Snape X Sirius

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Me: O__o

Harry: Uh

Lily: So confused right now.


Harry: Really Ron?

Ron: Nope!

Snape: No absolutely not.

Lily: I agree with Severus on this.

Luna: The ship can sail in my book.

Pansy: mine too

Blaise: no

Tom: *cringes*

Ginny: I say let it die? *Sings* let it die let it die. Let it shrivel up and die!

Hermione: I actually do see this.

Fred and George: I gree with Hermione

Harry: Oh what's next are you going to ship Snape with my father?

Hermione, Fred, George, and Tom: *evil grins*

Ron: This was requested by Senorita1996

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