7. Revenge

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"There are hearts who don't know how to hate, no matter how much they have been wronged."


"I love you..." She whispered, making his eyes go wide in shock and it took him a minute to engulf what he heard only to get disappointed when she spoke further.

"I love you... Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook felt a stab in his heart when the drunk woman uttered those words. He didn't know why but he felt gloomy, maybe it was because they were friends once upon a time but now circumstances forced the two to hate each other.

He gently held the hair stain of the woman now sleeping soundly, and tucked it at the back of her ear to have a good look of her serene face. He wondered, how long was it when he last saw her this peaceful and calm, unlike her usual cold and vicious demeanor. He gazed at her for a good two minutes until a devilish plan made up in his mind and his lips curved up into a smirk.


Violet lazily woke up from her deep slumber and stretched her arms, a bizarre headache instantly kicked in her system. She massaged her temples and saw herself on the bed and her brows crouched in perplexion. She doesn't remember anything clearly, that happened last night.

"What the hell happened yesterday?! Ahh! I can't recollect!" She groaned, hitting her head with her fists, as if it'll make her remember what happened yesterday but soon a loud scream left from her mouth.

"AHH!! WHO'S THAT?!" She yelled, horrified looking at her reflection in the huge mirror in front. Her eyes had black circles making her look like a panda, which were made from a marker, her cheeks were sketched with the blush similar to 'Ninja Hattori' and her eyebrows were made to look super thick with the help of the black marker. There was also a note sticked on her forehead.

She huffed angrily and pulled out that note which read-

"Good morning shorty shrimp. You slept like a pig yesterday night and who the hell drinks this much with a man?! Be grateful I didn't do anything weird to you and also I cleaned the mess you created when you were drunk because I'm a good boy. * Pats my back ^^ *. Thank me later! Don't forget to apply the medicine on your wound (I'll check!) and did you like the makeover I gave you?
With all the hate from the core of my heart,
The Nation's husband,

Violet crushed the note in her hand and soon, teared it into tiny bits and pieces, she can imagine his smirk while writing this note very well. Her nose flared in rage and she punched in the air imagining the real Jungkook standing in front of her as her target. Her head was already aching as if someone's continuously hammering on it and this man's childishness added fuel to fire.

"This dumb fuck bunny bastard! He's inviting death today!" She roared, vexed and soon rushed towards the restroom to do a proper cleaning of this beautiful makeover due to which she was scared to even look at herself in the mirror.

It surely took her longer than usual to get ready and certainly, she got quite late for work.


The enraged woman slammed the door hard and ran towards Yoora who was patiently waiting for her to get into the car. She hastily opened the car-door and once again slammed it harshly making the elder flinch.

"What happened, Violet? You seem to be angry-" The frustrated woman didn't let the other speak anymore and started rapping in annoyance.

"That narcissistic, jerk, dumb ass, bunny bastard drew graffiti on my face as if it's his personal canvas! Ahh! It took me three fucking hours to remove this black ink from my beautiful face! Yoora drive FAST! I'LL RIP THAT SMIRK OFF HIS FACE TODAY!" She screamed on top of her lungs without taking a breath, making the woman surprised as ever and she couldn't help but chuckle at Jungkook's childish acts.

'She must be a rapper in another universe.' Yoora thought and her jaw dropped listening to the actress.

"Calm down hun, your face looks as perfect as ever. Don't stress, it'll affect your mood and remember we have to shoot an important segment." Violet huffed at her statement and gazed out of the window only to get shocked, when she heard a kid's voice.

"Momma!! She rapper like Sugar!" The kid squealed and clapped his hands joyously but the actress screamed looking at him, as she wasn't aware of his presence.

"Rowon! Sit down! You scared her." His mother lightly scolded the kid who was sitting in the backseat while Violet placed her hand on her chest trying to calm down.

"Me scary? No, me handshome." The kid shook his head and uttered cutely in his broken words, his confidence at his peak.

"Yes, very handsome." Violet chuckled, being in awe with his cuteness. She asked him to sit on her lap and the five year old happily hugged the woman and smiled.

"And it's 'Suga' not 'Sugar'." She corrected the fluffball and he nodded smiling towards the girl.

She always had a very special place in her heart for Rowon because her first ever genuine fan was him. She still remembers the time when he happily squealed and came towards her for an autograph amongst all the great actors present in the room. When she asked "Why do you like me?" he innocently replied "Because you're mumma- dadda's favourite and so, I love you."

She even asked him "Why not Jungkook?" and his reply still lives in her mind rent free; "He troubles you, so me no like him." She smiled remembering those memories and it felt as if what happened in the morning almost slipped off her head. Yoora chuckled looking at Violet and Rowon. The sight of the two beautiful beings was surely endearing to see, right as the first thing in the morning.

"Yoora, is he going to join us on the set?" Violet questioned whilst ruffling the boy's soft hair.


"What about school?"

"It's his holiday today and he was missing you so I thought to take him with me." Yoora glanced at the duo from the corner of her eyes and then concentrated on driving.


After half an hour the trio reached the set and soon, Park Violet was back to her angry demeanour. She hurriedly got out of the car whilst holding Rowon's tiny hands. Momentarily, his father, Hyun came to view and the little bean ran towards the male hugging his legs. Hyun took him in his embrace whilst pecking his soft mochi cheeks. The two ladies also smiled looking at the cute scene in front but soon, Violet's nose flared in anger.

"Where is that brat?" Her lazer like eyes moved and glared towards Hyun. It would be a lie if he said that he didn't get a chill down his spine. Angry Violet sure is scary.

"On the set, discussing his lines with Sierra-"

"Today's his last day on Earth!" She didn't let Hyun speak anymore and sprinted towards the set.

In her short journey of two minutes she even managed to get a marker from one of the staff members to paint on Jungkook's face. Just as she was about to go near him, the scene in front made her halt on her steps.

Jungkook spilled the expensive coffee from his hand on Sierra's dress... on purpose.

Violet knew he did it intentionally because that iconic smirk never left from his face until Sierra looked at him and the innocent act was back.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?! It just slipped from my hand." He apologised, obviously fake. She glared at him but then she saw that this whole place was packed with crew members and Sierra didn't wish to ruin her image. So, she just shrugged it off planning to take her revenge some other day.

"It's alright, Jungkook." She spoke in an ever so soft tone and went away to clean up. Violet, on the other side almost had a great laugh at both of their 'innocent play'. She scoffed and ran towards the male of course, startling him.

"You scared me-" He placed his hand on his chest, faking a dramatic gasp.

"You dumb fuck ungrateful brat! I taught you so much and this is how you pay me back?!" She yelled at him and as expected, he yelled back.

"What? You loved my drawing skills that much? Oh! I know I'm amazing." He flaunted whilst brushing his hair backwards and the woman rolled her eyes at his statement. Surely, his confidence is no joke.

"Yeah I loved it! Now... I'll show you my drawing skills. Come here you jerk!" She smirked and Jungkook instantly ran away like a bunny running away all scared and she followed him like a cat. He sprinted and hid behind Hyun who got startled by the actors.

"Hyun, save mee!!" He got behind him and peeked at the woman ready with the marker in her hand while Hyun became the middleman and his child Rowon was happily clapping seeing the two elders fighting like small kids. Surely, this was all chaotic in the morning.

The director and others face palmed themselves mouthing "They're at it again."

Finally, after a few minutes of running, yelling and playing the game of 'hide and seek', Violet got a hold of the man and she clenched his hair a little too tight until a painful scream left from his mouth.

"Yah! Leave!" He screamed but she just smirked looking at those expressions of his, it gave her a feeling of satisfaction.

"Not until I draw on your face, the marker with which you drew on my face wasn't permanent but this one in my hand sure is and now, I WILL SHOW MY ARTISTIC SIDE." She exclaimed, laughing like a maniac and the male's eyes widened in surprise. He stared at the marker and then at her, almost pleading to not destroy that angelic face of his.

She was about to scribble on his face until he noticed the staff members carrying a huge black box, probably containing props, just behind her and he knew Park Violet is a hyperactive woman, she'll definitely jump in joy like three old after drawing on his face and she might get hurt by the sharp metallic corners of the box.

He noticed this all in just a few seconds when she was about to draw on his face but instead, he pulled her towards himself by tightly holding her waist, the marker fell from her hand and her hands now rested on his broad torso. Her eyes widened in surprise and she instantly glanced at the male, as a reflex. Their noses brushed with each other due to the close proximity and for a moment they both were gazing into each other's eyes.

"Momma, they fight?" Rowon and his parents who saw everything just now were observing the two actors and the kid innocently asked his mum, only to receive a smile from her. She adoringly, pinched his nose and spoke further.

"No, they cute!" Hyun and Yoora shook their heads and spoke in unison in the same tone as their child, chuckling at the chaotic duo in front.

"What are you-" Violet asked, flustered by his actions.

"You would've got hurt by that box's metallic end and I don't want the shoot to halt because of your clumsiness. Thank me later." He uttered, being as proud as ever and she hit his nose by her head, as her revenge.

"Ow! Crazy woman!" He rubbed his nose and pouted, frustrated by her.

"You deserve it, crazy guy!" She stomped her feet and then returned back to her room, not in the mood to listen to him anymore. Meanwhile, Rowon ran towards Jungkook and poked on his leg with his forefinger. The elder smiled, recognising the child and bent on his knee to reach his height.

"You no trouble Violet noona!" He deadpanned, making the actor laugh at his cute voice.

"I'm not troubling her though, do you know I just took revenge for her?" He whispered in the kid's ear, knowing that he won't understand anything.

"Really?" The kid asked, amused and the elder nodded his head agreeing.

"Me protect noona." He uttered pouting, in his naturally cute voice which made the male, be in awe at his cuteness.

"Aw really?"

"Yes, I love noona." The kid exclaimed in joy, a pinkish tint evident on his cheeks and his front teeth were in full display proving that he does like Violet a lot. Jungkook just stared at the kid and then at Violet, who was walking towards them.

"You're back so soon?" He enquired, getting up from his position.

"Remember you have to practise today. So, my place, nine at night sharp and yes this time, you better put your jerkiness and narcissism at your home else I'll break your nose." She warned and showed him her fisted hand and soon took Rowon with her, leaving the male surprised as ever with her never-ending warnings.

'She's always so full of energy, especially when she's annoyed.' He pondered, chuckling whilst putting his hands into his pockets and gazed at her figure walking away with the little kid.

She didn't confess to Jungkook! Congratulations, you've been fooled by the author. XD
Rowon is so cute! 🥺

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