Act 3: Scene 2 (continued)

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HARRY drops his chin and turns to face them. He knows the REPORTERS won't stop until they get him on record. 

REPORTER 01: This business with the biography by Rita Skeeter — what's inspired it?

HARRY: You'd have to ask her.

REPORTER 02: The publisher says it's full of surprises and revelations. Care to comment?

HARRY (clearing his throat): I have no comment.

REPORTER 01: Any leads on the identity of The Augurey? Any Blitzfanger sightings?

HARRY doesn't reply. The REPORTER gets uncomfortably close.

The Tempest are gaining ground and — gravest of all — and this hasn't been the case since Voldemort — the public is losing confidence in the Minister's ability to defuse the situation.

HARRY: I haven't been in the office but...

REPORTER 02: Are you considering a coup?

HARRY: the meantime, investigations will begin in my department as to —

HARRY winces in sudden pain, his hand travels to his scar. A photographer snaps a picture and HARRY is instantly filled with regret. REPORTER 01 gasps and puts quill to parchment.

REPORTER 01: The scar!

REPORTER 02: Harry, is your scar hurting?

Again, HARRY doesn't reply.

Your scar —

HARRY (intolerantly): So what if it is?!

The REPORTERS feverishly record this moment, their quills waving back and forth as if they are still attached to the wing.

Don't... Don't print that.

HARRY wobbles back, almost drunkenly, until he slams into the wall of wanted posters. He turns his face away from the crowd, but he cannot escape the torment of the present. Beside him, the STATIONMASTER takes a break from cleaning the graffiti to talk with a CUSTODIAN about the upcoming book, unaware that HARRY is listening.

STATIONMASTER (reading the advert): "The Life and Lies of Harry Potter. Is everything as it seems?"

CUSTODIAN: Ooh, sounds juicy.

STATIONMASTER continues, his voice suddenly more macabre.

STATIONMASTER: "Will Potter's own legion of admirers be trembling at what is soon to emerge about their hero? Or will their strange adulation turn to worship? That is for the wizarding community to decide."

His voice changes again, now merry and inviting.

"Another instant bestseller quilled by Rita Skeeter, the only person alive who knows the real Harry Potter. COMING SOON!"

CUSTODIAN: Bit harsh, that.


CUSTODIAN: No. I like it. I think she's brilliant. In fact, I'm pretty sure Rita Skeeter put herself at risk even writing this book. I just... (beat) I think Potter's at the end of his rope.

STATIONMASTER: Precisely. That's when you know things are about to go off.

CUSTODIAN: You're terrible.

STATIONMASTER: I am, aren't I?

The train whistle blares again and students gradually enter the stage, greeting their parents enthusiastically, among them are ROSE WEASLEY, HUGO WEASLEY, SCORPIUS MALFOY, JAMES POTTER and LILY POTTER. HARRY turns from the wall and steps decisively toward the crowd of students. LILY sees her father and moves to embrace him. HARRY pushes past her and heads straight for SCORPIUS, leaving her stunned.

JAMES: Lily, get back.

LILY: What's he doing?

ROSE: Nothing good.

Seeing the disaster that's about to take place, DRACO, RON, and HERMIONE emerge from the crowd. RON blocks HARRY before he can reach SCORPIUS. DRACO stands beside his son. HARRY's wand is drawn. The suspense of this moment, on the steam-covered stage, cannot be overstated.

HARRY (to SCORPIUS, practically steaming himself): You're going to tell me what happened!

DRACO: He's already told you everything.

HARRY (to SCORPIUS): You're not too young for Azkaban, you know. I'll drag you there myself.

DRACO: There are no depths to which you won't sink, are there —?

HARRY: Tell me — now — Scorpius! Or face the profoundest consequences!

HARRY looks crazed. Flashbulbs are going off left and right. RON struggles to hold him back. This doesn't look good for HARRY.

PARENT 05 (hands cupping his mouth): Do it, Potter. And you'll go to Azkaban. Same as your son. Where you'll rot.

This seems to wake HARRY from his outrage. He stops fighting and shoves RON off his back.

RON: Harry, I think...

HARRY (with a snarl): I don't need you, Ron!

DRACO (keeping a cool head): Scorpius, go home.

HARRY aims his wand at SCORPIUS and observers gasp. DRACO lifts his arms in peace, a long and stylish black glove still covering his left hand.

HARRY: No! I'm taking him in, Draco!

DRACO: You can take me instead.

HARRY: Why would I do that?

DRACO: I'll tell you everything I know.

HARRY scowls as SCORPIUS exits. HARRY grabs hold of DRACO's gloved arm, DRACO pulls away and follows him willingly. Everyone left on the stage is whispering as they walk along the carriage of the train. The TROLLEY WITCH approaches, pushing her trolley of wizarding treats. HARRY steals a package and slips it into his robe, to DRACO's disbelief. HARRY and DRACO exit. Others start to disperse after them. RON gathers ROSE and HUGO. HERMIONE joins LILY and JAMES.

HERMIONE (to LILY and JAMES): Don't fret. He'll be all right.

JAMES: Are you sure about that, Aunt Hermione?

HERMIONE looks hesitantly at RON, who doesn't appear too hopeful.

Fade to black

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