Chapter 26- Through the Trapdoor

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We met at the Gryffindor common room late that night. Ron, Hermione, and Harry sat nervously in front of the fire, waiting for me and Sydney to arrive. Sydney and I entered quietly, and the portrait closed silently behind us.

"Hey guys," I said quietly.

Hermione whipped around quickly, jumping up out of her seat. I raised my hands in surrender. Hermione's face flushed brightly, as she relaxed again. Harry and Ron stood up behind her, gathering the cloak from the couch on which they'd been sitting.

"Sorry," Sydney muttered. "Didn't mean to startle you."

I leaned against the wall when no one made any move to leave the common room. Even I was quiet, and that didn't happen often. My hair was slowly streaking white, in what I was sure was a fear I couldn't push back.

"We, should go down now," I whispered. Another streak of white overpowered red.

"No," squeaked a small voice from behind us. "You won't lose more points from Gryffindor. You won't leave. I-I'll... I'll fight you."

Neville Longbottom stood at the bottom of the boy's dormitory staircase. He ran over and stood in front of the portrait hole. He shakily raised his wand, pointed towards us. I knew there was no way he could defend against all of us; he probably could take any one of us, but I couldn't even manage a smirk.

"Neville I'm sorry about this," Hermione said guilty, pointing her wand at Longbottom. "Pertrificus Totalus!"

Neville straightened. His arms locked at his sides and his legs locked together. I'd never yet seen anyone use a limb locking curse on another person, and I felt some of the nervousness I held ebb away. His eyes stayed wide open as he fell, and they continued to follow us as we walked by him out the door.

"Sorry," Hermione muttered as she passed Neville on the way to the door.

Ron repeated the action, simply stepping over Neville and muttering an apology. Harry, being the good Samaritan he often was, picked Neville up off the floor, dragged him over to the side of the room, and leaned him up against the wall.

"Sorry Neville," Harry said guiltily, not looking at his eyes.

Sydney and I slunk by quietly, but by the look in Neville's eyes, he didn't miss the smirk now plastered onto our faces. My hair turned less white, the red taking over a little more. I regained full control of my metamorphmagus powers, and shook my head, letting my hair turn all red.

Once out in the hall, Harry pulled the invisibility cloak out from under his robes, and threw it over all five of us. We walked silently through the halls, thankfully not passing any Professors. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my foot.

"Ronald!" I whisper yelled, my eyes going red as I turned to face him.

"M'srry," Ron muttered.

We continued through the silent corridors, Ron was treading carefully to avoid my feet. It was quite difficult to hide us all under the cloak, but we managed. We quickly arrived at the door, at the end of the third floor corridor. Hermione took a shaky breath.

"Alohamora!" She whispered.

We stepped into the room nervously, the door slamming shut behind us. We threw the cloak off to the side, then reluctantly turned to look at the three headed dog. It was fast asleep, only then did I notice the harp playing softly in the background.

"Snape's gone through already, Let's go," Harry said quickly.

It took all of us to lift the dogs massive grey paw from the floor. It took even more strength to life it and move it off the top of the trapdoor. We all jumped when he snorted in his sleep. It was minutes before the door was open.

"I'll go first. I'll call if it's safe, if not, go get McGonagall," I said, leaning over the trapdoor and glancing down into the seemingly never-ending darkness.

"No! Lil-" Harry was too late.

I'd flung myself through the hole in the floor, before Harry could even suggest stopping me. But he'd grabbed onto the back of my robes as I tossed myself through. Harry landed on top of me as we hit the bottom. It was covered in thick green plants. Harry rolled off me and let out groan as he fell down beside me.

"The harp's stopped!" I heard Hermione's voice travel downwards towards Harry and me.

I heard screaming, starting far, and getting close. Harry and I glanced at each other for a brief moment, before we managed to scramble out of the way. Ron, Hermione and Sydney each landed with a thud. Sydney clutched the arm she'd landed on and I saw her jaw set tight.

"You okay there, Syd?" I questioned.

"I think I broke my arm," Sydney replied keeping her voice level.

"I don't think we can do anything now. None of us know any healing spells," Hermione informed. "We wouldn't want to risk making it any worse."

Sydney groaned and fell back against the soft plants. Just as I was about to ask Hermione just what it was we were sitting on, the plant sprouted vines and started to close around us. We all started to struggle to free our quickly trapped limbs. Hermione was the only one who managed to escape before getting trapped.

"Stop struggling! It'll only kill you faster," she stated. "It's Devil's Snare!"

"Kill us faster?!" Ron started to struggle more.

"Relax," Hermione insisted.

Trusting Hermione, the smartest of us all, we all obeyed. True, the vines began to tug less at our arms and legs. They persisted, however, and we sunk into the vines still. The only thing I personally could remember Professor Sprout saying about Devil's Snare was that it suffocated people. That made me want to struggle as much as Ron was, but I resisted.

"Devil's snare... what did Professor Sprout say? Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare. It's deadly fun... but will sulk in the sun!" Hermione recited.

"Light a fire then!" Harry suggested, as he lost all control of his arm when a vine wrapped around his wrist.

"Hurry up, Hermione!" Just as I said this, a vine reached out from the depths of the plant and wound themselves so tight around my chest that I was forced to exhale, and it was suddenly impossible to inhale. I tried to gasp for air.

"There's no wood," Hermione said sadly.

"Are you a bloody witch or not?" Sydney said, even in the situation finding it appropriate to accompany her question with her trademark eye roll.

"Oh! Yes of course!" Hermione muttered. "Lumos Solem!"

The plant recoiled, pushing into the walls. I gasped sharply, feeling the glorious feeling of air re-entering my lungs. We all scrambled to our feet quickly, except for Ron. Ron, who was still lying on the hard stone floor, was panting still after exerting all his energy in fighting the plants, which Hermione had told him many times not to do. He saw the four of us looking down on him, and hopped up quickly.

"Good thing we didn't panic then," he said quickly.

No one responded to his comment as we moved on to the next room. Sydney pushed the door open softly, and revealed the room ahead. The first thing I noticed was the fluttering sound of wings. It reminded me of the Golden Snitch, but it sounded as if there were thousands of them. When I opened the door, I almost expected there to be just that. Instead, I found something much more surprising.

"They're keys," I noticed, reaching up and touching a cold metal key with my fingertips.

We looked around the room, light coming in from the ceiling, all from one beam. The light looked as though it were coming from a skylight, though that couldn't be possible. We had quite a few floors above us, and the room was barley three storeys high. I made my way over to the brooms and held my hand above the handle. The brooms were suspended in mid air.

"Someone has to catch the right key," I whispered.

"There's thousands! How will we know which one is right?" Hermione asked.

"It'll be old and rusty, like the door handle," Sydney observed.

"There!" Harry exclaimed, pointing towards a key.

Harry was pointing towards a big, rusty, old fashioned key. The key had one broken wing and flew at an odd angle. Someone, Snape, I supposed, having finally given into Harry's theory, had already shoved it into the lock of the door. I looked down at the old brooms again.

"It's too easy," Harry muttered.

"Who's going?" I asked.

"Hm. Let me think about that for a minute, Seeker," Sydney mused, sarcasm thick in her voice.

"Only the team calls me that," I argued, crossing my arms and huffing.

"The whole house calls you that you just don't pay attention," Sydney told me.

I decided not to comment, and instead turned back to the task at hand. I glanced up once more, finding the rusty old key in the air and then back down at the brooms. Finally I turned around and faced my friends.

"There's two brooms," I stated. "Harry, I bet you a galleon I can get the key first."

"You're on."

As soon as our feet left the ground, the keys started swarming us. The keys pelted into my whole body, I kept one arm on the broom, and used the other to swat the keys away. Harry and I raced towards the old key, and I reached it first. I crushed it with my fist, breaking the other wing. I threw it to Hermione, who caught it with some difficulty, before jamming it into the lock.

The door swung open and my three friends scurried through, before Harry and I followed on the brooms. We crashed roughly to the floor, as Sydney, Hermione and Ron shut the door. Sydney cried out in pain as she pushed on the heavy door with her broken arm.

"Sydney!" I called running over.

"Arm," she muttered.

I took off my school robes, leaving me in a dress shirt, dress pants, and my Slytherin tie. I cut one long strip of cloth from my robes. I wrapped it under her arm and then over her shoulder, creating an awkward, albeit functional sling.

"Best I could do," I apologized.

"Thanks," she said gratefully.

I smiled and turned to my twin, who was still lying on the ground beside his broom. I offered him a hand up, which he accepted. As soon as he was standing, he frowned at the smirk that I wore.

"What?" He said nervously.

" I believe you owe me a galleon," I answered smugly.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yes because I brought my money down. I thought maybe if I gave Snape a few galleons he'd hand over the stone."

"Wow, maybe that'll work! Good thinking Harry!" I retorted doubling the sarcasm.

Harry mumbled something under his breath that sounded a bit like 'stupid Slytherins'. I chose to ignore him, and surveyed the room. There were huge stone figures, lined throughout the room, over the checkered marble floor.

"Is this some sort of graveyard?" asked Hermione.

"No," answered Ron. "It's a chess board."

We walked through the dark room, and onto the giant marble board. The door to move on lay past the white players on the other side. We all exchanged glances. I wondered what on earth we had to do. This was way too easy. Surely, the stone wouldn't be guarded simply by a game of chess?

"We have to be chessman I think," Sydney said. A horseman turned to her, and nodded his head.

"Ron, Sydney, you're the best a chess what do we do," Hermione asked.

"And finally, Hermione Granger isn't the best at something. It's a relief, really," I chuckled. "Mione, how on earth does being so incredibly intelligent not exhaust you?"

"Shut up," Hermione looked to the wall as if it was suddenly very interesting, and her face went red. She didn't answer my question.

"Ron? Sydney?" Harry asked.

The two were surveying the board very carefully and seemed not even to hear Harry. They talked quietly to each other for a few moments, leaving Harry, Hermione, and I in suspense. Finally they turned back to us.

"Harry, take the place of that bishop. Hermione, go to the king's side castle. Lily, the queen's side of the same," Ron instructed.

"What about you two?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going to be the queen. Ron's going to be a knight," Sydney replied.

The rook's both stepped down from their castles and went to stand against the wall. The bishop guided the queen over. Finally, the knight hopped off his horse, and followed. We all stepped into our designated positions. I clambered to the top of the castle.

"Let's play."

Theodore had taught me had to play chess and all the rules that went along with it, but I was still no good. I'd ended up watching the players destroy each other as Sydney and Theo played. I gulped as I thought of the crumbling dust of destroyed chessmen.

The game went on for long, tension filled minutes. Ron and Sydney lead the game, careful not to risk any of the players that were the five of us. The shattered chess pieces struck us as they flew through the air, leaving cuts and bruises on all of us. After a half hour, most of the players were in pieces on the side. After the move the white side made next, Sydney and Ron looked at each other scared, but with a glint in their eyes.

"No!" Harry yelled, moments after.

I slowly deciphered the moves that came next, making sure I was moving the players right. Ron was going to sacrifice himself, so Harry could checkmate. I gasped when I realized just what Ron was planning.

"What?" Hermione asked, still in the dark.

"Ron's going to sacrifice himself," Harry informed.

"No, you can't," Hermione screamed.

"It's the only way. Look, do you want to get Snape or not?" Ron argued.


"No. I'll go, then you can go get Snape," Ron said.

He turned to the queen with a pale face. He held onto the stone horse tighter and gulped. He stared at the white chess piece for a minute before making his move. The black horse he sat upon slid until he was directly in front of the white face of the queen.

"Check," he whispered.

The white queen turned towards him before slowly making her way over. She paused before she made her move. With one, large stone arm, she hit Ron hard over the head. He fell from his horse, which was destroyed seconds later. One particularly big piece rained down onto Sydney, who was only a square away from the now destroyed horse. Hermione gasped, making to step toward Ron.

"No!" Sydney said, standing on one leg. "The game's still on."

Harry moved across the white squared diagonally. He stopped only a few squares away from the tall king. He looked up into the face of the King, narrowing his eyes.


The king threw his stone crown at Harry's feet. He bowed to Harry. When he stood, he waved his arm to all the other players, which bowed to Harry, before moving to the sides of the board. Harry acknowledged the stone crown at his feet by a swift kick, which by the look on his face afterward, had been much stronger than his toe.

Harry ran over to where Ron lay. He and Hermione made sure he was alright, while I made to check on Sydney. This was the second time she'd been injured tonight. It seemed to finally be taking a toll. Her face was pale and clammy, and she'd collapsed to the floor in order to keep weight off her leg.

"Why do stupid bones have to break?" she muttered.

I didn't answer. I walked over to the broom I'd flown in on and picked it up. I used a spell to cut off the twigs on the end, and then cleanly cut the handle in half, so it was just two sticks. I held my wand steady and watched as, with a simple levitating charm, the two pieces of broom handle placed themselves on either side of Sydney's leg. I then tied them on tightly using another strip of cloth from my already destroyed robe.

"Thanks again," Sydney said. "I'll get you new robes."

"Nah, don't mention it. I think these ones were ripped by the Whomping Willow last time we snuck out anyway," I lied swiftly, not wanting for her to feel the need to repay me.

I noticed a small trickle of blood running down the side of her head. I took yet another strip of the robe, and waved my wand so it tied itself around her head, to cover the gash, just visible near her hairline.

"I'm not thanking you again," Sydney smirked.

"Stop getting hurt then," I suggested, grinning.

"We've got to hurry," Harry urged.

"I'll stay with Ron," Hermione said, using the rest of my robe to stop the bleeding on Ron's head.

I found two chunks of stone on the ground, and transfigured them into a pair of crutches. I handed them to Sydney, though she could only use one, due to her broken arm, and we continued through the door.

We entered a small, dark room. A table sat in the middle. As soon as we entered the room, flames sprang up around the room. We walked over to the table, seven bottles were lined up on the table, and a small piece of parchment lay off to the side. I picked it up and read it.

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.
Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight

A puzzle. I never had much to do at the Dursleys, and I ended up doing puzzles most of the time, whether it was a jigsaw, a riddle, or crosswords. I'd ended up getting really good, and now I knew that was a good thing.

One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line

There was one potion to move us ahead, one potion could take us back, two were only wine, and three were poison. Now I was nervous. If I got this wrong, it could kill us.

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

There would always be poison on the nettle wines left side, which meant the first bottle was not wine. The three poisons couldn't be grouped together.

Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;

The potion Harry and I wanted, to get us through the flames and into the next room, was not on either end of the table.

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

The smallest bottle, and the largest bottle, held something that was not poison. The smallest was third in the line, the largest was sixth. That meant the bottles to the right of the smallest and the largest were not wine. The seventh bottle wasn't wine, and the fourth wasn't wine.

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight

These two looked different, but were the same thing. They couldn't be poison because the sixth bottle wasn't poison. So these two bottles were the wines. Which meant the first bottle, and the fifth bottle, were the poisons. If the third and, sixth weren't poison, the remaining bottle was the third poison, the fourth bottle.

The first bottle was poison, don't drink that. I reached out and slid the bottle to the floor and it smashed to bits. I heard Harry and Sydney gasp.

"Lily!" Harry yelled.

"It was poison," I muttered. "Leave me alone. I'm going to get rid of all the poison and the wine."

I looked at the second bottle, which was wine. I threw that to the floor along with the poison. The third bottle either held the potion forwards or backwards. I left it. I smashed the fourth and fifth bottles, both being poison. I threw the sixth bottle, the wine. That left the third and seventh bottles.

The ones at the end wouldn't help you move onwards, meaning the one at the end took you back, which left the smallest bottle to move you forwards.

"Here," I picked up the larger bottle and gave it to Sydney. "Go back, get Hermione and Ron. No offence or anything, but with two broken bones you won't be much help. Get out of here, get McGonagall and send Stripes to Dumbledore. Then go to the hospital wing."

Sydney sighed, but accepted the bottle. "Be careful."

With that, she took a gulp of the potion, and moved tentatively into the flames, which jumped and parted for her. They seemed not to hurt her, for she turned and cast one more worried glance back at Harry and me, before disappearing to the other side of the wall of flames. Once the flames settled again, I turned back to Harry.

"Let's do this," I drank half the potion in the tiny bottle, and gave the rest to Harry.

We walked right into the black flames. I could feel them licking at me, but it didn't hurt. We found ourselves in yet another large room. My eyes fell not immediately to the person already there, but the mirror in front of them. This was where Dumbledore had hidden it. In front of the mirror was not Snape, nor Voldemort. It was Professor Quirrell.

"Quirrell? But Snape..." Harry stuttered. Quirrell laughed.

"Oh yes, Severus. He does seem the type. But no, it's not Snape," Quirrell said staring us down.

"Well no, it's obviously not Snape," I sneered.

"Obviously," said another voice. It was all too familiar, and I almost didn't want to turn and face it. I didn't want for this to become a reality. I did, though, and found my eyes locked with the shockingly blue ones of Sadie.

"Sadie?" I was surprised when the word I spoke didn't come out as an infuriated shout. Instead, it was a quiet tone full of betrayal. What happened didn't anger me, but instead hit me like a blow to the stomach. I hated the strong feeling of hurt that threatened to overtake me.

"That's right. I'm Sadie, Sadie Quirrell. I couldn't believe it when you became friends with me. I was overjoyed, the plan was working. Then you believed Snape wanted to steal the stone?" Sadie laughed.

"Snape tried to kill us at the Quidditch match!" Harry interrupted.

"No! I tried to kill you. If it wasn't for that Granger girl, I would've succeeded too, even with Snape muttering his silly little counter curse," Quirrell laughed.

I was paying no mind to what he was saying though. My mind and eyes were focused on one thing, one black haired, blue eyed girl. I fought to push down that sad feeling into the depths of my stomach, unable to be felt. I felt anger slide to the surface and replace it. I was glad for it; I hated the feeling of upset that Sadie had evoked from me.

"I hate you! I trusted you! I hate you!" I started to move towards Sadie, my hair and eyes red, when her father stepped in.

Quirrell glared at me, and stepped in front of his daughter. He had his wand outstretched and pointed directly at me. I didn't even feel fear. With betrayal gone, all I could feel was the anger that surged through me. I was glad to find it affected me far less.

"I can handle her," Sadie told Quirrell, who instantly stepped out of the way.

I raised my wand, Sadie mimicked. She had a sick grin on her face as we circled each other slowly. Then the spells started flying, not caring what spells I used, I used every hex, jinx or curse I could think of. Sadie waved her wand again and a jet of purple light shot out and streaked across my face.

I felt it cut painfully cut through my face, but I didn't give Sadie the satisfaction of knowing I was hurt. It worked, because her face contorted into a frown and her spells became even more vicious. I simply shot more spells at her until Quirrell stopped us.

"Enough!" he screamed.

Sadie stopped shooting spells and I felt myself levitating towards Harry. I was dropped carelessly, and Harry caught me before I could hit the ground. His arm outstretched towards us, Quirrell produced ropes out of thin air, which slithered up around our ankles and bound us together. Sadie had boils popped up all over her face, which was a sickly green. Quirrell fixed her quickly and the two of them went to stand in front of the mirror.

I could feel blood trickling down my face, coming from Sadie's curse. I knew it was deep, the blood ran down my face making me feel like I was in a horror movie. I looked into the mirror of Erised to look. I was too far to see anything but my reflection, which matched the horror movie look.

I struggled against the ropes, trying to wipe the blood off my face, getting disgusted by the feel of it. I couldn't manage to free even just one arm. I shook my head, causing some of the blood to fly off, but not nearly enough.

"You're a wizard, and yet you choose to use ropes?" I scoffed. "Harry at least we used magic on Neville."

Quirrell seemed furious with this. He waved his wand and the ropes unwound themselves from around us. Just as his wand produced a freezing spell, Harry and I sidestepped so that it went straight into the wall. Then there was another, and another.

"Stop!" hissed a spine tingling voice. It seemed to be coming from Quirrell, but he hadn't moved to speak. "The stone, Quirrell! Get the stone!"

I knew what I wanted most at the moment was the stone. What I wanted, desired, more than anything else was to get the stone, and keep it far away from Quirrell, Sadie, and Voldemort. The mirror in the middle of the room gleamed, and I knew I needed to get to it.

"How does this work?" Quirrell pondered. "Is the stone inside? Should I break it? Help me master!"

"Use the children!" the high pitch voice sounded again, but Quirrell wasn't moving his lips. My eyes widened, and I took a step backwards.

"You!" Quirrell pointed to me and Harry. "Come here!"

Neither of us made to move. Quirrell scowled, and grabbed both out arms roughly and shoved us to stand in front of the mirror. I clasped Harry's hand in fear. I saw reflection Harry put the stone in his pocket, and wink. Reflection me sneakily pick pocketed reflection Harry and they fought over it for a second before settling on putting it in Harry's pocket. I kept my hand in Harry's and felt his pocket. There was something in there.

Lie. We have to lie. I thought to Harry.

You know I can't lie! What do I say? Harry asked hurriedly.

We see mom and dad. Play along.

I reached out and put my hand on the mirror and forced a sad look into my eyes. The mirror didn't mimic my movements, but instead, mirror Harry and Lily seemed to be watching with amusement. I changed my hair to a dark blue and hid a smirk.

"Mom, Dad," I breathed. "Harry do you see..."

"Yeah, I see them," Harry placed his hand on the mirror alongside mine.

The Harry in the mirror looked amazed at Harry's sudden action skills, and offered his doppelganger a thumbs up. Relfection me was laughing at the looks we were making. She mimicked my face and I fought the urge to sneer. For less than a second I let my eyes flash red and mirror Lily laughed.

I turned away from the mirror and looked to Quirrell who looked more disappointed than angry. Sadie looked like she believed us too. It took all my power not to strangle her. Quirrell pushed us out of the way to resume standing in front of the mirror. Harry and I ran as far as we could get, without hitting the fire.

"Lies! They lie!" hissed the voice. "Let me talk to them!"

"Master, you are not strong enough!" Quirrell said.

"I am strong enough for this!"

Quirrell sighed and started to unravel his turban. The cloth fell to the floor and Quirrell turned so his back was to us. I gasped, where the back of Quirrell's head should've been, was a chalk white face, with red eyes and slits for a nose.

"My Lord," Sadie addressed and bowed.

"Voldemort," I growled.

"Harry and Melody Potter," Voldemort hissed. "Ah, but you go by Lily, that's right. My sincerest apologies."

I growled and shifted my hair back to the original dark red and forced my eyes to go back to my father's bright hazel eyes. I held Voldemort's gaze with what I hoped was courage. His ruby red eyes seemed to be able to see right through me.

"Now, I'll take the stone, Harry- the one that lies in your pocket."

"No!" Harry yelled, clasping my hand.

"Harry, Lily, come join me. I can give you anything you want. I can give you your parents back," Voldemort bribed, conjuring up a picture of our parents, like a hologram in the air.

I gulped. I'd do anything for that. What I'd seen night after night in the mirror proved that. But there was no way he could do that, right? That's what I'd read. Magic couldn't bring back the dead. Not even if you were the most powerful wizard in the world.

"You liar!" I spat finally.

"I see. Then you will meet the same end as your parents. Begging me for mercy to spare your life-"

"Liar!" It was Harry who shouted this time. "Our parents were braver, and stronger, than you can ever hope to be!"

"Seize them!" Voldemort hissed.

Quirrell floated towards us and I stood in place, keeping my hand clasped in Harry's. Sadie grabbed one of Harry's arms and Quirrell took the other roughly making Harry cry out in pain. My fear forgotten, I felt my eyes and hair go a glowing red and I turned on Quirrell.

"Don't lay your filthy hands on my brother!" I screamed.

"And what will the little metamorphmagus do about that?" Quirrell taunted wearing a smirk that matched Sadie's.

I whipped out my wand and stabbed it into Quirrell's neck.

"Do not touch my brother," I spat in his face.

I removed my wand from his neck and waved it at his face, not caring what it did. A blue jet of light shot out of my wand and hit Quirrell in the face. All it did was cause a small ball of light to hit him, blinding him momentarily. I wasn't strong enough to do any real damage. I needed a spell.

"Incendio!" I screamed loudly, keeping my wand pointed at Quirrell. I turned on Sadie. "Pertrificus Totalus!"

Sadie's limbs locked at her sides, while the smirk left her face. She was left completely expressionless, except for her eyes, just like Neville. Fury entered her eyes and she fell to the floor. I thanked Hermione silently.

Quirrell yelled loudly, causing my attention to snap to him. His face had caught fire, and he was using his hands to try and smother it. It quickly caught onto his robes and Quirrell screamed again.

"Put it out you fool!" Voldemort hissed angrily.

Quirrell put out the fire, his face burnt and with still smouldering robes. He looked at the holes burnt through his scorched robes and then glared up to where I stood with my wand still outstretched. "Look what you've done."

He went to grab my neck but I grabbed his arms, causing them to crumble. I staggered back in surprise, looking down at my hands, which were unmarked. He screamed and staggered over to Harry. Harry reached up and put one hand on Quirrell's face, the other still clutching the stone. I ran over and placed one of my hands on Quirrell's face beside Harry's.

Quirrell's face crumbled and he fell to the floor, the rest of his body turning to dust along with his face. I retrieved my hand and looked to Harry. He grinned slightly, but seemed to be dizzy. His hand touched his scar only seconds before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the hard stone floor. I'd barely noticed that my scar, too, had been throbbing. I took my wand from my pocket and sat beside Harry, hoping to defend him, when I too, faded to black.


"Minerva, assist me in levitating her onto the stretcher?" Dumbledore's voice echoed in my ears.

I knew they were talking about me the minute I came around. I tried to sit up quick as I could, but found I was unable to do so. I was forced to settle instead for a very scratchy and weak "no!". I heard a chuckle.

"It seems there is no need for that, Albus. By the sounds of it, she wouldn't appreciate that."

McGonagall continued to walk towards me, I judged by the click of her heels. I forced my eyes open and found myself face to face with the head of Gryffindor house. She smiled kindly, standing back to allow me space as I used the wall to help me stand. I let a wave of dizziness pass before I dared speak, in fear of losing my last meal.

"Professor," I said weakly, the image of the professor in front of me still quite blurry. "When'd you get here?"

"Very shortly ago. Professor Dumbledore arrived back just as Miss Marshall arrived in my quarters speaking rapidly about the Philosopher's Stone. We're to bring you to the hospital wing at once. Madam Pomfrey will be expecting you, and it will do you no good to argue."

I wasn't planning on arguing. I felt I could pass out again at any minute, most likely after I lost my stomach. I only nodded to show that I understood what McGonagall had told me. I pushed off the wall, just barely able to hold myself steady on my own feet, but determined to bring myself to the hospital wing.

I walked with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Harry on a stretcher, to the hospital wing, passing a shocked Flitwick and Sprout on the way. The walk seemed longer than it had ever been. I felt so tired, and longed for a bed to lie in. It was a relief, surprisingly, when we reached the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey was at our sides within seconds of our arrival, ushering me into a cot and directing Dumbledore to put Harry in the other. I didn't dare lie in the bed yet. I didn't want to sleep just yet, and I knew the bed would do just that to me. I wondered vaguely if I was tired or very faint.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," I heard Sydney saying. "May I speak to Lily before we go to sleep?"

McGonagall must have given permission, I decided, when Sydney hugged me tightly. I didn't even have the strength to hug her back, but attempted a smile at her blurry face. I thought she grinned back, but couldn't have been sure.

"Talk tomorrow?"

I nodded. Sydney's footsteps started to retreat across the hospital wing. I heard the creak of the cot as she got in, and then the click of the doors as McGonagall and Dumbledore left. I glanced at Harry, who was being bandaged up by Pomfrey. She moved onto me, but I held up a hand, refusing to let her touch me. She muttered something about "just like her father" and "will be speaking with Dumbledore, I will", before huffing and strutting away.

I closed my eyes then, and instantly felt the world slide away.

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