Chapter 15: Disturbed child, maybe?

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Dedicated to smiles_ferreros for the awesome support and the lovely banner. Check out her works, peoples!


Chapter 15: Disturbed child, maybe?

I stared at my family that sat in front of me, in our large living room. It was as if they were waiting for me. I just shook my head at them and proceeded towards the direction of my room. I wasn't looking for an argument or a conversation. They were all annoying.

"Sandy, wait," Mom said in a cold voice.

Irritated, I stopped and approached her. Might as well just get this over with.

"What do you guys need?" I asked with an annoyed sigh.

"Relax, Sandy. Just sit and we are having a family talk," said Mom, nodding towards the couch.

Jimmy and Cate sat next to each other on end of the couch, so I took the other end. Dad sat quietly on the other couch.

"Sisters and brother, your father and I have come to the conclusion that we all need a talk. We have a couple of questions to ask and then you guys will answer one by one. Got it?" Mom asked looking around at all of us.

Cate and Jimmy nodded like good little children. I just crossed my arms and leaned back. Mom didn't wait for my consent. As expected.

"Do you all feel that your father and I should spend more time with you than just the Christmas holidays?" asked Mom as she took a seat next to Dad.

We were all quiet. I wondered if we shared the same DNA.

"It would be nice," Cate said in a small voice, trying to look all innocent.

"Agreed," contributed my older brother, Jimmy.

I had already told them how I felt so I didn't see the need of reiterating my wants. Mom and Dad didn't push it either.

"Do you guys feel that we don't give you enough attention?"

Cate, the attention sucker, said, "Yes!"

I rolled my eyes at her as Jimmy said, "s0Sometimes."

"Kids, we're both really sorry," Dad sighed, "Work is just really time consuming especially when we are competing against the Crowells to stay in market. It gets hard to take out time."

"If the Crowells can make time and throw all those parties and stay home, then I don't see why you can't," I told him.

"Excuse me?" Mom said in disbelief. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful just...honest.

"So, basically, you want your parents to show up once a month to throw parties?" asked Dad, trying to stay calm.

"No, I am just saying that the Crowells take the time out of their schedule to come back home and see their kids, why can't you," I explained, clearing the small misunderstanding.

"We did come here to spend time with you all," said mom, "and for Cate's Sweet Sixteen party."

"Sure," I shrugged. Then, in a lower tone, I added, "Didn't see you come and talk on my sweet sixteen."

"And mine," added Jimmy, in a low tone. I nodded and smiled bitterly. It would have been funny but Jimmy and I were never really given that much attention.

"We did have important meetings!" Mom insisted.

"Just not on Cate's birthday," I said in a low tone.

"Sandy! Quit being jealous of your sister!" snapped Dad.

"Why don't you quit making me feel jealous of her?" I snapped back and stood up.

"Sandy--" Jimmy started. He was the only one in the family without anger issues. World peace was his motto. Go join the beauty pageant, Jimmy.

"Leave me alone. And forget you all. I am going to my room," I said, taking deep breaths as I stormed off.

"Sandy-" began Dad.

"Dad, stop," I interjected, raising a hand, "I know the truth and that's what I live with. You want to think I am some messed up, hormonal teenager, go for it. Frankly speaking, I don't give a damn."

"Sandy! This is absolutely no way of talking to your parents!" Mom yelled. It was pretty rare that she lost her temper. "I bet this is all because of that Crowell boy of yours," Mom muttered.

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief.

"What? What was that kid's name? Brady, no, Brandon, right?" Mom said.

"You are absolutely ridiculous," I said, again not believing what I was hearing. "Brandon left nearly four years ago."

"Then why are you this way?" asked Mom, not caring that Brandon left me.

"Because that bad influence of a Crowell left me here!"

So much for having a family talk.


"Go away."

"What? Why? You told me to meet you at this library place at seven! And it's seven o one, right now," said Lucas.

I sat in the library with my head down on one of the wooden study tables. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. Lucas had showed up at exactly seven-- right when I did.

I was telling him to do our presentation some other time. He just wouldn't leave me alone. I hated him so much that it probably wasn't even legal.

"Lucas, please," I mumbled, tired.

"No," he said firmly and sat down on the chair across from me.

"Fine! Then, I'll leave," I replied, angrily. Lack of sleep equaled a grumpier Cassandra Evans.

"I guess I'll just have to follow you," he shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him. He gave me a playful wink.

"Why are you so annoying so early in the morning?"

"Just be glad I'm not a miserable someone in the morning," he retorted.

"Wow, and you think I value your opinion?"

He gave me a flat look. "Can we just get this presentation over with?" he asked, "I didn't get ready so early in the morning to come here and stare at you . . . not that I mind."

I gave him a glare and put my head down on the table. Just to annoy me, Lucas kept tapping his pencil on the table right next to my face.

Annoyed, I reached out and put my hand over his to stop the tapping. It was irritating my ears.

I raised my head to tell him off, but I found him staring at my hand. The one that was on top of his.

"Oh em gee, Sandy Evans is touching me," Lucas fake squealed. Immediately, I pulled my hand back and groaned. He was frustrating me on purpose.

"You are such a jerk," I mumbled.

"I've been told. Now, could you please get started on some work," he asked, a little too politely.

"You won't leave me alone, otherwise, would you?"

He shook his head with a grin.

"All right, let's get started," I sighed.

"Okay! What does entender (to understand) mean?"

I just shook my head at him.

* * * *

The session with Lucas was only half an hour but it felt like I had spent five hours with him. I was so glad to go to class and leave the Crowell.

"Evans," Lucas tugged on my sweater sleeve. We were on our way to class.

"What?" I asked. He let go of my sleeve once he had my attention.

"I'm gonna see you this Friday," he said with a wide grin.

"You see me every week day," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, on Friday, I'm gonna see you after school," he said flatly.


"Your sister invited me to her party," he said excitedly.


"Aren't you happy?"

"Uh huh. Lucas," I said, "I am going to class. I'll see you later."

With that said, I walked off to my first period class, ignoring the fact that I had it with Lucas.

So much for avoiding someone.


"After school," said Julian.

We sat in our forensics class, learning how to differentiate between human and animal hair.

"Huh?" I asked confused, as I fixed the slide to put under the microscope.

"I'm helping your family," he grinned.

"Huh?" that was my generic response.

Julian rolled his eyes and explained, "Your whole family knows me except for your brother, I believe. So, Cate wanted me to help her plan and set up for her birthday."



"Hmm?" I mumbled looking through the microscope at the slide.

"I have been thinking about our deal, and how I haven't been doing so very well," he said, giving me a sad look, "So, I think it would be nice if I could spend more time with you."

"That's a good thought," I commented.

"But do you agree?"

"Of course not," I retorted.

"But Cassie--"

"I'm not a people's person nor do I like your presence that much," I interrupted.

"You don't have to be that honest," he said looking offended. "I'm aware you don't like me. But I'm not asking you on a date. Simply for . . . what's the word . . . mentoring reasons."

I thought about it. Spending time with him was better than going home and facing my parents who were busy with either work or busy with Cate's party decorations.

"Fine," I agreed.

"Brilliant!" said Julian with a dimpled smile. "How about today, then? Just a simple walk around. I have seen so many lovely families around the park, and happy siblings, and everything."

"You are getting too excited," I said which seemed to deflate his happiness a little. "I'll walk around, though; just not too long."

"Fine by me," he smiled.

"Animal," I told him.

"What?" he asked confused.

I rolled my eyes. "This is an animal hair."


"No comments."


I was wrapped in a coat, scarf, and gloves. February was a chilly month in my state. My kind of weather.

Julian walked next to me in a leather jacket and gloves for protection against the cold. I never understood why some guys didn't wear coats. I did hear a guy once mention how it made them feel less manly with a big coat on. Idiots.

"So, the plan is to just walk around in the cold?" I asked for clarification.

"Partially," he nodded.

Both of us walked around the neighborhood to the small park. The park was nothing big. Just a simple area of land without any grass. 

Once we reached the destination, I realized that Julian was up to something. He kept looking around . . . as if waiting for someone to show up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, giving him a suspicious look.

He grinned and just nodded. I shook my head and shrugged.

"Cassie, since when have you not liked your sister that much?" asked Julian.

"Since I realized I was stuck having her as a sister for the rest of my life," I replied truthfully.

"Come on, let's have a seat," he said as he nodded towards the empty picnic benches to the side.

He chose the farthest table to sit on. I simply followed his lead.

"Alright, so, I realize that your relationship with Cate is awful," pointed out the foreigner.

"No dip Sherlock," I said sarcastically.

"But maybe it's because you never gave her a chance," he said in a gentle tone.

"Huh?" I really felt slow, today, for some reason.

"Cassie, why does Cate dislike you?" he asked carefully.

"Because I don't know," I said shaking my head.

"Okay," he nodded, "Well, I reckon you can answer that. But I can try guiding you."

"What are you? My mom? Teacher? Mento--"

"Stop it," he said with a stern look. He was actually serious. "Listen to me. Your relationship with Cate has been on the edge because you never gave her a chance. You simply have it engraved in your mind that she is this attention seeker who steals your attention whether it is from your parents or even at school."

"That's bull," I said outraged.

"No, it's not. Listen, will you?" he said looking exasperated. "You, darling, haven't been given a chance to get to know your sister, apparently. As I can see, you barely ever spend time together."

"So what?" I challenged, "That's not a part of the deal."

He leaned back a little before leaning forward. Staring right into my eyes, he said, "Your lack of attention is quite astonishing. Anyways, it is a part of the deal. I have to show you how love is present around you. Have you ever noticed Cate?"

"What do you mean?" I mean I noticed my sister every single goddamn day.

"I mean have you ever seen how Cate is mean and rude to your face?"

"Of course I have," I said coldly. In my defense, it was the cold weather.

He shook his head. "Cassie, do you know what I saw today and once last week?"

"How would I know?"

"I saw your sister defending her older sister at school," he said with a small smile.


"Yes, defending," he grinned, "You're aware of your reputation in our school. Most people don't know you and make false assumptions. It's terrible. But I reckon people have the right to be judgmental when you refuse to interact with anyone."

"Your point being?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I wasn't finished, " he said flatly, "So, here I am just walking to maths class. Your sister was talking to some boy. He made a rude comment about you."

"Rude comment?"

"Nothing you need to hear," Julian said with a grave face, "But your sister told him to back off and leave her older sister 'the hell alone'."

I didn't say anything for a while. Cate wouldn't do that. She hated me and I hated her. This was some random lie Julian had formed probably.

"What happened after that?" I asked slowly.

"The boy called you some names and Cate," he said flatly, "and then he stormed off. I think it was her boyfriend."

"Her boyfriend? Ivan?" I asked confused. Ivan never talked to me. He was Cate's ghost of a boyfriend. He was barely ever seen by anybody. My feelings toward him were indifferent.

"I believe so."

I didn't say anything. People were stupid and my sister had chosen to date one of them. But it did make me suspicious that she defended me. I mean she was always being an annoying pain. I would have never expected--

"Cassie, there they are!" Julian said excitedly nodding behind me.

I turned around and met two pairs of eyes. Those two people were quite familiar . . . a little too familiar. But what the hell was Cate doing with him?

"Evans, my long lost love," he called running up behind me.

Yes, it was confirmed.

Lucas Crowell had some serious issues.

Before I could have said anything, Lucas gave me a hug from behind.

* * * *

Ooh what do you think Cassie is gonna do to Lucas for hugging her?

Why do you think Lucas and Cate were with each other?

NEXT CHAPTER IS CATE'S B-DAY!!!!! Some of you guys aren't invited...just kidding! You're all invited! No specific ages! Haha. But if you are coming, you better bring some food!

By the way, her sweet sixteen involves an indoor pool ;) (Hint because I wanna be nice)

Thanks for all the support!




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