Chapter 19 Are You Always This Stupid...?

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Unedited, sorry!! Oh and pretty please remember feedback! So close to 4k votes!! Like I am dead seriously. We're soooooo close. Pretty please help out :)


Chapter 19: Are you always this stupid...?

Annoyed by the girl's words, I marched towards Lucas and Julian.

Julian started to say something but I cut him off, "No."

"Sandy-" started Lucas.

"No!" I snapped. It was taking all my will power not to snap on Julian and Lucas too bad.

"You would make a great Juliet," grinned Julian.

I glared at him and shook my head. "I am not acting. Get that stuck in your head. Jenna agreed to be Juliet. Don't make life harder than it needs to be!"

They really weren't getting the gist. I was Cassandra Evans, talentless and hopeless. Making me take part in artistic activities was a lost cause. It was quite depressing, honestly.

"But Ms. Spruance said if we go out of our comfort zones, we'll get extra credit!" said Lucas.

"Doesn't necessarily mean I have to act. Why can't I just be...a..a..a director?" I had to give myself credit for that one.

Lots of murmurs, whispering, and other nonsense rang through the classoom. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on someone's desk. Hey, if I was going to be a director, I needed to start acting the role.

"I am fine with that," the girl from earlier said.

"So am I," Julian finally said. More agreement was heard. "Raise your hands if you are okay with that," instructed Julian. More than half of the kids raised their hands.

I grinned. But it soon dropped when I found Lucas staring at me. "What?" I asked, giving him a suspicious look.

He shook his head. "Nothing. It's just that I have..never seen you smile. You should smile more," he said seriously.

I narrowed my eyes at him and said nothing. I didn't know what to say. He really caught me by surprise sometimes. And I hated that feeling.

"Alright, Cassie, you're the director. You have to take care of basically everything," said Julian.

"I know." At least, this way I can get a better grade in the class.

"I'll be her assistant!" The girl who had told me about my nomination spoke up.

"Go for it," Jenna said. "Good luck, Megan," she said to the girl. Jenna gave me a death glare and went to play with her fingernails. I looked my own nails which were bitten down to barely anything visible.

"Pig," I muttered under my breath. The insult wasn't that extreme but still directed at Jenna.

"Excuse me?" Jenna's head snapped in my direction.

I ignored her. I didn't like getting into arguments with intellectual inferiors. "Megan, right?" I turned to the girl.

She nodded and gave me a smile. I had no idea why she even wanted to be my assistant. But working with smart people was never a problem for me. "Great. Alright, now, everyone else, we need to get some things settled."

"Did you just ignore me?" Jenna demanded. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Excuse you!"

"Thanks. Now, where was I?" I said as I turned to the rest of my classmates. "Write down your ideas on the board and we'll vote on the best one."

Jenna huffed and sat down on her seat. That was easier than I had expected it to be.

For the next half and hour, people put up different ideas. Finally, the idiots who called themselves my classmates voted for my least favorite one.

It was called Modern Day Shakespeare. Basically, it was Romeo and Juliet of today's society. And the worst part was that no one would die since we had the police.

"Modern Day Skakespeare it is," I concluded in a loathing tone. "Now, let's get the roles in."

For the rest of the class, we decided on roles and parts of the people. Lucas and Julian competed for Romeo. Apparently, people didn't want to see the foreigner with the accent playing Romeo. Juliet's part was easy as Jenna was the only person running. But she was extremely annoying about how it was unfair to others that I was deciding the roles. But it was me and a bunch of others deciding the parts. So oblivious.

Talk about idiots.

"Boys and girls, class is just about to end," my English teacher called us to attention. "Go directly to the auditorium next class. Good work, boys and girls."

The bell rang dismissing us right on time.


"Crowell, what are you doing?" I asked as Lucas fell in step with me. Julian walked on my other side. Both of us had Forensics but Lucas didn't.

"I am walking two of my favorite people to class," he grinned.

"Why?" Julian asked confused.

"Because he wants to be late to his second period class," I answered for Lucas.

"How did you know?" Lucas asked amazed.

"That was my only guess," I replied, rolling my eyes. Lucas was the most spontaneous person I knew.

"Fine," Lucas said with his amazement dropping into a frown. "Oh, by the way, I was thinking this Friday or Saturday we should have it," he added.

I frowned at him. "What's 'it'?" I asked confused. I was sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

"Our date," he said loudly. A couple people looked up, nearby. I smacked his arm as Julian chuckled next to me.

"A date?" asked the foreigner.

"No, I meant dinner," corrected Lucas.

"You are so lucky stupidity isn't a crime," I said shaking my head at him. We were almost at my Forensics class for which I was extremely grateful.

"Hey!" Lucas called offended. "Is that a yes or a no?"

"Bye," I muttered and walked into my class.

Lucas was just so not worth my time.


"Wait, so is it true?" asked Piper excitedly.

We had a substitute yet again. Since this wasn't a major class, it wasn't a big deal but I really wanted to get to the good stuff. This could be helpful in the future especially if Lucas Crowell kept annoying me.

Piper was way too hyper: I blamed the four lollipops she had gone through.

"Piper, what are you talking about?" I asked, finally looking up at her from my paper.

"Julian just told me that you love Cate and Jimmy," she elaborated.

"Stop spreading rumors, Julian," I said turning to Julian who pretended to be working hard.

"Oh come on, Sandy. At least, you didn't downright deny it," she shrugged.

"There's nothing for me to deny. Cate and Jimmy are my sister and brother. I am obliged to care for them seeing as we share the same genes and DNA." I sat back and went to finish my worksheet.

"Wow, science is getting to your head along with psychology," Julian spoke up.

"Be quiet," I waved his statement off.

"Hey, but still, you actually love somebody. Aw," said Piper with a stupid smile.

"Piper, shut up."


"Shut up!"

"So, you agree with what I'm saying?" she asked for clarification.

"No comments."

"Aw, I am gonna take that as a yes," said Piper.

She was clearly annoying me on purpose. As my closest friend -my only friend- Piper had the right to ask me questions. Just like I had the right to not answer them.

"Piper, will you please leave me alone?" I asked as politely as I possibly could.

"Nope! Julian told me the next part of your deal is friendship love!"

"What?" Julian and I said simultaneously.

"There goes the surprise," stated Julian with a frown.

"Julian, what are you planning, now? What happened to family thing?" I asked, giving him a pointed look.

Julian sighed and gave Piper a disappointed look. He put down his pencil and turned to me. Piper seemed curious as well as towards Julian's plans.

"Well, it's sort of established that you do love Cate and your older brother. You won't even deny it, so I can see that you realize the love. As for your parents, I can't really mend things fully," he shrugged, "I mean, it has been years since you and your parents spent quality time together. I can't fix that a month."

"True true," Piper agreed. I narrowed my eyes at her and she shut up.

"So, anyways, next step would be friendship love," he grinned, showing his dimple.

"Really? You plan on bringing back- damn," I muttered.

My thoughts had gotten out of hand. I wasn't really thinking clearly. Only one idiot came to mind whenever the friendship was brought up. Of course, no way could Julian possibly bring back Brandon. Piper was a close friend of mine but she and I didn't have the bond that Brandon and I had.

"Bring back who?" Julian asked, his sky blue eyes twinkling with curiousness.

"No one," I mumbled and put my focus back on my paper. I was such an idiot sometimes.

"Do you know, Piper?" the foreigner asked my friend.

I didn't hear Piper say anything for which I was grateful for. Brandon wasn't someone I enjoyed talking about. There were way too many memories that were brought back.

"We'll talk later," Julian said. I don't know who it was directed at but at this point, I couldn't care less.


"Friendship love."

"You're annoying, did you know?"

Julian and I sat in the same park as before. The one where Cate and I had a "heart to heart." The bench was way too cold to sit on, honestly. I fidgeted around a lot. Julian sat across from me.

"Annoying?" Julian asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes, it's freezing out here and we are just watching those kids play football."

"Hey, I am getting to my point," he said raising his hands, "Just relax." He crossed his arms and proceeded. "Friendship love is the next step. Frankly speaking, your friend making skills are..." Julian didn't bother finishing.

"Extinct?" I offered.

"No," he replied flatly. "You aren't a loner, Cassie. You have friends. It's just that you refuse to make new ones."

"You are my new friend," I said offended.

"Really? I thought you said we were 'acquaintances'," he teased.

"Fine then," I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes and said, "I was joking. Anyways, I wanted to talk about something earlier, today. In Forensics."

I didn't say anything. It was obvious what he was getting at. I put my hands in my coat pockets and stared ahead at the kids. One team had just had a touchdown.

Julian patiently waited for my response.

"I don't want to talk about him," I finally replied.


I sighed. "Yes. Please don't ask me, again."

"Oh alright. I'll back off," he said, raising his hands in surrender.


"But," he started and I groaned. He wasn't going to shut up. "Past is past. We'll move with the future. Currently, your friends are Piper, Lucas, and I."

"Whoa there," I said, "Lucas is not in that category."

"Really? Then, what category is he in?" he smirked. He still the weird thought that something was going on between Lucas and I.

I rolled my eyes. "He's in the annoying category."

"Along with plenty of others, I assume?"

I nodded. "Honestly, Julian, I don't care about people."

"I couldn't have guessed." He leaned forward on the bench. "Cassie, why the hatred? Just why?"

I pursed my lips and then sighed. "Because people are stupid."

"That's not a solid reason," he pointed out.

I shrugged. "There's plenty of reasons to dislike people. People are judgemental, stupid, selfish, ridiculous, and just plain awful to be with."

"And you are not any of those things?" Julian asked, with his forehead scrunched.

"Of course I am. That's why I have the right to say that. I am judgemental. I am selfish. I can be ridiculous." The last one earned me a smile from Julian. "And I am terrible company for people."

"I would disagree," he said quietly.

"Of course you would. Mr. Happy-go-lucky-ball-of-sunshine," I said with a bitter chuckle.

"Cassie, thinking all the negative things only makes a person more miserable," he said wisely


"Well you know what, Julian? I am a miserable human being then. Because all those negative things are the truth. It helps people be more rational."

"What's the point of being rational when you are unhappy?"

"Julian, what's the point of this discussion? I don't like getting into arguments," I said staring straight into his bright blue eyes.

"Cassie, you get away from important matters so quickly. But honestly, I am curious about the background of this behavior of yours," he said and seemed to think about it all.

"It's all a psychological thing," I replied. "My brain works differently. You can do an experiment if you like," I joked.

"Your sense of humor is quite strange," Julian said, apparently, not finding the joke funny.

"Oh please, you're the to talk. Forcing me to sit here in the goddamn cold and talk about random stuff," I rrtorted.

"This random stuff is very important. I want to be successful in the friendship love," he replied.

"Of course. Good luck," I said as I gave him a thumbs up.

He gave me a wide grin. "Thank you. And I have yet another plan to accomplish."

"And what might that be?"

"Helping you say the L word," he grinned.

"Oh boy."

"And it starts, today."

And the torture began


"Cassie, repeat after me. Love," Julian said in AP Spanish.

He sat in the seat behind me. We were supposed to be working on our posters about anything related to Mexico. I was doing Chac Mool, the god of rain of the Mayas.

I looked at Julian's poster. He was making one on Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican painter.

I turned back to my poster and proceeded to make an illustration of the Chac Mool statue. All these teachers found it fun to torture unartistic students with these creativity poster. Why couldn't I just write a paper on it or something?

"Cassie," Julian tapped my shoulder. When I didn't respond, he tapped my shoulder again.

With an annoyed look, I glanced over my shoulder and hissed, "Don't touch me!"

"Okay, love," he said with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Stop annoying me on purpose."

"Just say 'love' and I'll stop," he proposed.


"Okay," he shrugged and started drawing. "Then, where was I?" He scratched his temple with his pencil. "Oh yes, I remember. Cassie, love is a great thing. People use it in different situations. For example, one may love his or her pet. Or a husband and wife may love each other. Hopefully. Also, love is a sweet thing that keeps us altogether."

"Julian, just stop with the B.S.," I said shaking my head.

He grinned. "Hey, I was trying to be all wise and philosophical."

"Sounds like a soap opera my grandma would watch," I said rolling my eyes.

"She has good taste," he pointed out.

"Apparently, our definitions of 'good taste' are very different," I said, turning back to my own masterpiece.

"You're awfully polite," said the foreigner sarcastically.

"I noticed."

"Anyways, we are getting off topic. Since yesterday, I've been trying to get you to say 'love.'"

"And you've met failure," I pointed out.

"Why won't you say the word?" he asked a little exasperated.

"Because it has no meaning," I replied as I colored the Chac Mool statue.

"Maybe you are refusing to see it," he remarked.

"Maybe you're refusing to see there is none," I said as I looked back at him.

"Maybe you two should work more and talk in Spanish only," Señora Miller said standing next to us.

"Lo siento," Julian and I said simultaneously. The teacher left and walked to other students. (Lo siento= I'm sorry)

"I thought you said sorry was a selfish word," Julian said.

"It is. I just use it for people I don't really like that much," I said with an evil grin.

"You are strange," Julian said shaking his head.

"Nothing new," I shrugged.

"Oh well. So where was I? Love! Anyways, love is a beautiful feeling..."

Julian dragged on more information about the L word. He had probably done some research on this. I swear he could have written a whole book on it.

And then made me read it.

So much for having a friend.


AUTHOR'S NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatya think? Friendship love? What's next? XD

This was more of a light hearted chapter. Filler almost

ALL YOU JULIAN LOVERS better love me now. This chapter was 95% Cassie and Julian.

ALL YOU LUCAS LOVERS, more Lucas in the next chapter XD

Important message: all comments on Cassie's immaturity and jerkness and all that jazz will be IGNORED. I am sorry I just don't have the capacity to keep explaining that it's Cassie. Guys, I know her faults and her attitude. If she wasn't this way, she would be just like all the other main character girls. There is a broader choice of books to read about those girls. Cassie is a difficult character. WAY out of my comfort zone. She is way too hard to write about but I'm trying. She is NOT like everyone else. Whether it is a good thing or not, I don't know.

Now, if anyone has good things to say about my dear Cassie, I do not mind. I would absolutely love to hear them!!


My favorite are all the boys: Lucas, Julian, Brandon (Alex, Riley, and Peter from KAAHB).

I was just curious and simply wondering if any of my readers were from England, Spain, America. In your comment, just put # and your country name. It would be awesome to know what many of ya guys think. But obviously, this is OPTIONAL!

Omg I am takin the SAT's tomorrow! My second time!! AH!!!! I am so scared!! I don't wanna get a lower score than before.




And lovelies, people do suck, in real life. No joke. That's why I love wattpad. I can talk to nicer people here. Much more smarter.

Oh and I was told that I am less nicer as a author and a nicer person when private messaging. Pretty funny. I am sorry. I dont even know why.

P.s. when I say "football" I am referring to American football. So, when I say soccer, it is "football" for some of you. My version of footbal is the rugby football thing.

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