Chapter 17 What Point of No do you Not Understand?

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Unedited. Sorry. Awesome banner to the side by Starbucksrulez

Chapter 17: What point of no do you not understand?

Slowly, Julian and I made our way back to where the rest of the people were. None of them had their cell phones. Oh so intelligent. They had been told to leave their electronics away from the pool- in the changing rooms, which were outside. I honestly felt a little sorry for them.

"Who has a cell phone?" my older brother, Jimmy, yelled.

Julian checked his pockets but nothing. Rolling my eyes, I went next to my brother and handed him my phone.

"Let me see that," Lucas said as he reached for it.

I blocked the way.

"My cell phone, Crowell," I said in a strict tone.

"I need to call my parents!" he snapped.

"So does everyone else," I snapped back.

I didn't really expect him to be so demanding and angry. But I suppose getting stuck in someone's house under a lockdown wasn't his thing. Not that it was anyone else's thing either.

"But my parents can get us out of here!" he argued.

"Really? They're gonna come here and get you out?" I challenged.

He pursed his lips and gave me an annoyed look. "No, but they can call the cops and other authorities."

"So can my parents," I said calmly, "Now, shut up and go bother someone else. I don't have time, energy, or battery to waste on you."

He frowned and stormed off. All his playfulness had disappeared. He was like a different person, now.

I looked at Jimmy who had turned away, talking to someone on the cell phone. He came back after a couple of minutes. Everyone had a desperate look on their face. They looked at Jimmy expectantly. As the oldest one in the room, Jimmy was in charge.

"I just talked to Dad. He said stay put. They called the cops who should be here immediately. Just stay calm," he said taking the role of a leader.

"How long are we going to be here?" Lucas asked, ten feet away. He stood with his arms crossed.

Jimmy hesitated before replying, "Maybe a couple of hours."

Lucas didn't say anything. He pursed his lips and sat down on a chair.

I looked at my cell phone in Jimmy's hand. "Turn it off," I said pointing with my head. He nodded and followed through my direction.

"Boys and girls," I shouted, "Just enjoy the party. Things will settle down soon." False hope was always helpful. As a hard core pessimist, I expected the worst: all of us getting in loads of trouble.

Most of them reluctantly returned to their spots and started whispering.

"Cassie," I heard Julian say behind me. I turned to face him.


"What's going on?" he asked confused.

Jimmy answered for me. "Dad said there are 'unwanted people' in the house," he said and then lowered his voice, "and they have guns. We have to stay away from doors and windows."

"Good thing there are no windows here," I said flatly.

My input was ignored. "So, we are all in danger?" Julian asked.

Jimmy and I both were quiet. I shrugged as a response. We were all here together. If the "unwanted people" had guns, it was obviously implied that we were in danger.

"The doors are set pretty well for emergencies. We are pretty safe in here," Jimmy said finally.

Julian just nodded. "I am going to help relax some of the people," he said. We nodded. The kids were all idiots. They needed some prep talk. As I looked around the room, I groaned.

Lucas Crowell was coming in our direction. "Damn, I am out of here. You got this, Jimmy," I said to my brother and pointing to the direction Lucas was coming from.

Jimmy sighed and handed me my cell phone. I gave him a confused look. I expected him to hold on to it.

"Lucas will ignore every word that comes out of my mouth. I am outta here," he said and walked off.

Traitor, much? I glared at him ditching me.

"Evans," Lucas called behind me, "Let me see your cell phone."

I turned around to face him. "What point of no do you not understand?" I asked irritated.

"I just need to call my parents!" he insisted.

I just shook my head and started walking off. I didn't feel like wasting my energy on him. Yet, Lucas followed me desperately asking for my phone. I kept ignoring him and tried to go to Cate. Her birthday had been ruined.

I was minding my own business until Lucas grabbed my elbow and made me stop.

"What the hell?" I said, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let me see your cell phone," he ordered. I found people staring at us. Some girls gave me dirty looks.

"Stop making a scene, Crowell," I hissed in a low tone, "Let go."

"Not until you give me the phone," he said stubbornly.

"Stop acting like a little kid!" I snapped. "You want to run to your mommy, then go ahead! We need the goddamn cell phone for more important stuff. Cops have been called! Quit being a baby and grow up!"

"Evans! My parents can get us out of here faster! Let me talk to them." The desperation in his voice was noticeable, but I wasn't budging. Someone had to play smart. I wasn't going to be irrational like him.

"No," I said calmly.

"Evans," he said in a pleading tone.

"No means no," I said slowly. Our gazes were locked. Neither one of us cared what everyone else thought.

Lucas let go off my elbow in annoyance. I saw the anger vibrating off him. The idiot Lucas was definitely better than the annoyed one.

I proceeded to go but this time my hand was captured.

Lucas was trying to get the cell phone. The boy wasn't going to surrender quickly. I hated people who made life harder than it needed to be.

I pulled my hand away but he reached agin. This time he grabbed half of my iphone while I had the other half. Both of us tugged. My cell phone was my property and the most valuable object at the moment. I wasn't letting go and neither was Lucas.

We fought for a solid five minutes until something tragic happened: Lucas dropped the cell phone.

Okay, maybe I was partially responsible as well but it was my phone.

We stared at the broken pieces on the floor. One or two pieces fell in the water. I think it was the battery that fell in the water.

"Damn," I heard Lucas mumble.

Oh that wasn't it. "You monkey! You broke my phone! Idiot!" I was outraged. There was no other way of communication with the outside world.

"You were tugging on it, too!" he said defensively.

"You are so dead," I said shaking my head. I was ready to punch him when I was pulled back.

"Stop it, Sandy," Jimmy said as he held my arm.

"He broke the goddamn cell phone!" I screamed.

"It was an accident. And it was both of you not just Lucas, " Jimmy reasoned. Of course, he would play the peace keeper as always.

"Evans, I-" Lucas began with a regretful look.

"Oh just save it!" I snapped and stormed off.

There was only one problem.

A loud gunshot echoed through the house.

My face paled. The rest of the teenagers all had frightened looks on their faces as they huddled up in a corner. I met Jimmy's eyes who seemed scared as well but didn't show it. Lucas looked at me with a grave look and walked off to the corner.

Frowning, I made my way back to Jimmy.

"What should we do now?" I asked, scared for once.

"Keep calm, please. I don't know what to do. We can't call anybody and these kids are terrified. You would think a rational part of them would calm them down but no," he said slightly frustrated.

"All of them are idiots," I groaned. "But I don't blame them that much. This isn't a normal thing. Hell, we haven't even done a lockdown drill since we were like ten. Now, it's the real thing!"

"I know, Sandy, I know," was all Jimmy said.

"Do you think the people are here kill us?" I hesitated.

He shrugged. "That sounds stupid. And how in the world did they even get in the house? Why they are after us is not something I can answer."

"Jimmy, you know the answer to everything," I said with a straight face.

"Not this one, sis," he said, shaking his head sadly.

"What do we do now?" I asked. I liked being in charge but not at moments like this. I was actually glad Jimmy was here. No matter how annoying he was, he was still a better leader than everyone else.

"Now, we lie," he said taking a deep breath.

I shook my head. "Jimmy, I am not going to lie to them."

He looked at the whispering teenagers and said, "I can't find a better option."

"You go ahead and lie but not me," I said raising my hands. I wasn't doing this.

"I need support, Sandy," he pleaded.

"They all hate me. Find someone else. Ask Julian," I suggested. Julian sat next to a couple of girls who were clinging to him. One was actually crying. Wow, dramatic much?

He nodded and left me.

Sighing, I went to one corner of the pool area. As always, I was isolated. And nobody made a move to come and talk to me. People never change. Shaking my head, I told myself to suck it up and watch what was going on.

Jimmy had gathered Julian and some other guy from school. They were all trying to help calm down the kids.

"...and we need your cooperation," Jimmy was saying with a lot of weird hand gestures, We can't just all panic and leave. Somebody is in the house. Guys, this was just as surprising to us me as it is to you. All I ask of you is to relax until further notice."

Lucas clapped loudly after Jimmy finished. I narrowed my eyes at him. Lucas was mocking my brother...not praising or anything with his clapping. I saw an annoyed look come on Jimmy's face.

"Great speech," said Lucas, loudly. "Now, if you would have acted more reasonably before, we would be out of here faster. If only you'd let me call my parents." Lucas seemed irritated as well.

"Lucas, what's done is done," said my brother calmly.

"Apparently!" Lucas snapped as he took a step towards my older brother. "Because of you, we are stuck here!"

"Would you just relax?!" Jimmy said with his temper rising.

I stood up and started making my way over to the boys. Lucas had lost his marbles and my brother was close to losing his.

"No! Not when I am sitting here helpless!" shouted Lucas, grabbing Jimmy's shirt.

Things were looking bad. I was still trying to figure out why Lucas was being such an unreasonable idiot.

I didn't hear what Jimmy said but Lucas responded with a punch.


Instead of walking, I ran. Jimmy was a peace maker but not when he got punched. He was hitting back. Both boys were fighting over absolutely nothing. I saw a bunch of guys split and pulling the boys apart.

"Stop it," I shouted as I reached them. Jimmy and Lucas stood a couple of feet away from each other, held by the party guests. Things were doing downhill and I was ready to fight someone else as well.

"He punched me!" Jimmy said outraged.

"You deserved it!" yelled Lucas.

"Shut up!" I screamed. Both of them looked at me. "Lucas Crowell, don't you dare touch a single goddamn person here especially if it's someone I'm related to! You have absolutely no right to hit my brother for not getting the cell phone. And it was my goddamn phone! You want to get out? Then, get out!"

I didn't care if I was harsh or not. Someone had to be reasonable. I wasn't going to get killed.

"Sandy-" Jimmy began.

"Be quiet, Jimmy!"

He didn't utter a single word after that. I glared at Lucas who wasn't meeting my eyes. Both of them had relaxed a little. I gestured for the boys holding Jimmy and Lucas to let go. Slowly, they released the beasts- I mean boys.

"Cassie, I think you should-" One glare at Julian shut him up. He stood near Lucas. I didn't care about anyone at the moment. I was beyong pissed off.

"Now, act like civilized human beings or get out," I said in a warning tone.

Nobody said anything or moved.

Silently, I walked to the lonely corner and relaxed in its lonliness. It was way more calming than hanging out with people. At least walls don't say anything stupid or take stupid actions.

Nobody in the room bothered me. Jimmy, I think, tried to come to me but then stopped halfway. He probably changed his mind. I actually wished he would come talk to me but guess not. So much for being tough.

I sat there lost in my thoughts, hoping to get out of here soon. My wrist watch was a benefit, allowing me to check time. Two hours had passed since the lockdown. It felt longer than that. I checked time regularly.

Three hours passed, yet nothing happened. Even Cate's guests had started talking amongst themselves about random things.

I fiddled around with my hands just to pass time. Unfortunately, I was soon joined by a special someone.

"Hi," said Lucas quietly.

"Go away," I muttered.

"I'm sorry," he said genuinely.

I looked up and met his eyes. His face was more relaxed than earlier. He had probably spent some time thinking about his actions.

"Sorry is a selfish word," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow and then replied, "I'm a selfish person, Evans, and I really am sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, Lucas. Jimmy is the one you punched," I said looking back at my hands.

"I already did."

"Then, we're done here. Go back," I said nodding towards the direction of the rest of the people.

"Nah, I would rather hang out with you," he shrugged.

"I would rather you not do that," I said truthfully. I really wanted more peace. Being alone to myself gave me lots of time to think about lots of things.

"I know, Evans. But you don't have a choice," he grinned.

"Why can't you just leave?"

"Because I like annoying you," he said simply.

"Of course you do. Idiot," I mumbled.

"You calling me an idiot doesn't make me one," he stated.

"But your actions make you one," I retorted.

He didn't say anything after that. We sat quietly. Until then, I hadn't realized how close Lucas sat next to me. Our sides were about half an inch apart. So much for sitting on the floor. I was ready to move away -being close to people wasn't my thing- but stayed put. He would most likely move over just to annoy me.

"Hey Evans?"


"I just realized something," he said in a serious tone. I looked at him expectantly. Maybe he had remembered something important. Any important information would be beneficial to us.

"What?" I asked.

"If we get married, you're gonna be C.C. Cassandra Crowell," he said excited.

Face palm. On Lucas's face. But since I was a nice person, I only slapped his arm. He flinched a little when I hit him.

"You're definitely an idiot!"

"Hey, I was just trying to lighten up the mood," he said and then added, "C.C."

"Call me C.C. one more time and you will regret the consequences," I warned and then looked at his nose. It seemed perfectly fine but that didn't imply it wasn't going to be hurt again.

Lucas's hand reached up to his nose remembering my punch. "You're mean," he mumbled in a low tone.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"You look cute, today, " he grinned.

"You look terrible," I replied.

"Your eyes are extra light brown, today," he said, "and that really suits you."

If he was trying to look or act cute, it wasn't working. "Your eyes are the same as always." My insults were apparently bouncing off him.

"Your hair looks beautiful when you have it down not in your regular ponytail," he said reaching for my hair.

Weirded out, I pulled away. His hand fell back and I took my original spot. "Your hair looks like a mess," I told him.

This time, he was offended. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and said, "Do you have any idea how much I spent making it look like the way it is?"

"No, nor do I care, " I answered rolling my eyes.

"Oh well. But don't insult my hair," he said seriously. "This isn't easy. I spent an hour and half trying to fix it this morning. An hour and a half!"

"Alright, geez, relax. No need for give any explanations," I said partially amazed at him. Even I wasn't so concerned about my hair.

"I know. But you aren't taking this seriously. Fixing your hair is the most difficult task-"

"Stop acting like such a drama queen. I don't care," I said cutting him off.

"Of course not," he said in a low tone.

"Now, be quiet and let me be in peace."

"Nope," he said.

"Well, then, I think I should leave," I said proceeding to stand up.

"Oh god, just wait," he said grabbing my hand. I pulled but he didn't let go. Stupid strong people. Frowning, I sat back down next to him. He still didn't let go.

"Lucas, you do realize it's creepy," I said pointing to my hand in his.

A confused look came on his face. "Creepy?" He let go off my hand, though.

I just shrugged. "Stay away from me."

"As always," he said nodding his head. Then, he added, "C.C."

C.C. really irked me for some reason. "You little-" I started but was cut off.

By a woman scream.

Followed by a gunshot.



Author's note

Yeah yeah sorry for Lucas's behavior. He really needs some coaches. Anyone wanna help Lucas be more rational? ;)

Alright, what was your favorite and least favorite part of the chapter? (Answer truthfully, I dont mind how harsh you are)

Anybody wanna be in Cassie's place?

AND I NEED SOME SHIP NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!

Anywho's I have been in a terrible mood lately. So if the chapter seemed too gloomy, you can blame me.

Oh and last, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU READERS! WE GOT TO 3K! KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!!!!!!! I really love ya! And thanks to everyone who went and voted for Chapter 15! Really nice of ya.

Oh and soon this book will be at 100k READS! I am beyond shocked! I wasnt even planning on posting this book! And now I am glad I did put it up!




More of these votes and comments make me wanna update more. You guys are doing a great job so just keep doing what you're doing!

As I said before, we are all a family. So, do we say 'thank you' to each other?

Oh and I am a part time cover maker. Yep, thats my side business. Writer cant survive alone on writing. Need a change of scenery once in a while.

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