Cousin Story Time

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Alright so I'm totally procrastinating, but I just also really want to tell this story. Kaylianne_Likes_Pie reminded me of it.

So I was at my cousin's house with my siblings and - obviously - my cousins. The parents were going to an "adults only birthday party" so they told us they would let us order pizza and just chill at the house. We were all cool with it. I remember this pretty clearly. Two of the pizzas we ordered were I believe meat pizzas, and the other was just plain cheese because my cousin hated the meat pizzas (like she really didn't want one XD)

So cool. We ordered some pizzas. We waited. And here's where it gets insane. (I'm going to laugh while writing this.)

I don't remember who opened the door. I think it was one of my cousins. EITHER WAY, the guy that was delivering brought the wrong pizzas to us. They were like two meat and one pepperoni. And we didn't really check to see if it was right? So we open them up and we're like... "Oh dear. This is wrong."

So we've got these two meat pizzas and a pepperoni. And we're like hey. We dig it. So we started eating it, but my other cousin (the one who wanted cheese) threw a tantrum (she's friggin older than me or somethin. I hope to God she doesn't read this) and she slams the door to her room.

So we're like. "Oh we've got to order another cheese or something." So we do.

And then the door bell rings. We open it, and get the right pizza, right? Like cool.

Five minutes later, another ring of the doorbell. We look at the door. And no other than the same pizza dude from the first time shows up. And we're like "OH NO. HE'S BACK."

All panic reigns down on this party. We're all running around screaming at each other to open the door, laughing our heads off, all the while the guy is PROBABLY listening to all this. So finally, we send my lil bro, the smallest of us all, to answer the door. He goes. We listen.

It went something like this. "Hey, uh, did I send you guys the wrong pizza?"

"Um, yes, I think so."

"Well I have the right pizzas right here. I guess don't worry about the others?"

"Oh... Okay thank you."

Resume excessive laughter as we watched this guy walk back to his car. We freaking open the boxes and sure enough, it's our pizzas in all their glory. My cousin comes out of her room to eat, and we're wondering what the heck we're going to do with like six pizzas.

Needless to say, we had pizza for breakfast the next morning.

(We also ended up with those cinnamon sticks from dominos. Those are fantastic.)

So yep. That's my crazy story. If it made sense, yay. If it didn't, I am so sorry. Just imagine many teens and one child laughing their heads off.

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