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Alright. Mistakes were made. So last night, it was like 11 and I was playing a minecraft mod with my friend. And I had asked him earlier if he could show me how to install a certain thing. So he was like "Alright sure, just skype me."

I got to install the thing, but we didn't end the skype call there. See, we both like very similar things so it's not often that we run out of things to talk about. And he had set up a "screen share" thing so that I could see how he installed everything. Well, after we had finished, he wanted to play OSU and asked if I wanted to see. I said sure. I couldn't hear his screen, but it was fun to watch regardless.

So after that, he started playing the online Attack on Titan game and had me join in. And oh my gosh I suck at it XD and at this point it's probably 1 in the morning. So we continued playing, he broke the game a couple times by 3D maneuver-gearing where he wasn't supposed to, and listened to NateWantsToBattle's Escape The City song because our characters reminded us of sonic hahaha.

AFTER THAT, oh yes. The party didn't end there. I don't know if most people will know what the Aether is, but basically it's an add-on to minecraft. That adds "heaven" My friend is VERY popular within the aether servers that we play on. The staff love him. And I don't blame them. He's hilarious and he's ready to help anyone when they need it. He's a minecraft wiz. So he's got a lot of connections. One of which happens to be with a dev that's working on a project. That project is not supposed to be shared, but I guess the dev decided he would show my friend because why not? Funny thing is, my friend has a hard time keeping a secret. But he at least knows there are some people he can't tell. WELL GUESS WHO HE TOLD? Should be obvious by now, but MEEEE. So I'm super pumped. Their project is pretty cool.

But here's where we got occupied again. My friend was showing me the new project in beta, and I was super psyched like I said. But he likes to remake the look of minecraft by making his own "textures". So he decided to work on the textures of this new project. And I was watching. He showed me how he did it and it was INSANE. He looked so professional XD

But we ended up staying up, talking, laughing, working, and watching. Until, and here's where the mistake is, 4:30 AM in my time zone, and 5:30 AM in his. Yeah. That was a great idea. So I woke up pretty much an hour ago. And we both talked about how weird we felt. I had a slight headache and he felt... Idk what word to use. He said salty because he felt dried out and made sure to make it clear he didn't mean the slang term for mad haha. And then, somehow. We got on the topic of Wake Me Up Inside by Evanescence. And then I remembered I heard that from a Pokémon AMV years ago. Then we started talking about Pokémon. So hey. We recover quickly. Yay.

I'm not sure what this chapter was? Just me rambling probably? I don't know. I hope SOME of this made sense. If not. Well. Blame my exhaustion. That's all I've got for now haha. Cya later, lovelies!~<3 (Btw I linked that Pokémon video I was just talking about. I watched some creepy stuff when I was younger.)

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