Prison No More

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Pairing: Father Sirius x Son Reader

Description: You arrive at your house and notice others are there, and that's when you find out your father is out of prison.


Your keys jangle and clatter together as the front door to your cold and empty house swings open. You shut it gently behind you, knowing if you didn't, you would end up waking up your Nan's painting on the wall. She was annoying. 

As you slip off your shoes at the door in the hallway, you call out, "Hey, Kreacher, I'm back."

You don't hear a reply, so your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Usually when you arrive, you can at least hear his grumbles about you and how the Black line had become tainted ever since your father.

You quietly walk down the hallway and towards the kitchen area, where the door was unusually shut. It was almost always open, as you liked that the warm air from the kitchen could flow freely through the rest of the cold house.

You place your hand on the door knob, before pushing the door open. Heads quickly turn in your direction and a few wands are drawn at you. You quickly raise your hands to signify you came in peace, as well as raising your eyebrows.

"What in Hogwarts is going on here?" you question as everyone lowers their guard, seeing it was you. You were in the same year as the Weasley twins; who grinned at you from the other side of the table; so everyone knew who you were.

"Y/n? What're you doing here?" Molly asks, her face looking concerned. "Don't say Dumbledore dragged you into this too."

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion on what she meant, and you say, "I'm here because I live here." Everyone looks at you unusually, unsure of what you meant, before you continue, "Oh yes, I forgot I had to change my last name before joining Hogwarts."

"Then who are you?" Fred and George ask together, a mischievous look in their eyes.

You lean against the door frame and place a hand on your chest as you proudly say, "I'm Y/n Black, nice to properly meet you."

The whole room turns deadly silent, the air thick and tense. You tense up, thinking you had said something wrong and stand properly. Maybe they think my father is guilty? Will they hate me now?

"What? I-is there something wrong?"

"I didn't know Sirius had a kid," Remus says, his face pale. "He never mentioned it..."

You awkwardly chuckle and rub the back of your neck. "Yeah, he didn't like to mention me much. It's alright though, we were still happy."

"You don't know, do you?" Arthur says, looking up at you, solemnly.

"Know what?" you question, looking around the room at the awkward witches and wizards.

That is, before the door on the side of the room and someone else enters saying, "I knew I kept this wine somewhere! It'd been moved though, stupid Kreacher."

Your whole body goes ridged and you go pale at the sight before you. Standing there, in all his glory, was your father. He looked older than you remembered, slightly more wrinkled, but otherwise he seemed fine. He had some of his old clothes on, meaning he must have been here a while.

How could he have not told me? I'm his son, for Dumbledore's sake.

"Dad?" Your voice cracks as you continue staring at him, your voice rather quiet.

Sirius looks over at you and furrows his brows before saying, "Sorry, I don't think I know you. Did Dumbledore send you?"

Your heart shatters as you watch him try and figure out who you are, he didn't even recognise his own son. Tears build in your eyes, your hands forming fists by your side. Everyone in the room stayed silent, unsure of how to approach this situation.

"Master Black, I have cleaned your room for you, per usual," a croaky voice says from beside you.

A tear falls down your cheek as you look down at Kreacher. You smile gently and say, "Thank you, but I don't think I'll be staying home this holiday." Kreacher nods, before walking off, going back up to clean the paintings. You turn back to the group and say, "Enjoy your stay. I'll see you in school."

You turn on your heal and walk back down the hallway, opening the door again, after putting your shoes back on. You hear rushed footsteps chasing after you, but you ignore them, until Sirius calls out to you, "Y/n, wait!" 

You stop, but you don't turn around for him. "Did you remember?" you question. You hear a small 'what?', before you continue, "Or did they have to tell you my name?"

"It's not like that son-"

"Don't call me that!" you snap as you turn around to face him, your eyes filled with tears. Your grip on the doorknob was so tight it was hurting your hand, but you ignored it. "You don't get to calm me that after forgetting about me!"

"I didn't forget, I've just been busy."

You scoff. "Yes, busy making a new life for yourself. A life where you get the son you always wanted. A life where you get to talk proudly about your son. A life where you're happy without me." You wipe away your tears and sniffle slightly, as Sirius was opening and closing his mouth, trying to figure out what to say. "I hope Harry makes you happy, dad. That's all I ever wanted. For you to be happy."

And with that, you walk out of the house, slamming the door shut.

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