Monday Night

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Once Harry was done thinking if every thing they needed, two pair of dark double doors appered. Through the doors Harry was greeted with a black felt couch with the Slytherin crest on it. He would live with Slytherin decorations but he had a feeling Snape couldn't live with Griffendor decorations. Across from the couch was a massive stone fireplace, and above the mantle was a picture of Salazar Slytherin. Along the far wall was a bookcase.

Harry then looked to his right, he was greeted with a small dinning and kitchen area. The dinning table and chairs were made of a dark wood and had an enchanted window to look like the bottom of the black lake. The kitchen was decent but nothing special.

Harry walked across the room to a small hallway. Along the hall were doors that where closets. When he got to the end of the hall he was met with a door on his left and on his right. The one on the left was a bathroom. It had green and white tilling. The bathtub was small but there was a separate shower and a double sink. He closed the door and looked to the one on his right.

He cracked open the door and was met with a four poster bed with black silk sheets. Next to the bed was a hardwood wardrobe. A medium sized fireplace sat across the the bed. Harry was just about to close the door when he noticed that next to the bed was an exact replica of the bed and wardrobe just.... smaller. He thought he should put Severus down in the bed, but when he tried to pull him off, his grip seemed to get tighter. Giving up, Harry transfigured both their clothes into pajamas, set his wand to go off at dinner, and laid down in his bed with Severus on his chest.

Harry woke up to a buzzing noise. That was his alarm going off to tell him it's dinner. Severus was still curled up on his chest, unfazed by the alarm. A suicidal thought a cured to him. Severus looked adorable. He knew he would never be able to say that to him.

"Professor. It's time to wake up." Harry said as he shook Snape. He's eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room confused. When his eyes landed on Harry his face turned a deep crimson.

"It's okay professor, I'm not mad. But maybe we should get up and have dinner?" Asked Harry. Severus nodded his head and slid off of Harry. When Snape made to get off the bed, he stopped once he was the height of it. He was up pretty high. Beging a cat, he started to shake with fear. Harry saw this and gently put his hands under Snape's arms and placed him on the floor. He then took his wand and transfigured their clothes back to normal.

"Okay, I have a feeling you don't want to go to the Great Hall for dinner." Said Harry as they entered the kitchen. Snape immediately shook his head no. "So what do you want for dinner professor?"

"Well for starters, as long as the situation is like this, you can call me Severus. And second, I would like roast beef for dinner." Came Severus's reply. Harry summoned a house elf and placed in their order. Harry got a chicken and broccoli pasta, and also placed in a small desert of pudding for them.

"Oh, by the way if I call you Severus you call me Harry deal?"

"Deal." He replied with a small nod of his head. Thier food appered a minute later. Harry had to stack cushions from the couch so Severus could reach the table. Harry tried not to stare at Snape,  but the way he ate his food fascinated him. He would sort of lick it then chew it. He also didn't drink his pumpkin juice normal either.  He would tilt the cup back, but lap it up with his tounge. The noise that was created made Harry smile. Severus really was a cat. He even lapel up his pudding.

When it came time to wash up, Harry looked down at the small neko and asked the question neither of them wanted to hear. "Do you need help getting washed or can you do it yourself?" Severus walked to the bathroom and peered over the tub.

He saw the depth of the tub and lowered his head in defeat. "No, your gonna have to help me." It also accrued to him that he didn't know how to wash his own tail or ears.

"Why don't I make it a bubble bath? That way I don't see anything. You can wash yourself and I'll wash your ears and...tail." Harry said the last part akwardly. How many students had to wash there professors tail and ears? He guessed not many to none.

"That should be fine." Severus replied calmly. It did make him feel better that he would be the one washing himself, and that Harry wouldn't see anything. Harry turned the foset on warm, and added the bubbles. Once the tub as full, Harry left to let Severus get undress and in the tub. While he waited out side he summoned a book on how to care for nekos. He flipped to the section on washing the tails and ears. It was the same as washing hair, but with two diffrent things. One for the ears he had to be careful when washing and drying. He couldn't rub to hard and he had to dry them and make sure there was no water left behind or it could cause hearing problems.

The second was the tail and ears were very sensitive. It was almost like a sexual touch to them. It would make them purr and might make noises similar to moaning. 'Great. Severus is gonna love that. But, it might be cute to hear him purr'  He thought. He continued reading but was startled by a noise coming from the bathroom.

"MEEAAOOW!" was all he heard echo from the bathroom along with water hitting the floor. Harry threw open the door. Severus's feet were up in the air against the wall and the rest of him was submerged under water. He quickly knelt down in the puddle of water, and reaching in the tub not minding to roll up his sleeves. He felt around till he felt Snape's shoulders. He pulled up and the second Severus surfaced he started coughing. Harry began to rub soothing circles on his back and conjured up a glass of water. Severus took a sip and let out a sigh of gratitude.

"I think I'll either have to out you in the tub or get you a step latter. You okay?" Asked Harry.

"I'm fine. I just lost my balance. I should be okay from now on." Snape said as he reached for the soap. Harry grabbed the bottle of shampoo, squirter a small amount in his hand, and began to rub into Severus's scalp.

At the feel of Harry running his fingers through his hair and along his scalp caused Severus to drop the rag into the water. He slowly let his eyes close and he rocked back and forth slowly. Harry saw this and smiled to himself. When he got to his ears he used his pointer, middle finger, and thumb to gently rub them. After a few second of rubbing, a low humming noise filled the room. ' purring' He thought to himself. After a while the purring got louder. ' Severus Snape, the dungeon bat from hell purring in a bathtub full of bubbles as a neko' Harry thought of it as adorable.

"Okay, I'm gonna do your tail now." Harry said as he slowly reached into the water and felt around for the bass of the professors tail. Once he found it he lightly griped it with a soapy rag and ran it up the length of his tail.

"hmm..mmm..mmm.nnn..ghhh" was all he was getting as a response from Severus. His eyes were closed, purring, slightly rocking back and forth, and now mumbling. To Severus, this must be heaven.

"Okay, I'm finished. So if your done I'll drain the tub." Said Harry while he walked to the door by the sink. It was a small closet filled with towels and rags. Harry grabbed a big fluffy towl and set it on the counter.

"I'm done. But I think I'm gonna need you help getting out." He replied. Harry reached down and pulled the plug.

"Make sure most of the bubbles are off of you." He said. Once Severus told him most of the bubbles were off Harry held out the towl. "Okay stand up and I'll wrap it around you." Snape stood and with out looking down, Harry wrapped the towl around him and picked him up and placed him on the floor.

"I have to dry your ears and tail, so just wait a second." Harry pulled a rag from the closest and started to dry his ears. Snape once again began to purr at the touch. Harry then took a q-tip and went around on the inside of his ears.

"Noooow." Severus let out a small meow of pleasure. Harry let a small smile form on his lips. When he finished Snape's tail dropped a little in disappointment.

"I'll go check your wardrobe for clothes. Don't worry, I'll bring you something you'll like." Harry said as he stood up and made his way to the door. He walked back into the bedroom and looked through the small wardrobe. He picked out a pair of small black pajama bottoms, black boxers, and a grey shirt. When Harry returned to the bathroom, Snape was snuggling into the fluffy bath towl. The reason Snape was doing this was because it Harry, not because it was fluffy. Even in the little time he was a cat, he grew attached to him. The thought of Harry holding him and carrying him up the stairs made him purr.

"Comfy?" Harry asked from the door way. Snape's ears and tail shot straight up. He jumped and gave a startled meow.

"Ha ha I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spook you. I brought you some clothes. There all black besides the top. There was only grey." He said as he handed the clothes over.

"Thank you." Severus replied giving a slight nodd. Harry stepped back outside and gathered his own clothes for his own shower. When he re-entered the bathroom, Severus was trying to reach the toothpaste and toothbrush.

"Here let me help you." Harry said as he reached around Severus and handed him the green toothbrush and toothpaste. "Can you see the mirror? Or reach the sink?" He asked worriedly. Severus shook his head and some of his hair fell in his face. Harry light brushed it out of his face and lifted him up on the counter. Together they brushed their teeth. Harry set Severus back on the floor when they were finished. Severus said that he would be in the sitting room reading while Harry grabbed his shower. Harry watched as Severus's tail swoosh around the corner. He had a sudden temptation to grab it, but thought better of himself. Insted he grabbed the soap and proceeded to wash himself.

When he was done he found Severus sitting in front of the fireplace on the black felt rug. He was hunched over the book "Tales of Potions V.3" and his tail lightly hitting the floor behind him. Everyone once and a while his ears would twitch.

Silently Harry grabbed his own book " Merlin's Adventures" and sat down on the sofa. For a while they read in peace. As they started to put there books away, booming thunder could be heard. It was raining. Hard. At the first crack of thunder Severus jumped so high Harry swore he touched the top self.

All the way down the hall, Severus was on high alert. The slightest noise or the sound of the floor boards creeking sent him into a panic. All Harry wanted to do was comfort him, but Snape would kill him for it. They each bid each other goodnight when they reached thier room. They then proceed to climb into there beds.

For a while Harry and Severus stayed awake and listened to the thunder. When Severus thought Harry was asleep, he climbed out of his bed and hoped into Harry's. He proceed to burry himself under the covers, but what he didn't know was that Harry was awake and felt him snuggle into his back.

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