.

THE SEER: Harry Potter.

She passes him a crinkled note, her hand trembling.

See as I See. Know as I Know.

HARRY takes the note and reads it as she disappears into the floo, light flashing. DELPHI looks over his shoulder to see the note.

DELPHI: Who was that?

HARRY (looking bewildered): Ginny had been getting regular readings from a seer. That must've been her.

DELPHI: What does the note say?

HARRY: It's incomplete. The ink is hardly visible.

He hands DELPHI the note.

DELPHI: "...and the one with the power will be born anew..." (beat) It almost sounds like...

HARRY: A prophecy.

DELPHI: Didn't Voldemort mention something about a prophecy during the battle?

HARRY: Yes, I remember every moment of that day, every word. He said "The prophecy is complete."

Before DELPHI can ask her next question, RON approaches. HARRY isn't sure what to expect.

RON (averting his gaze): Mum put a curse on me. If I try to leave and we don't talk... (beat) well, let's just say terrible things will happen.

DELPHI pockets the note and looks worried as HARRY leads RON into the kitchen. Lights reveal the damage made by HAGRID's Niffler. The crash and boom were made by the Weasley Family clock slamming to the ground. It is in pieces. HARRY and RON stare at it, defeated. HARRY sits on the kitchen floor. RON sits beside him, troubled.

HARRY: I thought you'd send an owl...

RON: Planned on it. I couldn't work out what to say. And now I don't know what to say...

HARRY: Say nothing. And be my good friend.

RON: Of course.

The two men quietly sort through the ruin of the clock. Then HARRY leans over to the dining room table for a newspaper. He hands it to RON.

HARRY: We made the front page again.

RON grimaces, HARRY rubs his jaw and they laugh. It's a much-welcomed moment. RON hands the paper back to HARRY.

RON: Thanks. I needed that.

HARRY: Me, too.

RON: I lost a sister, you lost a wife. There's no excuse for what I did — taking it out on you.

HARRY: No, you should've been there. Maybe Ginny wouldn't have...

RON: It was her manner, it was her — way. She spared the children. And if I came along, you'd probably be sitting at my funeral right now with Hermione. I honestly thought I'd be the first of us to...

RON stops himself. He takes a deep breath. Neither of them can believe GINNY is gone.

She'd be glad to see us talking.

HARRY: She would, yes. But what just happened out there between me and Albus, it would've crushed her. Why is he being such a —?

RON: I've tried to see him, talk to him, but every time I do he runs off. He's getting there, it just might take him a bit of time — and you a bit of time, too.

HARRY: You think he's okay?

RON: Are any of us?

RON hugs his friend. He exits. HARRY is left alone. Then HAGRID enters from outside through the back door. He wasn't expecting to see HARRY. They smile at one another. HARRY stands.

HAGRID: Sorry 'bout yer kitchen, Harry.

HARRY: Oh, it's not my kitchen. Ginny does most of the... the cooking...

The thought catches HARRY off-guard. He stares at the clock, suddenly frozen in disbelief.

Bad choice of words.

HAGRID: I was comin' back ter say goodbye, actually. Need ter pick up more flowers. Never had two funerals in one day.

HARRY: Two funerals?

HAGRID: Yeh ain' heard? Amos Diggory. He — er — he ended it. Don' know why someone would do summat like tha'. Horrible.

HARRY: I know why. Amos came to see me, he was... vulnerable, missing his son. I handled it wrong.

HAGRID: Cedric? It's bin twenty years.

HARRY: Arthur Weasley told him about the Time-Turner. Amos wanted me to go back and save Cedric. He didn't understand. His son is gone.

HAGRID: But yer's ain', Harry. Yeh've got time to fix things before they git worse.

HARRY: Bane says Albus is in danger. He said — said that there was this dark cloud around him. It's got to be Scorpius. How do I protect my son, Hagrid?

HAGRID: Yeh ask me, o' all people, how ter protect a boy in terrible danger? An' Bane...

HARRY (resolute): I trust Bane. Albus is to stay away from Scorpius. For his sake, and others. If you see them together, then get to them as quickly as possible, and keep them separate.

HAGRID: Harry, are yeh sure this is the right decision? 'Cause far be it from me ter doubt the wisdom o' the centaurs, but Bane is an extremely angry one and... it ain' beyond 'im ter twist the constellations fer his own ends, an' tha'.

HARRY both listens and doesn't. He removes his glasses and slowly rubs his face. He's sniffing often, holding back the tears.

HARRY: Hagrid. Talk to me about something else. Anything else.

HAGRID: Right. Well, I'm goin' inter pigeon racin'.

HARRY: Really?

HARRY grins.

I've never told anyone this, but I don't much like pigeons.

HAGRID: Wha'? Yeh don' like pigeons?

HARRY: Nasty, pecky, dirty things. They give me the creeps.

HAGRID: But pigeons er harmless! Misunderstood, they are. Jus' need a bit o' love, is all.

HARRY: I'll pass, thanks.

HAGRID: Tha's the thing, ain' it? 'Bout people, creatures... Yeh don' know wha' they need. Yeh only know they need it. Albus needs yeh, Harry. Tha's a wonderful thing.

HARRY nods tiredly. He gestures to the clock.

HARRY: Help me lift this, will you?

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