Behind the Mask (Part 1)

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(Y/BF/N) = your best friends name

(h/c) = hair color

(e/c) = eye color


Everyone knows the story of Cinderella.  Hardly, though anyone could ever meet their prince charming.  If we could only be so lucky.  But maybe, just maybe I can meet mine tonight.  Why do I say that?  Cause the town is throwing a masquerade ball for the Harvest Festival tonight.  Everyone is invited.  Well, according to my mother and sisters, I'm not.  But, I didn't care.  I wanted to go out and have fun for once.  Luckily, my best friend, (y/bf/n), helped me get out of the house and helped me pick out a dress.  We went to all the stores but they were all sold out of dresses but we finally came across a store we never seen before...The Fairy Princess Dress store.  I swear I never seen it, but I shook it off.  The ball was important.  The woman who owned the store was amazing.  She helped me find the perfect dress (dress picture and mask up above).  She even added clear slippers, they almost looked like glass but they were just rubber.  But still beautiful and perfect.  (Y/bf/n) Helped with my hair and make-up and pretty soon we were all dressed for the ball.  I snuck out of the house a little while after my mother and sisters left.  At least I know what they are wearing so I can avoid them. 

"I'm so freaking nervous." I said as we were riding a taxi to the party.  My whole body was trembling.

"Girl, don't worry.  You're gonna rock the ball and have a blast.  Forget your mom and wicked sisters of the west.  Let them melt in the corner while you shine." (Y/Bf/) said.

I chuckled and rubbed my hands together, "You're right.  Screw 'em.  I want to have fun."  I smiled at her and fixed my mask in the mirror. 

"Maybe you'll meet a hottie tonight." She taunted. 

I shook my head and laughed, "Whatever happens tonight, I have a feeling it's something I'm gonna cherish forever."  I feel her pull me into a comforting hug and before we knew it, we arrived. 

She was dressed in a beautiful pink poofy dress with a matching mask.  Almost similar to my dress and mask.   She went inside first but I stayed outside to catch a few breaths of encouragement.

Harry's POV

I sighed, bored out of my mind as I leaned against the wall, listening to this beautiful girl talk about her likes...which was shoes, shopping, make-up.  Her voice was similar to the chipmunks on that cartoon.  I just simply nodded politely and tried to catch a few things to make it seem like I was listening.  I just want to perform and get the heck out of here.  All these girls here are the same.  But, night is still young, maybe I'll meet the girl of my dreams here.  God, I hope so...anything to get away from this chipmunk woman.   Even her costume was ridiculous.  She was like a mixture of a playboy bunny and a high-maintenance princess out of a story book, but like a wicked stepsister. I think she said her name was Elizabeth.

"And, like, I was picking out a color of lipstick but I couldn't decide either nude frost, or berry blast.  They both seemed the same but one was darker than the other...."  She went on and on and on....and on.  Jesus, remove the batteries from this energizer bunny! 

"Excuse me; my bandmates are getting my attention.  I'll talk to you later, love." I said and quickly ran away.

I sighed a big breath of relief as I got away from her.  I ignored her calls and finally could have a little bit of peace. 

Then, another like her popped up but unlike her, she was like a green bunny.  This one in front of me was a pink bunny.  "You're, like, with the band, aren't you?" She asked, twirling her fingers in her long red hair.  Her voice was the same as the green bunny's. 

Groaning softly, "Yeah, I'm about to perform in a little bit.  I can't talk right now." I slowly peeled away but she wasn't having any of that. She said her name was Isabel. 

"I love band members.  I always wanted to sing and dance and become famous."  She starts singing in a voice that made you want to chew glass.  Wow! 

"Uhhh, nice.  Very nice, but I really need to go.  You can sing for me again later."  I ran into the other direction. 

"God, anything else?"  I looked up at the ceiling, my arms wide open. 

That's when the entrance door opened and standing up at the top of the staircase was a blessed vision.  A beautiful girl stood there in a long, a little poofy, blue gown with a blue matching mask.  Her (e/c) shined in the spotlight that was thrown on her.  Her long (h/c) draped over her shoulders, brushing lightly against her soft skin.  Who was she? 


I winced lightly when a bright light was shined on me.  When I could finally see, nearly everyone's eyes were on me.  I was literally frozen in my spot.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and opened them and started to carefully walk down the stairs.  I gripped the front of my dress so I wouldn't trip.  Pretty soon, I met the bottom with no trouble.  I looked over and most of the people have gone back to what they were doing, but some were really curious about me.  I saw (y/bf/n) dancing with a guy dressed up in a suit that was close to what the Joker would wear, he even wore a masquerade mask that seemed like the joker's sinister smile.  She looked like she was having the time of her life.  She looked over at me gave me two thumbs up and went back to dancing.  I bite down on my lip nervously and played with my dress till I saw a man dressed up in a prince outfit and half black mask that showed off his lips.  His hair was long and curly.  I love long hair on men.  It's so incredibly sexy. 

"Hi."  He says, giving me a beautiful smile. 

I gave him a shy smile, "Hi." 

He held out his hand and I gladly took it.  I couldn't stop looking into his emerald eyes.  They sparkled with the lights shining around us.  He led me into the middle of the dance floor and took me into his arms.  Holding me close and gentle.  We danced together with the music that played but it was like we were the only ones there.  It felt like heaven.  I was in the clouds and I didn't want to come back down to earth.  What felt like hours and hours of dancing, he took me outside to the garden and we sat near the fountain and just talked.  I haven't had a real conversation in forever.  We shared so much in common, I loved it.  I was falling for this mysterious stranger.  And I didn't even know his name. 

Harry's POV

I was falling for her and I didn't even know her own name.  It's weird.  I never believed in love at first sight but after meeting this incredible person, my thoughts have changed.  I didn't want this night to end. 

"You're amazing.  What is your name?" I asked her. 

She blushes so adorably, "I'm y/n.  What's yours?" She asks. 

"Harry."  I smile at her.

We continued to talk through the night.  We got up and walked around.  I held her close to me.  She felt so right in my arms.  I lift my hand carefully and brush her soft cheek, barely touching her mask.  As much as I wanted to rip these stupid things off us, I waited till she wanted to see me.  I lean close to her, dying of thirst of her kiss.  My lips brush against hers...

"Harry!  Come on, we're up." Niall shouts. 

Sighing annoyingly, I drop my hand but place it on her soft shoulder.  I look down at her, into her eyes.  "I'll be back.  I just gotta perform one song and then we can begin where we left off."  I said, smiling. 

I watched her smile and nod and I begin to walk away towards Niall but I stop.  I went back to her and grab her face gently and pull her in for a kiss.  Sparks hit my lips as ours fused together.  I swear I thought I heard fireworks going off. I slowly pull away and watch her open her eyes. 

"Wow." We said in unison.

"Um, Harry."  Niall says, looking confused. 

I let her go and turned to Niall as we walked back inside.  I'm sure I had a goofy smile throughout the whole night. 

Y/n's POV

My smile wouldn't drop.  I was happy.  I was standing next to (y/bf/n) as we watched the guys get ready to perform. 

"I want to dedicate this song to a very special lady in the crowd tonight.  This is Truly, Madly, Deeply." Harry said into the microphone and I couldn't breathe. I knew it was about me.

Liam: Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?

I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined?

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine?

Niall: Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this,

I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl

And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world

All: Truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling

And somehow you kicked all my walls in

So baby, say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

In love with you

Liam: Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed

And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said?

And tender touches, just to show you how I feel

Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal?

Zayn: Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this

I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it

'Cause here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same

My heart would fall apart if someone said your name

All: And truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling

And somehow you kicked all my walls in

So baby, say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

Louis: I hope I'm not a casualty,

Hope you won't get up and leave

Might not mean that much to you

But to me it's everything, everything

All: Truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling

And somehow you kicked all my walls in

So baby, say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy deeply in love (in love) with you (with you),

Zayn & Guys: In love (in love) with you (with you)

In love (in love) with you (with you)

Zayn: With you, oh!

Throughout the whole song, Harry was looking right at me.  My heart pounded against my chest so hard.  How can one fall in love overnight?  This isn't fairy tales, this is reality.  And happened. 

"Y/n!" (Y/bf/n) yelled out.  "Girl, we gotta go, Ursula and her two eels have left.  If they get home before you, they'll know!" 

I had no choice but to leave.  I looked at Harry once more before the song was over and whispered 'I'm sorry.'  I turned but not before looking at the confusion on his face and the heart break.  We rushed back to my house and beat my mother and sisters and (y/bf/n) left with my costume so they wouldn't know.  My heart was breaking the whole night.  I couldn't sleep.  All I could think was about Harry.  The next morning, last night's ball was all over the news cause apparently a famous band, One Direction was there and...they were performing!  Wait...could it have been?  Just then a picture of the group popped up on the screen and one named Harry was talking to an interviewer. 

"I met this wonderful girl at the party and we were having such a great time.  But, it seemed she had to leave before I could ask her out.  I'm searching all over for her and I will not stop till I find her again.  I don't know what she looks like, all I know is that her name is y/n and she lives in this town."  He turns to the camera.  "Y/n...if you're watching this.  Please, call me.  I want to see you again."  He says as a number flashes on the screen. 

Turns out, putting a cellphone number on tv wasn't the brightest idea cause Harry looked like he was ready to throw his cellphone out the window.   Yes, I can see him where I am.  I decided to go out for a coffee to think what to do and Harry was there at the coffee shop, looking frustrated at his phone.  He looked over at me but then turned away.  Did he not recognize me?  I guess not.  Later, he gets up and storms off.  I drank my coffee in silence and was thinking to myself what to do. 

I scoffed at myself, "What am I doing?"  I have the opportunity to start my life, I love Harry and I know he loves me.  I need to start somewhere.  I get up and throw my drink away and run towards where Harry ran off.  I turn a corner and stopped...

Harry was kissing oldest sister!

What do you think? Part 2? Please leave comments and votes. Lots of love ~Song~

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