Chapter 13: I am so screwed. Wait!

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Frozeninspot : first person to get it right. About who this scene was going to involve. So, that's awesome! Check out her works and yay!!Great job! And all your comments were lovely :-)

I swear more than half of you readers make my day with your comments.

Chapter 13: I am so screwed. Wait!

Truth be told, I chose the worst forest to run into. First, it was full of bugs that came in contact with my face multiple times. Second, it had lots of trees which was terrible. It was the winter, so trees didn't have any leaves. They couldn't conceal me.

I ran towards the edge of the forest at first so I would easily be able to get out and into the campground. That was a lost cause seeing the boys spread out. I didn't know drunk people could think that well.

"Run faster!" I think it was Tyler who yelled that to his buddies.

Shaking my head, I picked up speed. They couldn't catch me. My morning jogs had to pay off, even though I ditched the two previous days. The voices of the guys got fainter and fainter as I ran.

Only with the thought of getting away, I ran away from the edge. The forest couldn't possibly be too big.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped. I wasn't an olympic athlete; I needed to catch my breath. A large, grey rock sat against a tree with green moss covering one side of it. I sat down on the non-moss covered side and tried to take deep breaths.

I was an idiot. A total idiot. Why did I run off? Why?

I thought about my situation. My parents weren't going to be very happy. First, I had a huge fight with them, and now I ran off. Things were so not going to be in my favor. 

My hand felt itchy. Scratching it, I noticed a small red bump.There were mosquitos and other bugs everywhere. I needed to get out as soon as possible. Dead creatures were acceptable, but I couldn't tolerate the alive ones.

I got up running a hand through my hair when I noticed that I had lost my hat. It wasn't even a legit hat . . . more like a beanie.


I started walking back. With just my luck, there was no moon to help illuminate the way. I looked at the pitch dark, cloudy sky with frustration.

"I see how this is. Moon, you are a terrible person--star--satellite or whatever you are," I mumbled.

Shaking my head, I remembered survival skill one: When lost, stay where you are.

I let out an angry sigh and stopped. A large lake stood in front of me. I blinked, scared for once. One more step would have most likely given me death.

The huge lake had lots of water . . . frozen water. It was really hard to distinguish from the normal ground due to the dark. There were some tree branches and even dead animals on the surface.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath as I took a step back.

Drowning in a frozen lake would be a terrible death. Scratching my head at my stupidity of not paying attention, I turned around.

I was genuinely afraid. It was freezing cold; I had no idea where I was; my stupidity lead me to the middle of nowhere.

I am so screwed. Wait!

I fumbled around in my pockets. My phone was still in there. Hallelujah.

And I had service, which meant that I wasn't too far away. Quickly, I went through my contacts. This was my second cell phone meaning I didn't any contacts except for Piper and Julian. It wasn't like I had other contacts besides my family on the other phone, anyways.

Piper wasn't here today, because she had a wedding to attend. Julian was my only option. But I was still angry at him for calling in my parents and getting them here. I stood there contemplating on how desperate I was.


Immediately, I turned back around. I never thought I would be happy to see . . . Lucas Crowell.

He stood about fifty feet away near the edge of the lake. Maybe there were other people behind him.

"Wait for me," he shouted and started walking.

"I am not going anywhere," I yelled back.

He didn't respond back but walked. He kept watching me as if I was going to run away. Therefore, the boy was distracted. The only problem with that was he started walking on the frozen lake.

"Lucas, move! You're on a lake," I shouted afraid. I walked close to the edge and watched him.

"What?!" he shouted. Lucas sped up. Idiot.

"Move, Crowell! Move!" I screamed gesturing him to come to land.

"Wha--" Only a loud crack followed by a splash sound were heard. The idiot was underwater.

I walked up couple of steps forward. Lucas was still inside the frozen lake.

"Lucas! Lucas!" I called his name trying to locate him.

For a couple of seconds, I really thought he drowned. His head popped up gasping for air, suddenly. I leaned over and extended my hand.

"Lucas, come on!" I would jump in after him but that would be stupid. Especially since Lucas was swimming towards my direction. Not to mention the fact that I could barely swim . . . unless dogpaddle counts.

It took him a little bit, but Lucas made it. I helped him sit away from the lake. Lucas was shivering uncontrollably and coughing up water. I wasn't getting charged for his death.

"Take off your jacket!" I ordered, and then felt stupid. He was obviously not going to be able to unzip it.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, I took off his drenched jacket, he wore a plain white t-shirt underneath. I helped him take that off as well. He shook his hand pointing at his jeans. He was keeping them on. I wasn't the one to argue. I threw his wet jacket and shirt on a nearby rock.

"C--c--cold," Lucas stammered.

"No dip, Sherlock!" I took off my coat and put it around him. Good thing I wore a sweater underneath.

Temperature was supposed to drop during the night time. 

I looked at Lucas who was trying to curl up in a ball inside my coat. I couldn't even imagine how cold the water was. We needed to get some warmth. Otherwise, whenever we were found, we would be found dead.

"Lucas, give me your hands," I demanded. He looked up at me, slowly.

"Ca--can't f--f--feel," he stuttered out. He wasn't shivering any more.

Lucas Crowell was shaking. Sighing, I scooted next him . . . and hugged him. I, Cassandra Evans, hugged a Crowell.

"You are an idiot, Lucas," I muttered as he wrapped his arms around me, slowly. We were both inside my small coat, now.

Lucas didn't say anything. I was getting a little worried. I mean how much heat could I provide for the six foot tall soccer player? Lucas buried his head in my neck, shivering. I was getting cold, too. In movies, the hero and heroine usually didn't die. They just woke up the next morning all good.

But this isn't a movie. We might not wake up at all.

"Lucas Crowell, don't die on me," I said anxious. I heard a small chuckle in my neck. "Don't get your germs on me, either," I added.

"Yo--you're huggin' m--me," he stuttered out, raising his face.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," I shrugged.

"I'm c--c--c--"

"Cold," I finished for him, "I know, Lucas. Did anyone else come with you?"

He shook his head and tried to curl up in a ball, pushing me away. "Hey! Don't push me. I'm your only source of heat right now, idiot," I said outraged. Here I was trying to help him out, and he was pushing me away. Some people never change.

"S-uh-ry," he mumbled.

"Of course, you are." He didn't do anything in response. Lucas had his head resting on my shoulder. I took his hands which were half frozen. The coldness of his skin shocked me. Heat from my body was escaping pretty quickly. Lucas wasn't getting much heat. He's going to die.

"Lucas!" I nearly screamed in his ear. No response. "You know, Crowell, it's supposed to be the other way around." Again, no response. "Boy saves the girl not vice versa. You're a damsel in distress, right now," I stated. Lucas chuckled softly. A little response was better than nothing.

"Lucas, was there anyone else with you?" I tried again. There had to be someone. He shook his head. "Damn," I muttered under my breath, "Okay, so that just lowers the likelihood of us surviving."

"Mee-ny," Lucas stuttered.

"The truth hurts, Crowell."

He mumbled something incoherent. Shaking my head, I looked over towards the lake. A giant crack was visible where Lucas had fallen.

I looked around when I spotted something dark a couple of feet away.

"My cell phone!" I said in sudden realization. I stood up fast and ran to it.

The iPhone was still working. I didn't even care if I was mad at Julian. I wasn't going to die. Promise me, you will never intentionally hurt yourself.

"I promise, Brandon, I promise," I said aloud as I called Julian.

Julian picked up on the first ring. "Cassie?"

"Naw, it's Spongebob," I said sarcastically. Obviously, it was me. Every phone had caller I.D nowadays.

"It's definitely you. But where are you?" he asked.

"Right now, I'm in the middle of the forest," I replied quickly.

"We are all searching. Stay wherever you are. Is there anything nearby that might help us locate you?" he asked slowly. I could hear some shouts in the background.

I looked around. Lucas sat all curled up inside my coat, muttering something. Yeah, he wouldn't count as a point to locate us.

"There is a giant, frozen lake," I answered Julian.

"Oh, alright. We'll look for that. It's awfully dark tonight, so it's a little hard to find many things," he sighed, "I tell you. Everyone is so worried. These kids are--"

"Julian, I am not looking for a chat right now. Hurry up! I have a dying kid on my hands," I interjected.

"Dying kid?" I heard the confusion in his voice.

"Yes, your dumb cousin fell into the lake," I replied frustrated.

"They found you?"

"Huh? It's just Lucas."

"Cassie, everyone who came to the bonfire split in groups to find you. I don't know why Lucas was alone. But how long has it been since he fell? How is he?" Then, he yelled something to someone in the background.

"Maybe twenty minutes. I don't know why he split up with you guys. But hurry up, seriously. He is freezing to death. And I'm definitely not joking," I said solemly.

"We're trying," he said gently. I didn't say anything. Saying something wouldn't speed up the process of them finding Lucas and I. "Cassie, I have to go, now. Some drunk boys are chasing around the little kids," he said and hung up before I could utter a single word.

The drunk boys were most probably the Tyler group. I made my way back near Lucas who was coughing.

Again, I wrapped my arms around him for heat. But it was a hopeless case. I grabbed his hands and rubbed them for heat. He was turning awfully pale.

Lucas kept coughing and sneezing. "Don't die on me, Crowell. It hasn't even been that long since you fell in the water," I said trying to be reasonable. Even if he did fall in the water not so long ago, he still wasn't going to be well.

I separated away from him and completely closed the coat around Lucas. I took off his shoes, and put my boots on his feet. The only problem was that Lucas had big feet compared to my size seven. Still, I squeezed his feet in the small shoes.

"Cassie! Lucas! Cassie! Lucas!" a familiar was shouted.

I stood up, immediately. A couple of faint lights were across the lake.

"Julian!" I yelled and waved my arms in the air.

"There!" Someone pointing the flashlight in my direction.

Everyone started walking towards me . . . on the lake. Was it really that hard to walk around?

"LAKE! Watch out! Lake!" Immediately, a bunch of them went back and pulled their buddies back.

A loud crack was heard along with a scream. Someone was down. 

I saw some people stay and pull out the person who fell in the lake while others approached me.

The hot chocolate giving lady from earlier was in the group that came to Lucas and I.

"Are you alright?" she asked quickly hurrying over to my side.

"I am fine. It's Lucas," I said pointing to the curled up ball on the ground. She gave me a worried nod. The people behind her were chatting and whispering. Goddamn idiots. "People!" I yelled. It got quiet really fast. "I know you don't give a damn about me, but there is Lucas Crowell freezing to death three feet away!" I snapped.

A couple of girls from the group ran upon hearing his name. They took off their scarves and coats and put it around him.

"How long has it been since he fell?" the lady asked.

"Not sure. Maybe a half hour or more," I shrugged.

"Alright. Have a seat for a second while I get this all sorted with the group," she told me.

I simply nodded and followed the instructions. The lady called the whole rescue group and made some plans.

I just wished the night would be over soon.



I looked up immediately and found my parents making their way in my direction.

The rescue group and I were walking towards the bonfire. It took a while to get everyone together and leave. Two people fell in the water: Lucas and Tyler, apparently. It did make me slightly happy that Tyler fell.

"How are you?" someone asked breaking me out my thoughts. Mom.

"Better than how I was yesterday," I replied as I walked towards the bonfire.

"We were so worried," Mom said wrapping her arms around me. I was about to tell her to get her hands off me when she whispered, "Sandy, please don't make a scene with us in front of others."

I gave her a look of disbelief. "Can we go home?" I asked.

"Yes, definitely," said Dad.

I stood up quietly as my family proceeded in front of me. I walked, lost in my thoughts. Julian was talking to someone to the side.

"Julian!" I hissed under my breath. My parents were a good distance away.

Julian turned and raised his eyebrows. "Cassie?"

"I am leaving. How are Lucas and Tyler?" I asked quickly. I didn't care about them, but I still needed to be updated.

"Hopefully, fine. They're not conscious, yet," he replied.

I nodded. "See ya," I waved and proceeded to go.

"You're leaving with your mum and dad?" he asked.

Then, I remembered. "Oh, of course. Thanks to a certain someone who likes to see me suffer, I'm going with my parents," I muttered in a low tone.


"Bye, Julian," I said angrily and stalked off.

He was such an idiot.


The car ride home was really quiet. My parents tried talking to me, but I barely responded. Everything they did or didn't do was wrong.  

I was starving by the time we got home, but no one asked me if I wanted anything. Petrina was too surprised to see my parents home. She sent me upstairs and told me to not get into an argument with anybody. I learned an important lesson out of that.

Mom and Dad simply did not care for me. They cared for their reputation, and how our family was viewed by others. That explained why Mom whispered to me to shut up. 

I didn't sleep that night rather I sat on the floor near my window. Chilly wind came through it, but I didn't care. It wasn't like I was going to sleep. As much as I wanted to show that nothing affected me, it did.

Every single god damn thing had an effect on me.



I wasn't expecting anything new to happen at school until the famous idiot took a seat next to me at lunch.

"Lucas, what do you need?" I asked glaring at him.

Lucas had four slices of pepperoni pizza on his plate along with a variety of different sauces. One slice was in his hand, half eaten. Talk about people starving in other countries and here he was.

Piper gave a confused look as well as to why the Crowell sat with us.

"What? Why? You saved my life!" he insisted.

"Huh?" I blankly looked at him. Piper gave Lucas a suspicious look.

"Yesterday, you helped me out of the lake, and waited with me until we were found. Plus, you hugged me," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. 

Piper raised her eyebrows at me and said, "You hugged someone? How come you never hug me?"

"Piper, the next time you fall in a frozen lake, I'll hug you," I told her.

"You fell in a frozen lake?" Piper asked Lucas with wide eyes.

He nodded, giving her a sad look.

"Now, that's established. Go away, Lucas." Everyone from his table were giving us confused looks. Some girls were even giving Piper and I glares. It wasn't my fault that Lucas ignored them.

"I will but I want to do something to show my gratitude," he said as he grabbed a slice of pizza.

His plate made me want some pizza. But I guess pasta wasn't that terrible for lunch.

"You wanna show gratitude?" He nodded with a grin. "Then, go away and never bother me again," I said as a matter of fact.

"That doesn't count," he retorted. He gave a small sneeze in the crook of his arm.

"For me, it does," I told him.

"Aw, Sandy, give him a chance," Piper said smiling at Lucas.

"I am! I'm giving him a chance to go away," I replied eating the pasta.

"Oh come on, Evans," Lucas said scooting close to me, "It's nothing big. Maybe like a dinner or something."

I blinked at him and said, "Number one, I'm gonna push you off the seat if you scoot next to me again. Number two, you don't repay someone by annoying them."

He didn't listen to threat and scooted right up to my side. I raised my eyebrows, giving him one last chance to change his mind. Lucas simply gave me a wide grin.

"Lucas, I don't think that's a good--"

Lucas Crowell was on the ground before Piper could finish her sentence.

"What the . . . ?" Lucas was too shocked to even continue. He seriously underestimated me.

That is why people don't mess with me. "I do what I say, Lucas," I shrugged.

He stood up, and sat back next to me, further away this time. "It's okay. I am an athlete. I'll take the pain like a man," he said patting his chest.

Piper laughed at his ridiculousness. I just shook my head.

"You're such a pig. Can you please go away? There are people who want your presence at your regular table," I reasoned.

"I will if you agree to do something with me," he shrugged.

"That sounds so wrong," Piper said shaking her head.

"Dirty minded people," I told her. She grinned. Shaking my head, I turned to Lucas who was on his last to second slice of pizza. "Lucas, I told you already, if you leave me alone, we're good. No need to make things harder than they need to be."

"True, but I love making things harder than they need to be, " he replied proudly.

"Me and my dirty mind," commented Piper. I threw her a glare which shut her up.

Turning to Lucas, I said, "Well, suit yourself. Are you leaving us alone or not?"

"No." Then, he sneezed three times in a row.

"Thanks for sharing your germs to the air I breathe in. I'm going to the library," I said as I started packing my lunch.

Lucas said something as I got up to leave. I ignored and blocked him out.

"Sandy, wait," he said as he stood up. "I'm going," he sighed. I turned to him in surprise.

"Really?" Maybe I wouldn't have to waste time in the library.

"Yes. I am not that cruel, Evans. I'm not going to be the reason why you skipped lunch," he said with a shrug. I didn't say anything. "Sit, Evans. Chill," said Lucas putting his hands on my shoulders, pushing me down. I sat down, quickly, as he gave my shoulders a small squeeze. I shrugged to signal him to let go. "Enjoy lunch, Piper, Sandy," Lucas said with a nod. 

He grabbed his plate and left, giving me a half disappointed look. I saw him sneeze twice as he approached his table.

I didn't say anything as Piper started ranting about people I didn't know.

People were giving us funny looks for the rest of lunch.


I sat in AP Spanish, waiting for some miracle to happen, just so we wouldn't do anything. My wishes were unheard by the person who granted wishes.

The worst part was when I got paired with Lucas.

"Howdy, partner," Lucas smirked as he sat down next to me.

"Ay dios mio (oh my god)," I muttered annoyed.

"No need to curse in Spanish, Evans," Lucas said in a scolding tone.

I glared at him and shook my head at him. "That's not a cur--"

"En español, Sandra!" Señora Miller said sharply.

Sandra was my Spanish name. I didn't understand the concept of having a different name. Oh well.

"Sí, señora," I said through clenched teeth. "No es un curso (It's not a curso)." I didn't know how to say "curse" in Spanish. Lucas gave me a smirk. I gave his shin a swift kick under the table. 

"I am a soccer player, sweetheart. That didn't hurt," he said rolling his eyes.

"Señor Chuy, por favor, en español!" the Spanish teacher scolded. I grinned at Lucas.

"Yeah Lucas, use your extinct Spanish," I said once the teacher was out of sight.

"Hey! I can speak in spanish! Me gusta su . . . ojos!"

"You like my eyes?" I asked a little back. He probably hadn't any idea what he said.

"Yep," he grinned. I narrowed my eyes at him. "They are so light brown!"

"Really? I couldn't tell," I said sarcastically.

"Way to take a compliment, Evans," said Lucas shaking his head.

"Sandra! Chuy! Do you two not understand the concept of speaking in Spanish only?!" Señora Miller snapped. It was ironic since she said that in English. "You two will present, first," she said with a stern look.

I nodded and gave Lucas a glare.

"What? Not my fault," he said defensively.

"Of course not."


I went home, depressed. Lucas and I had a terrible presentation. He completely blanked out during our turn. Señora Miller told us to prepare again and present next class.

Lost in my thoughts, I walked in my house. Expecting it to be dead silent, I was surprised to find lots of people in there.

It was chaos. People writing down notes. People walking around, chatting. People ordering people.

I spotted my Mom next to someone.

"What's going on?" I asked as I approached her.

"What?" Mom asked preoccupied.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Preparations, honey," she said quickly.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"You don't remember? This friday?" She gave me a look of disbelief.


"It's Cate's sweet sixteen!"


Whatya think?

Do you think Cate will get all the attention again?

Oh and did you think Lucas is being ridiculous?

Oh and how many of you guys are shipping Lucas and Sandy, and Julian and Sandy? I know a bunch of you guys changed your minds.

Oh and there is a Spanish exchange student in my FORENSICS class! I didnt know until today! (Yeah, I am a sad human being).

By the way, I love you, people. No kidding. 2k VOTES!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

*Hands you all jolly ranchers* And I will try updating this tuesday.

Anywho, please keep supporting this story!! Keep doing what you are doing! I really appreciate every single vote and comment ^-^ I really want this story to get to do good. Nothing without your support. Gosh, and all your guys seriously deserve an award.




p.s. any predictions what's gonna happen next?

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