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Me: nope

Lucius: no

Tom: no way

Hermione: *raises hand* I see it

Ron: no

Ginny: maybe

Draco: NO!

Harry: well to be honest no

Pansy: yes

Luna and Lily: kind of

Snape: no

Sirius: no

James: *wearing Mickey mouse ears* eh

Remus: what with the ears?

James: *shrug*

Blaise: no nope no way

Fred and George: no

Apple: *also wearing Mickey mouse ears* meh

Me: anyway we got a problem.

Draco: don't care you filthy little mudblood.

Tom: *walks up to draco* What did you just say to my girlfriend?

Everyone besides Tom: GIRLFRIEND!?

Me: wait what?

Tom: uh nothing.

Me: um well the problem is Harry is still a neko and Sebastian won't stop petting him.

Ginny and Snape: *trying to pull Sebastian away from Harry*

Draco: *looks at me and Tom* so you guys are dating?

Tom: *nods*

Me: *shakes head no*

Draco: okay *drinks vodka*

Me: *takes vodka away from him" no bad pureblood asshole

Tom: *thinking that's why I like her*

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