Chapter 22- The Quidditch Match

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I awoke peacefully the next morning. That didn't last long though, as I remembered the event that would be occurring in a matter of hours. I started to shake as I walked over to the bathroom. I looked up into the mirror and saw I was a sickly green. I couldn't let the Gryffindors see me like this. I calmed myself, and willed my face go back to its normal colour. Unsure whether or not my metamorphagus powers had assisted in returning normal colour to my face, I smiled and got dressed in my Quidditch robes so I could head straight to the pitch after breakfast.

I walked up to the Great Hall and headed over to the Slytherin table. The chatter in the Hall was loud, everyone was talking about today's upcoming match, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. People were arguing, or even making bets, over who would win. I'd already bet Fred a galleon we would win.

I made my way over to the end of the Slytherin table, where the rest of the team was seated. I smiled sadly at my friends, letting them know I had to go over. When Harry arrived, he did the same, going over to his team. I arrived at the end of the table, where Marcus, and most of the team were smirking evilly at the Gryffindors, I knew they didn't play fair.

I sat silently and ate my breakfast. I wasn't necessarily going to play fair, but I sure wasn't going to go and let then hurt my brother. I watched as they mocked the Gryffindors from afar, and I looked sadly at Harry and the twins. It wasn't long, though, before talking to my Slytherin teammates soon put me in a taunting mood, and I soon smirked at Fred and held up one, shining galleon, and twirled it over in my hands.

We all finished breakfast quickly, and headed down the pitch. We were all dressed for the game already, but headed to our dressing room regardless. We sat impatiently awaiting Flint's instructions.

"Okay guys," he started, "we've been training hard for the past four days. All the time we've had to train our new seeker. I think we've done extremely well, and we can easily kick some Gryffindor arse!"

The whole team put one fist in the air and hollered loudly.

"Wait!" I called as the team was about to walk out.

The team turned around to look at me, I hadn't moved a muscle. I was still leaning against the wall, my arms crossed and one foot crossed over the other. I stood, but didn't uncross my arms.

"Do not hurt Harry," I sneered.


I raised one eyebrow, looking Lazzaro straight in the eye, daring him to challenge me. His eye narrowed, but dropped it after a glare from Flint.


The team huffed and I received a few glares, but no one argued. Marcus raised his eyebrows but didn't question. I knew it was simply because he didn't want to lose his seeker. Satisfied that Harry was safe, I nodded curtly.

We walked over to the doors, brooms in hand. My sleek, shining, Nimbus 2000 stood out broadly against the old school brooms, and even the few brooms that'd been brought from home. The doors opened and the seven of us flew up high into the air and cheered. The Slytherins cheered with us. We dropped back down and took our places in the starting position.

"Now, I want a nice clean game from all of you," Madame Hootch declared. I huffed- like that would happen. Her words, as I thought they would, received a few subtle eye rolls and quiet snickers from both teams.

She opened the crate and released the snitch. It flew in front of my face and went around my head; it then flew over to Harry and did the same before shooting off elsewhere into the field. Hootch then released the bludgers and seconds after that, threw the quaffle into the air. So the game began.

I flew straight up into the air and started to circle the pitch. I watched as Gryffindor scored and received ten points. I cursed and searched harder, but no luck. Gryffindor quickly got another score. I looked to Flint who didn't look happy. He flew away from the goalposts and took the beaters bat off Grayson Miller.

Marcus took the bat and flew off towards the bludger. The ball flew towards him and he swung the bat, the ball hitting Gryffindors keeper, Oliver Wood. Wood, now unconscious, fell to the sand beneath the posts and hit the ground with a thud. I flinched slightly and watched as Harry gave Flint a death glare. I looked at Harry, then Oliver, shook my head and flew off.

I continued to circle the pitch, as our team scored twice, earning us 20 points when I saw Harry racing through the pitch. I flew after him and we were neck and neck when suddenly both our brooms stopped. The suddenness of it nearly caused me to lurch forward off the broom.

I tried to urge my broom forward but it wouldn't move. Suddenly both brooms jerked catching me by surprise. I nearly fell off my broom. I held on as the broom continued to jerk side to side, up and down. It was like the broom was trying to throw me off. It nearly succeeded. I flew off the broom holding on by just my hands. The broom was still flying this way and that. Harry was still on his broom and watching me helplessly.

"Hold on Lily!" he yelled at me.

"You think?" I replied sarcasm dripping off my tongue like venom.

Harry glared and in that one moment of distraction he was jerked off his broom. He reached out to grab it but missed. We were over 30 feet in the air, if Harry fell, it wouldn't be pretty. I quickly reached out and grabbed him with one hand. He reached out and caught his Nimbus 2000 with his other hand. Now, it was a chain. With one hand, I held the jerking broom, with the other I held Harry. Harry, with one hand held me, with the other held his Nimbus. My grip on the broom loosened as it flew sharply to the side and I slipped.

My eyes were closed as I tumbled through the air. Most people would've been screaming, but I was silent. I still had Harry's hand as we continued to fall. Suddenly we stopped. I thought maybe it just felt like we stopped and we were really still falling, or we'd already hit the ground, maybe we died; I didn't want to open my eyes and find out which one of my scenarios was right, but I did. I opened my eyes to see Adrian Pucey holding Harry up by his robes.

"Oh thank Merlin himself!" I cheered.

"Hey I did this for you seeker, but all I could reach was this Gryffindor here," Adrian laughed, with a nod gesturing toward Harry's scarlet robes.

Harry climbed back on his broom and held onto me. A Gryffindor chaser, Bell I think she was called, handed me my Nimbus. 

"In return for your chaser saving our seeker," she grinned.

As soon as I'd climbed back onto the broom, it started bucking again. I held on with all my might, not wanting to fall again. We never did though. I held on for another three minutes, according to the watch I'd stolen from Dudley, when the broom was still. I held tight for a moment suspiciously but when it didn't jerk again, I flew off.

I was circling the pitch quickly, when I saw a flash of gold. I flew towards it and Harry quickly caught up. We were side by side, both of us trying to catch the golden snitch before the other. The snitch circled the pitch four times before it stopped. The snitch went down Harry and I followed, the snitch went so low, it nearly hit the ground. Harry went down and pulled up right on time. I on the other hand was not so lucky. I grabbed the handle of the broom and tried as hard as I could to pull the broom back into a horizontal position, but I wasn't fast enough. My broom crashed into the ground and I hit with a pop and a crack.

My shoulder and ankle burned in pain as I rolled over to watch the game. Harry was standing on his broom, which was just inches off the ground. He outstretched his hand and tumbled to the ground. He stood, and looked like he might be sick. He spit the snitch into his hand. I cursed and tried to stand which I managed to do.

I pushed myself up quickly. I didn't cry out despite the pain coursing through my left arm, as soon as my left foot hit the ground, that seared in pain too. My whole left side burning with pain, I ran over to Harry smiling, despite the fact that we'd lost. He ran over to me and wrapped me in one of his bear hugs, a smile lighting up his entire face.

"Congrats you slimy Gryffindor!" I said slapping him on the back. I flinched slightly.

"Lily are you okay?" Harry looked concerned.

"Yeah, it's just a game Harry," I replied.

He seemed to believe that I was just upset that we'd lost because he brightened up again. His team mates went over and were all slapping him on the back. Fred walked over to me.

"I believe that'll be one galleon please," Fred grinned holding out his hand.

I pulled a shining galleon out of my pocket and slapped it into Fred's hand. I glared and Fred laughed at me.

"You okay? You took quite a crash," Fred looked at me pitifully.

"I'm fine. I think I might've twisted something in my ankle, and bruised my arm a bit, but it'll wear off soon," I shrugged it off.

Ron, Hermione, Sydney and Sadie ran over panting. They looked at Harry and I, worry shone brightly in their eyes. They ran straight up to Harry and me.

"Come on guys! We have to tell you something!" Hermione panted and grabbing both of us by our robes.

Hermione dragged Harry and I into a deserted corridor in the school and turned to face us seriously. She looked really worried about Harry and me. Sadie looked slightly exited. I grinned at the Slytherin.

"Snape was the one that cursed your brooms!" Hermione whisper-yelled after glancing around for any eavesdroppers.

The news made the hot pain I felt reduce to a slight throbbing for the moment. I looked at Harry and shook my head. 

"Think about it, Snape does hate us," Harry said thoughtfully.

"Enough to kill us?!" I exclaimed loudly, causing all my friends to shush me angrily. "Hermione there's something wrong. Why would Snape want to hurt Harry or me, he is our professor."

"He was watching you. He never blinked and he was chanting some kind of curse!"

I had to admit, that sounded suspicious. But did Snape really hate us enough to kill us? He didn't even hate me until I'd decided to pull that little stunt.

"I'll keep an eye out," I said, "but that's as far as I'll go." I stormed out to the Slytherin Dressing rooms. Sadie was smirking.

I arrived at the dressing room and the entire team was still there. They all looked at me, then looked away.

"It's not my fault!" I yelled.

"Whose is it then huh? What was the little stunt with the broom?" retorted Lazarro.

"I dunno, someone cursed the broom!" I fought.

All eyes but Adrian's widened. I didn't think it would be that easy to convince them. They looked down on me for a few moments before Higgs spoke.


"I have no idea," I lied. "It could've been anyone."

That was all a lie. I had an idea of who it was; Snape. Not anyone could've casted that curse, it was quite advanced magic. I swallowed the thought, turning away from my team. I refused to believe Snape would want to kill us.

I took off my Quidditch robes and saw my shoulder was dislocated and my ankle was turning a weird purple-black colour. Okay, so it definitely wasn't just a twisted ankle and little bruise on my shoulder. I pulled on my school robes before anyone could notice. I quickly ran out and back to the school, where I went straight to McGonagall's office, limping heavily when no one was looking.

McGonagall, who had attended the Quidditch match, still hadn't arrived back. I found myself sitting on the floor against the wall after a while. It had only been fifteen minutes when she arrived back. I stood quickly, and painfully.

"Professor McGonagall," I said, flinching as I set my foot on the ground. 

"Hello, Ms Potter. What brings you to my office... without my demand," she asked.

"I was injured during the Quidditch match, you see," I said scratching the back of my neck, heat filling my cheeks. "I was wondering if you could help? I think my ankle is sprained and my shoulder dislocated."

"My goodness, Miss Potter you said you were fine!" McGonagall said. 

"I am fine," I retorted.

"You most certainly are not. Let's go. To the hospital wing," McGonagall started to walk off.

"Professor! Please not the hospital wing!" I protested.

McGonagall turned around from where she'd taken a few steps. I still stood by her office door pleading. With a not-so-discreet huff of annoyance, she retraced her steps back to the still-locked office door.

"Why not?"

"I hate it there! That's why I came here."

"Fine. In," She said pointing to her office. 

The office was all too familiar. I'd been sent here more than I would have liked after pulling stunts with Fred and George. It was, though, more comforting (and less intimidating) than any other heads of house's office's... especially Snape's.

"Just like her father," I could have sworn I heard her mutter as the door shut.

I took a seat in the armchair in the corner.

"Thank you, Professor, for doing this."

"I'm no healer Ms Potter, and I know no pain relieving spells that will work in this situation."

I shrugged. "That's fine."

McGonagall brought her wand out of her robes. She paced, seeming to mull over the healing spells she knew before she chose one. With another warning that she knew no pain relieving spells, she fixed my shoulder. I refused to do any more than flinch.

"Well, we'll need to get you a potion from Professor Snape for that ankle. Follow me."

We followed McGonagall through the halls, me refusing any physical or magical help walking. We arrived at Snapes office in the dungeons and McGonagall talked quietly to Snape. Snape looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He looked surprised, but the hatred was still very clear in his black eyes.

"Miss Potter had a dislocated shoulder, and a broken ankle for nearly an hour, and refused to tell anyone or go to the Hospital Wing?" he questioned, locking his furious eyes with my own.

"That is what I just said Severus, if you would please fetch the potion," McGonagall snapped.

"Very well," drawled Snape in his silky voice.

He went into a back room for a few moments and come back with a golden looking potion which he shoved into my hands.

"Drink up."

I raised the potion to my lips and shuddered at the disgusting taste of it. I pulled up my left pant leg and watched as it became slightly better. It took a couple (very awkward) minutes of me sitting on a desk before it fully healed.

"Done," McGonagall declared. "Ms Potter, you really should go to the Hospital Wing next time. Madam Pomfrey is an expert.

"Yes Ma'am," I said as if I was going to obey what she said. "Thank you both. I'll be needing to finish some homework before bed tonight, so I'll be off."

With that I began to head back to the Slytherin common room. What I didn't tell Snape and McGonagall was that the homework for their classes. What I also didn't tell them, was that I didn't intend on finishing it at all.

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