Philip X Laney

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Philip's POV

I lean on my hoe, a sigh escaping my lips. I'd been working all morning and the noon day sun was swamping me with suffocating Summer heat. I survey the field, yes the Bluebell one didn't have the expansive plot of Konohana, but it was still enough to keep me working in the fields well into the day.

A smile found it's way onto my face, I suppose I could spare myself a break now. I stow my hoe away in my rucksack and begin my way down the path. Sure, Konohana had it's perks but I preferred Bluebell. Plus, there was another reason... My cheeks flush and I shake my head, snap out of out Philip.

I turn around the statue in the center of the square and make my way up the cobble stone steps.

"Hey! Philip!" I spin, shocked to find Cam waving at me. Surprised to find the normally stoic man greeting me I make my way over.

"Morning Cam." I said, anxiously tapping my fingers on his stand. The door was so close.

"What brings you down here today? Let me guess, could it be dear Laney?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"How did you- w-who says I want to talk to her." I said spluttering, face aflame.

"You-you don't wa-want t-to talk t-to me?" A soft voice said being me, I whipped around to see Laney looking up at me with hurt filled eyes. "I'll just b-be going." She slid a plate of her sponge cake- what I always ordered- and spun about, her blue skirt blooming around her as she buried her face in her hands and ran up the steps to the café.

I stood still, eyes wide and feet rooted. What just happened?

"What are you waiting for smart one," Cam's voice said, snapping me out if my thoughts. "Go."

I didn't need any other prompting. I charged up the steps swinging the door of the café open. Howard looked up startled.

"Philip? Do you know what's wrong with Laney? She just ran through here crying.

In answer I merely blew past him and ran up the steps to her door. I could here her choked sobs through the door.

"Laney," I said, "May I come in?"

"No. Go. Away. Philip." She spit each word out between muffled sobs.

I sighed and twisted the nob anyway knowing the door had no lock. I edged in quietly and found her curled beside her bed clutching a pillow. She glared up at me, face and eyes red as her cheeks glistened with tears. Tears I had caused.

The pillow hit my chest, I caught it before it hit the floor.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

I knelt down a few feet from her. "I'm sorry."

Her eyes softened a little bit before filling with tears again. She drew her knees too her chest burying her face.

Shoulders shaking, her voice breaking on a single word. "Why?"

I knew she wasn't talking about the apology.

"Because," I said, sliding to her side. "I was embarrassed. Embarrassed because Cam had called me out on something that I haven't been able to truly face myself. I think I'm ready now though."

She lifted her head looking into my eyes, confused. I pulled her into my arms and buried my face in her golden hair. "Laney..." I said my voice cracking.

"Yes Philip?" She said, staying completely still in my arms.

I pressed my face deeper in her neck, my grip tightening.

"I-I'm afraid I've fallen completely and wholly in love with you. And now I think I've blown it."

I heard her gasp. "It's okay Laney. I know." I released her, straitening as I turned to leave, my own tears clouding my sight.

Then I felt someone tug my wrist, I spun, shocked.

"You idiot." Laney muttered, throwing her arms around my neck, her lips crushing into mine.

For a split second I stood there shocked. But then my hands were messing up her hair and pulling her closer to me. Desperate before becoming softer, turning gentle like her.

For the first time in a long time I felt complete.


Ahhhhh! I. Am. Dreadful.


This was soooooo bad.
Sorry I disappeared for a while, I actually don't remember when I updated last.

Plus this ending just feels so off.

Is there any thing you guys want me to do? I'll try to make up for this.

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