Act 4: Scene 17

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The stage is full as patrons crowd a smoky and inviting pub, a healthy fire in the stone hearth. BARMAID is passing out drinks as quickly as MADAM ROSMERTA, the proprietor, is making them. There are so many lively conversations. So much laughter. Clinking drinks — big smiles. A ghost hovers past. A goblin shares a table with a witch and three elves. It's a harmonious portrait, reflected in the very magical music that underscores everything. And there, at the center of it all, we see many familiar faces.

RON, GEORGE, and ARTHUR are holding everyone's attention with a funny story. HERMIONE and GINNY are standing beside one another. MOLLY is sitting with LILY and HUGO, a hand on each of them, sharing a table with a few small children, along with ANGELINA and her daughter, ROXANNE. JAMES is listening with a few friends. ALBUS, SCORPIUS, and ROSE are in a shadowed booth, trying out a spell in secret that doesn't seem to be working. And, of course, PERCIVAL CLEARWATER is regaling ROBESPIERRE and ETHEL with a recount of his recent political achievements.

HARRY enters through the elevated door and stands at the top of a short staircase. He leans against the wall and looks at them. He watches. He smiles, not wanting to interrupt the scene. HARRY notices ALBUS. His expression says it all — my son is safe, he's safe.

Hoots and guffaws escape from their group. RON holds up his hands, GEORGE and ARTHUR can hardly breathe. MOLLY is covering her smiling mouth.

RON: To conclude...

GEORGE: Yes, to conclude — never leave your wellington boots unattended.

The door opens behind HARRY, a YOUNG MAN enters with his head down. He is hard to distinguish through the haze until he slaps HARRY on the back.

YOUNG MAN: Sorry I'm late, Dad.

HARRY turns. His chest caves, his face softens.

HARRY (breathy): Teddy...

HARRY hugs him strongly.

I missed you, Son.

TEDDY laughs as they separate. He gives HARRY a sideways glance.

TEDDY: I just saw you at the conference this morning. Does this have anything to do with the —?

HARRY: No, I...

HARRY takes TEDDY by the back of the neck and pulls him into another embrace. HARRY sniffs, then sighs and ushers TEDDY toward the stairs.

Go hug your mother.

TEDDY (half-laughing): Oh-kay. If you say so.

HARRY watches in relief as TEDDY approaches GINNY and gives her a long hug. She mutters something to TEDDY who shrugs. GINNY looks back inquisitively at HARRY who is smiling with a joy that only the audience can understand. He descends the stairs evenly and walks directly to JAMES. HARRY embarrasses JAMES in front of his friends by embracing him. JAMES shoves his dad away bashfully. HARRY finds LILY and kisses her on the top of her head, then approaches the corner where ROSE, ALBUS, and SCORPIUS are sitting. They quickly stow their wands and slip out of the booth.

ROSE: Hey, Uncle Harry.

ROSE slinks away as ALBUS and SCORPIUS try not to make eye contact with HARRY. The young trio don't realize that he doesn't care at all about what they might have been doing. HARRY gives ALBUS a hug — one that surpasses time itself. Then, rather unexpectedly, HARRY reaches out an arm and pulls SCORPIUS in.

SCORPIUS (with a stunted voice): Okay. Hello. Um. Have we hugged before? Do we hug?

ALBUS: Dad... stop...

HARRY: I love you, Al.

SCORPIUS: This seems like... more of a... family moment.

HARRY has an enormous smile.

HARRY: It is.

ALBUS: Weird.

HARRY: This is only going to be weird if you let it be weird.

GINNY comes up beside them and takes HARRY's arm.

GINNY: Harry. You're smothering them.

HARRY: Try and stop me.

He lets go, reluctantly, and leans into her.

GINNY: There isn't a need. (beat, to ALBUS) Go on, tell your father. He's going to learn eventually.

HARRY: Tell me what?

ALBUS (coolly): Nothing. Nothing, really. Just that — Scorpius decided to stop playing Quidditch for Slytherin.


GINNY clears her throat.

ALBUS: And... I did as well.


ALBUS: Now — before you say anything — hear me out...

HARRY (calmly): What's wrong with that?

ALBUS looks confused. HARRY touches his son's shoulder. GINNY is utterly shocked. HARRY grins.


GINNY: I'm just... surprised.

HARRY: The boy can make up his own mind.

He looks to ALBUS.

Can't you?

ALBUS (hesitating): This is all a test, isn't it?

HARRY: If you don't want to play Quidditch, you don't have to.

ALBUS: But you just bought me that racing broom.

HARRY: Sweep the floors with it, for all I care. Do whatever makes you happy, Son.

ALBUS: Really?


ALBUS: Then I shall.

SCORPIUS: You coordinated this with my father, didn't you?

He locks eyes with ALBUS.

Same wording. Right down to the... sweeping thing.

HARRY: I'm not surprised, Scorpius. Your father and I...

DRACO enters. He approaches them.

...we have a lot more in common than I realized.

DRACO (silkily): Ginny. Harry.

HARRY: Hi, Draco.

GINNY: Glad you could come.

DRACO (to HARRY): They told you? About Quidditch?

HARRY: Yeah, just then.

DRACO looks at SCORPIUS. He smiles. He talks quickly.

DRACO: Shame, when you think about it. The mystery endures.

HARRY: What's that?

DRACO: We'll never get to know which family is best at catching the Golden Snitch. Malfoy or Potter?

HARRY: Oh, I think you and I put that mystery to rest years ago.

DRACO: Did we?

HARRY: Asking for a rematch?

DRACO: Against you?

HARRY gestures to the castle, pointing a thumb over his shoulder.

HARRY: The pitch is free, I'm sure.


DRACO: Besting you would be the highlight of my afternoon.

SCORPIUS: My money's on Potter.

ALBUS: My dad? You're mental. He doesn't play dirty. Plus, they're adults now. It's Malfoy. All the way.

SCORPIUS: True. Very true. I was the better Seeker.

ALBUS grins and punches SCORPIUS on the arm. GINNY turns HARRY's face toward her.

GINNY: That was big of you. I know how much Quidditch matters. Al has so much talent.

HARRY: So what? It's his life to live.

HARRY glances back at his son.

And it will be a long life — full of many adventures that have nothing to do with us.

GINNY: You're a good father, Harry. Your dad would be proud.

GINNY walks away as PERCIVAL staggers forward, his ascot loose. ETHEL is beside him, carrying two empty glasses. He hands her a third before he tumbles into DRACO.

PERCIVAL: I say, Draco, old chap!

He burps, loudly, then winks at SCORPIUS.

We're enormously proud of our boy, aren't we? Highest marks — top of his year — Scorpius Malfoy. (beat) He's going to follow in his Uncle Percy's footsteps. I have a feel for these things, you know.

DRACO (to PERCIVAL, with a smile): He'd better not.

SCORPIUS: We're not actually related to them... are we, Dad?

DRACO: No — I don't think.

PERCIVAL (far too loudly): Madam Rosmerta! A round of drinks on the Minister of Magic. That's me.

He pats his chest and accidentally unruffles his ascot. PERCIVAL tears it off his neck with a laugh, as if he only just learned it was there, and hands it to ETHEL. HARRY enjoys this as laughter erupts behind them.

HARRY turns to see them all pointing at GEORGE, who has taken out PANJU — his dark-skinned wooden puppet dressed in a multicolored, harlequin robe. Only now, its bald head is exposed. One of the smaller children amongst them tore off the bright blue turban. PANJU's silvery eyebrows go up and his head spins round. There is another face on the back of his head!

RON: Wait, who's that?

GEORGE (with mock irritation): Panju's twin brother, Finkerton. Couldn't afford the second puppet when we started out, so... popped him on the back.

PANJU, or rather FINKERTON, looks appalled at this revelation. Then the puppet notices the kids and lights up. When he begins to speak, we see the recollection on HARRY's face — FINKERTON was the voice of the CARNIVAL BARKER from when the Golden Trio stole the love potion from the joke shop.

FINKERTON: Step right up. Don't be shy. Just an ordinary guy, am I. That's right, witches and lizards. Nothing to fear. I swore off eating children around the age of twelve.

ARTHUR: Hang on there, puppet. Does that mean —?

GEORGE: If you're under twelve, you might want to keep your distance.

ROXANNE takes hold of FINKERTON. ANGELINA watches with a smile as her daughter puts the turban back on the puppet and starts her own show for the kids. ROXANNE is such a duplicate of her father. Everyone enjoys this.

PANJU: Wizzo!

HARRY tries not to interrupt as he sidles up to HERMIONE. He puts his arm around her and they hug. She smiles warmly at him.

HERMIONE: What's that for?

HARRY (after a beat): No reason.

RON approaches cheerfully. HARRY grabs RON by the collar and the three of them embrace, arm-in-arm. Beside them, a spider is seen gliding down from the rafters. HERMIONE notices first. Then HARRY. RON is still smiling at PANJU.

HERMIONE (cautiously): Ron.

The spider lands on RON's shoulder. It's not small.

RON: Like old times, innit?

HARRY and HERMIONE eye him nervously. They let go and lean back.

HARRY: Ron, don't look now, but...

RON sees the spider. He shivers and releases a small scream. RON slaps it off his shoulder, falls back in the process, and knocks into the BARMAID. Her drinks go flying. She glares at him sharply. HERMIONE and GINNY rush over to help. RON looks around, arms extended in defense.

RON: Spider. I can't be the only one afraid of spiders.

HERMIONE: It's all right, Ronald. I still love you.

She stands, kisses him on the cheek, and helps the BARMAID return the goblets and tankards to the bar. GINNY cleans the mess with a charm.

RON (to HARRY): I know. You don't have to say it. I'm an absolute coward, aren't I?

HARRY: On the contrary. (beat) You're the bravest man I know.

HARRY smiles at his friend. And we know why.

RON (dubiously): Hmm. You need to get out more, mate.

HARRY: Probably.

PERCIVAL returns with ETHEL, HERMIONE, and the BARMAID. They are passing out foamy tankards to everyone. ROSE, ALBUS, and SCORPIUS snare a drink each and sneak back to their booth, still attempting to perform magic in secret.

HARRY takes his drink with pleasure. He looks around at everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. A few side conversations. A little silliness. A lot of life. There is no place in the entire wizarding world HARRY would rather be.

PERCIVAL stands on a short stool so all can see him. He catches his balance, accidentally pulling off PANJU's turban. He shrugs, puts it on his own head, and raises his glass.

PERCIVAL: A toast!

GINNY: No. No, I'm tired of your long-winded toasts. Harry, it's your turn.

GINNY links her arm around HARRY's waist. She whispers into his ear.

Nice and sweet... so we can get to drinking.

HARRY looks around. He swivels in place, smiling sweetly. He stops at DRACO and raises his glass.

HARRY (very emotional): To family.

DRACO tries not to smile and fails. He raises his glass back and they all drink. It is — the perfect moment — as HARRY POTTER, the orphan boy from the cupboard under the stairs, finally gets his wish.

GEORGE: If only my brother Fred were here.

Everyone nods quietly. RON and ARTHUR take a long drink.

Tragic really. He died doing what he loved most — cliff diving. (beat, GEORGE wipes his eyes dramatically) Didn't realize until it was too late that it was a volcano.

ANGELINA: You sure about that, dear?

RON: I thought he choked to death on an unripe fig.

GEORGE finishes his sip and licks the foam from his lips.

GEORGE: Mmm... common misconception. It was a plum.

ROXANNE: No, Dad. He was eaten alive by mollusks.

GEORGE: That was a different Uncle Fred.

ROXANNE: I have more than one Uncle Fred?

GEORGE: Maybe.

HERMIONE: Wasn't it a stampede of elephants?

GEORGE: No, he survived that. Slow recovery, but...

LILY: You told us it was old age.

GEORGE: Sounds like something I would say.

MOLLY: No, I'll not hear another word.

The smiles fade. They look to MOLLY, realizing they may have taken the joke too far. She raises her chin.

My son was slain... by a king in his court... over a breach of etiquette.

GEORGE smiles at his mum. So does ANGELINA. It's clear to everyone, especially to GINNY and RON and ARTHUR, that MOLLY is playing along for the first time. A real tear comes to GEORGE's eye. He sniffs, grinning brightly.

GEORGE: That's the one.

Behind them, a whitish glow escapes ALBUS POTTER's wand, lighting up the shadowed booth.

SCORPIUS: Merlin's beard, you nearly did it!

ALBUS: I know...

ROSE: Try it again!

The group turns to face them.

Al almost had a Patronus going, Mum.

HERMIONE: I'm not surprised. His father could do it before any of us.

ALBUS looks around the edge of the booth at HARRY.

ALBUS: Really?

HERMIONE: Oh, sure.

RON: He can cast a brilliant Patronus. Show them, Harry.

HARRY: I... I don't think I can.

He reaches into his pockets in vain.

And my wand...

ETHEL: I brought it along, Mister Potter.

ETHEL takes a linen wrapped wand out from her very large purse. She hands it to HARRY.

Had it waxed.

HARRY accepts the magic wand. He pulls back the linen and stares at it in absolute disbelief. His wand is back! It was never destroyed! And HARRY couldn't be happier.

HARRY (distantly): Thanks.

ETHEL: Happy to oblige, sir.

HARRY glances up to see that everyone is looking at him.

HARRY: Sorry. I've forgotten what we were talking about.

GINNY: Your Patronus.

HARRY: Right. So...

He holds out his wand and then looks through the bar for someone specific. His gaze lands on TEDDY.

Your father taught me this one.

TEDDY smiles keenly as HARRY looks to ALBUS.

It starts in your mind. And then your heart. Try to recall the happiest moment of your life.

ALBUS: The happiest moment?

ALBUS looks at ROSE and then at SCORPIUS.

I have a lot of those.

HARRY: Pick a good one.

ALBUS: What do you imagine, Dad?

HARRY looks around at them and flashes a youthful smile. He turns to face the auditorium. HARRY focuses on the end of his wand.

HARRY (quietly): Expecto Patronum.

A brilliant light takes over the stage.

Fade to black

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