Chapter 17

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Harry sat down on the bloodstained mattress and waited for his uncle. After a few minutes, Harry heard the attic door open and his uncle came up the stairs with his belt in his hand. Harry stood up and took off his shirt. Vernon walked over to the chair and picked up the rope. Harry swallowed and walked over to the chair. He placed his hands on the chair. Vernon placed the belt on the chair and tied Harry's hands to the chair. The rope was so tight that Harry could feel it cutting into his wrists. Vernon picked up the belt and began to beat Harry. Harry winced in pain and tried not to cry as he felt the belt ripping through his back. After about 5 minutes Harry sank to his knees, Vernon pulled him back up and continued to beat him. Harry fell two more times before his uncle finally stopped. Vernon then said,

"I will be right back." With that Vernon left the attic. Harry just sat there and cried.

Remus paced in his living room waiting for Tonks to come back from the ministry. Arthur had called her to his office. Remus was hoping that they were going to be getting the custody papers and they could go get his cub and bring him home. Tonks had been gone for almost an hour. Remus felt sick to his stomach and he had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Harry. Just then the fireplace began to glow. Severus stepped through followed by Tonks. Remus ran up to her and said,

"So do we have custody of my cub? Also something is wrong I can feel it in my gut. My cub is in trouble." Tonks placed her hands on his shoulders and said,

"Remus I need you to take a deep breath. I have the papers right here signed by the board. I also have an arrest warrant for his uncle. I didn't think his uncle would let him just sit at home and do nothing. That is why Severus in here because I figured he would be in rough shape." Remus looked at Tonks and said,

"So does this mean that we can go rescue my cub?" Tonks help up her hand and said,

"We are not going anywhere. You are staying here with Severus, and Kingsley and I are going to get Harry and bring him back here. I don't need you killing Vernon and ending up in Azkaban. I also don't know what condition Harry will be in and I don't need you freaking out on me." Remus hung his head and said,

"Fine. I will stay here and help Severus. Just bring my cub home safe please." Tonks gave him a 'duh' look, kissed and flooed back to the ministry to meet up with Kingsley.

Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor, Lucius and Percy were having the following conversation...

Lucius: Percy, so glad you could make it. So how are things going at Hogwarts?"

Percy: Well Harry snitched and told Minerva everything. Mad-eye and Kingsley arrested me under my father's instructions and I made sure to remove Ron's memories for the questioning and he was able to get off with no repercussions. I told him to be-friend Harry and gain his trust and wait for further instructions."

Lucius: Excellent gain the boy's trust and then when the Dark Lord returns we can use Ron to bring Harry Potter to us and then he can meet his doom." Lucius & Percy smiled at each other and began to laugh. Their laughter filled with Malfoy Manor.

Vernon made his way back up to the attic. He untied Harry and dragged him over to the mattress and he tossed him down. He forced Harry onto his stomach. Vernon then took off Harry's pants and underwear, then his own. He then got down on his knees over Harry. Harry realizing what was about to happen prayed that he would just die.

Tonks and Kingsley arrived at 4 Privet Drive and knocked on the door. There was no answer. Tonks knocked but again there was no answer. She tried the door and found that it was locked. She pulled out her wand and cast Alohamora and the door swung open and they walked in. The first floor was empty. Kingsley noticed a lock on the door under the stairs; he pointed it out to Tonks. She used Alohamora to open the lock and the door popped open. They saw Harry's trunk. Then they heard a noise that sounded like floorboards creaking. They went up the stairs and checked all the rooms and they were all empty. Tonks then noticed the attic door was open. She tapped Kingsley on the shoulder and pointed to the attic door. The two of them, with their wands at the ready, crept up the attic stairs. Luckily they arrived just in time to stop Vernon from raping Harry. Tonks pointed her wand at Vernon and said,

"Vernon Dursley, you are under arrest for abusing a minor." Vernon froze and turned around to see who was talking to him. He saw Tonks and Kingsley standing there with their wands pointed at him. He stood up and turned to face them and said,

"Who let you two freaks in my house?" Tonks replied with a smirk,

"We unlocked the door and let ourselves in. We have a warrant for your arrest." She then handed Vernon his underwear and pants. He quickly put them on. Kingsley handed Tonks his wand and tightly grabbed Vernon's wrists and pulled them behind his back. He then led him down the attic stairs, down the main stairs, out the front door and across the street to Mrs. Figg's house. Kingsley let Vernon go and said,

"You will remained locked in here until you get a trial. You are not allowed to leave the house. There will be wards set into place that will prevent you and stop you from leaving. Once you have a trial, you will be taken to the trial and then based on the results that will determine what will happen next. We will contact you by owl if need be. You will know about two weeks in advance when your trials will be. Do you have any questions?" Vernon shook his head no. Kingsley then turned to Mrs. Figg and said, " Thanks Arabella."

"No problem Kingsley just promise me to take care of that little boy." Kingsley nodded and let the house. He placed wards on the house and walked back over to the Dursley's house.

While Kingsley was dealing with Vernon Tonks went to the bathroom and found a washcloth. She also found a bowl under the sink. She filled it with warm water and carried it and the washcloth back up to the attic. She then got down next to Harry and gently turned his head sideways so she could see him. She smiled at him and kissed him in the forehead. She then dipped the cloth in the warm water and began to clean up Harry's back. She managed to get the bleeding to stop for the most part by the time that Kingsley returned from Mrs. Figg's house. Once Kingsley returned Tonks made a blanket appear and then the two of them apparated back to Tonks and Remus' place.

When they arrived Tonks took Harry up to Severus's room (he is one of Remus' best friends so he has his own room). She put him on the bed and left the room. Severus had Harry roll over onto his back and he removed the blanket and when he saw Harry's back it made him shiver as it brought back memories of his own father. He shook his head and brought his focus back to helping Harry. He went over to the cabinet and pulled out a pain potion. He poured it into a glass. He walked back over to the bed helped Harry roll back over and sit up enough to swallow the meds. He then helped Harry back onto the bed and on to his stomach. Severus then stitched up the cuts on Harry's back.

Tonks went downstairs to the library to find a very unhappy and anxious husband. She went over to him and said,

"Harry is going to be okay. His back is pretty bad but I am pretty sure that is the extent of his injuries. We did manage to stop his uncle from raping him." Remus swallowed and said,

"Wow okay I want to kill that bastard for hurting my cub." Remus stopped took a deep breath and then continued, "May I see my cub please?" Tonks nodded and the two of them walked upstairs to Severus' room. Tonks knocked on the door and Severus opened it. They walked into to find Harry sitting up propped up by pillows. He saw Tonks and Remus and he smiled. Remus went over to him and sat down on the bed next to him.

"How are you feeling buddy?"

"My back is still sore but feels a lot better thanks to Professor Snape. Also is there anyway I can get some food please I am hungry." Remus smiled and looked at Tonks who left the room. She returned a few minutes later with some food. Harry ate the food and drank the pumpkin juice.

Author's Note: Harry suffers from major nightmares and Tonks and Remus decide to take him to see a therapist who helped Harry deal with the things that he had gone through. She did agree to continue to meet with Harry during the school year to help him work through things going on there. Now back to the story!

A few weeks later Harry got a letter from Ron inviting him to join him and his family at the Quidditch World Cup. Tonks and Remus were very hesitant to let him go given his history with Ron. So Tonks decided to go talk to Molly; she apparated to the Burrow and joined Molly for afternoon tea. The two of them sat down to talk. Tonks began by saying,

"First of all Remus and I want to thank you and Arthur for inviting Harry to the Quidditch World Cup."

"You're welcome"

"We are just concerned that Ron might do something to Harry."

"It's funny that you should mention that because Ron is the one that insisted on inviting Harry. He came home and told us that he was fixing things with Harry and he also asked us if Hermione could come too. Her parents said she could come only if Harry could."

"Who all is planning on going?"

"Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Bill, and Charlie. Quidditch is not my thing it scares me. Fred and George have already promised Arthur and myself that they will keep an eye on Harry if that helps any."

"It does help I will discuss things with Remus tonight and get back to you with an owl first thing in the morning." Tonks thanked Molly for the tea and went home. That night she told Remus everything that her and Molly had talked about. Remus agreed to let Harry go but with certain requirements. The next morning an owl arrived at the burrow with a note for Molly. The note read:

Dear Molly,

Remus and I have discussed the matter of Harry going with your family to the world cup and we have decided that we will let him go as long as you promise to let us if anything happens.

Tonks and Remus

Molly sent a letter back that said,

Dear Tonks and Remus,

Duh! Okay with that being said he will need to be here Thursday night as Arthur wants to leave by 4:30 the next morning to meet up with Amos Diggory and his son Cedric. They will then portkey close to the event and walk the rest of the way. He should be back Saturday afternoon and you can pick him up here.

Yours truly,


She then called the Granger's to let them know that Harry was going. Tonks then called Harry into the room and told him that he could go with the Weasley's to the Quidditch World Cup. Harry was very excited. Thursday came quickly for everyone. Harry and Hermione arrived at the Burrow at the same time. Harry kissed her and the two of them walked inside. That evening Molly fixed a huge dinner for everyone and sent everyone to bed early. She stayed up and packed bags for everyone. Around 4:15, she went around and woke everyone up. Everyone came down to bags packed, labeled, and ready to go. At 4:30 Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione left the burrow. They walked about 3 miles before coming to a hill with a very large tree on it. Once they arrived at the top of the hill the kids noticed a man leaning up against the tree. As the group approached the tree, he stood up and shook hands with Arthur,

"Arthur good to see you old friend."

"Good to see you too Amos. These are my children Fred, George, and Ron, My niece Ginny and their friends Harry and Hermione." Amos said hello to each one and then grabbed Harry's hand and said,

"Harry Potter it's a pleasure to met you!" Just then a boy jumped down from the tree scaring everyone but Harry. Amos introduced him, "This is my son Cedric. He will be going into his Seventh year at Hogwarts this year and I couldn't be more proud of him." Cedric said hello and Amos pulled an old shoe out of his backpack. Amos held it in the air. Then one by one everyone placed their hands on the shoe. The group stood there a few minutes as a chilly wind began to blow. Arthur looked at his watch and said,

"3,2,1" Then a strong wind picked up the group as they began to spin so fast that it took Harry's breath away. Then as suddenly has they had been lifted off the ground they landed on the ground with a thud. Harry looked up to see Arthur, Amos, & Cedric standing up apparently they have used a portkey before. Once everyone was standing and had dusted off, they began the short hike down to where the tents were set up. Arthur walked over to man sitting at a table and said,

"Weasley." The man flipped through his book and found the name.

"Two tents for one night over by the woods. That will be 14.25 pounds." Arthur nodded and pulled out a wad of cash out of his pocket. He called Harry over to help him count out the correct amount of money. Then they walked to their spot. Arthur took his backpack off said,

"Okay we have to put up our tents but we can't use magic at all. There are too many muggles in the area. Harry how does one do this?" Harry suggested. He had never been camping before. When the Dursleys took Dudley & his friends camping they left him with Mrs. Figg. However Harry & Hermione were able to figure out where the poles went and soon they had two shabby two-man tents. Harry and Hermione looked at the tents and tried to figure out nine people were going to fit once Charlie & Bill showed up. Arthur then said,

"Well we might be a little cramped but we will make it work. Okay boys in one and girls in the other." With that he walked into one of the tents followed by Fred, George, & Ron. Harry looked at Hermione & smiled. Harry ducked his head and walked into the tent. He picked up his head and his jaw dropped. It was huge. There was enough room for all of them. It was complete with a kitchen & bathroom. Arthur smiled & said,

"We need water." He picked up a kettle and said, "Harry you and Hermione go get some. According to the map, there should be a tap on the other side of the field." Harry took the kettle and went to the girls tent and called for Hermione. The two of them went to get water and came back. Then the group got ready to go to the Qudditch Pitch. They arrived and went to their seats. Harry couldn't believe his eyes at the size of the Qudditch Pitch and the amount of people that had come out to see the match. Then a trumpet sounded and Ludo Bagman began to speak,

"Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, Welcome one and all to the finals of the Four-Hundred & Twenty Second Quidditch World Cup." The stands erupted with shouts and applause. Ludo Bagman spoke again, " And now please help me welcome out two teams today! First up is the team all the way from Bulgaria! The stands erupted again with shouts and applause with flags and banners displaying the Bulgarian colors. Once the applause died down Ludo said, "And challenging the Bulgarians today is the team all the way from Ireland." Once again the stands erupted with shouts and applause but this time with the colors that represented Ireland. Both Qudditch teams flew around the stands and everyone rose to his/her feet cheering. As the teams flew by where Harry and his friends were sitting, Fred leaned over and said,

"The seeker on the Bulgarian team is Victor Krum. He is the world's best seeker. He is only 17 and he attends Durmstrang a prestigious school in Scandinavia. They are very strict on who they allow in." George chimed in,

"Yeah they only allow pure bloods no muggle borns allowed." Then the whistle blew and the game began. The players moved so fast that all anyone saw was blurs of Red and Green. The game was so exciting it went back and forth with scoring until the game was all tied up and 250-250. Just then Krum saw the snitch and made a mad dash for it. The Ireland seeker saw Krum zoom down so he followed him. A few seconds later Ludo Bagman announced,

"That's it. The game is over! Victor Krum has won the game for Bulgaria 500-250, Bulgaria has won the Quidditch World Cup!" The stands erupted as the big screen displayed the Bulgarian Team holding Krum on their shoulders. They began to chant his name. After a few seconds the whole stadium was chanting his name. After few minutes the teams walked off the field and back to their tents. People then began to leave the stadium. Harry, Ron, and Hermione got lost in the crowd of people on the way out. They finally made it out of the stadium and were finally on their way back to the tents when they heard people screaming. They turned around to see a muggle woman floating in the air and that is when Harry saw the Death Eaters. As they passed through the crowd people were running in every direction to avoid them.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione took off running as fast as they could. The Death Eaters were casting spells left and right while lighting tents and campsites on fire. The trio tired their best to dodge the flying spells. As they neared their campsite, Hermione got hit with a stray 'Stupefy' and fell to the ground. Harry turned around just in time to see her go down and his face turned as red as a hair of Weasley hair. He just glared at the death eaters. The one in the front, he was smiling at Harry; he could tell because his cheeks were raised. The Death Eater raised his wand and pointed it at Harry. He reached for his own wand only to discover that he didn't have it and it was in his backpack. He raised his hands to block whatever spell was about to be cast at him so it wouldn't hit his face. He felt warmth coming from his core and it moved up his arms to his hands. Then as if a whole group of wizards had cast 'Stupefy' the death eaters all of a sudden flew backwards and vanished.

Arthur stuck his head out of his tent just in time to see Harry use wandless magic. He came out along with everyone else. They were looking around at the mess. Harry quickly lowered his hands and dropped to the ground next to Hermione. Arthur came over, picked Hermione up, and carried her into her tent. She woke up the next morning to find Harry sound asleep with his head on the bed. She sat up and kissed his head causing him to wake with a start. Harry saw that Hermione was awake and he kissed her. Just then Arthur stepped into the tent and approached Harry. Arthur sat down and said,

"Harry can you please tell me what happened last night in your own words. There was several witnesses including Ron but I need to hear from you what happened." Harry thought for a minute then said,

"Well after a spell knocked Mona down, I went to grab my wand but realized that it wasn't on me. So I put my hands out in front of my face to block any spells from hitting my face when all of a sudden I felt my arms and hands get warm. Then something shot out of my hands that made the death eaters fly backwards before vanishing." Arthur than said,

" What you did was something called Wandless Magic. There are only a few wizards known in history that can successfully pull off wandless magic, Professor Dumbledore is one."

"I am sorry I didn't mean to do it. It just happened because I got mad that they hit Hermione. I just lost it."

"It's not a bad thing Harry. It's a special thing and with the right training you can learn to use it. How are you feeling Hermione?"

"Better" Arthur then said,

"Let's get pack up it's time to go home." The group packed up and portkeyed back to the burrow. Tonks and Remus were sitting in the kitchen with Molly when the group arrived. They heard the pop and ran outside. Remus ran up to Harry and said,

"Cub, are you okay? We heard about the attack and we were super worried." Molly piped in from the door,

"I had to spell them to the house to keep them from leaving." Harry smiled, hugged Remus, and said,

"We are okay. Hermione got knocked out by a stray Stupefy and I got mad and made the death eaters fly back using wandless magic." Remus looked at Harry then at Tonks. Tonks came over and hugged Harry and said,

"I am glad that you are okay and I am so proud of you for using wandless magic." The group went inside and talked all about the amazing time that they had at the world cup.

The rest of the summer flew by and soon it was time for school to start. Harry was excited to go back. He had gotten to the point where he enjoyed school and was doing really well. On the train Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Draco, Luna, and Ginny sat talking about the up coming year. The girls talked about what extra classes they were taking and the boys were talking about Quidditch. Ron was talking about trying out for the open keeper position on the Gryffindor team since Wood graduated. Harry and Draco thought that would be an excellent idea. Neville decided to keep his feet firmly on the ground. Just then the cabin doors flew open and two heads popped in,

"Hello ladies, boys!" Fred said.

"Just checking on you guys to see how you are doing." George finished. Harry smiled,

"We are doing good. Ron is talking about trying out for the open Keeper position." Fred slapped Ron on the shoulder and said,

"Good luck little bro." George interrupted,

"Quidditch is a rough sport are you sure you are up for the challenge baby bro?" Ron pushed Fred's hand off his shoulder and said,

"Of course I am up for it." The train soon arrived at Hogsmeade Station and the students filled off. Harry saw Tonks on the platform and the two of them exchanged smiles. Harry joined his friends and rode the horseless carriages to the castle. Upon arriving at the castle, Harry and his friends went to the Great Hall. After the sorting ceremony was complete, Albus got up and gave his annual first day of school speech,

"To all the first year students welcome to Hogwarts. This will be your home away from home for the next seven years, to the 2nd-7th years welcome home. This year is going to be a little different. We have been chosen to host the Tri-wizard Tournament. Three of the top schools will be competing for eternal glory. One 7th year student from each school will be chosen to represent his/her school in hopes of winning."

Just then the doors of the Great Hall flew open and in limped a funny looking man with a funny looking cane and a peg leg. He also had a glass eye that kept twitching. He walked up to the front and stood next to Albus. The two of them shook hands and Albus said, " Students, I would like to introduce you all to your new Muggle Defense teacher Professor Moody. He will be working with 4th years and up teaching you how to defend yourself if you loose your wand in a fight." Professor Moody looked directly at Harry and the two of them made eye contact. Harry looked away first and Moody took his seat next to Remus. Professor Dumbledore the said, "Now I would like to let everyone know that there will be an age restriction on entering the contest, due to the nature of the challenges and the possibility of  *coughs while saying death*. Only those that are 17 will be able to enter his/her name for the chance to participate. There will be two other schools participating in the tournament, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. They will be arriving in late October and will remain with us for the duration of the school year. I am sure that you will make our guest feel welcome upon arrival. All right enough on that for now, as you know the Forbidden Forest is still and always will be off limits. Now let's eat." With that food appeared on the table. The students began to eat. Fred and George were discussing how they were going to use an aging potion to allow them to enter the tournament since they would be 17 in April. Once everyone had finished eating, Harry asked his group if they would walk him to Remus' office. They did and Remus promised to bring him to the Gryffindor tower when they were done. The group left and Harry said,

"Poppa, Professor Moody locked eyes with me at dinner tonight and just stared at me for a few seconds and it really creeped me out and made me feel uncomfortable." Remus smiled and said.

"That's okay I have know Alastor for years and he still creeps me out. He is an Auror and co-teaches at the Auror School with your mother." Harry smiled and Remus walked him back to the Gryffindor tower as promised. Hermione met Harry in the common room with his schedule. Harry schedule was the following: M/W/F Transfigurations, Potions, Lunch, Charms, Muggle Defense and T/Th Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lunch and Muggle Defense. Harry looked at Hermione and said,

"I don't recall signing up for Muggle Defense." Hermione looked at her own schedule and said,

"That's strange I'm not in it." Neville walked over and said,

"Anyone else get put into the Muggle Defense Class?" Harry nodded. Just then Ron, Seamus and Dean walked over, they too were in Muggle Defense. The group decided to get some sleep as they had a full day of classes the next day. The first month of school dragged on. Harry hated Muggle Defense. He always got paired with Ron. This of course didn't end well for Harry, (yes Ron was trying to be Harry's friend and earn his trust but why not take advantage of the fact that he was given permission to beat up Harry). One day in mid October, Professor Moody asked the students to stop what they were doing and make a circle around him. Once the students were gathered around him he said,

" Okay we have been in school for almost two months now." Just then a voice interrupted him,

"Actually Professor Moody it has been 1 month, 1 week, & 4 days." Moody pushed through the crowd of students and limped towards Hermione and said,

"Miss Granger, it would be in your best interest to keep your mouth shut unless you are spoken too. Your comment was uncalled for and rude, one more comment like that and you will not be allowed back in my classroom. Do I make myself clear Miss Granger?" Hermione nodded. Moody walked back over to the group of students. He looked at the faces around him and said, " Let's see what you guys have learned... Mr. Potter come over here please." Harry swallowed and walked into the middle of the circle. Mad-eye then said, " Okay Potter let's go you and me." Neville piped up and said,

"I don't think that this will be a fair fight professor?"

"Well then why don't you take his place then Mr. Longbottom?" Neville shook his head and Mad-eye turned back to Harry and said, "Let's go Potter." Harry lunged but Mad-eye was too fast. He moved out of the way causing Harry to crash into a column hitting his head. He turned around and he has blood dripping down his face. Hermione ran over to him.

"Are you okay?" Harry nodded. He looked at Mad-Eye and lunged again. Once again Mad-Eye moved out of the way and Harry ran into another column hitting the other side of his head. Hermione ran out of the room and straight to Professor McGonagall's office. She explained what was going on and the two of them walked back to the Muggle Defense classroom. They walked in to find Neville on the floor with Harry trying to stop the bleeding while the rest of the 4th year students had their wands drawn and had Mad-Eye surrounded. Draco and Ron were the forerunners they were the two closest to him.

Professor McGonagall stood and watched as Hermione ran over to Harry. After about five minutes, Professor McGonagall walked up to Mad-Eye and put up her hand to stop the students. She dismissed the students and had Hermione, Draco, and Neville walk Harry to see Madam Pomfrey. He had a mild concussion and only needed a few stitches. She then summoned a chair for Moody. She also summoned one for herself. She then asked him,

"What in the world happened?" Alastor took a deep breath, took out his flask, took a sip, and said,

"Muggle Defense. I was trying to teach the students how to fight without their wands."

"Looks to me like you were about to get your butt kicked by a bunch of fourth years." Minerva got up to leave and as she did she said, "By the way Harry Potter will not be returning to your class." With that she left the room.

The end of October arrived and one night during dinner Albus stood up and tapped his glass to get everyone's attention. Once the Great Hall was quiet Albus began to speak.

"As you will remember at the beginning of the school year I mentioned that we would be hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The two other schools have arrived. First please help me welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons. With that the doors of the Great Hall flew open and very gracefully in walked a whole group of girls all floating. Their headmistress towered over them bringing up the rear.

Once the girls were seated Albus said, "And now help me welcome the men of Durmstrang. With that the doors flew open again and the Great Hall was filled with the sounds of drums. The students ran into the Great Hall and did a full performance all while banging and waving walking sticks on the ground. Ron whispered to Harry and pointed to Victor Krum and he swept into the Great Hall. Once they had finished and were seated Albus spoke one final time,

"The Goblet of Fire will be placed in here for 7th years and 7th years only. There will be an age restriction circle around the goblet to help in force this rule. So anyone who is thinking about using an aging potion to get around the age line it won't work sorry. Any student who wishes to put his/her name into the cup will have one week to do so. The goblet will pick one name form each school will be chosen to represent his/her school in the tournament. If your name is chosen you are required to participate there is no getting out unless you die. Any questions, no good okay?" The week passed quickly and the time finally came to figure out who would be the three champions. All the students, professors, and headmasters/headmistress gathered in the Great Hall. The Goblet of Fire began to glow and out flew a piece of paper. Albus caught the paper and read the name.

"Representing Durmstrang, Mr. Viktor Krum." All the Durmstrang students hollered. Then the Goblet began to glow a second time. Albus caught the paper and said, "Representing Beauxbatons Miss Fleur Delacour." The girls gently applauded. Then the goblet began to glow a third time. Albus caught the paper and said, "Finally representing Hogwarts Mr. Cedric Diggory." The Hogwarts students cheered and hollered. Albus raised his hands and said, "Would our three champions please come up here." Victor, Fleur, Cedric all walked up to where Albus was standing.

Just then the Goblet of Fire began to glow a fourth time. Everyone turned and looked at it in shock. A piece of paper flew out and Albus caught it. He read the name "Harry Potter." Everyone gasped and Harry turned as white as a ghost. Albus motioned for Harry to come up front with the rest of the champions. Harry walked up and swallowed. Remus, Severus, Minerva, and Hermione were furious. Once the students were dismissed Remus went over to Albus and said,

"Office now!"

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