Chapter 13

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After Severus left the hospital wing, Poppy told Tonks and Remus that they could come back in. Minerva came in around 8:00 to check on Harry.

"How's Harry?" she asked Poppy.

"He is alright. He is still out. Severus and I ended up having to cut him open. He had a tear in his stomach that we had to repair. He also had multiple broken ribs that Severus had to fix as well. Though I am sure that you already knew this." Minerva just stared at Poppy with a confused look on her face then she said,

"What do you mean when you said that I all ready know how Harry was doing. If I knew I wouldn't be in here asking you now would I?" It was Poppy's turn to have a confused look on her face. She then said,

"I am sorry Minerva. I just assumed that your husband had already told you?"

"I have not seen him since I went to get him when Harry began to throw up blood yesterday. Speaking of my husband where is he?"

"He left around 6:15 this morning, and he walked towards his office, I think."

"Okay. I will go see if I can find him." Minerva left the hospital wing and walked towards the dungeon. After Minerva left, Poppy went over to the bed and said to Tonks and Remus,

"Remus you need to go eat and get ready for classes that begin today. Tonks you should probably get back to the Aurora school." Tonks looked at Poppy and said,

"I talked to Mad-Eye last night while you and Severus were working on Harry and explained that I would not be back until Harry was back in class." She then turned to Remus and said, "Go get ready for class honey; I am going to stay with our cub." Remus stood up and kissed Harry on the head, kissed Tonks, and walked out of the hospital wing.

Meanwhile in the Gryffindor common room, Fred, George, and Neville were waiting for Hermione to come down. Soon Ginny showed up and Fred called his cousin over and asked her,

"Hey cuzhave you seen Hermione this morning?"

"No I haven't. Do you want me to go see if she is in her room?"

"Yeah that would be great!" said George. Ginny turned around and went back up the stairs to the girl's dormitory. She knocked on the door and there was no answer so she opened the door to find the 3rd year girl's room empty. Ginny went back down to the common room and walked over to where her brothers and Neville were standing and she said,

"She was not in there, the room was empty. Fred, George, and Neville exchanged glances and after about a minute, Fred said,

"We should split up and try to find her." George chimed in next,

"Neville and Ginny you guys look in the library, while Fred and I look in the Great Hall and classrooms." As the group was about to leave the common room, the portrait swung open and in walked Hermione.

Minerva made her way down to the dungeon. She knocked on Severus' door. After about 30 seconds, when there was no answer she pushed open the door of her husband's office. She looked around and saw Severus lying on the floor by the fireplace. Minerva ran over to her husband's side and got down next to him.

"Sev, Sev!" After about the longest minute of Minerva's life Severus began to come to. Minerva breathed a sigh of relief. She then said,

"Oh my god, Sev are you okay? You look horrible!"

"Please place a silencing spell on the room." Severus said weakly. Minerva pulled out her wand, closed the door and cast Silencio on the room. Severus then said,

"We had our beginning of the year meeting this morning and I was late because I was operating on Harry and so I got the crap beat out of me by Bellatrix." Minerva shuddered at the mention of her aunt's name. She despised her aunt and had ever since she was a little girl and so had her twin sister Tonks. Severus tried to sit up but the pain was too much. Minerva got up and went over to the potion cabinet and found a potion for pain and put some in a small glass. She also grabbed some gauze and tape. Then she went back to her husband's side. She handed him the glass and he drank it. She then helped him into a sitting position. Severus let out a painful moan as they did this. Minerva placed her hands on Severus' sides and gently pushed in. "Ouch!" Severus exclaimed rather loudly. Minerva continued to feel up and down her husband's sides despite his complaining. After a few minutes, Minerva pulled her hands back to her lap and said,

"She got you good didn't she? Most of your lower ribs are broken and the rest of your ribs are bruised." Severus smiled and said,

"She held me up with one hand and beat the crap out of me with the other one, that is after she hit me with a Cruciatus Curse." Minerva then said,

"Oh my poor baby! I am going to wrap your ribs for you so they can heal." Severus nodded and began to unbutton his shirt. Just they hear a crackling noise. They looked towards the sound and saw the fireplace begin to glow green. Minerva drew her wand.

Back in the Gryffindor common room Fred, George, Neville, and Ginny approached Hermione. Fred looked at her and said,

"You had us worried sick. Where were you?"

"I was in a meeting with professor McGonagall to discuss my classes for the year." Fred and George just looked at each other. Ginny then said,

"We should probably head to breakfast." Everyone but Hermione nodded in agreement. Neville looked at her and said,

"Are you not hungry Hermione?"

"I already ate before my meeting with Professor McGonagall. The group looked her then Neville said,

"Okay see you in class." The group then left the common room. Hermione decided to visit Harry and see if he was alive or not. But as she turned to leave someone grabbed her arm. The next thing Hermione saw was a blur of red and someone was kissing her up against a wall.

Back in the dungeon, Minerva and Severus stared at the glowing fireplace. After about the longest five seconds of their lives, a head came through the green light. Severus and Minerva recognized the receding hairline of Arthur Weasley. The two professors breathed a sigh of relief and Minerva put her wand away. Arthur stepped through the fireplace and saw Minerva and Severus on the floor. He got down next to them and asked,

"What happened to you Sev?"

"I got the crap beat out of me by Bellatrix Lestrange at the meeting this morning." Minerva then said,

"Several of his ribs are broken and several others are bruised. I was just about to wrap them when you came through." Arthur then said,

"That sounds painful! Can I help in any way?" Minerva looked at Severus he nodded. Minerva then said,

"Yes, you can! Sev go ahead and finish unbuttoning your shirt. We are going to wrap your ribs so that it is tight so it can heal properly." With that Minerva and Arthur wrapped Severus' ribs. Once they finished, Minerva and Arthur helped Severus to his feet. Minerva then asked, "How does it feel? It is too tight or too loose?"

"It is good Honey thank you. Thank you too Arthur." Arthur then said,

"You are welcome. How did it go with Harry's surgery?"

"It went well. I was able to locate the source of the bleeding and fix it. I also fixed his ribs. Most of them were broken and in pieces so I had to tape them back together." Arthur hung his head. Severus then looked at the clock. It was a quarter to nine. He then said,

"Minerva we should probably get ready for classes to start." Minerva looked at the clock and agreed. Arthur stepped back into the fireplace and flooed back to his office. Minerva left and went back to her classroom. The student began to slowly trickle out of the Great Hall.

Back in Gryffindor, Hermione found herself against the wall being kissed. She fought it until the kisser pulled away. Hermione then could see who had kissed her. She then kicked Ron in the balls and said,

"Don't you ever kiss me again Ronald! You are a creep." With that she walked away and quickly ran out of the common room grabbed her bag which she had dropped when she was grabbed by Ron. Percy came into the room and saw Ron curled in a ball in the fetal position. He got down next to his brother and said,

"What happened to you?" Ron just groaned in pain. Just then Seamus and Dean walked over and Seamus began,

"You just missed it. Ron grabbed Granger and began to kiss her." Dean then chimed in,

"Then she kicked him in the balls and ran away." Percy's face turned red and said,

"No one kicks my brother in the balls and gets away with it! That mudblood will pay."

Hermione had about 20 minutes till classes started so she still had time to go check on Harry. She rounded the corner by the great hall and ran right into Draco Malfoy who was coming out of the Great Hall.

"Hey sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. Oh hey Hermione! How was your summer?"

"It was good. I spent it reading and memorizing the textbooks for this school year. I also got to spend the last month at Grimmauld Place with Harry. How was your summer?"

"It was good. Speaking of Harry, I have not seen him since we got back to school. Where is he? Also am I still tutoring him this year?"

Hermione hung her head and then said,

"He is in the hospital wing and yes!"

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"I would rather not say here. There are too many people around. Follow me." Hermione lead Draco towards the hospital wing and into a small alcove and then she placed a silencing bubble around them. She then said, "I left the train car to change into my robes and I was grabbed from behind by Percy Weasley. Kingsley Shaklebot found me bound and gagged in a locked train car and Mad-Eye Moody brought me to the castle. Kingsley and Tonks found Harry also bound and gagged in a train car. He was unconscious, covered in blood, bruises, and he was..." Hermione paused and swallowed. Draco looked at her and he saw tears coming down her face. He put his arms around her, wrapped her in a hug and said,

"It's okay. I know what you were going to say. It's okay." After a few minutes, Hermione had calmed down and she pulled away from Draco. He looked at her and said, "Let's go see him together." Hermione nodded and wiped away the last couple of tears. She then pulled out her wand and the bubble disappeared. The two of them then walked to the hospital wing.

Meanwhile in the hospital wing, Poppy walked over to the bed with a tube of thick white medicine. Tonks looked at her and asked,

"What is that for?"

"It's medicine to help the inside of his bottom heal and also his front side too." Tonks nodded and then asked,

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to help me roll him over on to his side and hold him while I put the medicine in his bottom." Tonks nodded and she and Poppy rolled Harry on to his side. Poppy then pulled the blanket down and then she said, "I am going to need you to keep him still. Even though he is still unconscious, he will still be able to feel it. From what I can tell from scanning it yesterday it is very raw from being raped and his penis is also raw from being rubbed on the floor of the train." Tonks swallowed and nodded. Poppy unscrewed the lid of the tube, put on a pair of gloves, and squeezed some of the white medicine on to her finger. She then placed the other hand on Harry's bottom and gently lifted it up. She then slowly moved her finger up into his bottom and began rubbing the medicine around inside. Harry tightened his muscles and began to shake. Tonks began to rub his head. She then got right next to his ear and whispered,

"Shhhh. It's okay Harry I've got you and you are safe. Madame Pomfrey is just putting some medicine down there to help it heal faster. Shhhh you are safe I promise and I love you!" Harry began to calm down and relax. Tonks took Harry's hand and held it tight. Poppy continued to rub the cream on Harry's bottom. Harry then began to move back and forth. He was having a nightmare. Poppy removed her finger and pulled off the glove and grabbed a syringe and filled it with a calming drought. She then came back over to the bed and injected the medicine into Harry's IV. He began to calm down. Poppy put her gloves back on and squeezed some medicine into the palms of her hand. She then asked Tonks,

"Can you please roll him onto his back." Tonks rolled him on to his back. Poppy then rubbed her hands together and then she began to rub her hands on Harry's penis. At first Harry didn't like it and freaked out but then the medicine began to take effect and he calmed down. Once she had finished Poppy then took off the gloves and threw them away. She then pulled the blanket back up. Then she picked up the tube of medicine and walked over to the closet and put it up. Harry began to stir. Poppy walked back over to the bed. Harry opened his eyes and all he saw was a bright light and blurry faces. He could tell that there was something covering his face and he heard a humming sound. Poppy picked up Harry's wrist and felt his pulse. It was not as strong as it should have been but it was stronger than when he had been brought in yesterday evening. Poppy took off the oxygen mask and turned off the machine. Tonks handed Harry his glasses and asked him how he was feeling. Harry gave her a very confused look and said,

"Who are you and where am I?" Poppy looked at Tonks and then said,

"Harry what is the last thing you remember?" Harry thought for a minute then said,

"I remember getting the crap beat out of me by my uncle because I didn't clean the kitchen the right way."

"What do you mean the right way?" Tonks asked.

"Based on the list that my aunt left for me." Tonks sighed then Poppy asked,

"Harry how old are you?"

"8! Is this the mental hospital where they torture people?" Poppy looked at Harry and said,

"Harry what on earth are you talking about?" Harry looked at the IV in his arm and said,

"My uncle kept threatening to send me to a place that could torture me till I learned to behave or I died, whichever came first." Tonks looked at Harry and then at Poppy and then back at Harry and said,

"Harry do you know who I am?" Harry looked at her and then said,

"You are one of the nurses who is here to help torture me." Tonks forced a smile and said,

"I am not a nurse. I am here to help you." Harry gave a sigh and said,

"I am not allowed help. I am a sad excuse for a human being and I need to be reminded of that by having the crap beat out me. It is my lot in life." Poppy walked over to her desk and filled a syringe with a mild dose of dreamless sleep. She then walked back over to the bed and injected the potion into Harry's IV. Harry watched her and said, "So you guys are going to poison me. It's okay I deserve it." After a few minutes, Harry drifted off to sleep. Tonks looked at Poppy and said,

"What the crap was that?" Poppy sighed and said,

"It could have been one of two things. One he is scared so he reverts to a younger age as a defense mechanism or due to the bump on head he has lost his memory and that is the last thing he remembers happening. I gave him just enough dreamless sleep to knock him out for a short time. I also mixed in a memory jogger so hopefully it will help." Just then the hospital doors opened and in walked Hermione followed by Draco. She saw Harry lying in the bed with an IV in his hand and she calmly asked,

"How is he doing?" Tonks answered,

"He is doing okay. He is stable and he did just wake up a few minutes ago," Draco interrupted by asking,

"That's great can we wake him up and talk to him." Poppy finished what Tonks had started,

"He was not himself when he woke up." Hermione got a puzzled look on her face. She then asked,

"What do you mean, he was not himself?" Tonks sighed and said,

"He has a bump on his head and Madame Pomfrey believes that it contributed to his memory loss. When he woke up he thought he was eight and he had no idea who we were. He also thought he was in a mental hospital where they torture people and we were nurses that were slowly killing him." Tonks grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. She also wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes. Hermione just stood there in shock. Draco noticed the tears sliding down Hermione's cheeks and handed her a tissue. She blew her nose and wiped her eyes. She then did something no one expected her to do. She walked over to Harry's side and got down next to his ear and whispered so softly that only Harry could hear her.

"Harry I need you! I love you and you keep me stable and without you my life would be a complete mess. I would also drive myself insane. Please come back. Don't leave me I need you. You are the reason I get up every morning and why I have trouble falling asleep at night cause you are so far away from me. Please come back I know you are in there somewhere." Hermione stood up and Draco could tell she was crying and so he handed her another tissue. She took it and thanked him. She blew her nose and wiped away her tears. As if by magic Harry began to wake up and he said,

"I love you too Hermione!"

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