Hugo Weasley x O/c Love Story Yule Ball

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At the moment you were in your 3rd year and the Triwizard Tournament is happening this year and in about 1 month the Yule Ball is being hosted. The Yule Ball is a dance for 3rd year and above. At the moment me and one of my best friends Lily Potter are talking.
''Who you want to ask you to the Yule Ball Lily?''
''I don't know maybe Lorcan. How about you?'' I secretly want to go with Hugo because I've had a massive crush on him since 1st year. However somehow no one has noticed! ''I don't know. Maybe Hugo as friends of course.''
''You know (Y/n), Hugo has a massive crush on you!'' My heart leapt on the inside but I didn't let it show. ''Really I would have never guessed!''
''Yeah over the holidays I eve dropped on Hugo and Albus' conversation. Hugo admitted to Al he has a massive crush on you. Just don't break his heart.''
''Don't worry Lils he's my bestie I would never do that to him.''
''Good.'' A few days later Hugo asked me to the Yule Ball and I said yes.
~Skip to the Yule Ball~
''You look great!''
''Thanks Hugo. You don't look half bad yourself.'' Me and Hugo danced for a while. ''Hey it's getting a bit hot in here don't you think, (Y/n)?"
''Yeah we should go outside for a bit.'' Little did we know that James, Lil, Rose, my sister Abby and Fred followed us under the invisiblity cloak. ''So...''
''How's life as Hugo Weasley?''
''Great, good er amazing. I'm running out of adjectives.'' We both laughed and I could swear I hear Lily, Abby and Rose laughing. ''What was that?'' Me and Hugo asked at the same time. We both blushed the colour of Hugo's hair. Now that's saying something since Hugo's hair is pretty red. ''Lily told me you love me.'' I blurted out. ''I'm so, so, so sorry I didn't mean to say that.''
''It's true but I'll just go...'' Said Hugo sadly walking away. ''Wait!'' I exclaimed making Hugo turn around to face me and walk closer. ''I er feel the same way.''
''You do?''
''Yes. I'm surprised no one noticed!'' The next thing I know we are both leaning in until we are kissing in the moonlight. Abby takes off the invisibility cloak and James and Fred start wolf whistling. Making us turn bright red. As red as Hugo's hair.

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