Chapter 3- The Letter

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This was our worst punishment ever. When we were finally allowed out of our rooms, weeks later, summer holiday had begun.

"Make breakfast Harry. Melody get the mail." Uncle Vernon said as soon as we entered the kitchen.

"Stop calling me that!" I exclaimed.

Uncle Vernon gave me a dirty look and pointed towards the front door with a large, meaty finger. His face had already gone through four shades of purple.

"Do what I say, and get the mail," he said firmly.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath

"What was that?" Vernon asked menacingly.

"Nothing. Nothing." I said, rolling my eyes and walking away.

I muttered angrily as I walked into the hall. Walking past my room to the front door, I looked down beneath the mail slot and saw four letters lying there. I shuffled through them. One was an electrical bill, one was a letter for Aunt Petunia from Aunt Marge, one was for Harry, one was for me.

Harry and I got mail! I thought. Who would send mail to us?

I could've sworn I heard Harry reply. I shook my head. I must just be going insane from loneliness, being locked in the basement alone for weeks.

I looked at the front of one letter again. The envelope was made of rough yellowing parchment paper. The seal was split into four squares. One was blue and had an eagle, one was yellow and had a badger, one green and had a snake, and one was scarlet and had a lion. In the middle was a big letter 'H'.

I looked at the front again, almost unable to believe it. The address was scrawled on with shiny black ink, in great, fancy writing.

To Harry James Potter

4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Cupboard Under the Stairs

I looked at the other one, which I assumed was mine because the one I'd looked at was Harry's.

To Melody Lily Potter

4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Basement Bedroom

I walked into the kitchen and sat down beside Harry who had just finished making breakfast. I put the other two letters on the table beside Vernon. I lightly tapped Harry on the shoulder to get his attention and he looked at me. I showed him the letters and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Came a sudden yell from behind us. "Harry and Melody got mail!"

"Why do people keep calling me that?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

Everyone ignored me, much to my annoyance and looked at me and Harry. Harry looked like a deer caught in the headlights, and I sat back, arms crossed, with one eyebrow raised.

"So what? Are we not allowed to know people?" I sniggered.

"Give it to me," snarled Uncle Vernon as he snatched the letters out of my hands.

"Who's it from Vernon?" Questioned Petunia

He turned the letter around to open it and his eyes widened and his face went pale. He showed it to Petunia and she let out a squeal. Vernon put one hand on each side of the letter and ripped it in half. Dudley squealed in laughter, before turning away and turning towards the TV.

"Hey those were our letters!" Exclaimed Harry.

"Bloody hell! What are you thinking?!" I snarled, throwing my arms up in the air.

Uncle Vernon looked momentarily shocked and touched what little hair he had, looking at Petunia who looked just as shocked. His face soon turned a nasty shade of purple and he snarled.

"Harry, Melody, go to your rooms. Dudley could you please go to your room and watch TV? You can bring your food if you'd like," Vernon said.

"But Dad I don't want to go! I want to see the letter!" Dudley yelled.

"Just go," Uncle Vernon stated firmly.

I'd never seen Uncle Vernon be that harsh to Dudley in my life. Dudley started 'crying' and throwing a tantrum, throwing his food around the room. Harry and I took it as our chance to escape. Harry and I walked into my basement and I sat down on the bed and Harry sat in the chair.

"Why do you think Vernon ripped up that letter?" Harry wondered aloud.

"I don't know," I replied. "I shouldn't have even let them see it. Sorry."

We spent the rest of the day in my basement until Petunia started yelling at us to come out for dinner. We came out from my room to find that dinner wasn't actually ready, but rather was waiting to be made... By Harry and me. Harry and I made a quick meal, and placed it on the table quietly.

Dinner went by silently. All you could hear was the clatter of cutlery, scraping of plates, and the occasional loud belch, or complaint from Pig. We all finished quickly and Harry and I were left to clean. Once we were finished we both headed off to our rooms.

I pulled out my iPod and went onto iMessage. Harry had originally not wanted his own iPod, but had soon grown jealous, so we'd snatched Dudley's new one when I found it on the table unattended. Dudley had complained he lost his, and got a new one the day after.

Send to Harry

Lily: Can't sleep. I really wanted to read that letter. I shouldn't have showed them in the first place. Sorry.

Harry: It's not your fault. They're just daft.

Lily: lol. I'm gunna try and sleep. Just wanted to say goodnight, so... Night Harr-Bear

Harry: Night Lils.

I shut off my iPod, stuck it on the charger and tucked it under my pillow. I tried to sleep, but I kept wondering about the letter. Who was it from? What did they want from Harry and I? How did they even know we were here? I fell into an uneasy sleep, these questions swirling around in my head.


The next morning I got up, trudged up the stairs in my red and yellow pyjamas, opened my door, and saw that Harry's door was already open. I walked into the kitchen to find Harry watching Uncle Vernon ripping another letter that looked exactly like the one from the last morning. We got sent to our rooms, though we stayed in my room the whole time, and only came out for meals and the bathroom.

Come morning, a horrid sound woke me before I even needed to be up. I dared to quietly pad up the steps and peek my head into the hall. Vernon was at the front door, boarding up the mail slot. Having heard the click of my door opening he glanced up, gave a smug smile and held up the drill for us to clearer see. I frowned and shut the door again.

It went on like that until Sunday morning; a letter would find its way into the house, once under the door and once in an open window, and then said opening would be sealed shut. Sunday morning was an interesting day to say the least. Well, that morning the Dursleys were sitting in the armchairs in the living room while Harry and I served biscuits.

"Sundays," Uncle Vernon started gleefully. "Best day of the week in my opinion. Do you know why?"

"No mail on Sundays," Harry said dully, giving Dudley yet another biscuit before daring to set them on the table which was well in arms length of all the Dursleys.

"Right you are, Harry" Uncle Vernon said. "No mail on Sundays," Vernon giggled like a school girl.

All of a sudden there was a loud rumbling noise, causing things around the house to rattle. I tuned to Harry curiously, but he shrugged his shoulders. In a flash letters seemed to come flying in from every direction. They came in the window, in the fireplace, the front doors flew open, and letters poured in the front and back doors.

Without even thinking I shot my hand in the air and grabbed one. I smirked and took off toward my room hoping the stairs would slow down, if not completely deter the Dursleys. When the envelope ripped open and I got the letter inside, I nearly squealed in glee, despite the fact it wasn't even my own.

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at-

The letter was snatched out of my hand by Vernon, as I was halted in order to open the door. He had Harry by the arm, to keep him unable to reach any of the letters. He took the letter and he ripped it into pieces, threw them on the floor, and stomped them into the ground.

"We're leaving! We're going where they can't find us!" He sputtered, spit flying from his mouth.

"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?" Squealed Dudley from behind us.

Aunt Petunia just nodded, not even looking at either of them. She was to busy glancing at the envelope covered floor, and then back up to Harry and I with a horrified look. I tried to bend down and grab a letter without catching any attention, but Vernon grabbed my arm.

Vernon dragged us to our rooms to pack "just clothes". He left then, presumably to do the same for himself. As soon as I was sure he had gone upstairs to his own room, I crept up the stairs to grab a letter. As I went to open the door, though, I realized he had locked the door from the outside.

Storming back down the stairs, I angrily threw pants, shirts, socks, and all my other clothes into the bag, muttering loudly about Vernon and his stupid family of pigs. I finally got my iPod, quickly stuffing the charger into my bag, and shoved it into my pocket before dragging myself back to the top of the stairs to wait for the lock to click open.

Vernon's ugly face was the first thing I saw when the door was finally opened. The letters had stopped coming in and now just lay on the floor un-moving. There were so many letters, that the floor wasn't visible beneath them all. Harry exited his room once it was unlocked, and we were about to sneak a letter into one of our bags when Vernon grabbed our arms once again and shoved us out the front door.

"Into the car! Come on! Hurry up! Let's go!" Yelled Uncle Vernon, opening the car doors.

I sat in the middle in the backseat of the car while Harry sat on my left and Dudley sat on my right. I did my best to stay as far away from Dudley as possible, which wasn't easy seeing as he took up his seat, and most of mine, leaving me squished beside Harry.

I fell asleep an hour into the car ride with my head resting on Harry's shoulder. I dreamed that I was on a flying motorcycle with a giant while we flew through the sky for hours. I was awoken Vernon blaring the horn at a poor lady who was only trying to usher her two young children safely across the crosswalk. I sat up straighter, asking Harry how long I'd slept.

"About 2 hours" He replied, craning his neck to glance at the clock on the dashboard.

For the next hour that we were in the cramped car, the only sound was the beeping from Dudley's video game, and Vernon muttering angrily under his breath about every other person on the road. We finally arrived at our destination, Vernon shut off the car, turning to face us.

"Out you get," said Uncle Vernon as he unbuckled his seat belt.

We went up to the front desk and Uncle Vernon impatiently yelled at the man, for not coming over sooner, even though we'd arrived no more than three minutes ago. The man stammered out many apologies, stepping up to the desk.

"We need a room with two queen beds," Vernon stated angrily.

The man nodded and went to work. Minutes later, he handed us a couple of key cards. They were snatched out of his hand roughly by Vernon. He drew his hand back quickly.

"Room 433, fourth floor," said the worker.

Vernon nodded and went to the elevator with his suitcases. He let Dudley and Petunia in, and brought the suitcases in behind him. They spread themselves and the bags out as much as possible, until there was no room left.

"Well, looks like there's no room. The stairs are that way," he chuckled, and pressed the button to shut the door.

I gave the now closed elevator doors a narrowed look, before following Harry. We trudged up the four flights of stairs, glad we only had grocery bags to carry. We arrived at the room soon after everyone else, and I knocked angrily at the door. Vernon waiting a few minutes before letting us in.

"You are sleeping on the couch" said Uncle pointing at Harry and I, as soon as he opened the door.

Harry and I didn't even bother to argue. We went to sit on the couch, not paying a glance to Dudley, who was already playing video games on one of the beds. We were relieved when Vernon took his family out for dinner. Harry and I sneaked some change out of one of the Dursley's bags, and went downstairs to get chocolate bars from the vending machines. When the Dursleys returned, they had with them cold chips for Harry and I.

The next day we went down for breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Vernon and Petunia had allowed Harry and I to eat there only because it was free with out stay. We were just finishing out meal, the biggest meal Harry and I had had in a long time, when one of the hotel employees approached our table.

"Is anybody here Harry or Melody Potter?" He asked. "I've got about a hundred of these behind the front desk."

He showed us a letter that was identical to the ones from back at the Dursleys. Vernon's face turned a nasty shade and the vein in his forehead throbbed. He swatted the letter out of the young employee's hand.

"We are leaving!" Yelled Vernon, nearly flipping the table as he stood up. Attention around the room came to us. "Come! Pack your bags!"

After we packed our bags and we headed downstairs and checked out, Vernon threw the key card at the hotel worker. The hotel worker ducked and glared at Vernon. With the force Vernon used to shove open the glass doors, I was surprised they didn't shatter.

We got into the car and about 3 hours later Uncle Vernon pulled up at a small shack in the forest. Vernon went in and out within five minutes, and came back with a long cylindrical package. Harry and I looked at each other questioningly.

We started driving again, and another 5 hours later, Vernon pulled up at a lake. He got out, put all our stuff in a boat, and ordered everyone in. He instructed Harry and I to row to a rock island in the middle of the lake. We pulled up and we all got out of the boat, and into the small hut. It was small and shabby, and didn't look like it could withstand the storm that was quickly growing outside.

"Petunia and I are sleeping in the bed, Dudley you sleep on the couch and Potters you sleep om the floor," said Uncle Vernon. He went to bed before we could say anything else.

We all went to our designated 'beds' as it was already 11 o'clock. Harry and I were under the thinnest blanket in the hut, shivering on the hard floor. I was unable to sleep in the cold, and it seemed Harry was as well. Soon enough, Dudley was snoring loudly and his hand fell of the couch nearly smacking me in the face. I looked curiously at his wrist watch.

"1 more minute till our birthday Harry," I whispered to my brother and we drew a large birthday cake in the dust on the floor, imagining what it must be like to get a real one.

The watch turned to 12:00 and we blew the candles out on the cake we drew. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door and we all sat bolt upright. Uncle Vernon grabbed a rifle from beside the bed and stood up and aimed it at the door. The door fell and the man who was driving the motorcycle in my dream stepped in the room. He walked over to Uncle Vernon and looked at the gun in his hand. He reached out an enormous hand and tied a knot with the end of the gun. He turned to us.

"Harry, Melody, haven't seen you two since you were babies."

"Don't call me Melody, it's Lily," I said.

"Sure," said the man, waving it off with his hand. "I got yeh a little somethin'."

Out of a pocket, the large stranger drew a box. He handed it to Harry. I watched over Harry's shoulder as he revealed a chocolate cake. "Happy Birthday" was written in green icing, and I grew a great smile.

"I expect I mighta sat on it. It'll taste fine all the same."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily, as Harry set the cake aside for later.

"Excuse me sir but who are you?" Harry asked, glancing to the large man.

"Sorry, haven't I introduced myself? Rebeus Hagrid: keeper of the keys at Hogwarts," he stated very proudly.

I turned to Harry, and he was returning my look of utter confusion. Hogwarts? I wondered if maybe that was a place in London. Petunia and Vernon only took Dudley to London, and left Harry and I with Ms. Figg.

"We're sorry but we don't know where that is," Harry said.

Rubeus Hagrid looked astounded, as if it were common sense to know where this Hogwarts was. I looked over to Vernon who looked positively fuming. I turned back to Rubeus Hagrid as he began to explain.

"What? Where do you think your parents learned it all?" Rubeus Hagrid said, which was not much of an answer.

"All what?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

Rubeus Hagrid was suddenly furious, but not a Harry and I, it seemed. His angry gaze flew to where Vernon was cowering in a corner. He took a step forward, and Vernon even let out a strained whimper.

"All what?!" He repeated. "Are you meaning to tell me tha' these children know nothing!?"

Rubeus Hagrid's voice had risen in a crescendo until he was yelling at Vernon. Petunia and Dudley, who were cowering in another corner, made no movement to intervene. I was surprised to see Dudley looked on the verge of tears.

"We know some things," Harry said proudly, stepping up. I grinned. "We go to school. In fact, Lily was told just the other day she was excelling in science!"

Rubeus Hagrid offered a smile at Harry. "But all about our world. Your world, my world, and your parents world."

"World?" I repeated the word with one eyebrow raised.

Rubeus Hagrid was facing Vernon again now. "DURSLEY!"

Vernon offered nothing but quiet blubbering of incoherent words. Even in the situation, I managed to laugh at the sight. It caused Rubeus Hagrids attention to come back to Harry and I once again.

"Surely you know who yer parents are, and who you are. Yer famous! Yer parents were famous!"

"No, certainly we would have known," Harry said. "My parents... they couldn't have been famous."

"You don't even know what you are?" Rubeus Hagrid shot another fuming look at Vernon.

"I forbid you to tell them!" Vernon said, having found his voice once again.

"Boil yer head, Dursley," was all Hagrid said. He turned back to Harry and me. "You're a wizard, Harry, and you're a witch, Lily."

"No you've got the wrong people. I mean I'm just Harry, and she's, she's just Lily," Harry said, pointing from himself to me, obviously shocked that this stranger would say such a thing.

"Hey! I'm not just Lily thank you very much. I am fabulous," I said, flipping my hair, trying to look majestic. "But yes, Harry's right. I mean, we can't be what you say."

"Ah, you'll be great once yer trained up a bit."

He handed us a letter the same on from the hotel and the Dursleys house. Immediately my attention was drawn to the letter and I completely forgot about 'Just Lily'.

"They will not be going," Uncle Vernon hissed trying to get the letter. "I forbid it!"

Rubeus Hagrid pulled out a pink umbrella from one giant pocket and said, "Stay back Dursley."

Rubeus Hagrid then turned to us and nodded in encouragement, his pink umbrella still pointed toward Vernon. Vernon had shut up, to avoid being stuck on the end of Rubues Hagrid's Umbrella. Harry turned the letter over.

To Harry James Potter

Hut on the rock

Harry opened the letter and read it aloud.

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