George post-war

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Please note: This contains swearing. If you are not comfortable with it, please do not read it.

"C'mon George, let's go."

"No. Don't want to."

"George, we need to go now."

"Why? What's so good about going - in fact, what's the point of going? My twin has just fucking well - he's well..."

"I know. I understand."

"Understand?" The word came out humorously, yet the humour was dry. "He wasn't just my twin. He wasn't just my brother! He was my best mate! Whenever anything has happened, he's been there, and we've gone through it together. A bond grows. And now it's just been broken, and you're telling me that you fucking well "understand"?!" I looked up, tears in my eyes.

"No. I'm not saying I understand the bond, or any of that. But I understand the pain, because he was my brother too y'know. And growing up. I've looked up to you two kids than the others, because you've always made anything possible so long as you have enough nerve to do it. So I'm saying that it may not be half, a quarter, a millionth if what you're feeling, but he was my brother too." Ginny told me fiercely.

She looked so much like him at that angle. If her hair was cut to our style and length, and her nose a tad longer... all she'd need would be her eyes to be a couple of shades lighter, and I'd be looking at my reflection with the extra ear.

"I never said you can't feel it either Gin. Just that we were like... like salt and pepper. No, closer. We were like candy floss powder, and a candy floss machine - without the other, neither have a function. And I've always relied on him. He's always relied on me. Who's gonna be my relier now? Because you and Harry... Well, you've always liked him... Your diaries-" I let out a small, dry chuckle at the memory of finding her diaries filed with "Mrs Ginny Potter" and the likes. "-and I may not like it, but he's looked at you how he does for a while now. Unlike your previous boyfriends, he doesn't look a t you like you're a slab of meat." I wrinkled up my nose in disgust.

"Anyway. I just mean that you two will more than likely end up together, and when he grows the balls, Ron and Hermione will. Bill's with Fleur already. Charlie doesn't want to settle down yet. And Percy will more than likely find some other nerd. Which just leaves me. So you see Gin? You guys all have someone. I don't anymore."

Her hand lay on my shoulder.
"Don't think like that George. Fred would've wanted you to live life for both of you."

"And you know that how? I can never speak to him again, because of - aargh!" I let out a cry of frustration, and pulled at my hair. "That goddam fucking bastard has screwed everything up y'know. If he was never born, everything would be okay, and I wouldn't be here, crying to my younger sister, who clearly wants to talk to her boyfriend, but doesn't know how to say that she wants to leave. But do you know what? I am done with this good-for-fucking-well-nothing life."

"George, don't-"

"I'm not going to kill myself. I am simply declaring my hatred for life. Because what is the fucking point? You get up each day, drag yourself out of bed, and for what? To have everything torn away because some messed up psycho bastard is a maniac who killed people for the fun of it. Because after everything, it was to prove that he has power. But he doesn't because he's dead too now, so I can't even avenge Fred."

"George, it will all sort itself out. Honestly."

"Honestly?" I snorted. "Ginny, look, I know you're trying to comfort me, but just - I never thought I'd say this - but please just go and snog your boyfriend. It's not that I don't like you, or you're bad at comforting. I just need some time alone."

"I don't think that's the best-"

"Ginny. Don't argue with me right now. I am so fucking tired, and I really need to let my anger, sorrow, frustration, and despair out. So for your own wellbeing, go away. And before you say anything - no. I'm not about to go and kill myself. Because to be quite fucking honest, I'm too much of a coward. I'm going for a walk, and to my special place to think. Don't follow me, it won't work."

With that, I stood up, as she did simultaneously.

"Okay. I'll go. But remember that it hurt us too." With that, she left.

I sighed, and walked off. As creepy as it sounds, I stroked the cold, stone walls. They were rough, and I never realised how much of a home this place truly was. But there comes a time when even home becomes unbearable. And as I wandered round, I entered rooms. There was a group of distressed first or second years in one of the transfiguration classrooms, so I unbound them, and let them go, making sure to get them to the Great Hall. Each one raced to their families, besides one or two, who - although searching desperately - could not see a parent or carer sitting at any of he four tables. I felt a rush of sympathy, yet there was nothing that I could do.

So I continued. I retraced steps from one lesson to another, explored the secret passageways in grater depth, and came across a deserted room. Many of them had been empty - practically all of them - but this one was different, it felt more cold than usual.

Standing in the middle was a mirror. I didn't take any notice of what it looked liked, but looked at it, my reflection gazing back at me happily. It must have been an enchanted one to make you always look happier, to remind yourself you could be like that, or some shit like that.

All it did was remind me of Fred, which made me anything but happy. So I left. And I wandered on, deliberating everything, and fantasising how to kill You-Know-Who had I had enough courage, and he still be alive.

I reached a dead end, as it lead to a classroom. Inside, I found a large set of drawers. Something was rattling inside, so I opened it. Inside, resided a boggart. I hadn't realised however, until it was too late. Because it got up, and lay on the floor. Fred was there, as he had been. He was cold, and pale. Blood seeped from a large gash in the top of his head as his last laugh grinned at me.

"No Fred! Why did you have to- it should have been me instead! Why?" I sobbed.

Slowly, it turned wicked and malicious. He stood up in a muggle zombie-like manner, and he started jeering at me, taunting me, circling me.

"You're right." My head shot up, and his usual soft, cheerful eyes were filled with hatred.

"What?" My voice cracked.

"You heard me. You're right. It shouldn't have been me. It should have been you. I was a couple of steps away from safety. But I wouldn't have even been trying to lighten the mood and not concentrating, if you had been there. That wall would never had exploded, and I would still be alive. It's all you George. All your fault."

"I'm sorry Fred! I swear it! I'd make an unbreakable vow! I am so, so sorry!

"You deserve to die Georgie." The childhood nickname struck me, and as he used it in telling me to die, it seemed to strike me with a knife. It felt as though someone had reached in, and were twisting, and turning, and stabbing my guts repeatedly. "And do you know what?"

I looked up into the pool of brown which reflected my own eyes perfectly.
"What?" I choked out.

"I'm disappointed in you. And-" he sighed in the way he always he whenever he wasn't sure how to word something. "And- I... I don't forgive you. I can't, not for something like this." I didn't need to ask what he meant by forgiveness, as the memory washed over me as though it were waves on the beach.

*Magical Flashback*

"Ouch!" We cried at the same time, as we struck one another on the finger tip with a sewing needle. We placed the bits of bleeding skin together, and began to recite a list of rules we must both always abide:

"I solemnly swear on all that is naughty and on my broomstick that I will obey these rules forever and ever." The two of us chimed, our seven-year-old voices squeaky as we read the poorly-written list. "Number one, I will always prank and create mischief. Number two, I will never be mean to a donkey. Number four, we will not fall out, and if we do, we will make up again after cool-down time. Number three, we will not not speak to each other for more than a day. Number five, if something really bad happens to you, I will do my best to have the same fat-e, so that we will both be as poorly as the other. Number six, at Hogwarts, we will stick together, no matter what. Number seven, we will be bestest of friend, and top mischief prankers, and favourite brothers for life."

We took our fingertips away, each examining the area where - instead of hopefully 'exchanging' it - the blood was smeared slightly. But we looked at one another, satisfied.

*End of Magical Flashback*

"At Hogwarts, we will stick together. No matter what." I murmured, as Fred did the same. I said so in an apologetic, ashamed tone, whereas his was laced with accusation, betrayal, and malic.

"I'm sorry Freddie."

And that was when the door opened; revealing me cowering, as my twin looked at me, hurt and betrayal smeared across his face, and with me muttering and exclaiming how sorry I was, over, and over again, sobbing my heart out.

A/N: Just a little oneshot to destroy your feels, and put a damper on your mood today :)

Thanks for reading this guys!

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