James X Lily

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Me: Duh! Of course I ship it!

Harry: Yes!

Lily: Mhmm

James: Yes yes yes yes yes yeeeeessssssss!!!!!

Tom: eh

Snape: excuse me *walks out of room. A scream is heard. He walks back into the room*

Hermione: yes

Ron: yes

Fred and George: yeah

Blaise: sure

Pansy: no comment

Draco: no

Lucius: no

Remus: yep

Sirius: Yep!

Luna: 10/10

Ginny: Yes!!!!

Random unicorn: *walks into the room*

Me: *points at the unicorn* please tell me that's the Starbucks unicorn that I asked for Christmas.

Draco: no

Me and Tom: *glares at Draco*

Me: my dreams just went goodbye....

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