Chapter 1- A Vacation With the Weasleys

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The snitch raced by my ear, followed soon after by my brother, Harry Potter. I laughed and swivelled my broomstick to chase him. Nimbus 2001s causing us to be nothing more than blurs, we raced for the small golden ball in the air. I was vaguely aware the game around us had halted to watch. Harry caught the snitch just as my fingertips had closed around it. This caused a loud argument to break out between the two teams of four.

"I call bad catch!" Shouted John, the keeper for my team. "Lily obviously already had it! Harry snatched it from her!"

"Nuh-uh!" Said George, sticking out his tongue at the older boy.

The teams both flew to the centre of the pitch, angry scowls being passed around. I flew with my small team of John, Sydney, and Ginny by my side. Harry and his team of Ron, Fred and George were no longer shouting victoriously, but arguing angrily.

"You can't snatch the snitch from the other seeker," Sydney rolled her eyes. "That's plainly against all rules!"

"She did not have the snitch!" Harry said, throwing his arms up in frustration.

This caused an angry reaction of shouts, one being my own. I had felt the ball in my hand before Harry had grabbed it. Ginny, the chaser for my team, was about to argue when she was interrupted by a loud, but very welcomed voice.

"Children!" called Molly Weasley's voice. "Dinner!"

Instantly our fight was forgotten about. A chorus of "Coming, Mum!" was shouted back by all the red-headed players of our small game. We all flew to the ground, landing roughly and running to the backdoor of The Burrow.

"You're welcome to stay for dinner, Sydney dear," Mrs Weasley said, setting plates of food down on the table.

Sydney smiled, but told Mrs Weasley today was one of the few days her mother was home to have dinner with her. So with mouths already stuffed full of potato, we all waved to Sydney as she disappeared in a flash of green flames.

Sydney's mother was home for dinner once a week at most. The summer previously she had gotten herself a new job at the ministry, and they kept her very busy. As a result, Sydney spent most of her time at Hermione Granger's. Sydney, though, was very understanding of her mother having to work. They lived just the two of them, and Mrs Marshall worked very hard to give her daughter the best.

We were only halfway through our chicken dinner when Mr Weasley stumbled in the back door, shouting incomprehensible words and waving a paper high in the air. Mrs Weasley guided him into a chair, but he popped right back up as if on a spring. He whooped once more before I was able to understand what he was trying to convey to his wife.

"We won! Molly, we won! Seven hundred galleons!" He was saying, taking the paper he held and shoving it into Mrs Weasley's face.

The reaction was instant. Excited looks were passed around the table, even to Harry, Jonathan, and me. It seemed that the Weasley parents had forgotten about us for the moment. Mrs Weasley suddenly dashed over to hug Mr Weasley. He lifted her off the ground excitedly. It was when Fred and George let out a loud whoop that they remembered us sitting around the table. Mrs Weasley was now nearly as giddy as her husband.

"We'd discussed," she began, making us all move to the edge of our seats, "taking a trip to Egypt to visit Bill, but found we hadn't enough money. Now, we'll be able to! Of course, Harry, Lily, John, you'll all be coming with us-"

"No, no," I said quickly, eyes widening at the offer that was being made. "Mrs Weasley you've already done so much for us. I'm sure the Dursleys will let us back. In fact, we could always just go to Hermione's."

"Yes," continued John, pushing his dinner aside. "This is obviously a family trip. It'll be no trouble at all for us to find somewhere to stay."

"You are family!" Mrs Weasley said, with a nod of agreement passed round the kitchen. "You will be coming. All three of you! Oh I must owl Bill and Charlie about the great news!"

Mrs Weasley bustled out of the kitchen before Harry, John, or I could put up any further argument. My heart had warmed at Mrs Weasley calling us family. As much as I knew that I should feel very intrusive of the family, I couldn't help but be excited. Mr Weasley, who after a few deep breaths was talking very steady, rounded on the three of us.

"Molly is right, children," Mr Weasley said. "You'll be coming with us. Yes, I'm sure that everyone would be pleased to have you. Bill and Charlie will be pleased to meet you as well."

More nods of agreement went around the dinner table. I finally relented and beamed at Mr Weasley. "Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr Weasley, for your generosity. Harry and I will of course be able to pay for our own and John-"

I was cut off once again, and this time I didn't even try to argue. Mr Weasley went to find his wife, and we all went back to our dinner, our conversation now turned excitedly to Egypt. We stayed round the kitchen table well past dinner, the soup at the table replaced by pudding and ice cream, until Mrs Weasley came in and ushered us off to bed.

Harry and I entered Charlie's room with grins. I couldn't believe the generosity of the Weasley family. I was sure I'd never met anyone nicer. I couldn't think of anyone who deserved the money more than they did.

An example of this was simply the entire summer... so far. They'd welcomed Harry, John, and I, literally with open arms. They knew how the Dursley's mistreated us back at Number 4 Privet Drive, and had insisted we need not go back there. They had given Harry and I Charlie's room. John, who had nowhere to go until he was of age at seventeen but had already graduated Hogwarts early, was offered Bill's room for as long as he needed. John had accepted after asking hundreds of times if they were sure whether or not that was okay.

I fell asleep thinking only of how the Weasleys were the most wonderful people in the world, and how they really were the family I had never had.


"Come on! Let's go! Got everything? Yes? Good."

Mr Weasley was apparating in and out with our trunks as Mrs Weasley ushered us into the fireplace to floo to Bill's place in Egypt. First went Percy, then Ron, then George, John, Ginny, Harry, Fred, and finally me. I landed steadily, stepping out of the fireplace (which I heard was for the sole purpose of floo- fireplaces not really being necessary in Egypt) into a small and already crowded living room.

"Bill!" I heard a cry, and then Mrs Weasley was hugging her oldest son.

Bill was taller than all the other Weasley's. His long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, only making clearer the great smile he had on his face as he hugged each of his family members. He approached Harry, John, and me, extending a hand.

"Bill Weasley," he said. "Pleasure to meet you all."

"John Black," John said, shaking his hand firmly. He'd been about to introduce Harry and I before he excused himself quickly and rushed to help Mr Wealsey with trunks.

"Lily Potter," I said, shaking Bill's hand. I motioned to Harry. "This is my brother, Harry."

Bill's eyes immediately drifted to our foreheads, but he said nothing before his eyes came back to meet my own. "Pleased to meet you. I hear you're quite like family to my own, so I suppose you're family to me as well."

I found it quite kind that Bill thought of us as family before the chosen ones. He shook Harry's hand. His eyes snapped to Harry's forehead once again, though he seemed to be attempting against it, and this time I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Neat aren't they? The scars," I laughed. Bill blushed.

We all began to settle into Bill's house, which was very small, and definitely not designed to host twelve people. Mr and Mrs Weasley got the guest room, and I was not at all disappointed to hear that the rest of us would be camping in the living room. Mr Weasley offered to cast an undetectable extension charm, but we all shook our heads. Everyone, including Percy, seemed to be excited about our camp-out in the living room. 

Green flames appeared again, and out stepped the final Weasley. Charlie, like his older brother, had long hair, but his was not pulled back, giving him a more wild appearance. He brushed some ash off of a dragon hide vest before approaching his parents.

"I like to think I'm fashionably late," he said, hugging first his mother and father.

When Charlie moved on to hug his siblings, it was apparent that his height was challenged already by Ron's. He was, however, obviously the most heavyset. His freckles outnumbered even Percy's, giving him an almost tanned appearance. He was only able to wave to Harry and I, revealing a very scarred arm, before the twins pounced on him.

"Charlie!" Fred and George shouted together.

I'd heard countless stories of Charlie from Fred and George. He'd taught them the pranking ways, they often said. I hoped to acquaint myself with him soon. Charlie laughed and shrugged when he was asked if he'd mind using a sleeping bag in the living room as well.

We spent a few hours finding room for our things. Once everything was settled, and we'd all taken a little while to get our stuff and ourselves together, Bill offered to take us out to see a Sphinx. I'd jumped up instantly.

"Statue or beast?" I asked quickly.

"Both if you guys would like. I suggest keeping a fair distance from Sphinxes, however. They can get quite violent."

So we headed out the front door, the light blinding. We had all dressed in proper egyptian clothing, and Fred, George and Charlie were quite enjoying it. I was sticking close to Harry, talking now in a very Hermione like fashion.

"See, a sphinx is only classified as a beast rather than a being due to its violence," I said, recalling from one of the many books I had on magical beasts. "It's classified XXXX I believe. They're guards, is the thing. They become violent if something threatens whatever they're guarding. Gringott's is rumoured to use sphinxes to guard some of the vaults."

Harry actually seemed quite interested. "Are the statues that the muggles built accurate?"

"Quite. Sphinxes have a human head with a lions body," I paused. "Phoenixes are also native to Egypt. I wonder if we'll see one around."

"You got to see one up close," Harry laughed.

I shrugged, continuing with a steady flow of information of other beasts from Egypt. Harry nodded along, asking the occasional question. I didn't notice the Weasley sneaking up on us until he was right behind me.

"You seem to be quite into magizoology," said Charlie.

I nodded. "I find it quite interesting, especially since I grew up in the muggle world."

"You're taking Care of Magical Creatures next year, then?"

"Of course I am! It's one of the few classes I'm looking forward to! That's along with Potions and Transfiguration... maybe Defence if we could get a decent teacher this year. Quirrell wasn't all too bad I suppose, but he had Voldemort on the back of his head, which kind of ruined it for me."

Charlie laughed. "Well, when I went to Hogwarts I really enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Kettleburn was really great."

"I heard he's retired," I said, shaking my head. "I haven't an idea of who might replace him."

The conversation turned to the Dragons studied in Romania. I listened intently, not even noticing when Harry broke away to talk to John. Soon enough, we had reached the statues of the sphinxes, which both Charlie and I noticed were very accurate.

After failing to find any live Sphinxes, we decided to call it a day. We headed back to Bill's small home. We passed the time playing exploding snap. It wasn't long before Percy grew tired of our 'immature antics' and settled with a book in his sleeping bag. It was nearly one o'clock when Mrs Weasley marched into the room, insisting it was far too late for us to be making so much noise.

We all retired to our sleeping bags, but no one went to sleep. My head lay near Fred and George's behind me, so I eagerly turned to see if they were up for a prank later on. Of course, they were. Upon hearing our planning, both Harry and Charlie joined in.

It was late when we finally went to bed. John, Ginny, Percy, and Ron were all sleeping already (Ron snoring quite loudly). I hadn't realised how worn out I was, and I feel asleep in a matter of minutes, excited for the next few weeks to come.


I awoke with a start. We'd been out late into the night playing Quidditch. I didn't even open my eyes, but simply groaned and rolled over into my pillow. I heard mutters, and then felt a sharp pain in my leg.

"Ouch!" I sat up quickly. Ron, Fred, George, John, Ginny, and Charlie stood around Harry and I. Harry pulled on his glasses as I glared at the ring of people around us, while I glared up. "Which one of you little gits stepped on me?"


Ron blushed. Harry and I slid out of our sleeping bags, moving to the kitchen table with the rest of the Weasleys. I thanked Mrs Weasley for the pancakes, before piling a few of them onto my plate.

"So, what are we doing for your birthday, Harry, Lily?" Mrs Weasley asked.

I had to admit, I'd nearly forgotten it was our birthday. It was never really an important day to us. The Dursleys made sure it was just another normal day, if not worse than every other day. I looked to Mrs Weasley with a smile.

"For our birthday?" I asked. "You would do something for our birthday?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?"

"Well, we've just never had our birthday celebrated is all," I said sheepishly. "Vernon and Petunia made sure of that."

"Well, that's changing today," Bill smiled, taking a seat beside Mr Weasley. "If you'd like, I could take you on a camel ride to the pyramids, or we could apparate over to visit the Nile."

"Really? You'd do that?" Harry's green eyes were sparkling. "I- I'd really like to take a camel ride to the pyramids if it wouldn't be too much trouble."

I nodded in agreement.

Later that day we found ourselves all on a large group of camels. Mr and Mrs Weasley shared one, and the rest of us got our own. I could hardly believe that we were doing this to celebrate our birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Lil," Harry grinned.

"Happy Birthday, Harry."

The ride was spectacular. To make the already brilliant day even better, a wild phoenix flew overhead at half past three. The ride was far too short, even though it lasted for hours. Harry and I must have thanked Bill hundreds of times. He only smiled, hugging us each in turn and wishing us a happy birthday.

That night, Harry and I were bombarded with gifts purchased from the wizarding market we'd visited a few days before. Ron had gotten us both sneakoscopes. He told us they would light up and spin if there's someone unworthy around. At dinner I'd placed mine beside me at the table, it continuously spun.

"Those are a load of rubbish for tourists," Bill said, glancing at the top spinning furiously. I sniggered, glancing at the certain red-headed twins that had put beetles in his soup.

Charlie had purchased us each a brilliant phoenix feather quill, while Bill presented us with a small metal sphinx, that prowled the table when he set it down. Percy, of course, had gotten us each a large book on Egyptian wizarding history, insisting it would help in History of Magic. Ginny had given us amulets that would drive away many dangerous beasts. Molly and Arthur had gotten us Muggle style sweaters supporting the Egyptian National Quidditch Team. I was admiring the key Fred and George had given us (that unlocked any door- even those protected even from Alohamora), when two owls landed on the windowsill.  

I recognized one as Bartholomew, Sydney's owl, and opened the window. He carried with him many letters. The poor owls looked exhausted, so I let them in, where they perched with Hedwig, Stripes, Hermes, Charlie's owl Rusty, Bill's owl Fabio, and Demetrius.

I took from Bartholomew first a letter from Sydney, which was addressed to both Harry and I. I unfolded it where we could both read it.

Dear Harry and Lily,

Happy Birthday! I hope Bartholomew got there in time. I sent him a while in advance, knowing it may take a while before he reached Egypt. Anyway, I've sent Bartholomew with everyone's letters, figuring it may be easier than sending all those owls all the way there. I really do hope you opened this first so that you'll know in advance.

We, Hermione and I, figured it may be easier on the owls if we deliver you your gifts when you're back in England. I've had them all delivered to me and Hermione, whose house I've been at near all summer... again. They're at Hermione's now. I promise I haven't peeked, though Hagrid's gift is thrashing quite violently.

I write this from Neil's. Hermione has gone on vacation to France. Your relatives are really something. Your Uncle Vernon was banging on doors up and down the street to let everyone know he was having a gathering to admire his new car. Mr and Mrs Walter declined of course- Vernon wasn't happy about that. Neil and I might go to ask him how you're doing, it'll be a laugh.

I grinned. I was glad that even without my being there the Dursley's were still be bothered by one magic person or other. I hoped Sydney would have the pleasure of meeting my pig of a cousin.

So have a great birthday, and don't forget to bring me something back from Egypt you little gits.


P.S. Otto is doing well. He's much more fun than cranky old Webb- my mother's elf.

I grinned. After making sure Harry was done reading the letter as well, I tucked it back into the envelope and moved onto the next one. I recognised the untidy scrawl as Hagrid's. I opened it quickly.

Happy Birthday!

Hope you're having fun in Egypt! Tell Charlie I say hello! Your present is at Hermoine's, she'll give it to you when you're back.


I wondered what Hagrid's present could possibly be. Sydney had said it was 'thrashing quite violently'. Hagrid had a certain affinity for dangerous creatures, (like his three headed dog Fluffy, or his Acromantula Aragog) and a certain disregard for danger. Harry handed me the next envelopes, one for each of us from Hermione.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday.

I'm on holiday in France at the moment, and I wasn't sure how I was going to get your gift back to England, but bless Sydney, for Bartholomew turned up! I bought your present by owl order; there was an advertisement in The Daily Prophet (I've been getting it delivered, it's so good to keep up with what's going on in the wizarding world). I saw the picture of you guys a week ago. I bet you're learning loads, I'm really jealous- the ancient Egyptian wizards were fascinating.

There's some interesting local history of witchcraft here, too, I've re-written my whole History of Magic essay to include some of the things I've found out. I hope it's not too long, it's two rolls of parchment more than Professor Binns asked for.

Ron has said that you'll be in London the last week of holidays. I'll see you then!

Love From


I grinned as Harry set his letter from Hermione aside, before moving on to mine. Knowing Hermione, she probably just wanted an excuse to write two pages. I didn't mind it in the least.

Dear Lily,

Happy Birthday!

I'm on holiday in France right now, and Sydney has gone to Neil's house. She's let me know that your relatives really are horrid. I've sent your gift to England via Sydney's owl. It should have been delivered to my own house with the rest of your gifts. I ordered it from The Daily Prophet. I imagine you're having quite a good time in Egypt with the Weasleys. I bet you're learning a lot. The Ancient Egyptian Wizards were quite interesting. I hope you'll tell me all about it when you're back.

I expect you're doing your homework, Lily Potter. There is much to be done before returning to Hogwarts, and it cannot be done on the train to school. I trust you haven't even begun your History of Magic essay yet? You should get started on that. You can use much of what you're learning in Egypt. I'll expect to see at least most of it done when I see you in London the last week before school.

I hope you're enjoying Egypt. I know you have a fascination with beasts, so I bet you've seen a sphinx? Take pictures for me. I can't wait to see you!

Love, Hermione.

I laughed. Hermione knew me all to well. My History of Magic essay was laying on Bill's kitchen table with only the title, the date, and my name. I knew Hermione wasn't kidding about checking over my homework upon my arrival in England, though, and she intimidated me more than any Hogwarts Professor. I made a mental note to get started on that as we opened a letter from Neil.

Happy Birthday, Harry and Lily!

I've missed having you guys down the street, but I'm glad you don't have to deal with those horrible muggles you live with. Sydney and I are going to crash their party in a few days. I'll make sure to introduce her to Dudley. Anyway, your gift has been sent to Hermione's, so you'll be getting it along with the rest.

Can't wait to see you guys!

From Neil.

P.S. I know it's your birthday, but I don't suppose you'd mind bringing me back some Egyptian National Quidditch Team paraphernalia? I'll pay you, of course.

We moved on to the final letter. It was formatted the same way Hermione and Sydney had done theirs the year before, with one person writing in blue ink, and the other in red.

Dear Harry and Lily,

Happy Birthday!

We hope you're having fun in Egypt. Wish we could've come along... or gone anywhere really. Father isn't too happy these days. We saw a picture of you all in The Daily Prophet. I didn't realise John had come along as well. We've been unable to see Sydney all summer, Father invited Corvus and Uncle Nicholi over. It's quite horrid. Corvus has been strutting around the manor like he owns the place, just because Father has been sacked as governor. Lily, I'd appreciate if you beat him up again. Anyway, I'm sure you know by now that our gift has been sent to Hermione's, where Sydney told us the gifts would be awaiting your return from Egypt. We'll be heading to London without Father, he's very busy, he says. I'm glad we'll be able to get away for a while. Sydney says you'll be there the last week before the start of term. We'll go then, as well. We've each finished all our schoolwork already. We were using it as an excuse to avoid Father, Uncle Nicholi and Corvus. Mother had been kindly telling them that we were very busy, but we have no excuses any more. We can't wait to see you guys (and escape the manor a while).

From Theo and Draco

The second owl had brought seven letters from Hogwarts. I distributed them to Harry and the Weasleys before opening my own. As always, it contained an acceptance letter and a list of required supplies, but this year it seemed thicker than usual. I found another page and read through it. It was a Hosmeade permission slip, to be signed by a guardian. I raised an eyebrow and went to ask Harry a question, but was interrupted by Percy clearing his throat loudly and declaring he'd been made Head Boy. I wasn't surprised.

Mrs Weasley however let out a loud cheer and engulfed Percy in a very tight hug. I snorted, earning myself quite the glare from Percy the Prefect... Percy the Head Boy. Fred and George were also mocking behind their mother's back, causing Percy's face to go quite red.

"Second Head Boy in the family!" she said, practically squealing with unrestrained pride.

"And last," Fred muttered in my ear. I chuckled and nudged him when I realized we were still in hearing range of Mrs Weasley.

"I don't doubt that," Mrs Weasley said with a scowl. "I notice they haven't made you two Prefects."

"What do we want to be Prefects for?" George said with a very large grin. "It'd take all the fun out of life!"

I had to laugh, which encouraged Ginny to giggle.

"You want to set a better example for your sister!" Mrs Weasley snapped, taking Ginny's arm.

"Ginny's got other brothers to set her an example, Mother," Percy said with a puffed chest.

Mrs Weasley seemed satisfied by this, for she backed off the twins and released Ginny. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned. Beckoning Fred, I whispered quietly in his ear, with a weary eye on Mrs Weasley.

"I heard we're going to the pyramids tomorrow," I said with a quiet laugh. "Let's leave him there."

Fred only laughed in response. The commotion died down quickly, and I took the time to take a seat beside Harry on the couch. He had the Hogsmeade permission slip in his hand, as did I. His emerald eyes met mine.

"Legal guardian," he read. "You don't think Vernon would sign this, do you?"

I shrugged. "I'm not hopeful enough to go there and ask, but we can always send him a letter."

And so Harry got a piece of parchment and his new phoenix feather quill. He handed each to me, and  wrote neat as possible.

Dear Uncle Vernon,

We've gotten these permission slips regarding visiting a nearby village while we are in school. They need to be signed by our legal guardian, and so we were wondering if you'd mind signing them?

Thank you.

-Lily and Harry.

We attached the permission slips to the letter, and Harry approached Hedwig. Upon realizing where she'd be delievering these letters to, she gave Harry a very distasteful look. She only obeyed upon Harry's pleading 'please, Hedwig?', and flew out the window with Bartholomew and the owl who'd delivered our letters.

We tucked all our letter's into Harry's trunk. Harry then went outside with Ron, grabbing their brooms on the way. Taking Hermione's warning very seriously, I headed to the kitchen table to begin my essay... my Transfiguration one of course.


The inside of the tombs was sweltering. It was totally worth it, though. The curses the Ancient Egyptians had put on the places were amazing, yet terrifying. I'd been scribbling things down that I wanted to tell Hermione (and maybe distract her from the fact that I'd only completed one of my many essays).

Fred, George and I ran up one passage, racing to the end of it. Percy gave us quite the lecture following this. He said something about respect and history, but I'd quit listening at 'stop it'. It was quite a scene- his voice echoed throughout the passages.

Following this, Fred, George, and I, decided we'd like to get our revenge. Upon visiting the next tomb, we would make small comments, such as 'hm', 'fascinating', and 'very interesting'. In fact, we were so well behaved throughout the rest of the pyramid that I was surprised no one noticed it was suspicious. It was when we reached the exit that we took action. We stopped to let everyone out. First went Mr and Mrs Weasley, then Bill, Charlie, John, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Then we stepped out and shut the door. Percy had shouted very loudly at this. Mrs Weasley's gaze darted toward us, and I'm sure we looked quite guilty. Fred and George stood wide eyed, hands gripping the edge of the door, while I stood alongside, the smile wiped clean off my face. Percy jumped out of the pyramid, absolutely livid. Now, it was not only Percy lecturing us.

As odd as it was, it felt really good to be screeched at by Mrs Weasley. I felt more like I was family, rather than the chosen one coming to visit. So, head hung low, I listened with Fred and George to Mrs Weasley's never ending rant. It continued until Bill stopped her, telling her we must move on. We did, after a last dirty look.

The last of the tombs was my favourite one. Mrs Weasley had decided Ginny was too young to come into it, and so the two waited outside. Bill led us through the dimly lit tomb by wandlight, with no muggles in sight. I understood why Mrs Weasley hadn't wanted Ginny to come.

Inside were many mutant skeletons and mummies, all of which, Bill said, were muggles who had broken in and been cursed. One of them had grown an extra head, encouraging Fred and George to squeeze into the same shirt, both of their heads sticking out the top. I laughed, but Percy was quick to scold them, still not over the whole incident with the tomb. As soon as he turned his back, they did it again, Harry and I joining in this time.


"What position you play, Charlie? Bill?" John called as he and I tried to figure out the teams for our upcoming game of Quidditch.

"Seeker, but I can play Chaser as well!" Charlie responded, looking up from the Nimbus 2001 of Harry's that he was inspecting. "Bill's a Chaser as well!"

John took that into consideration as he used the stick to draw a chart on the ground. It took a few minutes, but eventually we were all in the air. Harry and I were seekers, Ron and John keepers, John for my team and Ron for Harry's, Bill and Ginny the Chasers for Harry's team, Charlie and Fred for my own (I'd had to literally beg Fred to play this position), and George a neutral beater.

It was nearing the three hour mark, and our fifth game now. I was at the moment diving for the snitch, Harry hot at my heels. I was less than a foot from the ground when the snitch darted upwards, and I pulled up to follow, catching it only seconds later to my teams cheers.

"Impressive," said a voice from the ground. I turned to the unfamiliar voice. The face, however, was known to me.

"You're Nuru Safar," I said, flying to the ground and hitting it quite hard, bending my knees slightly to take the impact. "Beater for the Egyptian National Quidditch Team. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Lily Potter."

"Well, Lily Potter, you wouldn't happen to be the sister of Harry Potter?"

"I would."

"Well, your flying skills are greater than many of the seekers playing professional, I must say. I was told Bill had company. I wasn't expecting such a show. Have you ever thought about playing professional upon finishing school?"

"Thank you, Mr Safar. No, I've never really even considered playing outside of Hogwarts."

"You should. And call me Nuru."

I beamed. "Okay. How d'you know Bill?"

"My brother works with him as a curse breaker. I've just stopped by to say hello and to relay a message. It was nice meeting you, Lily Potter."

"You as well. Say, I don't mean to intrude, but I have a friend who's a huge fan and I'm sure he'd like an autograph. I myself wouldn't mind a picture," I blushed furiously.

To my surprise, Nuru laughed. "That be quite a feat on my part as well. You're famous worldwide Lily Potter."

So I got my picture with Nuru Safar, while he got his with the chosen ones. He signed the shirt I'd gotten for Neil, before going to talk to Bill over a small glass of Firewhiskey. I was tempted to mail Neil right away, but what seemed to be a glare from Stripes made me decide against it. So I stuck the shirt into my trunk and sat down with yet another essay.

We were to discuss three of the seven types of spells. I groaned, considering having John do part of this one as he had for my History of Magic essay. In fact, my History of Magic essay had lay untouched since John did the first two paragraphs for me. I sighed, and resigned myself to doing this one on my own.

M. Lily Potter

Professor (I paused here. We had been assigned defence homework over the holidays, but knew not who the new Professor was. I simply left it at this.)

Defense Against the Dark Arts


Hexes, Jinxes, and Curses

     There are seven types of spells. These spells are transfiguration, charms, jinxes, hexes, curses, counter-spells, and healing spells. The focus of this essay will be on jinxes, hexes, and curses. Jinxes, hexes, and curses all involve the practice of dark magic, ranging from minor to major. Dark magic is often viewed as 'evil' simply because it is labelled as dark. Though Dark Magic may be defined as any type of magic that intends to harm, control, or kill, minor Dark Magic can hardly be viewed as 'evil'. An example of this would be that many jinxes are often used to play practical jokes.

     Jinxes are the most minor form of dark magic. They produce only negative effects. Jinxes are used most often during a duel, or as a form of amusement. Examples of a jinx are the Dancing Feet Jinx, incantation tarantallegra, which, as it's name may reveal, causes a persons legs to dance uncontrollably, the Knockback jinx, incantation flippendo, which causes a person to simply be knocked off their feet, and the impediment jinx, incantation impedimenta, which causes a person to be temporarily slowed. Jinxes being the most inferior form of Dark Magic, is followed by Hexes.



I set my phoenix feather quill into the inkwell and turned to face Harry. He was by the window, Hedwig on his shoulder, with an envelope in his hand. I stood and moved to his side, reading the front of the envelope.

Harry and Melody Potter

I raised an eyebrow at Harry. I didn't recognize the scrawl. Harry and I moved back to the table in the living room where I'd  been writing my essay and sat on the couch next to it. He threw the envelope on the table and unfolded the paper. The letter was short, and not so sweet.

Blasted freaks, daring to send your bird here! How dare you ask of us to sign this bloody permission slip after your stupid bird flew in our kitchen window and scared the living daylights out of your Aunt Marge?!

I shared a look with Harry. How were we supposed to know that Vernon's sister was there? We hadn't been there all summer, and this was the first time we'd been in contact with them. I rolled my eyes and continued to read.

We will not be signing this slip! You will not dare contact us again!

I groaned. Inside the envelope was the permission slip we'd sent to Vernon, torn into many pieces. I let the pieces scatter across the table, landing on the defence essay now forgotten about.

"Well, Harry," I said, tossing the paper aside. "We'll always have the invisibility cloak."

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