Scorpius x Rose

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Me: Uh yeah I guess

Harry, Hermione. And Ron: Who's Rose?

Me: Hermione's and Ron's daughter.

Hermione: really?

Ron: *smiling widely* really?

Me: *nods* and as you already know Scorpio is Draco's son.

Draco: I don't ship it

Hermione: don't ship it

Ron: yes

Hermione: Ron

Ron: No! I meant no

Lucius: no

Sirius and Remus: maybe

Fred and George: sure, why not?

Lily: no

James: no

Ginny: No

Pansy: NO!!!!!!

Luna: no

Blaise: sure

Tom: yes

Apple: wawawawawawawawawawawawawawaaaaahhhh!?

A/N I just noticed I have no life

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