"...Mud blood"

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3rd P.O.V

Scorpius looks at her confused not knowing what she was doing, and Rose didn't know what she was doing either "Rosie? What are you doing?" he asked unsure what to do, Rose took a breath and kisses him softly, Scorpius was shocked at first but then he holds her at the waist. After a few moments, they pull away.

Rose P.O.V

What did I just do? Did I really just do that? I had my eyes closed. I felt a hand go to my cheek "Look at me Rosie" he whispered, I opened my eyes and looked in his grey eyes and I just melted at looking at him, next thing I knew he kissed me again and I just melted in his arms and wrap mine around his neck. After a while we parted again, and he smiled which made me blush "Go out with me" he whispered softly I blushed more and slowly nod "Okay" I had whispered to him which shocked him "Really?" I didn't answer him, I had just kissed him which he knew what I meant, we were like this for a while until we heard someone talk "My eyes! Can you not suck my cousins face off!" once I heard that I just knew it was Albus watching us. I hide my face in Scorpius's chest, I think Albus knew that I was embarrassed and didn't say anything else and just went to the table and packed his bag. He kissed my head "We should go before he thinks we were doing something else", I nod and go to Albus and I began to pack and not looking up at him.

The three of us were walking back to the others, we heard a voice, once we had gotten closer to the voice, I knew who it was. It was Mr Malfoy and my mum, "I can't believe my future son is with a mud bloods daughter" he snarled "My daughter is a half-blood, so will you stop with this Malfoy. She is not a muggle-born so you should be thankful for at least that" she snapped; I felt my eyes tear up "My family is pure blood. I want no muggle or half-blood in MY family. Your stupid little mud blood" I began to cry harder and I ran past my young mother and Mr Malfoy crying.

Scorpius P.O.V

I felt bad for her. My dad loves her already and seeing him in the past must hurt hearing how he talked about her. Albus looked at me "I'll go after her. You go back to the others" he nods, and I run after Rose. Once I had found her, her eyes where red, she was shaking. I broke my heart for her. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her "I'm so sorry Rosie" I whispered. She hides her face in my chest and I just sat there holding her till she fell asleep.

I picked her up bridal style and brought her to the others. Once I got back to the others with a sleeping Rose. Hugo, Lilly, Fred and Roxanne were all asleep, James was sitting on an armchair looking into space, Albus was lying across the big chair, James noticed him and raised his eyebrow "Why have you got her in your arms Malfoy?" he snarls "She was crying and fell asleep so I brought her back here potter" I snapped. I go to the free armchair and held her close, I soon fell asleep with Rose in my arms.

James P.O.V

I couldn't help but smile at them, I knew they both liked each other but I still didn't like him. I know that I am hard on him, but I couldn't help it, Rose is like a sister to me, if he hurt her, I would make his life a living hell, but they are perfect for each other. I know that if they did get together uncle Ron and grandpa Arthur would hate her for it, more uncle Ron than grandpa, but Ron would never get over it especially with there history with Mr Malfoy.

What do you guys think? It's been a while since I have written anything, so sorry if it was bad.

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