I'm so done.

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I am so fucking done with chemistry, you guys have nooooo idea...

Okay, so we had double period chemistry today, and it was surprisingly  not as boring as usual.

So she gives us a homework assignment in which we have to copy a WHOLE PAGE from the packet, listing procedures and shit for a lab, into our lab notebooks.

Took me a whole German class to finish.(40-45 minutes)

And on top of that, she gives us a 17 minute long video to take notes on.

Like what the actual fuck.

It's like, you do realize that everyone in the class probably has homework from other classes to do, right?

Seriously though.

Even though I may be overreacting, I'm not okay with giving said student a metric ton of HW in one night.

It's almost as if this fucking teacher doesn't want us to have any free time at all.

"Oh you wanna play games? Can't have that shit." *smacks a notebook and a video on the desk* "You gotta waste your life on taking notes on 20 minute videos, copying a literal essays worth of lab procedures, and dealing with this class as a whole. Good luck."

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