♡ Hanging By A Moment ♡

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Rating: All audiences.

Word Count: 1,265.

Summary: For a moment, James could swear the world stood still. Lily turned to face James and as their lips touched – James could swear they were infinite.

Warnings: None. Unless of course your parents don't allow you to read 'Arrogant', 'Bulling' or 'Toerag' because that's all you'll find in here. Just like HP.

Author's Note:

I recommend listening to "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse in the background of this one-shot.

I love this song to no end and I decided to make a one-shot out of it. I hope you enjoy, please leave a comment if you'd like.

Hanging By A Moment

"You'll never change, Potter! You're just an arrogant, bulling, toerag!"

James Potter wanted so badly to tell her he tried. He tried to change. He had tried to change for her. He wanted to be better but somehow, he had failed her.

He had seen Snape and hexed him. He hadn't meant to, he had tried to stay focused but he'd had a fight with Lily and now, they were fighting again.

Like they always did.

The truth was, there was less times when they weren't fighting. They were always at each other's throats and it was becoming rather pathetic.

James was desperate to change, for Lily, because he loved her.

"I tried, at least," he muttered to her.

Lily Evans' green eyes sparked with anger, "You tried? Liar! You didn't even try!" She shouted at him.

"You say this and you say that – what is the truth anymore," she asked him, turning around, and running in the other direction.

James ran after her, as she tried to get away from him. He needed to tell her. He needed her to know. That he was desperate to change, because he needed her in his life.

This was their last year, and if he didn't tell her now, he'd never see her again. He couldn't let that happen. She was his whole world, even if she didn't know it.

They had just graduated, and James needed to tell her those three special words that were on his mind.

James managed to stop her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

He took a deep breath, "Lily wait," he said.

She turned towards him. Her green eyes were hard and unforgiving. James stared into her eyes, for a moment and his hazel eyes locked with hers.

James took a deep breath in. He had to let everything go, if he wanted to change. He needed to let go of his grudge on Snape.

He needed to let go of everything he had been trying to hold onto – if he let them go, he could finally change, and be the man Lily wanted and deserved.

He stood still, only a few inches from Lily, but not so close where she had to push him away. This was their moment, and James was afraid if he moved or spoke, it would shatter.

This was their moment and he wouldn't let it go. He was hanging onto it for dear life, because if they stopped staring into each other's eyes, if they blinked, if they moved or spoke, it would somehow ruin it.

James knew he didn't compare to anyone else. He lacked many things. He didn't have what Lily wanted, needed, or deserved – but he had to forget that.

He'd just be himself because maybe that was one of the things Lily wanted, and that was for him to be who he was.

He knew if they walked away now, he'd be forever incomplete. They'd just graduate, go their separate ways and James would never be able to fill that hole in his heart if he didn't tell her now.

"James," she whispered and his eyes darted down to her lips.

"Wanna celebrate graduation together at my house," she asked, in a whisper, again, as if afraid she'd shatter their moment too.

It was like all previous anger had dissipated. Like together they were locked in this unknown moment.

James nodded gently, with a small, soft smile.

James stared into her eyes once more, letting her know everything he wanted her to know. His eyes spoke straight from the heart and he knew she'd finally understand.

James opened his mouth to speak but Lily placed her forefinger softly upon his lips, making a notion not to speak.

All that could be heard were their breaths, mingled together.

James was falling even more in love with her beauty now more than previous years. She amazes him every day, and he hoped, one day, he'd be able to say she was his.

There was none like Lily Evans, James was sure of it.

She was one of a kind, and he was lucky to have known her at all.

A smile makes its way upon Lily's lips, her eyes alight with mischief as she suddenly steps back. James' eyes widen a fraction, at her sudden movement. Lily smiled widely, laughing, before taking off.

A grin spread across James' lips too. He ran after her. This time, not because she was angry and hurt, but because they were running together.

He wasn't sure where they were heading, but he was running towards her and that's all that matters.

He wanted her to know that he lived because she does. She was the only thing that made sense right now, which had always made sense to him.

James didn't care where their life would head, as long as their lives were joint. As long as they went through everything, from this moment on, together. James would have her back and she'd have his.

He was hanging onto their moment together, because he knew, one day, he'd look back upon it with a smile.

James had nothing else to lose, as he ran towards her, his arms spread out. He had nothing else to find, because she was his missing puzzle piece.

His life was leading up to this moment.

He found her; he found the on he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with.

There's nothing in the world that could make him change his mind about her. No one else is quite like her. There was nothing that could get him to change his mind.

James grinned, knowing this would be a changing point in both of their lives. He'd show her the truth, Merlin knew how much she wanted to know it. He needed to tell her.

Maybe he was just right where he started, chasing after her, trying to get her to see if she'd love him back.

Maybe he hasn't even moved forward yet.

Lily began to lose her footing and she fell back, into the waiting arms of James.

The redhead squealed and laughed louder than she had ever done before. James' smile couldn't be wiped of his face, no matter how hard he tried.

He could feel in this moment, he was letting go of all the lies, the mistakes he's accidentally made or said.

He would wait a lifetime for her.

James let go of all of those negative things they had ever said to one another. Deciding today would be the day their lives would change forever.

They wouldn't look back at the past and hold onto grudges, they'd just look forward to the future and what it could bring them.

James would live, from now on, for Lily.

Everything would be for Lily.

Nothing else would matter, nothing at all.

James would go to the end of the earth for her and bring her back whatever she wanted. She need only ask and he would provide. James would live life just for her.

If it ever came to it, he'd die for her.

A vow he made, as the wind blew through their hair, and their smiles only grew.

James didn't know what the future held, no one did but he was willing to find out. He was ready for whatever the world would throw at them.

Together, they were stronger, both of them knew that. This moment etched itself into James' mind for him to visit it whenever he chose to.

For a moment, James could swear the world stood still.

As Lily turned to face James, slowly, and as their lips touched – James could swear they were infinite.

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