Chapter 24- Christmas and the Mirror

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Christmas break had begun, and all our friends had gone home. It was just me, Harry and a bunch of students I hardly knew. Christmas was in two days and Harry and I were planning to ask Dumbledore if the castle had any extra rooms so we could spend Christmas together. We were in the Girls dormitory of the Slytherin common room, as all of the girls in my dormitory had left for the holidays. It had taken ten minutes figuring out how to get Harry up (which had ended in me levitating him a foot off the ground).

We were looking at all the pictures taped to the wall above my bed. There was a least thirty there already, and I was planning to add some Christmas ones too. There was a picture of the Slytherin Quidditch team, one of the Gryffindor Quidditch team with myself having joined them for training, the ones of me and Fred from Hogsmade, a bunch of me and Harry in the schoolyard, some of all my friends at lunch, a few of me with my Slytherin friends in the common room, and a lot more. Some were moving, some not.

"Harry let's go now. It's ten minutes until curfew," I informed.

Harry agreed and stood up out of my bed and waited for me. Once I'd stood he walked over to the staircase, and forgetting as soon as he stepped on, it would turn into a slide, stepped on and fell to the bottom. I slid down after him and laughed at him when I got to the bottom. He pouted.

We exited the Slytherin common and much to my displeasure, ran into Flint. I was still mad at him for 'not letting me associate with the Gryffindor Quidditch team'. He wasn't the boss of me. He glared at Harry.

"Shove off Flint," I spat, attempting to push past him.

"Or what?" he challenged.

I punched Flint the face, deciding on the muggle way in getting him to leave me alone. He fell to the ground looking stunned. I pulled out my wand and levitated him and left him hanging in the air by the door. I figured he'd fall as soon as I got too far to concentrate my magic.

Harry and I ran off and stopped as soon as we were out of Flint's sight. I heard a loud thud indicating that my charm had stopped working. Harry laughed loudly and high fived me, the cunning side of him coming out.

"That was hilarious! But you didn't need to do that," he disciplined, unable to keep the grin off his face as he did so. "You don't want a detention on Christmas break."

"Flint is a git. If I do get a detention it was worth it," I laughed. "Now, weren't we heading to Dumbledore's office?"

"Right," Harry said, he looked at me sideways. "Race you?"

"Oh you're on," we stood beside each other, prepared to run. "3, 2, 1, Go!"

Harry and I took off running full speed through the halls up a few stair cases and down more corridors. We both had speed we'd developed after years of running from the Dursleys- particularly Dudley. If we didn't have speed when we were young, we had bruises and black eyes instead. We were getting really close to Dumbledore's office before a voice sounded behind us.

"Potter! Potter!" said a deep voice.

Harry and I skidded to a stop and spun around to find Snape standing behind us, the usual cold look visible in his eyes. I glared back. He marched straight up to us, towering at least a foot over the both of us. I scowled. 

"Snape," I spat.

"That's, Professor Snape to you Potter," he drawled looking me in the eye. He turned to Harry.

"Mr. Potter, do not run in the halls, 10 points from Gryffindor. I would give you detention but since it's Christmas break, much to my dissatisfaction, I cannot. Now get out of my sight!" Harry and I walked quickly away from Snape not daring to run.

"How come he only took points away from me?!" Harry expressed as soon as we were out of earshot.

I puffed out my chest and pointed to my Slytherin insignia. "I'm in Slytherin. Snape never takes points away from Slytherin."

Harry huffed.

"The race isn't over you know," my eyes gleamed. "3, 2, 1, Go!"

Harry and I took off the rest of the distance to Dumbledore's office. Snape having gone the other way, I wasn't worried about running into him again. Much to my pleasure I got there first and I jumped to touch the Gargoyle, who scowled.

"Ha! I win!" I cheered.

"Whatever, let's just go," he turned to the gargoyle. "I don't know the Password. Could you at least let Professor Dumbledore know that Harry and Lily Potter are here?"

The Gargoyle looked at Harry, but didn't respond. I could hardly believe that a stone monster was giving us the silent treatment. Knowing exactly what Dumbledore's passwords usually were, I smirked and said all the candies I could possibly think of. I seemed to hit the right one at some point, because the stone gargoyle moved to the side revealing a staircase. Dumbledore's passwords really weren't very protective. Harry and I climbed up and Harry knocked on the wooden door.

"Enter," Dumbledore's voice floated from inside the office.

Harry and I entered to find Dumbledore sitting at his desk. I looked around the room glancing at all the little magical gadgets. I saw the sorting hat sitting on a shelf. I remember throwing the hat at the sorting ceremony and felt bad. I looked at Dumbledore as if asking for permission. He nodded and I walked over to the hat.

"Miss Potter," it said.

"Sorry, for you know... err, throwing you," I admitted.

"You didn't like Slytherin, you didn't like my decision."

"Sorry about that," I said sheepishly.

"The sorting hat is always right. Do you like your house?"

I nodded.

"Right," said that hat, and went back to sleep.

I walked back over to Harry and Professor Dumbledore, who'd been watching me the whole time. Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye.

"You are liking Slytherin then Lily?" He asked

"Yes Sir," I responded politely not wanting to lessen the chances of staying with Harry Christmas eve.

"Good. You're bringing two rival houses closer. With the exception of some students," he added.

"Thank you, Sir."

"What are you two children doing here during this festive season?" he asked, regarding the matter at hand.

"Well Sir, we were wondering-" Harry started.

"-if you had any extra rooms we could use-" I continued.

"-so we could be together for Christmas-"

"- seeing as we aren't in the same house."

I see you've taken a trick or two out of the Weasley's book. No?" Dumbledore asked

"Yes, sir," Harry and I said together.

"Well, you are supposed to stay in your common rooms, but I suppose we could bend the rules a tad."

"Thank you sir."

"Follow me; I'll direct you to the room you'll be in for Christmas eve, and Christmas morning. Unless you'd like to stay there for the rest of the Holiday break."

"Yes! Thank you Sir!" I cheered, not having been to keen on staying in my dorm alone.

Dumbledore led us out of his office and to a slim used corridor on the fourth floor. He led us halfway down the hall and stopped at a small door, which I would've assumed was a broom cupboard if I hadn't been informed otherwise.

"You choose the password. Just knock on the door twice when you're ready, and say the desired password. I can have some of your belongings moved down if you'd like."

"Thank you Sir, but we are fine."

"Very well then. Happy Christmas," Dumbledore winked and walked off.

I turned to Harry and pondered on what the password could be. I shrugged, motioning for Harry to do it so I didn't have to. He shot me a glare, but did so anyway. He roughly knocked twice on the door.

"Brazilian Boa Constrictor," Harry stated.

The door swung open and Harry and I entered. The room was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. There was the main room, which held armchairs around a fireplace, behind that was a Christmas tree, the decorations in a box beside the tree. The room was a mix of all the house colours.

"I'm going to check out the rooms!" I yelled running to the door on the right.

I ran over to the door, and slowly pushed the door open. As soon as I did, I was hit with crimson and gold everywhere; the bed, the chair, the dresser. I didn't even bother opening the bathroom door. I ran out screaming.

"Ahh! My eyes! I've been blinded! I've been blinded!" I ran around the room, waving my arms around furiously.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked into the door to see what I was complaining about. He walked into the room and chuckled.

"I guess this is my room then," he laughed.

I went to the door on the left and entered cautiously. It was exactly the same as Harry's room, but it was all green and silver. I sighed happily. Stepping further into the room and throwing the door open so roughly that it hit the wall behind it with a bang.

"My eyesight! It's back!" I cheered falling back onto the bed. I lay there for a moment, then walked back into the main room.

"Harry! Harry! Let's decorate the tree!" I sang.

Harry and I spent an hour or so decorating the tree. There were two strands of garland, one silver, one gold. The bulbs were all silver, gold, green, and red. The lights were green and red. When we pulled out two stars, one silver, one gold. We argued over which we should put up.

"Silver!" I argued, wanting my house colour.

"Gold!" He retorted.





I sighed and grabbed one of the stars. I waved my wand and three of the points turned gold, and two turned silver. I decided, as an early Christmas present, to give Harry and his Gryffindor colour the extra point.

"There," I said as I levitated it to the top of the tree. "Merry Christmas. Have an extra gold point."


I woke up really early Christmas morning and walked into Harry's room. He was sleeping soundly still and I smirked. I'd always had fun giving Harry rude wake up calls at the Dursleys, but hadn't been able to do so since we were sorted into different houses.

"Aquamenti!" I pointed my wand at Harry and watched as a torrent of water hit him in the face.

Harry woke quickly and jumped up, surprised. He landed quite stealthily on his feet beside the bed, as I surely wouldn't have. His head swivelled every which way before his eyes settled on me. He glared.

"Lily!" he yelled.

I just continued to laugh looking at his sopping wet hair and pyjamas. He put his glasses on, cast a drying charm, and walked out. I followed.

"Merlin's beard! We've got presents!" Harry exclaimed.

I looked beneath the tree to see Harry, was indeed right. Presents sat under the tree. Surprise overcame me. The only gift I'd ever received were plastic spoons Petunia gave me when I was six. I'd managed to give her hell with those.

"Let' open them!"

Harry and I sat ourselves beside the tree. We took a half hour to open them all. I couldn't believe how many I'd gotten considering I'd never gotten a present before. I'd got one from everyone, and so had Harry.

Harry got me Gryffindor Quidditch robes, which I laughed at and shrugged on. I'd gotten him a silver chain with a snake on the end. They eye was made of emerald.

Hermione had gotten me and Harry each a copy of a book called Quidditch through the ages. I'd gotten her two books I'd found in Hogsmade. One was called, Spells- All your Hexes, Jinxes, and Curses. The other was labelled Melody and Harry Potter- The Twins Who Lived. I'd scratched out 'Melody' and written 'Lily'. Inside the cover, I'd written Merry Christmas! Learn all about me! Oh and Harry of course. I'd also gotten her a copy of my favourite Shakespeare work, Hamlet.

Draco had gotten me a small dragon made of stone, the word Draco, was engraved on the bottom. He was very self centred. He'd gotten Harry Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I'd gotten Draco a t-shirt that read The Slytherin King, which was what he called himself.

Theo'd gotten me and Harry each a box of chocolate frogs. I'd gotten him the same. 

Neil got us iTunes gift cards, which I laughed at, I didn't even know we had the iPods. I'd gotten Neil assorted wizards candies.

The Wesley's mother had made us jumpers, Harry's was emerald green, with a white H on the front, mine was also emerald green, with a white L on the front, obviously whoever told Mrs. Weasley about Harry and me, said to never call me Melody.

Sadie had gotten each of us a fancy looking quill. I'd gotten her some book from Hogsmeade.

Ron had gotten us and assorted box of wizard sweets. I gotten tonnes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans sorted out all the unpleasant ones, and rewrapped the gross ones so it looked like it'd never been opened, and given it to Ron. I wished he was here so I could see the look on his face.

Sydney got me a collar with Lily Potter- If found please return to the Slytherin common room engraved on it. I laughed at that, I'd gotten her a chew toy. She'd gotten Harry assorted sweets and a box for his chocolate frog cards.

The twins had gotten us a box that exploded when we opened it. Inside the box was a Merry Christmas note, and a bunch of prank plans. I got them pranking supplies.

"That is a lot of presents," I said stunned.

"Lily there's another here. It doesn't say who it's from," Harry opened it and pulled out a cloak. He wrapped it around himself and turned invisible.

"Harry! That's and invisibility cloak!" I said surprised. "Those are really rare. Who's it from?"

"Doesn't say. It just says it belonged to Dad, and to use it wisely," he read, showing me the note.

"Whoever sent that knows they're talking to Melody Lily Potter right? Use it wisely! Ha!" I laughed and imagine all the things I could do with that cloak.

We admired the cloak for a while, before going to put our presents away. I'd just gone to pick up the collar from Sydney when I noticed a flash of gold from under the tree. I pulled it out and noticed it was addressed to me.

It was a small neatly wrapped crimson box. I opened it carefully and found a small gold necklace locket. It was a small oval attached to a chain. On one side was a lion made of ruby, on the other was a snake made of emerald. I opened the locket, on one side was the picture of me and Fred walking back from Hogsmade, on the other, was the picture with Fred spilling his butterbeer. I smiled and put the chain around my neck.

I piled the presents on my bed and decided to try out the collar. It'd need to be adjusted though. I shifted and picked up the collar with my teeth. I slunk quietly into Harry's room and hit him in the back of the leg. He turned around and saw me there. He put the collar around my neck and laughed as I sat and cocked my head to the side. He took a picture we could send to Sydney.


That night we sneaked out to the restricted section of the library under the invisibility cloak. There were hundreds of books, some looked like they had blood splattered on them. Most of the books looked really old. Harry pulled one off the shelf and opened to the middle. The book let out a blood curdling scream and Harry dropped the lamp and the book. We ran out of the library and nearly bumped into Snape, who had Quirrell trembling on the floor. They were arguing over something but they were too far for me to hear. All I heard was Snape say "You don't want me as you enemy Quirrell."

Harry and I snuck into an old classroom, locked the door, and threw the cloak to the floor. The desks were all pushed to the side and in the middle of the room stood a mirror. The mirror had a gold frame and engravings on the top. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Harry walked over to it and gasped.

"Lily! Come take a look at this!" he called.

I walked over slowly wondering what was so great about the mirror. Harry grabbed me by the shoulders and put me in front of the mirror. He came up and stood beside me.

"See? You see them?" he asked.

I did. In the mirror I saw me standing beside my brother. Behind us were our parents. Dad on the left behind me, Mom on the right behind Harry. They were both looking down at us proudly, eyes that matched ours sparkling.

"Mum, Dad," Harry breathed. Mom nodded and Dad smiled.

Hours later and Harry and I still sat on the floor in front of the mirror. Our parents stayed standing and smiled down on us. I yawned and leaned my head on Harry's shoulder.

"C'mon Lils. Let's go to bed," Harry stood and offered me his arm. I let him pull me up and we walked back to our room. I went to bed soon after we got there, but I couldn't sleep. What did that mirror do? Surely it wasn't real. My parents were dead. They couldn't have been there.

I finally fell asleep, determined to figure out what the mirror does. I would go back tomorrow, not only to find out what it does, but to see my parents again.


Harry and I were at the library, now not only to try and find Nicholas Flamel, but what language was written on the mirror. We had piles of books lying out on the table but we couldn't find Flamel, or any language that looked like the one on the mirror.

"Ugh, I give up Harry. Let's go down for lunch," I sighed, unable to keep my mind from wandering to the feast that was surely taking place downstairs.

"I'll be a minute. Meet you there."

I shrugged. I walked slowly and quietly down to the Great Hall. My stomach growled and I groaned. When we finally arrived at the Great Hall the food disappeared before my eyes. My stomach growled again.

"Does anyone know where the food goes?" I yelled, and all heads in the Great Hall turned my way, fingers pointed and words were yelled, but I was unable to distinguish one from another.

"I believe I do," I turned to see a tall Ravenclaw behind me. "I'll show you, follow me."

I followed the Ravenclaw down a bunch of corridors when he stopped in the middle of a corridor. I looked around, there was no door, just a bunch of paintings.

"Here we are. Just tickle the pear," said the Ravenclaw, pointing at a painting of a fruit bowl. He walked away.

Harry ran up beside me I reached out with one hand and tickled the pear. To my great surprise, it giggled and the painting swung open. I walked in and there were little creatures that I recognized as house elves.

"Excuse me," I called to one.

"You're Lily Potter!" cried the elf.

All the creatures stopped and looked at me and Harry. There big eyes grew even bigger and they all ran over.

"Shoo!" One called. "Get back to work!"

All the elves went back to what they were previously doing. They resumed cooking up food bustling around the giant kitchen. It looked like they were making dinner. From the delicious smell drifting through the room, it was going to be a good feast indeed.

"Bittie the house elf miss," said the little one in front of me. "What can I get for Miss and Mr Potter?"

We gave the house elf our orders and went and sat at a small table in the corner. As we waited, Harry informed me that he thought he'd found something, but had accidentally read up on a famous healer called Nichole Flanella. Within minutes Bittie was back with food.

"Here is your food Mr. and Miss Potter," she placed the food on the table and left.

"Food! Food everywhere!" I laughed. "I could get used to this place."


Christmas break ended quickly and Harry and I had just gotten the last of our things from the room we'd been staying in. We were walking into the Great Hall for dinner when we heard our names.

"Harry, Lily!" We turned to see the Weasleys running towards us.

Ron stopped right in front of Harry and they laughed, while Fred ran right over to me and hugged me tight. It would have been an awfully kind gesture... that is, if I weren't struggling to breathe.

"Fred. Oxygen is - necessary!" I spluttered.

"Right, you might need that," he laughed putting me down. I hugged him again.


We turned to see George making hearts with his hands and making kissy faces. Fred's face turned beet red while my face and hair went pink. Thankfully, we were saved by a couple of familiar Slytherins.

"Lily!" I saw Theo and Draco walk over.

"Hey!" yelled the four Gryffindors.

"Oh and you guys too," laughed Theo.

Neil, Hermione and Sydney arrived soon after that and we all just stood in the Entrance Hall talking about how are holidays went. Sadie arrived soon after, declaring she'd never forgive us if we didn't go to the feast within the next two minutes. 

"Well, look at this adorable little reunion," we turned to see Bertram leaning against a wall, his followers Crabbe and Goyle behind him. "You!" he pointed at me, Sadie, Neil, Sydney, Draco and Theo. "You disgrace Slytherin."

I glared at him, my eyes going red.

"You choose to be seen with the filthy little Gryffindors. You'll all be rejected by the wizarding world. Gryffindors won't be accepted for being with Slytherins. Slytherins, I can't believe you even think about being seen with Gryffindors. The other Slytherins agree with me," he spat.

"Yeah," I retorted. "I choose to be seen with them. Not you."

Me and the rest of the gang marched off into the Great Hall leaving Bertram and his little goonies in the entrance hall. We ate dinner quickly and went to the Gryffindor common room and sat quietly. I think some of us were actually considering what Bertram said.

"You know what guys," I started, standing up. "Bertram is a git. Forget about what he said."

The rest of the group nodded and we started talking about wizard's chess. I was glad what Bertram said had been forgotten about. He was nothing more than a slimy prick, and I wanted nothing more than to hex his pants off in the front of the Great Hall.

That night Harry and I had agreed to meet at the Gryffindor common room. I'd brought Sydney along to see the mirror. Harry came out of the common room, Ron tagging along, and brought the cloak. He threw it over all four of us and we headed for the room that held the mirror. As soon as we got there Harry pushed Ron over to the mirror.

"See? My parents. They're right there," Harry said standing beside him.

"I don't see, Harry," Ron said.

"Here, stay by yourself," Harry said side stepping.

"Woah!" exclaimed Ron. "I see myself, but I'm older, I'm Quidditch Captain, and Merlin's beard I'm head boy! I'm holding the house cup! Do you think this mirror shows the future?"

"Ron!" I shouted, my eyes going red. "How can you even think that. Remember what Harry and I said we saw in the mirror."

"Yeah, your... oh," Ron looked down.

"Uh-huh," I huffed. "Sydney come take a look!"

Sydney stepped over to the mirror. Her eyes revealed no expression. She didn't announce what she saw like Ron had. She looked into it for quite a while before stepping back, turning to me and smiling sadly.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I see myself with my whole family," she said quietly.

"What happened to your family?" I asked.

"My dad and my older brother Chance went to Voldemort before I was born. They left my mother alone while she was pregnant. They were never caught, when Voldemort disappeared so did they," she sighed and looked into the mirror, "I've only seen pictures. I don't want to look at this anymore. If I ever find them, I'll hurt them."

Sydney walked away from the mirror and sat on a desk and looked out the window. She looked like she was in a trance. Voldemort was terrible. Three out of four people in the room were hurt by him. I went and sat in front of the mirror with Harry. We sat for an hour, me and Harry by the mirror, Sydney still looking out the window and Ron was fiddling with the cloak.

"I see you've discovered the mirror of Erised," said a voice from behind us.

I startled roughly, elbowing Harry in the ribs. I whirled around to find myself face to face with the old wizard with his beard in his belt. I scrambled to my feet, out of the corner of my eye seeing Ron and Harry do the same.

"Sir, we were-"

"No need, to explain," Dumbledore said putting up a hand to stop Harry. "Do you know what the mirror of Erised does?"

Harry shook his head.

"Let me give you a hint. The happiest man alive would see himself, exactly as he was."

"So it shows you what you want... whatever you want," Harry guessed.

Erised, I thought, Erised. I shuffled the letters, desire backwards was Erised. The mirror of Erised was the mirror of Desire. I glanced backwards at the mirror, my parents still present in the glass that in no way reflected what was in front of it.

"Yes and no. It shows you-" 

"It shows you what you desire," I said, blushing slightly when I realized I'd cut off the headmaster. "It shows you what you desire most. Erised. Erised is desire backwards."

"Very good Lily. Now do you know what the rest of it says?" Dumbledore asked.

I looked at the sentence again. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Erised was desire backwards. But if you put all the words backwards it came up with Desire arts urhe tyo ebu urfac tyo no ishow. I switched all the words around thinking it was possibly still backwards. Ishow no tyo urfac ebu tyo erhe arts Desire. It still made no sense. I got rid of the spaces. Ishownotyourfacebutyourheartsdesire. If you rearranged the spaces you could come up with, I show not your face but your hearts desire.

"I show not your face, but your heart's desire," I spoke after a few minutes.

"Extremely good work Lily," Dumbledore praised.

"How does it say that?" questioned Ron.

Dumbledore waved his wand and the words erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi appeared in the air. He waved his wand again and they flipped around so it said wohsi on oyt cafru ube oyt ehru stra erised. He waved his wand again and every word spelled itself again, backwards, ishow no tyo urfac ebu tyo urhe arts desire.  He waved his wand once more and the spaces rearranged and it soon said I show not your face but your hearts desire.

"Woah," Ron breathed. "Lily you figured that out in your head?!"

"I like puzzles," I smirked. "There was nothing better to do with the bloody muggles locking us in our rooms for all hours of the day."

"I'll be moving this mirror tomorrow and I must ask you children not to go looking for it. Wizards have wasted away in front of this mirror. They've gone mad. It can do good, or bad. Look at Miss Marshall for instance," Dumbledore gestured to Sydney.

Sydney still sat at the window staring out into the sky. She looked as if she were in some kind of trance. She didn't even notice that Dumbledore was in the room, or she didn't care enough to even turn. I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sydney?" I asked softly.

"I want to see them. At the same time, I know if they come near me, or my mother, I'll hurt them. I'll hurt them like they hurt me and my mother. I want to be a family, but that's not possible, not after what they did," Sydney trailed off and looked away from the window.

"Go back to your dormitories children, and don't get caught. Remember, do not come looking for this mirror again," Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling.

We ran out, and threw the cloak over the four of us. Harry and Ron dropped us off at the Slytherin common room and scurried off. I whispered the password and Sydney and I crept in. Sydney went and stared into the fire. I walked over and took a seat beside her.

"Are you okay Syd?" I asked softly.

"I don't know! I want to have a family. I wish they'd never left. I don't wish they'd come back. I'm scared, I want to hurt them so badly. I want to watch them suffer. That scares me." Sydney looked at me, fear evident in her eyes.

"Sydney, I don't know what to say. You're not a bad person. If you did find them, I'm sure you wouldn't hurt them. Sure, you'd hex them or something, but I know you'd turn them in," I looked at Sydney and stood, helping her up. "C'mon, let's head off to bed."

Lying in bed, I wasn't sure if I was glad Dumbledore had moved the mirror, or angry he took it. I was glad none of us were going to go mad because of it, but I was angry he'd taken the closest I could get to my parents.

I thought more about the mirror when I remembered what Ron said he'd saw. Himself as Head boy, Quidditch captain, and holding the house cup. That was his heart's desire?! Selfish git.

I fell asleep, and dreamed of my parents, with me and Harry. Together as a family.

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