In The Pages Ahead

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As a final word, let's go back to JKR's December 2013 press release, when this play was first mentioned and before Jack Thorne was ever involved. 

"Over the years, I have received countless approaches about turning Harry Potter into a theatrical production, but Sonia and Colin's vision was the only one that really made sense to me, and which had the sensitivity, intensity, and intimacy I thought appropriate for bringing Harry's story to the stage."




Appropriate for the stage.

 We learned in NOT MY CANON! that the original concept of which Rowling gave her approval was a story about Harry. That's what I will be writing, making sure that I consider, at all times, those things I mentioned above. 

What's NOT MY CANON! you ask? 

Well, if you want to properly understand the motivations behind the decisions I have made in this modified script, I would suggest that you look for it in my list of works on Wattpad. NOT MY CANON! is both a critique of the play, my thoughts on JKR, and how our fandom as a whole was mishandled in a way that brought about some of the more egregious flaws in this story. I suggest reading it first because I go into detail with much research as to why these changes are necessary and will, therefore, support the risky decisions I've made in the pages ahead.

I think most readers, most fans of the books, will like what I've written. Some things may be challenging to accept until the story is complete and you get the full picture, but stick with me. I definitely have an opinion on all this stuff, I wouldn't have written this otherwise. But I'm hoping more of that will come out in the comments and we can have a dialogue about those things, rather than me dictating the way in which you should interpret this story, or how the content of the script should or should not have been altered.

And, as you probably know, I have a huge dedication to OS-Canon (original source material) so I'm going to strive to make this fan edit as true to the books as possible.

I have two more posts on Parody and Graphic design. After that, I'm taking a break to reread DEATHLY HALLOWS. I want to make sure that this script is not only referential, but that the direction in which I'm taking the 8th story aligns perfectly to that of the 7th. Once that's done, I'll come back and kick off Act One Scene One.

Thanks for sticking with me, WattPotters.

It's time to rebuild some of the burned bridges in this fandom!

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