Happy Christmas, Luna

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I walked into the Great Hall and spotted Luna sitting criss cross on the long wooden bench. The Quibbler clutched in her hands covered most of her face, but what I could see of her expression was clam, and deep in thought.
I walked over and sat next to her. She held her index finger up as she read on. Propping my head on my hand I waited. "Hello Ginny." She smiled as she put down her magazine. "Hey Luna" I said. "Anything good in there?" "Oh yes," she answered, placing one hand on the Quibbler. "It's very interesting-all about this beaded scarf that causes bubbles to float out of your mouth when you speak." She nodded lightly.
I snorted with laughter. "Well where can I get a scarf like that? I'll wrap it around Fred, see what he thinks" I said. "Oh, I don't know. I didn't quite finish. But I too am looking for a scarf." She smiled, and nodded again-her usual tranquil disposition.
"What happened to yours?" "I seem to have misplaced it, or why, maybe it misplaced itself-yes that's it." She assured herself. "You mean you don't know where you put it?" I asked. "Well I put it on my chair like always, and today-it was gone." A trickle of annoyance ran through me, and grew into anger. I guessed that it wasn't the scarf that misplaced itself-someone else was tampering with her stuff, again.
"Well it's alright though-Christmas is the day after tomorrow," She looked at the enormous Christmas tree in the room, shining brightly and beautifully where it stood. "I'm sure I can write to Father asking him to knit me a new one as a gift."
"Hey-Luna, I'll be right back okay?" She nodded and picked up her Quibbler again. I had to find this silly scarf-why should her father make her a new one when the one she had was perfectly fine-just stolen by some jerk. I started by looking through the corridors, or atleast those closest to me. After all, there were like a billion corridors at Hogwarts. But to no avail. I checked the Gryffindor common room, suspecting some twit girl thought it would be funny to take Luna's things- but no, not there.
Something caught my eye however, something outside the window. I peeked my head and squinted- it was difficult to make out with the falling snow. But then I recognized the scarf.
I marched down stairs, creating currents of anger, rippling with each step. The chill of winter hit me like a sheet of ice as I stepped out into the courtyard, but I brushed off the sensation, considering my wrath was setting me aflame. Three boys were laughing hysterically around the scene of the crime. "Move!" I shouted, pushing them hard on their bottoms with a viscous wave of my wand. In front of me stood a snow man wearing Luna's pink and blue scarf. It's face was enchanted to make all sorts of silly expressions, and above it was snow, floating to spell the words 'Looney Lovegood'.
I ripped the scarf off the thing and turned, wand raised forebodingly out toward the boys. "YOU THINK YOU ARE SO FUNNY!" I shouted, drawing the attention of those around me, turning heads left and right. I snickered at the sheer terror in the boys eyes, still flat on the ground from when I pushed them. "Never insult my friend like this again!" "Ginny, you're friends with Looney? What the heck- you're on the Quidditch team and popul-" he was cut off when I sank low into my knees, and inch from his face. I grabbed his collar in my fist and put my wand to his neck.
I thought rapidly, fury swirling in my mind, cluttering my thoughts, dying them red. What could I do to him that wouldn't land me in too much trouble? I then remembered Ron puking up slugs all those years ago. I grinned evilly and shouted "Eat slugs!". He curled over and a slimy specimen was thrown onto the fresh snow below him. "You mess with her again, you'll be wishing you were just puking up slugs." I threatened.
Before I turned to walk away, I pushed the snow man down, silvery flakes puffing through the air, covering my pants. I made for the castle, pride washing over me for nailing that slug-puking spell.
I was about to turn into the great Hall to hand Luna back her scarf-but I didn't want to mention the snowman debacle to her, it was bad enough they did it-I didn't want her feeling bad about it.
I then remembered her once saying "Things have a way of coming back to me in the end". So, to perpetuate her philosophy, I got to work.


Later that night I went back into the Great Hall, after a brief Quidditch practice. She was still in her same position, this time however, her nose was in a silver book with a purple dragon on the cover, exhaling blue flames. "Sorry about leaving before, I had a Quidditch practice." I said. "Oh it's no problem." She smiled, though her face was still in her book. I then noticed the pink and blue scarf wrapped around her neck.
I smiled a bit. "So you found your scarf I see." "Hmm, oh! Yes! It was the most peculiar thing, I was just headed back to my dormitory, to get this book," she lifted the book in her hand slightly. "and there it was- wrapped around the the neck of the Hog statue right before the second turn I made!" She looked off as if recalling fond memories. "Oh! Well that's wonderful." I said, happy she wound up finding where I put it. "Well, as I always say, things have a way of coming back to us in the end." She said, a merry glow in her clear, wide eyes. After a breath she said, "Well, I'd better be off now. Good night Ginny." She got up with the sparkling book in hand. "Good night Luna, Happy Christmas."

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