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     Hey! I was actually tagged for this like 2 weeks ago but I never got to it. Ok so if you get tagged you have to answer the questions from the person that tagged you. Let's start!
     1. What's the one thing you regret in life?
     Everything. Lol no probably getting 9 missed calls from mom.😁
     2. Reading or writing?
     That's a hard one, if I had to choose probably writing.
     3. Video games or sports?
     VIDEO GAMES!!!!
     4. If you could change your real name to anything you want, what would it be?
     Probably Crystal, I don't know why I have always liked that name.
     5. What's your favorite video game character, and why?
     MARIO! Just because he is fricken Mario, he can literally hit his head on anything and not get a concussion. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!😂

     Alright so I got tagged by Vocachuuu (thank you by the way XD) so now these are the people I tag and my questions.

     1. creeper19229
     2. Vocachuuu
     3. Levi_da_hottie
     4. JusteJuste
     5. Ginny_weasley7
     6. hazelpotter788
     7. iampadfootandprongs
Alright guys! It's your turn now lol. Here are my questions:
1. If you had endless money, how would you spend it?
2.What is your favorite after school activity?
3. How do you usually spend your weekends?
4. Do you prefer writing or doing sports?
5. What is your favorite movie or TV series?

Ok! Those weren't the best questions, sorry! Can't wait to hear your answers! Think of the most creative name possible!!! ~Sunny❤️

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