Chapter 5

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A.N.: We changed the twins to Percy because we couldn't make them bad.

Vernon continued to stare at the note for a few minutes and as he did he was thinking of how to respond to Dumbledore. He then had an idea and went over to his desk and wrote the following letter,

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Harry is currently unconscious. He is covered in welts, bruises, and blood. He also has the word 'stupid' carved into his back. He will probably be out for a couple of days. Therefore you coming to visit and talk with him at this point would be pointless. I will let you know when he wakes up if he wakes up. I am also leaving to visit my parents tomorrow after I get off work and will be gone for the weekend. Harry will be left some food and he will be just fine. He will not be able to do anything or escape. He will get a good beating as soon as I get home. I guarantee it!


V. Dursley

Vernon placed the letter in an envelope and sent it of off with an owl. He breathed a sigh of relief. He then finished his dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, and went upstairs to bed. As he lay in bed Vernon wondered where his nephew could have gotten off too. After about 30 minutes, Vernon fell asleep.

On the other side of London, Harry was tossing and turning in a lot of pain. Sirius was trying very hard to keep Harry calm and he was also trying to stay calm for his godson. The sun was coming up and Harry's wrist was almost healed and this is when Sirius noticed blood on the sheets.

"Sev there is blood on the sheets."

"Of course there is blood on the sheets. Harry was covered in blood when he got here yesterday and he lost a lot of blood during the surgery yesterday. It's okay."

"I know that but there is fresh blood on the sheets." Severus walked back over to the bed from his desk. He got to the bed and saw what Sirius was talking about.

"His back is bleeding. I need you to help me roll him over." Severus and Sirius then rolled Harry over onto his stomach. Severus immediately found the sources of the bleeding. A few of the cuts on Harry's back had popped open. Severus quickly grabbed some gauze and began to clean up the blood. After a few minutes the bleeding stopped, Severus then stitched up the cuts. Harry began to stir. Severus and Sirius rolled Harry onto his back. Harry opened it eyes, and looked at Sirius and smiled. Then Harry said,


"How are you feeling?"

"Fine" Severus looked at Harry. Harry whimpered and said,

"My wrist still hurts and my back hurts."

"Your wrist will be a little sore for a few days. Several of the cuts on your back popped open and I had to stitch them back up." Remus and Tonks walked into Severus' room. Remus saw that Harry was awake he walked over to the bed got down on his knees and looked at Harry and said,

"Hey buddy. How are you feeling?" Harry smiled at Remus and said,

"Other than my wrist and my back being sore I am good." Remus smiled and then turned to face the other people in the room and asked,

"Is anyone other than me hungry?" Everyone but Harry nodded in argument. Tonks looked at Harry and said,

"Harry do you want something to eat?" Harry shook his head no. He knew better than to ask for food, accept food, or acknowledge that he was hungry. That would get him beaten. So Harry did what he normally did, opt out of food. Tonks looked at him and said,

"Harry you can eat it's okay." Harry just looked down at his hands. Remus took Harry's hand and said,

"Harry when was the last time you ate?" Harry thought for a few minutes and then said,

"Sometime before I left Hogwarts. I think I don't remember that last time that I ate. Sorry!" Harry hung his head in shame. He knew that they would be disappointed in him and he hated having people disappointed in him. Tonks looked at Severus with a look of shock on her face. Severus then walked over to his desk and grabbed two vials from his shelf. He poured them both into a glass, mixed them together and brought the glass over to Harry. He handed to glass to Harry who just looked at it funny. Harry then said, "I am sorry that I was bad please don't poison me. I will eat I promise. I am sorry." Severus smiled and said,

"It is not poison, it is a potion to help you keep the food down and to keep you from having an upset stomach. We would never poison you Harry I promise." Harry sat there for a minutes just looking at the glass and then said,

"No thank you. I deserve any pain that I experience and I am to accept it as it comes along. Everything that goes wrong is my fault and I must accept the consequences of my actions." Everyone in the room dropped their jaws in disbelief of what they just heard. He then tried to hand the glass back to Severus but he shook his head no. Tonks came over to the bed and sat down next to Harry and asked,

"Who told you this?" Harry didn't look up eye contact got him hit. He said,

"Uncle Vernon" and then under his breath he said, "And some other people." Tonks sighed and said,

"Harry everything is not your fault. Your uncle was trying to make your life miserable. Everything he told you is not true. He was lying to you to make you believe that you were the bad guy and deserved the punishment. Please take the potion you don't deserve to be in pain." Harry took the potion and handed the empty glass to Severus. Tonks smiled and said,

"Thank you." Sirius then looked at Severus and asked,

"Can Harry come down stairs and eat or does he have to stay up here?"

"That depends on how Harry's stomach is healing and if Harry is feeling up to it," Severus replied. He then turned to Harry and asked, "Harry how do you feel?"

"I am good." Harry replied quickly and looked at the wall. Severus moved closer to the bed and asked,

"Can I look at your stomach to see how it is healing?" Harry shook his head no and moved closer to Tonks who was still sitting on the bed. Tonks looked at Harry and said,

"Professor Snape would never hurt you Harry. What if I hold your hand? Will you let Professor Snape look at your stomach then?" Harry again shook his head no. Tonks then looked at Severus and said, "I will do it!" Severus nodded and Tonks looked at Harry and he smiled and nodded. Tonks pulled the sheet down to Harry's waist and removed the tape and gauze from Harry's stomach. Severus looked over Tonks' shoulder and said,

"It looks good. The incision is healing nicely and the bruise is looking much better." He then handed Tonks a new gauze pad and tape and she taped the gauze to Harry's stomach. Remus then went over to Harry's trunk, opened it, took out a shirt, closed it, and walked the shirt over to Tonks. Tonks took out the IV and helped Harry get his shirt on. She then helped Harry swing his legs around over the side of the bed. Remus got on one side and with Tonks on the other they helped Harry stand up. Harry was standing for the first time in two days. They both helped him get his balance and then they let go. He was able to stand for a few seconds before his knees gave out on him and he fell into Remus' arms. Severus decided that it would be better to keep Harry in bed until he could regain his strength. Remus and Tonks helped Harry back into bed. Then everyone but Tonks went downstairs for breakfast. Tonks closed the door after they left the room and went over and sat by Harry. Everyone was already at breakfast except Harry, Tonks, Ron, Fred, and George. Sirius, Remus, and Severus joined the group at the table. After a few minutes Ron came downstairs and sat down in his chair then the twins came downstairs and sat down. Ron leaned over and whispered in Percy's ear,

"It looks like the wicked witch of the land of munchkins is skipping out on breakfast. She probably lost one of her precious little ones and had to go find them." Percy chocked on his orange juice he was laughing so hard. The next thing that Ron knew was that his mother was flicking him upside the ear. Molly looked at Ron and said,

Ronald Weasley remember that Tonks is one of your elders and you need to respect her. Now thank you for volunteering to take her breakfast upstairs to her. She is in Professor Snape's room brewing some potions. She used her wand to summon a tray of food and placed it in front of Ron. It had a plate of eggs, ham, bacon, and toast. There was also a bowl of oatmeal, a glass of pumpkin juice and a glass of milk. Ron just looked at his mother and gave her a disrespectful look. She glared back at him and pointed up the stairs. Ron scooted his chair back grabbed the tray and headed up the stairs. Ron walked up the stairs and knocked on Severus' door.

"It's open!" Tonks called from inside. Ron knocked again. This time Tonks got up and opened the door. She saw Ron standing there with a tray of food and she took the tray from him and turned around to walk towards the table next to the bed. That is when Ron saw Harry. This is also the point where Harry saw Ron. Harry pulled himself painfully into a ball and began to rock back and forth. Tonks set the tray down and turned around and looked at Ron and followed his gaze to Harry who was rocking in a ball and then she looked back at Ron and everything began to click.

Apologies for the short chapter! Let me know what you think!

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