Chapter 27 Ever Heard of "Suffer In Silence?"

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Dedicated to 3Hours_Of_Winter for the awesome support! Means a lot!! Check out her works, people!!

Chapter 27: Ever heard of "Suffer In Silence?"

I got in my car and headed home before deciding to take a u-turn and going to the Emergency room. The pain in my shoulder from the balcony fall was terrible.

So much for being an actor.

My thoughts were interrupted by a long car horn and a random car. I checked my mirrors and the front road, quickly, to find that I was about to get into a head-on collison. The car behind me stopped, and I failed to follow the drill.

I was in the middle of a small, empty intersection with a black car coming my way. I tried to get my car to swerve right--away from the car coming straight ahead. Instead of tapping my foot down on just the gas pedal, I panicked. I pushed both the gas and break pedals, simultaneously.

The only thing I remember happening next was the other car swerving in the opposite direction.

But, there was no point. My car ran into a tree as I raised the emergency break in the middle.

After that, I was unaware of everything.


I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room. It was pretty empty aside from the medical cabinets, monitors, and other hospital room materials. My doctor stood with a clipboard and a stethoscope. She gave a big, warm smile upon seeing me waking up.

I've had the same doctore since I was seven. The same gray-haired, gray-eyed woman but just more matured. She was probably around sixty, now.

"You missed me, Sandy?" Dr. Vargo asked with a grin.

I gave a slight nod and took a deep breath which seemed a little painful. Some of my body ached and I looked at my doctor.

"Any broken bones?"

"Nope," she smiled.

"Broken ribs?"

"Not that I know of."

"Why is my body hurting then?" I groaned.

"Probably from the eleven stitches you received. Not to forget the torn muscles." Her smile dropped at the words, and she went back to jotting down things in an unintelligble handwriting.


"Who hit me?" I asked slowly as I remembered everything.

"Some young man. He is waiting outside for you. Unfortunately, you bumped into a tree along with his car," she said with a sad look.

"I am not exactly sure what happened," I said as I clutched my aching head.

"Here," Dr. Vargo said handing me a pill. A glass of water sat next to my bed on a table. I took the pill and waited for her to continue. "Well, Sandy, I am not exactly sure of all the facts. All I heard was that you drifted off from your lane to the dead center of the road, panicked, and ended up colliding with another car."

I thought about it. I had been lost in my thoughts about school and the play Ms. Spruance mentioned.

"Damn!" I muttered, clutching my head. My hand ran over something. Bandage. Dr. Vargo saw my confusion.

"First, no bad language," she scolded, "second, you have two stitches on your forehead."

"Great," I mumbled annoyed.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Relax. You're fine. That's all that matters right now. I'll am going to check some things. Meanwhile, you can see your grandmother and the person whom you got in a car accident with."

With that said, Dr. Vargo gave me a smile and left. I stared at the empty ceiling and muttered every curse word I knew of.

Soon, the curtains of my room shifted and came in two familiar faces. The first face was of my crying Gramma. I just shook my head at her. Though, when I saw the second face, I didn't know what to think of it. He came to stand next to the edge of my hospital bed. Everyone was quiet and seemed depressed.

"Did you get any stitches?" I finally asked him, breaking the dead silence.

Both of them just looked at me. I shrugged in response. Did they expect something else?

"Two, here," he replied, pointing to his forehead, and continued, "three, here." He pointed to his arm.


"Sandy, are you alright?" Gramma asked as she wiped her tears away. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Of course I'm not," I replied. "Ever heard of 'suffer in silence?'"

"You are acting really calm, Cassie," Julian said, giving me a skeptical look.

"Julian, I got us both in an accident. My brain still is having a hard time processing that," I replied quietly.

"It was actually my fault," he said, running a hand through his hair. I rolled my eyes at him. He was just trying to make me feel better. "No, Cassie, I am serious. I was driving down the wrong lane."

This information definitely had my attention. "You're kidding, right?"

He shook his head. "I always get confused on that road on which lane to drive in. I have been so used to driving on the left side-"

"Can you give me a moment?" I interjected. "I need some time to think."

He pursed his lips and nodded. Gramma was just trying to get herself collected. She was being too extreme with all of it. It wasn't like I had died or lost a body part or something.

As the foreigner left with a guilty look, my grandmother turned to me. She seemed to have a guilty look on her face as well. "How are you feeling? I knew I should have come to school to get you!"

I looked at her. "Doesn't matter. I would have still drove by myself," I said waving it off as if nothing happened.

She sobbed and took me in a hug. "Gosh, that was so terrible. Both of you driving in the middle of the road," she said, clutching me.

"Get off," I muttered. "Wait, so it was both Julian's and mine fault?"


"He is taking all the blame, though?"

"I have no idea why. There was another car behind you, and that woman saw it. She told me what exactly happened. You kind of just drifted towards the center of both lanes, and Julian was already on the wrong side--right in front of you. Your car ran into a tree, and Julian ended up colliding into the back of your car," she explained as she let go of me and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Julian thinks he was the only one driving down the wrong lane," I replied.

"You two better have a talk then while I go tell your parents. They are probably worried sick," she said as she proceeded to leave.

"Yeah, they definitely are 'worried sick,'" I said sarcastically as my grandmother left.

The curtains closed behind her and I sighed.

The curtains readjusted and Julian entered.

"Have a seat," I told him, nodding towards one of the chairs. He nodded quietly and sat down. It wasn't hard to tell that he felt bad for everything. He sat with his shoulders slumped and focused on his hands. "Julian, stop acting like an emotional, teenage girl. An accident happened and we're all alive," I said.

"With so many stitches and muscle tears," he said glum.

"What else did you expect to come out of an accident?"

"Cassie, I hurt the both of us, especially you," he said meeting my eyes.

"Yup, you're terrible," I joked.

"Did you happen to hit your head hard? You're acting different yet the same," he said giving me a puzzled look. He seemed dead serious about the question he had asked.

"You are the one taking all the blame. Did you hit your head hard?"

"Cassie, I drove on the wrong side," he insisted.

"So did I, Julian," I shrugged.

"But you got hurt more."

"You want to get more stitches than me? Be my guest. What's done is done. And don't take all the blame," I said leaning back further.

"You are actually being relatively nice," he commented.

"I don't really have any stamina to get angry or to start shouting. Also, feel free to leave soon. I feel like taking a nap," I told him as I pulled my blanket up to my face. Julian couldn't see me and vice versa.

"And you're back," I heard him mutter. "Adios, chica," he said and I heard some movement.

He was leaving, fortunately.

"Ah, hide me!" a high pitched voice screamed. Immediately, I pulled the covers off my face and looked. Disturbing my sleep was beyond rude and irritating. Julian stood a foot away from a curtain when a small girl came running in.

She was probably around nine or ten with hardly any hair on her head. She ran up to my side and kept looking back.

"Hide me, please!" she said, giving me a scared look.

Julian gave me a confused look and I shrugged. We were on the same boat--with no idea why this random girl was here. "Why should I help you hide?" I asked her.

"Because." She didn't further explain, but hid behind one of the chairs.

A blond nurse peeked inside my room. I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Can I help you?"

"Yes. Have you seen a short, blue-eyed girl? She is ten, and her voice is really heavy-ish," she said.

I tried to hide my smile as Julian replied, "Oh yes. I may have seen her running down the hallway."

The nurse nodded and left with a sigh. "Mentiroso," I told Julian as turned to face me again. (Mentiroso = Liar)

"Only for the good of mankind. I like your Spanish attempts, though. Even though some of them are wrong sometimes," he grinned.

"Shut up. It's difficult. And why did you help this girl out?" I asked as the girl came out of her hiding spot and sat down next to me. "Get off my bed," I told her firmly.

"Why shouldn't I?" asked Julian.

"Julian, she is a hospital patient," I sighed. "See the hospital gown?"


"Idiot," I muttered.

"I like him!" the girl said loudly.

"Who are you? And get off my bed!" I nearly yelled. The girl got off, hesitantly, and gave me a sad look. She scratched her head and took a seat on one of the chairs.

"I'm Angel Havens," she said.

"Okay. Why were you running away from the nurse?" I asked.

"Nurse Francesca keeps feeding me the nasty food. I don't wanna eat it! I want some French Fries!" she said defensively.

"Poor girl," Julian said sympathetically.

"I don't think you have another choice," I told Angel.

"Oh I know," she said as she leaned against the chair. "But I am just delaying it."

"Smart child," Julian remarked.

"Julian, get out of here," I said irritated. He was just standing there for no reason.

"So rude," he said flatly.

"Yeah, you're mean," Angel told me.

"Did I hurt both of your feelings?" I asked softly. They looked at each other, exchanged a glance, and nodded at me. "Guess what? I don't care!" I snapped.

"Meanie!" Angel said loudly and then clasped her hands to her mouth.

In about five seconds, the same blond nurse was in my room. She gave Julian and I some nasty looks before dragging Angel away. The little girl waved at us and mouthed, "French fries" as she got taken away. But something flashed and I noticed her gown. It was a full fit child gown. I examined my own hospital gown and groaned.

"What's wrong, Cassie? Do you need the doctor?" Julian asked worried.

"Oh yeah, I need Dr. Vargo. This goddamn gown is backless!" I had the worst luck in my town. Julian looked at me for a second before he burst out laughing. "Go away!" I said annoyed. "This isn't funny. Be glad you're not in this situation!"

That did the deed as seeing Julian stopped laughing. "I am sorry for being inconsiderate."

"Go away," I mumbled, pulling the blankets over my head again.



"Do you need anything? I'll stop by regularly to see how you are doing."

I pulled the blanket off my face very slowly and looked at the foreigner. "Can you get me some chocolate? I feel like eating Kit Kats or maybe just those Twix bars. And you don't need to check on me. I am fine."

"Yes, definitely, with eleven stitches," he muttered. "I am coming here often whether you like it or not."

"Can you just get the chocolate bars?"

He nodded and stalked off.

Now, finally, I could take a nap.


"Hi!" someone shouted next to my ear.

I woke up alarmed and immediately took the blanket off my face. I looked at the little girl and groaned. "Go away, Angel!"

"No, I don't want to! Where is the nice guy?" she asked looking around the room.

"He left," I replied grumpily.

"Aw, I liked him," she said disappointed.

"Aw, I don't care," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. My whole arm was so sore.

"What's his name, by the way?" she asked.


"He has a weird accent."

"British." Then, I sighed. "English, I meant."

"Is he your boyfriend?"


"You two will look good together," she remarked.

I just stared at her. "How old are you again?" She was acting like one of the girls from my school.

"Ten and a half!" grinned Angel.

"Good for you. Why are you bothering me?" I finally asked.

"I like to meet new people. Oh and my room mates don't talk a lot, so I just walk around the hospital sometimes, talking to strangers," she shrugged as she plopped down right next to me.

I refrained from yelling at her. "You have room mates?"

"Yeah, some of us have been here for almost a year. The stupid treatments are taking forever! I want to go home, but doctors say that some chemo thing-y isn't working that well," she said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Chemo?" I paled once I got some idea of why she was here.

"Yeah, it was a long name. Chemotherapy, I think. My lungs have some problem and they are trying to kill the mean cells. But nothing is working right. Last month, one of nurses said, I might be leaving this month. But I am still here," she said.

I just looked at her. The bald head, chemotherapy, and "mean cells" all fell into place. Lungs having problem. She probably had lung cancer. I just stared at her with a sad look. I mean the poor girl was only ten. To say life was unfair would have been a huge understatement.

"Soon, you'll be fine," I said finally.

"Yes, so I can have some French fries!" she grinned and hopped off the bed.

"Yep, it's all about those French fries," I smiled.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. Then, something dawned on her face, and she tugged at my hand. I winced in pain, immediately, and she let go. "Sorry! But I have something to show you!"



"I can't-"

"Pretty please! No one ever comes with me!" she huffed and sat down on a chair, pouting.

"I can't come because my gown doesn't have a back," I finally said. "I refuse to walk around half-naked."

She looked at me and started laughing. Then, she stood up abruptly and ran out. I sighed and tugged my blankets closer. As I started to doze off, Angel came back in with a huge black coat.

"Here! Wear this on top. Don't ask where I got it from either. It's magic," she said as she pushed it on me. Groaning, I sat back up and looked at the girl. She pouted and started pleading.

Only because of her situation, I obliged and followed along.


"Here is my room," she said, holding her hand out pointing in front of her. I looked at the sign in front of the door "Chemo Children." When Angel saw me looking at the sign, she smiled and said, "Chemo Kids sounds cooler. But come on in for now!"

She took my hands and dragged me inside the room. I was ready to be back out once I saw the inside. The room had ten beds on one side and ten on the other. Everything was aligned evenly, so it was easier to move around. What had really struck me were the patients inside.

Lifeless and depressed--they all just laid or sat with blank looks. Angel dragged me towards the corner of the room and hopped on a bed. She patted the spot next to her for me to sit. I nodded and sat down in the uncomfortable, large coat Angel had magically brought from somewhere. The little girl slowly pulled the pillow and brought out a clear jar with some yellow things inside. She handed it to me and I took a peek.

"Are those...French fries?" I asked handing it back to her.

"Yes! It's my Fry collection. Every time I eat French fries, I put one in here. So far I only have twenty, but it will get bigger soon!" she said.

If it weren't for the fact she was cute, I'd have gagged at the old fries.

"Interesting. How long have you been collecting this?"

"Since I was a little kid!" she said proudly.

I rolled my eyes and decided not to say anything rude. "How little? What age, I mean?"


"Great. That really looks—"

"Excuse me!" someone called. I looked up to find the blond nurse from earlier. She was standing three feet away with a plate of medicine. Quickly, Angel and I hopped off the bed, ready to get in trouble. The nurse just had the vibe of a mean person for some reason. Angel put the jar back under her pillow and pursed her lips. The nurse gave us a tired look and said, "Angel, come here and take your medicine. Angel's friend, I suggest you go back to your room. I can see your gown underneath the coat."

I needn't be told twice. Angel gave me a wave, and I returned it. Quickly, I hurried back towards my room. My whole body ached, and I felt like an idiot. Angel had only brought me to her room to show me the Fry collection of hers. It was amazing how much little things meant to little kids.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see where exactly I was headed. At the last second, I looked up to find a huge cart in front of me. It was too late for me to pull back or stop myself. Bracing myself for the impact, I closed my eyes. But it never came.

Instead, I was pulled back to come face to face with someone. When I saw his familiar face, I didn't really know what to say.

But I guess he did. "Watch it, Evans. Don't hurt yourself more than you already have."


Author's note.

Whatya think?

Is Angel cute?

Anyone angry at Julian and Cassie driving wrong?

Btw, where is Julian?!

Okay, anyone think it was cute how Julian was being so sweet and taking all the blame, yada yada yada?

Omg, Hospital gowns look terrible. I was in the Emergency Room one time with my aunt. My little 1 year old cousin was terribly sick. I saw the gowns and nearly fainted at the sight. One of the main reasons I never wanna get seriously hurt. Hospital gowns are AWFUL!

Before I forget, thank you all so very much for the lovely comments and votes!! It really makes my day and I can't thank you enough.

Remember to



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