After Fred's Death...

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Warning read this at your own cost. It will destroy your feels so sorry in advance...

After Fred's death... Ginny cried every night clutching an old beater's bat wrapped up in Fred's old Quidditch Jersey.
After Fred's death... Molly Weasley could never hear a joke without breaking down and crying.
After Fred death... Percy would sob quietly every night about how it was his fault.
After Fred's death... Charlie would go to the bar drinking. After each drink the pain numbed more and more.
After Fred death... Bill would beg George to come out his room.
After Fred's death... Arthur lost his job and lost his love for muggle things.
After Fred's death... Harry would go to bed constantly blaming himself.
After Fred's death... Ron would try desperately to make the Burrow happy.
After Fred's death... Hermione would consume herself in her work to stay away from the sadness.
After Fred's death... George locked himself in his room half the time changed his hair pink and never told a single joke without crying.
After Fred's death... Draco felt awful and also turned to drinking.
After Fred's death... Prof. McGonagall would sadly look back on the pranks the infamous Weasley twins played.
After Fred's death... The Weasley family was broken

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