The Secret

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Just for the record, I don't know Kendall, so I'm not judging her and Harry's so called relationship. I have nothing against her.

Y/n's POV

I want to vomit at the sight in front of me.  No, I'm not talking about the positive pregnancy test in my hand.  I'm talking about the video that was sent to me from an anonymous source.  I thought at first it was just spam but they assured me that it was about my longtime boyfriend, Harry Styles of One Direction.  Harry, my Harry, was caught having sex with Kendall Jenner in his hotel room a few nights ago during his tour.

I couldn't hold it in anymore.  I finally run to the bathroom to vomit my breakfast into the toilet.  How could he do this to me? To us?  And I just found out that I'm pregnant with his child.  I love him so much.  I let out a choked sob and cover my face.  I cried and wailed out my sorrow for hours.

After wallowing in my self-pity, I finally call my sister, Y/s/n.

"That dick! Ugh!  Is that even legal?" She exclaims as she watches the video.  The echo of Kendall's wild moans and Harry's familiar loud grunts filled the room again.  I slammed the laptop closed and let out a short dry heave.

"Are you ok?" She looks at me with sadness and pity.

"I'm pregnant." I say, with no emotion.

Her eyes couldn't get any wider.

"Oh, God." She covers her face.  After a huge sigh, she looks at me while biting her nails, "What are you gonna do?"

What AM I gonna do?

"I'm keeping the baby.  But, Harry, he can keep Kendall.  I deserve better." I say, sniffling and wiping my tears away.  It's a good thing me and Harry don't live together.  Even though, that was a plan for the future.  Not anymore.

"Good for you.  But, Harry deserves this."  Y/s/n opens the laptop and fools with the keys and mouse.  I had no idea what she was doing.  Finally, there was an acceptance beep.  She smiles in triumph.  "There.  The press now has a story to talk about."  She turns the laptop around to let me read the screen.  I laugh softly as I see that she emailed a copy of the video to several stations.

"How did you keep yourself anonymous?"  I ask her. 

She simply gives me a coy smile, "Remember when grandma gave me that computer and you that gift card for our birthdays?  I spent years teaching myself how to hack.  I sent the email through a fake email address that can't be traced."  She closes the laptop and shuts it off.  "So, let's change the locks and de-Harry the house."  She holds out her hand and I gladly take it. 

We spent hours fixing the house and changing all the locks.  I got rid of everything that made me think of Harry.  I even got rid of a lot of furniture.  As we were at the mall, we passed an electronic store and see the TVs with the story of Harry and Kendall blowing up every channel.  I couldn't help but wonder what is going through Harry's mind right now.

Harry's POV

I have a secret.  I slept with Kendall.  It happened when we were celebrating the end of the tour.  We just got done with our last show before the break and went to a bar to party.  I was happy that I was going to spend a full year with my family and the love of my life, Y/n.  4 shots later, Kendall shows up.  I greeted her with a polite kiss and a hug and offered her a drink with me and the boys.  After that, I don't remember what happened next but I woke up the next day and find Kendall naked next to me.  I was so ashamed of myself; I threw Kendall out with no word.  I couldn't wash the filth I felt.  I love Y/n, I want to be with her always.  We have been together for almost a year, last thing I ever wanted to do was throw that away by screwing up.  I can't believe it.  I talked to Kendall the next day and apologized.  I told her it was a mistake and she agreed.  We went our separate ways and I got ready to get back home to Y/n.  As we were heading the airport, paps and fans were everywhere. 

"Harry! Over here!"




"Harry, is it true you and Kendall are dating now?"


"Harry, an anonymous source claims you and Kendall had intimate relations just a few hours after your last show.  Are you and Kendall are now a couple again?" 

I felt sick to my stomach hearing that. I was quickly pushed into the plane and into my chair before I knew it.  I was frozen.  I felt like I couldn't breathe. 

"Harry, you gotta look at this!"  Liam exclaims and shows me his phone.

"'Harry and Kendall back together?' An anonymous email was sent to the station this morning with a very graphic video of Harry and Kendall together having intimate relations.  Viewers be warned, the video you're about to see contains strong language and graphic scenes."

A little smut...

Video cuts to Harry and Kendall having wild sex in his hotel bed. They blurred their naked bodies but not their faces. Kendall was riding him and moaning his name over and over.  Harry quickly flips her over and takes her doggy style against the bedframe, grunting with every thrust.

"Oh..." Louis covers his mouth.

"My..." Niall's eyes go wide.

"God!"  I exclaim.

I feel a sharp slap against the back of my head, "WHAT THE HELL HARRY!"  I hear Liam yell at me.

"I was drunk!  I don't even remember doing this!  Oh, god!  Y/n must have seen this!  Oh, no!"  I quickly grab my phone and dial her number.  It just keeps ringing.  "No, no, no!"  I hang up and try again.  I don't stop till the stewardess takes my phone away and tells me they are preparing to take off.  I was literally having a panic attack.  The love of my life is probably so heartbroken.  She's gonna leave me!  I start crying.  I couldn't help it, I was terrified.  I didn't want to lose her.  She's my love, my life.  The reason I'm alive. 

I got my phone back as soon as we landed.  I tried calling again and she still wouldn't answer.  I thought maybe she didn't see it and was waiting for me at the gate.  She never showed up.  I avoided all the fans who wanted an autograph; I apologized with a sad smile.  I just wanted my Y/n back.  I got into a separate car and told the driver to go to Y/n's address.  I couldn't get out of the car fast enough.  I ran to the door and rang the doorbell over and over, banging down the door.  "Y/n!  Please answer the door!"  I yell out.  I quickly remembered I had a key.  I searched my pockets and fumbled with my keys.  My hands were shaking.  I tried the lock but it wouldn't work.  Oh, no!  "Y/n!  Please! I'm sorry!"  I cry out.  I sat down on the front porch in a rocking chair.  She had to come out some time.

Y/n's POV

"Well, Ms. Y/l/n, the baby seems to be in good health."  My doctor says. 

"How could I be a month pregnant when I barely felt the symptoms?"  I asks.

"It's not uncommon for some mothers to go through pregnancy and feel the symptoms.  Most women go through an entire pregnancy and not even show it.  You're lucky you caught on.  You may show this pregnancy, but not so much.  Don't worry, everything is completely normal."  He smiles.  He had a nice smile.  Was really cute too.  Almost like Joe Manganiello.  He had gentle hands as he wipes the gel off my belly. 

"One thing, I can see this was an unplanned pregnancy.  I'm sorry for being nosy.  Will the father be presence for the child?"  He asks. 

I gave him a sad look and shake my head 'no', "He doesn't even know I'm pregnant, but doubt he will care since he's having sex with his new girlfriend now." I say, bitterly. 

I instantly regret that, "I'm sorry."  He cuts me off.

"It's ok.  If I may say, he's a jerk for dumping you.  You are a beautiful woman.  And children are a gift." He says.  He helps me off the exam table and holds my hand. 

"This may seem unprofessional since I'm your doctor and you're my patient.  But, I would love to get to know you.  Would you like to have dinner with me one day?  I could recommend another doctor if you think that's too weird." He says nervously. 

I laugh softly, he was too cute, and "Sure, that'll be nice. But, to be on the safe side, a new doctor will be a good idea.  Because I wouldn't want you to get into trouble with the whole 'can't date your patients' rule." We laugh and he set it up for my next appointment. 

As I was leaving, Y/s/n called and told me Harry was waiting for me outside my house.  She called the cops and they made him leave.  I thanked her and she stayed over for a while.  I told her about my doctor, whose name was Blake Harris.  A few hours later, he called to make a date.  I was going out with a doctor tonight. 

Blake was so handsome in his tux.  He took me to this fancy restaurant.  The food was amazing.  I was having such a great time.  Till a very familiar, angry face came to our table.

"Y/n?" Harry exclaims.

I sighed and sent Blake an apologetic look then turned to my former love, "What do you want, Harry?" I sent him a angry look.

"What's going on?"  He gestures to me and Blake with a sad yet betrayed look.

"I'm on a date, what does it look like?"  I said in a sarcastic remark.

"What?  What about us?" He shouts at me.

"Us?  What us?  There's no us." I sneered at him.

"Excuse me, but you're disturbing the guests, please leave now."  The manager comes out and tells Harry but Harry snatches his hand away.

"Y/n, why are you doing this?"  He basically cries.

"Go back to your whore, Harry.  We're over.  You stay away from us."  I snarled at him and looked away. 

They finally dragged Harry out of the restaurant.  I apologized to Blake several times but he was so sweet. 

Blake and I began to go on more dates.  Harry still sends me emails, calls, and flowers apologizing every day.  But I'm not taking him back.  I don't take back cheating ex-boyfriends.  Pretty soon, I was beginning to show a little.  I couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby.  I was going through my 4th month, which means I can find out today. I'm supposed to meet Blake at the hospital since he's working today. I was just about to leave but I see Harry pacing to my doorstep.

"Harry, what did I just say?  I never want to see you again." I snarl at him.  I wanted to cry at the sight of him.  His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he hasn't been sleeping in a while or eaten.  He looked broken. Thank god I was wearing a large sweat shirt, it hid my little baby bump.

"Y/n, please, I'm so sorry.  I never meant to hurt you.  I love you, so much.  Please, give me another chance." He sobs. 

"Harry, you slept with someone else.  I can never forgive you for that.  You ruined us."  I say, avoiding his face, it was too heart breaking. 

"Y/n, I was drunk.  I don't even remember doing that.  All night long, all I could think about was you and coming home to you.  Please.  Baby, don't do this."  He begs.

"You did this, Harry.  Not me.  You're the one who got drunk and decided to stick your dick in that woman." I say, wiping tears away. 

He cries softly, "There's nothing I can do to change your mind?"  He whimpers. 

I shake my head, "No." 

I walked around him and got into my car, it hurt too much listening him cry.  But, it was all him.  He's the one who decided to get drunk; he's the one who decided to have sex with Kendall.  I wanted a life with him, him and our baby. 

"I'm never giving up on us, Y/n! Never!" He shouts as I get into my car and drive to the hospital. 

But, he did.  After a few months, he finally stopped contacting me.  I heard from a news report, he was now dating Kendall Jenner.  He looked happy.  Blake and I have been going strong for a long time.  Pretty soon, I was 8 months pregnant.  With, are you ready?  A boy!  I decided to name him Sean Y/l/n.  I couldn't wait to see him after carrying him for so long.  I'm so happy.  But in the back of my heart, I ached to be with Harry.  But, I'm so hurt.  And besides, he's happy with Kendall. 

"Breaking news! Harry and Kendall split after Harry's violent breakdown towards Kendall."

I quickly look at the TV seeing a picture of an angry Harry screaming at a crying Kendall.  She was wrapped up in a bedspread; I'm assuming she was naked.  Another picture popped up and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"Kendall Jenner was just caught hours ago after Harry was going to surprise her for her birthday but looks like Harry had a surprise too as he caught her with another gentleman.  Sources have named the other man as Doctor Blake Harris.  Jenner was seeing Dr. Harris for fearing of being pregnant.  So far no comment has been made to claim if Kendall Jenner is or is not pregnant.  Dr. Harris is now facing serious charges for violation with the patient/doctor relationship.  Harry has been arrested after starting a fight between Dr. Harris and himself..." 

Another picture popped up, one of Harry and Blake fighting and Harry was on top of Blake punching him. 

How could Blake do this! After everything I have told him!  I quickly got up and grabbed my purse and headed for the police station.

I walked, more like waddled to the front desk, "Hi, um, I'm here to bail out Harry Styles."  I told the receptionist. 

After a long heated argument with the receptionist, she finally accepts my bail money and I wait, sitting in a chair for them to bring out Harry. 

Harry's POV

How the hell did my life get so screwed up?!  First I mess it up with Y/n, now Kendall embarrasses me like this.  I never loved her; management forced me together with her cause of the sex tape that got out.  Now I have to pretend to be in a relationship with her.  I go to be a good boyfriend, like manager says and surprise her for her birthday.  And what's she doing?  Having sex with some doctor.  The same doctor I saw y/n with several months ago.  And who is sitting on the other side of the jail cell with me and other inmates. 

"Styles!  You made bail!"  A cop shouted. 

Finally, Paul or the boys must be here now.  I go through the paperwork, and get my stuff back and walk out to the waiting area and see Y/n!  She looks up and sees me and gives me a small smile.  Then she begins to stand up and I see a very big belly.  Oh, my god!

"Y/n." I speak softly. 

"Hi, Harry."  She says. 

"Wow, you're..." I gesture at her belly. 

"Yup."  She smiles sadly. 

"Are you here for Harris?"  I couldn't help the jealously in my voice.  That's supposed to be my baby inside her.  Not that tool. 

She scoffs, "Hell, no.  I'm bailing you out."  She says.

That surprised me, "What?  Why?" 

She sighs deeply, "Harry, I may be angry at you, but, I love you still.  I never stopped. I care about you.  Last thing, I ever want is you stay in a jail cell overnight." 

"What about Harris?"  I ask.

"He can kiss my ass."  She says.

I couldn't stop the laugh and she laughs with me. 

I missed her so much, "I'm still sorry.  I love you too and never stopped.  Ever since that video leaked out, management wanted me to date Kendall.  I strongly refused but they wouldn't let it go.  I never stopped loving you.  And I'm not going to, not even if you're pregnant with another man's baby."  I state. 

Her eyes become so sad for some reason, "Harry, the baby is yours." She says. 

My eyes go wide, "What?" 

"I was pregnant when I found out about you and Kendall and swore I would never tell you.  I was so angry at you.  I'm sorry for not telling you." She says as tears form in her eyes. 

I wipe one away and pull her in for a hug.  I'm a daddy!  I smiled so big I thought my skin would split. 

"I love you! I love you!"  I kiss her passionately; I missed her kiss so bad.  I pull away, we're both crying happily. 

"Please, let's start over.  I don't want to lose you. Or the baby.  The baby."  I kneel down and kiss her belly.  My baby was growing inside her. 

"Hi, baby.  It's Daddy.  I love you so much.  I can't wait to meet you." I whisper. 

I get up and look at her and smile, "Is it a boy or a girl?"  I said excitedly. 

Before she could say, she gasps and clutches her belly and looks down.  I look at what she was looking at and her pants were wet. 

"Ohhhh, shit.  My water broke."  She says and lets out a loud groan.  I catch her and yell for help. 

Y/n's POV

"IN ALL THE NAME OF HOLY! GET THIS BABY OUT OF MEEEEE!!!" I scream and grip on Harry's hand tightly and give a hard push. 

After hours of agony, I finally give birth to our son. 

"It's a boy.  It's a boy!" I hear Harry cry happily and kept kissing me.  I just cried and cried.  I held on to our son and Harry holds me close.

"What is his name going to be?"  Harry asks. 

I was going to name him Sean because Blake and I picked that name.  But now Blake is out and Harry is back. 

"How about Benjamin Coby Styles?"  I asked.

Harry gives me a warm smile, "I love it.  Hi, Ben."  He coos at our son in my arms and uses a finger to play with his tiny hand.  Even though Ben was premature, he was still incredibly healthy.  He was our miracle. 

Third Person's POV

Word got out that Harry and Y/n had a child together, rumors spread like wildfire but finally Harry had enough and sat down and told the world what happened.  Word for word.  You and Harry both were called in for interviews left and right.  One interview however changed it all.  Harry answered a question and stopped the interviewer cause he had one of his you.  To your amazement, Harry got down on his knee in front of a live audience and millions of views and asked you to marry him.  You said yes.  No more secrets were kept between you too.  Of course, he wasn't too happy when he found out it was Y/s/n who leaked the video.

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